Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988) Page 44

by Brett Weiss

  happen. Also released for the Genesis.

  Multi-Game Compilation, 1 player. 1992.

  This unlicensed release features six games

  The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World

  in one cartridge. Cosmos Cop is somewhat

  PUBLISHER: Acclaim. DEVELOPER: Imagineer-

  similar to Space Harrier, with the titular char-ing. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1991.

  acter firing a cannon and neutron missiles at

  The evil Montgomery Burns has sent Bart

  alien invaders and their installations and de-

  Simpson on a treasure hunt through Egypt,

  fenses. Porter is a Shove It! –type puzzle game China, the North Pole, and other exotic loca-in which players push boxes to positions that

  tions. Throughout his adventure, Bart will col-

  are marked by stars. Booky Man, which is sim-

  lect diamonds, throw firecrackers and snow-

  ilar to Crush Roller (arcade, 1981), has players balls at enemies, jump over gaps and onto

  guiding a beetle through a maze, cleaning

  platforms, ride a skateboard, fly

  as Bartman, encounter other Simp-

  sons, and more. Simple bonus

  games, including Sliding Puzzle,

  Card Match, Simpsons Trivia,

  and Slot Machine, are at the end

  of each stage. Though ambitious

  in scope, Bart vs. the World is

  hampered by poor controls and

  dull gameplay.

  The Simpsons: Bartman

  Meets Radioactive Man


  Imagineering. Side-Scrolling

  Platform, 1 player. 1992.

  Bart Simpson dons cape and

  cowl to help his heroes—Radioac-

  tive Man and Fallout Boy—in this

  playable, but mediocre platformer.

  Armed with a mighty-punch, a

  super-kick, a spin-kick, and a

  double fisted mighty-blow, Bart-

  Licensing played a big role in the NES library, evidenced in part by such titles as: Silver Surfer (based on the Marvel Comics man must run, jump, swim, fly,

  hero); Star Wars (based on the 1977 feature film); Popeye (based and battle his way through such

  on the cartoon character and on Nintendo’s own arcade game); locales as a junkyard, a swamp, a

  and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (based on the comic book sea bed, and an underground city.

  and cartoon heroes).



  streets while avoiding lizards and a “bugger.”

  which players perform tricks on skateboarding

  Magic Carpet has players flying over Baghdad,

  ramps, which are viewed from the side.

  firing arrows at goblins. Balloon Monster is a

  slide-and-shoot game in which players fire at

  Ski or Die

  bouncing balloons that split into smaller ones

  PUBLISHER: Ultra Games. DEVELOPER: Konami.

  when shot. In Adam and Eve, players glide on

  Sports/Skiing, 1–6 players (alternating). 1991.

  a balloon, trying to pop the evil serpent’s bal-

  A spin-off from the Skate or Die series, Ski loon while keeping their balloon from being

  or Die consists of five wintry events: Inner Tube popped. After Caltron went under, Myriad

  Thrash (race down a mountain, grab sharp ob-

  bought out all the unsold copies of 6 in 1 and jects to poke the opponent’s inner tube); Snow

  sold the cartridges under their own brand

  Board Half Pipe (cruise down a tube, perform


  tricks, grab penguins, avoid bunnies and logs);

  Acro Aerials (ski fast, perform stunts after

  Skate or Die

  jumping); Downhill Blitz (do stunts while ski-

  PUBLISHER: Ultra Games. DEVELOPER: Konami.

  ing downhill); and Snowball Blast (a first-per-

  Sports/Skateboarding, 1–8 players (alternat-

  son snowball fight). Rodney Recloose from

  ing). 1988.

