by Brett Weiss
graphics are mediocre at best. Sunday Funday
(increases acceleration), high speed kits (in-
does include a couple of mini-games not found
creases maximum speed), retro (makes fast
in Menace Beach: Fishfall, in which players
breaking easier), anti spin (points your car in
move a hand along the bottom of the screen,
the right direction after spinouts), side armor
catching and throwing fish into a basket; and
(for bumping into other cars), and front and
4Him — The Ride, which is Christian karaoke.
rear missiles (for shooting other cars). Missiles
are limited to one per race. Completing a sea-
son of nine races advances players to the next
Super C
difficulty level. Includes password feature.
Platform Shooter, 1 or 2 players (simultane-
Super Dodge Ball
ous). 1990.
The sequel to Contra, Super C features the nos. Sports/Dodge Ball, 1 or 2 players (simul-same type of brutally intense, run-and-gun
taneous). 1989.
gameplay, but adds a couple of vertical scroll-
This 8-bit take on the popular sport that
ing overhead stages to the mix (replacing the
traumatized many a school kid pits Team U.S.A.
against seven international squads. The six-on-
sor around an alphabet to spell out the answers
six action is viewed from the side, and players
to questions (actually, as Jeopardy! fans know, can walk, run, pass, duck, throw (including
the questions are posed as answers while the
super throws called “power shots”), catch, and
answers take the form of questions). The com-
jump, making for a rousing good time. Three
puter provides the intro to the answers given,
modes of play are available: World Cup, Versus,
such as “who is” and “what is.”
and Bean Ball, the latter of which is a simple
game of one-on-one. Varied backgrounds and
Super Mario Bros.
River City Ransom-like characters add to the
PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.
fun. The original arcade version of Super Dodge
Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2 players (alter-
Ball (Technos, 1987) has smoother graphics and nating). 1985.
less flickering, but the home rendition remains
One of the best, most influential video
a distinct, if somewhat sadistic, pleasure.
games of all time, Super Mario Bros. changed the industry forever. Players guide the titular
Super Glove Ball
Italian plumber (or his brother Luigi) through
PUBLISHER: Mattel. DEVELOPER: Rare. Sports/
eight surprise-filled worlds of the fabled Mush-
Futuristic/Ball-and-Paddle, 1 player. 1990.
room Kingdom, jumping on such quirky char-
Borrowing elements of Breakout and
acters as Koopa Troopas (turtles), Little Goom-
handball, Super Glove Ball has players moving bas (mushrooms), and The Hammer Brothers
a robotic hand around a pseudo-3D playfield
(twin turtles) while avoiding Buzzy Beetles, Pi-
(viewed from a first-person perspective), hitting
ranha plants, bottomless pits, and more. Fire
and punching energy balls at tiles, blocks,
flowers, Starman, and magic mushroom power-
tubes, and an assortment of enemies, includ-
ups enable Mario to become Fiery Mario (who
ing rocket bullets, stone sharks, and kamikaze
can shoot fireballs), Invincible Mario, or Super
barnacles. Hitting certain items unleashes
Mario (who can shatter bricks by head-bump-
robo-bullets, bomb balls, ice balls, and other
ing them from below). The goal is to rescue the
weapons and power-ups while knocking out
Mushroom Princess from the evil Bowser. Ex-
an entire wall lets players advance to the next
pansive levels, collectable coins, excellent con-
room. The game supports Nintendo’s Power
trols, hidden areas, delightful graphics and
Glove, with the onscreen glove echoing the
sounds, unprecedented freedom of side-scroll-
movements of the infamous peripheral.
ing movement, and many other attributes
make Super Mario Bros. a bona fide classic.
Super Jeopardy!
Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt
Game Show, 1–4 players (simultaneous). 1991.
PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.
Side-Scrolling Platform/Light Gun Shooter, 1
Preceded by Jeopardy! , Jeopardy! Junior
or 2 players (alternating). 1988.
Edition, and Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition, all of which were similar in design to one Packaged with the NES Action Set, this
another, Super Jeopardy! ups the NES ante with exceedingly common game features two NES
a variety of new features, including: four-
favorites in one cartridge: Super Mario Bros.
player action (with or without multi-player
and Duck Hunt, both of which were originally
adapter); digitized voice effects; better graph-
released in 1985.
ics; password codes for entering the Final
Round; and an actual game show host (though
Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt/World
it’s not Alex Trebek). There are almost 2,000
Class Track Meet
new trivia questions, spread among such cate-
PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo/
gories as Oregon, Chemistry, Medicine, Pro-
Bandai. Side-Scrolling Platform/Light Gun
verbs, The ’60s, Planets, and World War II. As
Shooter/Sports/Track & Field, 1 or 2 players
in previous editions, players must guide a cur-
(alternating, simultaneous). 1988.
