Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988) Page 46

by Brett Weiss

  emies move in a variety of patterns, and there

  soft landings), and the ability to punch the var-

  are ground-based targets as well, including eye-

  ious soldiers, guards, giant spiders, man-eating

  balls, snakes, skulls, and stars. Shooting P-marks



  releases capsules that can be grabbed to in-

  communication, and battle tactics (firing

  crease the ship’s speed and give it shields and

  phasers and photon torpedoes at enemy ships),

  three- and five-way firing capabilities. At the

  and he can call on Commander Spock (sci-

  end of each stage, players must destroy the evil

  ence), Chief Engineer Scott, Lieutenant Uhura

  Starbrain or repeat the level. One unusual fea-

  (communications), Chekov and Sulu (naviga-

  ture is the Trap Zone, which lets players fly

  tion/helm), and Doctor McCoy for status re-

  under certain segments of the space station to

  ports. Kirk and company will also beam down

  avoid enemies. Followed by numerous sequels,

  to strange planets in order to talk to natives,

  including Super Star Soldier (Turbografx-16), analyze plant life and ancient artifacts, use

  Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth (Nintendo 64),

  phasers to stun or kill hostile aliens, and more.

  and Star Soldier R (Nintendo Wii).

  Includes password feature. Much different than

  the Game Boy version.

  Star Trek: The Next Generation

  PUBLISHER: Absolute Entertainment. DEVEL-

  Star Voyager

  OPER: Absolute Entertainment. Space Combat


  Simulator, 1 player. 1993.

  Combat Simulator, 1 player. 1987.

  Under the tutelage of Captain Picard,

  A difficult and fairly complex game, Star

  players of Star Trek: The Next Generation com-Voyager for the NES (not to be confused with mandeer a holographic Starship Enterprise,

  the Atari 2600 game of the same name) puts

  utilizing the skills of Riker, Worf, Data,

  players in the cockpit of a RH 119 warship,

  LaForge, and O’Brien to perform various mis-

  which is equipped with laser cannons, barrier

  sions. A complex control scheme enables the

  shields, a life support system, and a fully-inte-

  crew to raise shields, fire phasers and photon

  grated bio-computer named Adam. The mis-

  torpedoes (during real-time battle sequences),

  sion is to protect a stationary transport ship

  find intruders and beam them off the ship, re-

  called the CosmoStation Noah from intergalac-

  pair life support systems, go into orbit, reallo-

  tic terrorists. This is done by: selecting coordi-

  cate power, set course and warp speed, perform

  nates from a map screen; warping to various

  sensor readings, and more. The NES version of

  enemy sectors; avoiding black holes and aster-

  the game is similar to its Game Boy counter-

  oids; raising shields when under fire; visiting

  part, but, of course, with better graphics and

  planets for engine and weapon upgrades; dock-

  sounds. The game features digitized faces of Pi-

  ing with space stations to effect repairs; and, of

  card and company and a passable rendition of

  course, destroying enemy ships. As with most

  the TV show theme song. Includes password

  space combat simulators, the action is seen


  through the view screen of the ship, giving the

  game elements of a first-person shooter.

  Star Trek: 25th Anniversary

  PUBLISHER: Ultra Software. DEVELOPER: Kon-

  Star Wars

  ami/Interplay. Third-Person Graphic Adven-


  ture, 1 player. 1992.

  Software. Multi-Genre Game, 1 player. 1991.

  Take charge of the Starship Enterprise as

  This was the first Star Wars video game to

  Captain Kirk in Star Trek: 25th Anniversary for reenact more than just a few select scenes from

  the NES. While collecting data on strange dis-

  the 1977 film. Players must do the following:

  turbances in the local gravitational and mag-

  pilot a land speeder on Tatooine; rescue

  netic fields near Sigma Iotia, the ship and her

  Princess Leia; survive the trash compactor;

  crew are suddenly thrust into an uncharted re-

  navigate the Millennium Falcon through an as-

  gion of space. It is up to Kirk to return to the

  teroid field; guide an X-Wing Fighter on a mis-

  Iotian system and reverse an expanding rip in

  sion to destroy the Death Star; battle bad guys

  space before it destroys the galaxy. From the

  with blasters and a light saber; run and jump on

  bridge of the ship, Kirk controls navigation,

  perilous platforms; and much more. Luke Sky-



  walker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo are

  or a giant brain in a jar. Standard enemies in-

  playable characters while C-3PO, R2-D2, and

  clude robots, trees, gun turrets, spaceships, and

  Obi-Wan Kenobi lend the occasional helping


  hand. Enemies include such nasties as Jawas,

  Banthas, Boba Fett, womp rats, and



  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.

  Third-Person Action Role-Playing Game, 1

  Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

  player. 1990.


  StarTropics is similar to The Legend of

  tured Software. Multi-Genre Game, 1 player.

  Zelda, but is set in a tropical island paradise.