  Skate or Die runs a ski shop where players ac-Between 720° (arcade, 1986) and Tony

  cess high scores and select Practice or Compe-

  Hawk Pro Skater (PlayStation, 1999) lies Skate tition mode. Based on the 1990 computer game.

  or Die, a popular NES title taking place in a “rad infested world.” This extreme sports cartridge

  Skull & Crossbones

  features five events: Downhill Jam (race through

  PUBLISHER: Tengen. DEVELOPER: Tengen. Side-

  alleys, punching and kicking skaters and ob-

  Scrolling Combat/Side-Scrolling Platform, 1

  stacles); Joust (cruise around a drained swim-

  or 2 players (simultaneous). 1990.

  ming pool, hitting the other skater with a

  Skull & Crossbones for the NES deviates

  stick); Freestyle Competition (do aerials, kick-

  from its graphically superior coin-op counter-

  turns, and other tricks); High Jump (perform

  part (Atari, 1989) in a number of ways, making

  jumps on a side-view ramp); and Downhill

  it a disappointing port. The arcade game em-

  Racing (jump ramps, duck through pipes, skate

  phasized skill-based sword fighting while the

  around flags). Based on the 1987 computer

  NES version focuses more on platforming and


  varied selectable weapons, including a cutlass,

  a gun, a dagger, a super fist, homing missiles,

  Skate or Die 2: The Search for Double

  and bubble blowers. Enemies include archers,


  bats, demons, ninjas, skeletons, and others. The

  PUBLISHER: Electronic Arts. DEVELOPER: Elec-

  two-player simultaneous action remains intact,

  tronic Arts. Side-Scrolling Platform/Sports/

  but it’s now split-screen, and the story has been

  Skateboarding, 1 player. 1990.

  altered to make the protagonist pirate a

  The Search for Double Trouble deviates

  princess-rescuing hero. Areas to battle through

  from the original Skate or Die by offering four include Castle, Ninja Camp, Pirate Ship, Beach

  levels of platforming action: Mad Dogs in the

  Cave, and Wizard Isle. Unlicensed.

  Streets; Money in the Mall; Blowin’ Along the

  Boardwalk; and Rooftop Mania. Players skate-

  Sky Shark

  board through the city, battling enemies and

  PUBLISHER: Taito. DEVELOPER: Software Cre-

  ations. Vertical Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 play-

  gathering up such items as food, CDs, and

  ers (alternating). 1989.

  tapes to trade for tricks and new skateboards.

  Kickturns, tail bumps, and other tricks are used

  As in Xevious and Tiger-Heli, Sky Shark to perform fighting moves and unleash such

  has players flying over land and sea, shooting

  weapons as M-80s and eggs. The fifth and final

  bullets at airborne enemies and dropping bombs

  level is the Double Trouble Competition, in

  on ground-based targets. The game’s five levels



  are filled with tanks, planes, gunboats, railway

  standing still while slalom flags, sledders, snow-

  cars, bunkers, naval guns, and other hostile

  men, opposing skiers, and trees appear in the

  forces, keeping the player’s P-40 Tiger Shark

  distance and whiz past. Players can perform

  Fighter constantly moving and shooting to
  tricks, and there are 24 snow-covered runs, but

  avoid destruction. Certain enemy planes fly in

  the game has bland graphics and is disappoint-

  formation, and shooting down a whole wave

  ingly lacking in sense of motion.

  gives players bonus points or enhanced ma-

  chine gun fire. The arcade version of Sky Shark

  Smash T.V.

  (Taito, 1987) has better graphics, but the NES

  PUBLISHER: Acclaim. DEVELOPER: Beam Soft-

  port has a faster fighter plane (in relation to its

  ware. Non-Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 players

  respective enemies), making it a fairer, more

  (simultaneous). 1991.

  enjoyable game.