Packaged with the NES Power Set (which
ball creatures as Tweeters, Snifits, Ninjis, Bee-
also included the Power Pad and the Zapper
zos, and Phantos. Instead of jumping on ene-
light gun), this game features three NES fa-
mies like in SMB, the primary method of doing vorites in one cartridge: Super Mario Bros. , battle is to pick up (or pull up) items— includ-Duck Hunt, and World Class Track Meet, the ing the enemies themselves— and throw them.
latter of which is the re-release of Bandai’s Sta-Other differences include: magic potions for
dium Events.
creating doorways to sub-spaces; keys for
opening standard doors; a slot machine bonus
Super Mario Bros. 2
game for winning extra lives; and mushroom
PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.
blocks that players can pick up, move, and
Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1988.
stand on. Although not as beloved as its progen-
itor, Super Mario Bros. 2 is a fun and challeng-The U.S. sequel to Super Mario Bros.,
ing game.
SMB2 is basically the same game as Yumekojo Doki Doki Panic for the Famicom (the Japanese NES), but the Arabian hero has been dropped
Super Mario Bros. 3
nbsp; in favor of Mario characters. Players guide
PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.
Mario, Luigi, Toad, and/or Princess Toadstool
Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2 players (alter-
through seven vast worlds, battling such odd-
nating, simultaneous). 1990.
One of the most eagerly an-
ticipated video games ever re-
leased, Super Mario Bros. 3 is also
one of the best (and best selling)
games for any console. Basic game-
play is similar to the original Super
Mario Bros. , but lots of new fea-
tures have been added, including:
a world map screen; a sliding at-
tack; mini-games (including a
memory match card game); an
inventory system for power-ups;
and various suits that enable
Mario to turn into Raccoon Mario
(fly, tail attack), Frog Mario (swim
faster), or Tanooki Mario (fly, turn
into statue). Also included is Bat-
tle Mode, which is a special ver-
sion of the arcade classic, Mario
Bros. Packaged with the NES
Challenge Set (after the game had
been sold individually for some
time), Super Mario Bros. 3 was fea-
tured prominently in The Wizard
(1989), which was essentially a fea-
ture-length commercial for the
game and for the ill-fated Nin-
tendo Power Glove. Followed by:
Super Mario World (SNES), New
Two legendary NES favorites: Super Mario Bros. and Super
Mario Bros. 2, both complete with box, cartridge, and instruc-Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo DS),
tion manual.
and other sequels and offshoots.
Super Pitfall
Super Spike V’Ball/Nintendo World
Canyon. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player.
PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Technos.
Sports/Volleyball/Soccer, 1–4 players (simulta-
neous). 1990.
A sequel to Pitfall! and Pitfall II: Lost Caverns, Super Pitfall for the NES is similar to the Super Spike V’Ball/Nintendo World Cup
latter game, but nowhere near as good as either
was the pack-in cartridge with the Nintendo
Atari 2600 classic. In fact, thanks to a clumsy
Entertainment Sports Set, which included the
lead character, terrible music, ugly graphics,
NES console, the NES Satellite four-player
and generic level design, it’s downright awful.
adapter, and four controllers. Both games were
Throughout the game’s 270 screens, Pitfall
also released separately on their own cartridge.
Harry climbs ladders, jumps over pitfalls, ex-
plores caverns, ducks under enemies, trans-
Super Sprint
ports to other areas (via jumping at particular
PUBLISHER: Tengen. DEVELOPER: Tengen. For-
unmarked spots), swims subterranean lakes,
mula-1/Indy Racing, 1 or 2 players (simultane-
swings on ropes, and shoots frogs, vultures,
ous). 1989.
snakes, bats, and cavemen. Items to find, such
Viewed from overhead, Super Sprint for
as coded crystals for unlocking doors, are invis-
the NES does a solid job covering the basics of
ible, so Harry should jump frequently through-
Atari’s 1986 arcade game (which did benefit
out the caverns in order to find said items. Fol-
from steering wheel/gas pedal controls). Play-
lowed by: Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
ers race their tiny little car around seven twist-
(various), Pitfall: Beyond the Jungle (Game Boy ing, turning, non-scrolling tracks, dodging ob-Color), Pitfall: The Big Adventure (Nintendo
stacles (oil slicks, tornadoes, water puddles, and
Wii), and other sequels and offshoots.
mud puddles) while trying to beat three other
cars. Two new obstacles (exploding cones and
Super Spike V’Ball
hydraulic poles) have been introduced, and the
PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Technos.