  Mike Jones comes to visit his uncle, but dis-

  The Empire Strikes Back follows the 1980

  covers that he has been kidnapped by aliens,

  feature film fairly closely, giving players, as

  sending the intrepid young man on an exotic

  Luke Skywalker, the opportunity to: ride a

  adventure. In the overworld areas (viewed

  Taun-Taun through the ice caverns of Hoth;

  from a top-down perspective), Mike walks

  look for Yoda and battle creatures on Dagobah;

  around talking to people or travels about via

  wield a blaster and a light saber; battle AT-AT

  submarine. While in dungeons, Mike battles

  Walkers while aboard a snow speeder (ala Em-

  creatures, jumps over gaps (something not seen

  pire Strikes Back for the Atari 2600); go to in Zelda), and opens doorways (by defeating

  Cloud City; rescue Han Solo and Princess Leia;

  certain creatures or jumping on buttons).

  find and confront Darth Vader; and much

  Mike’s primary weapon is a yoyo. Other

  more. Throughout the game, Luke can pick up

  weapons and items he can obtain include: a

  icons for various force powers, including the

  shooting star; a torch; a baseball bat; a sling-

  ability to levitate, jump farther and higher, run

  shot; a miracle mirror (for reflecting back

  faster, reflect ene
my shots, and increase the

  magic shots); spiked shoes; a super laser; a

  power of the light saber and blaster. As in Star

  magic anklet (for jumping further); a magic

  Wars for the NES, there’s lots of platforming watch (for slowing or stopping enemies); and

  action. However, the shooting stages give the

  more. Includes battery backup. Originally

  game plenty of variety.

  packaged with a letter containing a vital secret

  code. Followed by: Zoda’s Revenge: StarTropics

  Starship Hector

  II (NES).

  PUBLISHER: Hudson Soft. DEVELOPER: Hudson

  Soft. Vertical Scrolling Shooter/Side-Scrolling

  Stealth ATF

  Shooter, 1 player. 1990.

  PUBLISHER: Activision. DEVELOPER: Imagineer-

  ing. Flight Combat Simulator, 1 or 2 players

  Xevious fans should enjoy (or at least find

  (alternating, simultaneous). 1989.

  something familiar in) Starship Hector, a typical top-down shooter. Players fly over land and

  This dated, but playable game puts play-

  sea, dropping bombs on ground-based targets

  ers in the cockpit of a Stealth Advanced Tacti-

  and firing bullets at enemies that fly in zigzag

  cal Fighter, performing barrel rolls, loops,

  patterns. However, unlike Xevious, Starship dives, and banks, and firing cannons and mis-Hector includes horizontal levels in which the siles at enemy planes. To track an enemy, play-player’s ship is viewed from the side (ala Life

  ers should keep an eye on the radar scope. In-

  Force, which also features two perspectives).

  dicators to monitor include altitude, fuel

  There are no weapon power-ups, unfortu-

  supply, heading, angle of attack, and damage

  nately, but dropping bombs on certain struc-

  sustained (the bottom half of the screen dis-

  tures releases items that can replenish the ship’s

  plays the control panel). Stealth mode (invisi-

  health. The six levels are called “Histories,” and

  bility) can only be used once per mission, and

  at the end of each one is a boss, such as a bat-

  after each mission there’s a side-view landing

  tery of cannons, a giant statue, a golden pharaoh,

  sequence. An unusual two-player Dogfight



  mode lets the second gamer assume control of

  players can find, including bombs, bullets, or-

  the enemy plane closest to the center of the

  anges (for throwing), turbo drinks (for run-

  view screen. The game contains more than 100

  ning faster), hyper drinks (for temporary in-

  missions around the globe.

  vincibility), dog whistles (for calling canine

  backup), and more.



  Street Fighter 2010 — The Final Fight

  Side-Scrolling Shooter/Vertical Scrolling


  Shooter, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous). 1987.

  Side-Scrolling Combat/Platform Shooter, 1

  player. 1990.

  Featuring both horizontal and vertical

  scrolling (à la Life Force), Stinger has players pi-Street Fighter II fans will surely be disap-

  loting a jet fighter over land and sea through

  pointed with Street Fighter 2010, a difficult game seven cute levels (oceans, the Arctic Circle,

  that eschews the fighting genre the series is fa-

  outer space, and the like) filled with such odd-

  mous for in favor of cumbersome side-scroll-

  ball enemies as radishes, donuts, footballs,

  ing action. Players guide street fighter Ken as he

  clothes hangers, and vinyl records. Bosses in-

  runs, jumps, punches, kicks, and shoots his way

  clude such characters as Sigmund Squidmund,

  through five different planets (including a post-

  Master Blaster (a boom box), and Solar B.

  apocalyptic Earth), each of which has aliens

  Threeyes. The jet can fire cannons and drop

  (plant monsters, skeletal fish, centipedes, cy-

  bombs, and it can shoot clouds to release bells.

  borgs, and the like) and bosses to destroy.