  Despite smaller characters and items and

  scratchy sounding gunfire and voice effects,


  Smash T.V. for the NES is a decent port of

  PUBLISHER: Sunsoft. DEVELOPER: Sunsoft. Side-

  Williams’ 1990 arcade game, which is a scathing

  Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 players (simultane-

  piece of sociological science fiction in which

  ous). 1987.

  futuristic viewers demand more violence on

  Like its coin-op counterpart (Namco,

  television. Players, as game show contestants

  1985), the delightful, yet fairly obscure SkyKid

  (shades of Stephen King’s The Running Man),

  for the NES has players flying a small plane

  must run around a series of closed, overhead-

  from right to left, shooting machine gun bul-

  view arenas, firing a near-constant stream of

  lets (straight and diagonally) at tanks, trucks,

  machine gun bullets at cyborg mutants, power

  boats, airplanes, and other enemies. As in

  orbs, and tactical assault tanks. Item pick-ups

  Looping and 1942, the plane can fly in loops.

  include scatter guns, missiles, spew weapons,

  Each level contains a bomb players should pick

  ninja blades, fast feet, gold, and other items.

  up for use in destroying that level’s main target,

  Gameplay evokes Robotron: 2084, and players

  which consists of enemy headquarters, a battle-

  can use two control pads to semi-emulate the

  ship, a small row of factories, or an aircraft car-

  arcade game’s dual joystick control. As the

  rier. Taking off and landing are easy, but dodg-

  manual states, the two-controller method al-

  ing enemy fire gets difficult pretty quickly.

  lows players to “move in one direction and

  Fortunately, button-mashing lets players try to

  shoot in the same (or any other) direction at

  recover from a spin. The arcade version has

  the same time.” Multi-tap adapter compatible.

  cuter graphics and better music, but the NES

  Followed by: Super Smash T.V. (Genesis, SNES, cartridge does keep the basic gameplay intact,

  Game Gear).

  along with the playful animations. NES addi-

  tions include girlfriends who blow kisses and a

  Snake Rattle N Roll

  target practice bonus round. Subtractions in-

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Rare. Ac-

  clude various bits of in-game text.

  tion, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous). 1990.

  Featuring crisp, clear, colorful, pseudo-


  3D graphics viewed from an isometric perspec-


  tive, Snake Rattle N Roll resembles such classics Sports/Skiing, 1 or 2 players (alternating).

  as Congo Bongo and Crystal Castles. Each player 1987.

  controls a running, jumping, swimming,

  Popular developer Rare’s first console

  tongue-flicking snake as it goes about eating

  video game, Slalom eschews the distant view-

  enough “Nibbley Pibbleys” to open the exit to

  point of most previous skiing games (such as

  the next level. All this while avoiding or attack-

  Skiing for the Atari 2600) in favor of a behind-ing sharks, Big Foot, Ice Foot, snakedozers, and

  the-skier perspective. The result is a game that

  other kooky enemies. Power-ups to grab in-

  feels decidedly stagnant, with the skier seemingly

  clude: tongue extensions; speed-ups; a fish tail



  (for swimming up the waterfall in level 6); di-

  of Woodstock, who appears in cameos. The

  amonds (for invincibility); and clocks (for

  games are limited in nature, but fairly enjoy-

  extra time). Snake Rattle N Roll is wacky good able. Interestingly, the original Japanese Fam-fun, and the piano music sounds great, but the

  icom version used Donald Duck and other Dis-

  controls could use some fine tuning to make

  ney characters instead of the Snoopy license.

  the game a bit easier.

  Snow Brothers

  Snake’s Revenge

  PUBLISHER: Capcom. DEVELOPER: Toaplan.

  PUBLISHER: Ultra Games. DEVELOPER: Konami.

  Non-Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2 players (simul-

  Adventure/Stealth, 1 player. 1990.

  taneous). 1991.