NES control pad works fine in steering the cars,
Sports/Volleyball, 1–4 players (simultaneous).
but the game is missing certain elements found
in the coin-op classic, including a three-player
Based on the Technos arcade game from
mode, selectable tracks, and helicopter flyovers.
1988 (which was released under the titles V’Ball
In addition, the Winner’s Circle screen has
and U.S. Championship V’Ball), Super Spike been simplified, and the graphics are less de-V’Ball is a two-on-two volleyball game that
tailed (there are fewer trees and no spectators,
fans of Kings of the Beach will enjoy. Up to four for example). Overall, this is a fun, yet simple
players select from four different muscle bound
racer that fans of old-school gaming will ap-
teams (including Billy and Jimmy of Double
preciate. Part of the Sprint series, which began Dragon fame), each varying according to such in the arcades during the 1970s, Super Sprint
attributes as speed and spiking power. An X on
spawned a coin-op sequel: Championship
the ground indicates where the ball will land,
Sprint. Unlicensed.
and players automatically dive for balls that are
just out of reach. To do a super spike, gamers
Super Spy Hunter
must press the B button three times while the
PUBLISHER: Sunsoft. DEVELOPER: Sunsoft. De-
molition/Combat Racing, 1 player. 1992.
player is in the air. The elevated view is from the
side, and the screens scrolls a bit to the right
Not to be confused with Spy Hunter II (the
and left. Naturally, the arcade game has richer,
arcade sequel to Spy Hunter), Super Spy Hunter more distinguishable graphics (each team in
is an NES exclusive (and a highly enjoyable one
the NES game looks like twins), but this is a
at that). As in the original Spy Hunter, the game nice coin-op conversion nevertheless. Multi-is viewed from overhead, but the player’s car,
tap adapter compatible.
which is now futuristic in nature, shoots three-
way spread fire and can jump ramps. Instead
punch, and execute a variety of his far-famed
of entering vans to procure additional weaponry,
(if watered down here) powers: x-ray vision,
players must destroy weapons vehicles to aug-
super spin, heat vision, super breath, and super
ment their firepower. New weapons include
flight, each selectable from an inventory screen.
rapid fire, a computer (for aiming), a tire slasher,
Egregious flaws abound, from boring flight se-
super bombs, an autonomous cannon, and
quences (where Supes flies to his next mission)
more. In addition, there are actual bosses (ar-
to punches that connect when Superman’s fist
mored transport, magnetic destroyer, super
is a good inch away from the enemy to the
turret terminator, and the like) and levels:
short, squatty, clumsily animated characters.
Aquapolis, Desert of Doom, Hazardous De-
Preceded by Superman for the Atari 2600, this tour, Collapsible Canyon, Amphibious/Aerial
was the second console game to feature the DC
Assault, and Weapons Factory. Once again,
Comics icon.
gamers will occasionally drive a boat, but Super
Spy Hunter features an airplane as well.
Swamp Thing
Super Team Games
neering. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player.
Sports/Exercise, 1–6 players (simultaneous).
With this release for the NES, the nuance,
horror, and sophisticated storytelling of DC
Designed for Nintendo’s Power Pad con-
Comics’ Swamp Thing has been reduced to a
trol mat, Super Team Games lets players com-
mediocre (if playable) platformer, comple-
pete in eight competitions: Log Hop, Belly
mented by some fairly attractive cut scenes.
Bump Ball, Water Cross, Crab Walk, Wall
Swampy trudges through eight dark, dreary
Jump, Bubble Run, Skateboard Race, 6 Legged
levels (Swamp, Skull Village, Graveyard,
Race, Tug of War, and Relay Race. To get the
Chemical Factory, Dark Forest, Junkyard, Toxic
onscreen competitors to perform such actions
Dump, and Arcane’s Lab), jumping over,
as run, jump over obstacles, bump a ball, ride
punching, or throwing sludge balls at robots,
a skateboard, and pull a rope, players must run,
snakes, skeletons, knives, and other enemies
jump, step, and place their hands on the large
and obstacles. Swamp Thing can’t duck and
round spots on the aforementioned mat. The
punch simultaneously, causing some frustra-
action is viewed from the side, and the contest-
tion. DC devotees who like to fire up their NES
ants are short-legged boys wearing bands over
from time to time should stick with Batman.
their big heads. One of few video games that
give players a good aerobic workout, Super
Sword Master
Team Games is as fun as it is healthy.
PUBLISHER: Activision. DEVELOPER: Athena.
Side-Scrolling Combat, 1 player. 1992.
As with many games of its type, Sword
Master puts players in the role of a sword-bear-Star Software. Adventure/Side-Scrolling
ing warrior, walking along battling enemies