  Grabbing a bell earns bonus points, but bounc-

  There are also walls to climb, annoying projec-

  ing the bell around by shooting it turns the bell

  tiles to avoid, ledges to grapple, and more.

  different colors. A colored bell grants a power-

  Gameplay is sluggish, the controls are unre-

  up, such as speed, dual cannons, lasers, or a

  sponsive, and there’s plenty of slowdown. De-

  force field barrier. Other power-ups include

  spite its title, the game has nothing to do with

  three-way fire, five-way fire, and behind-the-jet

  the popular Final Fight series.

  shots. Like most Konami games, Stinger exudes playability. The two-player cooperative strate-Strider

  gies are especially fun. Based on the 1983 Seibu


  Denshi arcade game.

  Side-Scrolling Platform/Adventure, 1 player.


  Street Cop


  Loosely based on Capcom’s 1989 arcade

  UBLISHER: Bandai. DEVELOPER: Bandai. Side-

  Scrolling Combat, 1 player. 1989.

  game, Strider puts players in the title role, a running, jumping, hack-and-slash secret agent

  In Street Cop, players guide a rookie law

  who wields a cipher (called a laser sword in the

  enforcement officer through six areas (Park,

  literally interpreted Sega Genesis version) and

  Harlem, Warehouse, Construction Site, Down-

  can obtain special boots and a variety of “power

  town, and Business District), chasing after and

  tricks,” including warp and three types of pro-

  arresting bad guys within a specified time limit.

  jectile weapons: fire, spark, and spark ball. The

  A radar map at the bottom of the screen helps

  foremost variances from the coin-op classic are

  players track the criminals. Unlike most games

  the addition of keys and readable data disks,

  of its type, Street Cop requires the Nintendo which are important for level progression.

  Power Pad control mat, which is used for run-

  Backtracking is required, further separating the

  ning (at three different speeds), jumping, turn-

  game from its arcade roots. The Master System

  ing corners, entering buildings, swinging a

  version is a more straightforward port of the

  baton, squatting (both hands and feet must be

  coin-op classic. Followed by: Strider Returns:

  pressed on the mat), and changing directions.

  Journey from Darkness (Genesis, Game Gear)

  Stepping on the pad also operates various items

  and Strider 2 (arcade, PlayStation).



  Stunt Kids

  behind-the-back levels from Contra). The alien PUBLISHER: Camerica. DEVELOPER: Codemas-warmonger Red Falcon has returned, forcing

  ters. Motocross Racing, 1 or 2 players (simul-

  the Rambo-esque Scorpion and Mad Dog back

  taneous). 1992.

  into action. As players run, jump, flip, and

ng a side-view perspective, Stunt

  shoot their way through Tropics of Torture,

  Kids has players racing their motorcycle through Massacre Mountains, Radioactive Lava Fields,

  the Countryside, a Park, and a Construction

  and five other exciting levels, aliens will con-

  Site, jumping on ramps and over rocks, brick

  stantly attack. A machine gun that fires straight

  walls, tree stumps, barrels, picnic tables,

  and diagonally is the standard weapon, but

  swings, and other obstacles. There are also

  players can grab power-ups in the form of

  coins and fruit to collect and frogs, snails, and

  lasers, a flamethrower, rapid fire, barriers (for

  other creatures to avoid, including a skate-

  temporary invulnerability), mega shells, and

  boarder named Menacing Mike. As in Excite-

  the ever-popular spread gun. Super C is based bike, players can do wheelies and lower the

  on the arcade game Super Contra (Konami,

  front wheel, the latter of which makes for

  1988), with the title change made to avoid any

  smooth landings on ramps (though Excitebike

  connection to the real-life Iran-Contra Scan-

  has better controls). Turbo boosts are used for

  dal. Super C is less detailed graphically than its extra speed. The one-player mode is a race

  coin-op counterpart, but does feature three

  against the clock while two-player action in-

  extra levels. Followed by: Contra Force.

  corporates a split-screen perspective. Unli-

  Super Cars


  PUBLISHER: Electro Brain. DEVELOPER: Electro

  Brain. Sports Car Racing/Demolition/Combat

  Sunday Funday

  Racing, 1 player. 1991.


  dom Tree/Color Dreams. Side-Scrolling Plat-

  Viewed from overhead, Super Cars has

  form, 1 player. 1995.

  players racing against other cars around twist-

  ing, turning, scrolling streets. The tracks con-

  The last U.S.-released NES cartridge, Sun-

  sist of straights, tunnels, bridges, oil slicks, dirt day Funday is an altered rendition of Menace piles, U-turns, and right-angle turns and are

  Beach. Instead of rescuing a sexy girl from

  lined with barriers to keep drivers away from

  Demon Dan, players must make it to the

  the grass, rocks, and trees. Gameplay evokes

  church on time. Enemies have been changed as

  Super Sprint, but is more elaborate as players well, such as replacing ninjas with young boys.

  can enter garages to spend earned money on

  Either way, prurient or pious, gameplay and

  fuel, repairs, power steering, turbo chargers


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