  The North American follow-up to Metal

  Colorful and fun, Snow Brothers plays a

  Gear, Snake’s Revenge is set three years after its lot like Bubble Bobble, but replaces dinosaurs progenitor. Gameplay follows a similar prem-Bub and Bob with snowmen Nick and Tom.

  ise, with Solid Snake sneaking through enemy

  Players hop and run around each platform-

  territory to retrieve a weapon known as Metal

  laden screen (50 in all), throwing snow (as op-

  Gear. To prevent detection, Snake should move

  posed to bubbles) at enemies with names like

  quietly, avoid guards, and stay away from

  Pumpkin Head, Cold Fish, and Ice-Bat, pack-

  search lights and security cameras. As in Metal

  ing them into snowballs after multiple hits (an

  Gear, an overhead viewpoint is employed, but

  aspect that separates the game from Bubble

  action-heavy side-scrolling scenes have been

  Bobble). After an enemy becomes a snowball, it added to the formula. In addition, there are

  can be rolled into other enemies and off the

  more areas to infiltrate, including jungles,

  screen. Defeated enemies sometimes leave such

  buildings, a boat, prison camps, a train, a cas-

  power-ups as red hot sauce (speed skates), blue

  tle, a factory, and a desert base. Snake punches

  hot sauce (power shots), or green hot sauce

  bad guys and can pick up a variety of items, in-

  (farther throwing ability). Snow Brothers is cluding guns, knives, mines, plastic explosives,

  hard to find, but well worth seeking out.

  grenades, missiles, card keys, binoculars, in-

  frared goggles, body armor, mine detectors,


  smoke bombs, and truth gas. Since series cre-

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.

  ator Hideo Kojima had no involvement in cre-

  Sports/Soccer, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous).

  ating Snake’s Revenge, many purists consider


  the Japanese Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake to be the true sequel to Metal Gear.

  Viewed from an angled/overhead perspec-

  tive, Soccer for the NES is a slow
, six-on-six ver-Snoopy’s Silly Sports Spectacular!

  sion of the popular sport, played on a horizon-


  tally scrolling field. A number over the head

  Sports/Multiple, 1 or 2 players (alternating, si-

  indicates which soccer player is being con-

  multaneous). 1990.

  trolled (it will be the player closest to the ball)

  while an arrow in front of the opponent’s goal

  Snoopy’s Silly Sports Spectacular! pits Snoopy determines the direction of a shot on goal. This

  against his mustachioed cousin Spike in six

  was the first soccer game for the NES, and it

  quick, simple, Olympic-style events: Sack Race

  has lots of features, including throw-ins, corner

  (hop to the right, avoid manholes); Boot

  kicks, indirect free kicks, penalty kicks, and a

  Throwing (similar to discus throwing); Pile of

  half-time show (complete with cheerleaders).

  Pizza (walk slowly while balancing a stack of

  Players can select from five difficulty levels and

  pizzas); Pogo (hop on a pogo stick to the right,

  seven international teams: Brazil, Germany,

  jump over each bar); Overboard (push the

  Spain, France, England, Japan, and The United

  other dog off the gondola); and River Jump

  States. The computer is a pushover, so two-

  (pole-vault over a river). The cartoon-like graph-

  player action is recommended.

  ics will please Peanuts fans, as will the inclusion



  Solar Jetman Hunt for the Golden

  A wizard named Dana has been commis-


  sioned to rid the world of demons. Equipped

  PUBLISHER: Tradewest. DEVELOPER: Rare. Side-

  with the power to generate square stones, which

  Scrolling Shooter, 1 player. 1990.

  are used as stair steps, barriers, and floating

  platforms, Dana must walk and jump his way

  Solar Jetman is an unusual shooter. The

  around each of 50 different timed rooms,

  controls are similar to Asteroids (rotate, thrust, avoiding monsters while trying to grab a key

  fire), but, like Gravitar (another game with As-and take it to the doorway leading to the next

  teroids-style controls), the jetpod ship is sus-room. In addition to the type of blocks Dana

  ceptible to gravity, making it a challenge to

  creates, which can be destroyed, each room

  avoid planets, obstacles (black holes and the

  contains solid blocks that cannot be removed.

  like), and enemy ships (including saucers, can-

  By grabbing certain items, Dana can shoot fire-


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