Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988) Page 49

by Brett Weiss

  have their own moves (in addition to their own

  Raphael fights with a sai; Donatello battles

  weaponry). Leonardo has a cyclone sword spin;

  using a bow; and Leonardo carries a katana

  Raphael a power drill attack; Michelangelo a

  blade. The characters are uneven in terms of

  kangaroo kick; and Donatello a knockout roll.

  ability, and the stages themselves— sewers,

  Standard moves include flying flip jump, flying

  warehouses, the streets of New York, and the

  ninja kick, jab & toss, and get loose (for shak-

  like — are uneven in terms of difficulty. The

  ing free of a biting Mouser or an arms-pinning

  side-scrolling combat areas are complemented

  Foot Soldier). The fantastic foursome must

  by an overhead view stage (drive the Turtle van

  run, jump, and battle their way through eight

  around maze-like streets, shooting other vehi-

  levels: Ft. Slaughterdale Beach, The Typhoon

  cles) and a swimming stage. The famous theme

  Tidal Pool, Brooklyn Bridge is Falling Down,

  song is absent, but the turtles will encounter

  Welcome to the Jungle (garages, subways, al-

  the following familiar faces: Beebop, Rock-

  leys), The Sewer Pipe Nightmare, The Techn-

  steady, Foot Clan soldiers, Shredder, April

  odrome, Vertigo Point Tower, and Krang’s

  O’Neil, and Splinter.


  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II — The

  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — Tour-

  Arcade Game

  nament Fighters

  PUBLISHER: Ultra Games. DEVELOPER: Konami.


  Side-Scrolling Combat, 1 or 2 players (simul-

  Fighting, 1–4 players (2-player simultaneous).

  taneous). 1991.


  Despite relatively minor graphical sim-

  Tournament Fighters eschews the side-

  plifications and the absence of a four-player

  scrolling formula of the first three games in the

  mode, this is an excellent port of Konami’s

  TMNT series in favor of one-on-one, Street coin-op classic, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

  Fighter II–style fighting (an unusual genre for (1990). It even features two new levels and

  the NES done surprisingly well here). In Story

  some additional enemies, including a flying

  mode, players select a turtle for use in fighting

  rendition of Baxter Stockman. Other enemies

  Casey Jones, Hot Head, Shredder, and the other



  three turtles. VS Player and VS CPU let gamers

  smash, forehand, backhand, volley, lob, and

  select any character for battling a friend or the

  serve. The first player to win six games wins

  computer (respectively) while Tournament

  the set while winning two out of three sets wins

  mode lets one to four players (two at a time)

  the match. Interestingly, Mario sits perched

  fight as any of the seven characters. Each com-

  atop the official’s chair, turning his head back

  batant has a variety of punches and kicks, along

  and forth, calling the game via word balloons.

  with such special moves as fire breath, explosion

  Years later, with such releases as Mario’s Tennis punch, tornado spinning kick, or heel drop.

  (Virtual Boy, 1995) and Mario Tennis (Nin-

  Curiously, the turtles lack their patented

  tendo 64, 2000), Nintendo got smart and began

  weaponry. A late NES release, Tournament

  featuring the famous Italian plumber as a

  Fighters was also produced for the Genesis and playable character.

  SNES, but with a different mix of characters.

  The Terminator

  10-Yard Fight

  PUBLISHER: Mindscape. DEVELOPER: Radical


  Entertainment. Side-Scrolling Combat/Plat-

  Sports/Football, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous).

  form Shooter, 1 player. 1992.


  Based on the 1984 feature film, The Ter-

  Viewed from overhead, this football car-

  minator for the NES puts players in the role of tridge is based on the 1984 Taito arcade game

  Kyle Reese, who must journey back to our time

  (in which the gamer only played on offense),

  to protect Sarah Connor, mother of John Con-

  but has sluggish gameplay and somewhat less

  nor, future leader of the resistance movement

  detailed graphics (the players’ helmets lack

  against the machines. Reese starts off in the fu-

  stripes, for example). The quarterback appears

  ture (a departure from the movie), trying to

  in shotgun formation and can run, pass, or toss

  find Skynet’s time displacement equipment in

  the ball to one of two running backs. Unfortu-

  order to follow The Terminator back to 1984.

  nately, passes are easily intercepted. Shaking off

  Other objectives include: finding Sarah and es-

  would-be tacklers is a big part of the game and

  caping from the police station; escaping from a

  a maneuver the coin-op version handled better

  motorcycle-riding Terminator; destroying The

  thanks to joystick control. On defense, gamers

  Terminator under a compressor; and more.

  control a single player (a safety, linebacker, or

  Reese spends a lot of time on foot, running,

  corner) that can pull off a fairly ridiculous

  jumping, climbing ladders, and shooting Ter-

  flying tackle maneuver. Five difficulty levels are

  minators, but he will also drive a truck (side-

  available, and there are no penalties. A system

  scrolling) and a getaway vehicle (overhead

  launch title, 10-Yard Fight has not aged well.

  view). In certain areas, Reese is without a gun,

  NES football fans should stick with Tecmo Bowl

  meaning he must punch, kick, and throw base-

  or Tecmo Super Bowl.

  balls at enemies. Similar to the SNES version

  (sans brass knuckles, bullet proof vests, and


  certain other features), but much different than

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.

  the Genesis and Sega CD renditions (which

  Sports/Tennis, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous).

  lack driving stages).


  A system launch title, Tennis is a nice up-

  Terminator 2: Judgment Day

  grade from most tennis games for previous


  ations. Side-Scrolling Combat/Platform

  consoles, giving players a relatively authentic

  Shooter, 1 player. 1992.

  version of the popular sport. Viewed from be-

  hind (and a little above) the court, the game

  An advanced, shape-shifting Terminator

  offers five skill levels, all the main rules of stan-

  called the T-1000 is trying to kill a 10-year-old

  dard tennis, and two game modes: Singles and

  John Connor, and it is up to players, in the role

  Doubles. Types of hits include smash, backward

  of a reprogrammed T-800 (played by Arnold



  Schwarzenegger in the 1991 feature film), to

  formula by letting players reveal and collect five

  save him. Armed with a 10-guage shotgun and

  different ship parts. The parts in question boost

  the ability to run, jump, kneel, punch, and ride

  the size and weapons power of the player’s ship,

  elevators, players must: rescue Sarah Connor

  such as dual firing, spread fire, or the addition

  from the state hospital (without killing human

  of a tail gun. Collecting all five parts temporar-

  opponents); destroy Cyberdyne Systems (by

  ily transforms the ship into an invulnerable

  setting charges and moving 10 barrels of explo-

  phoenix, which can crash into enemies with

  sives to various sections of a building); battle

  impunity. A special Design mode lets players

  the T-1000 atop a steel mill; and more. Level

  predetermine how the added weapons fly out

  two deviates from the other four levels by put-

  from the ship. Enemies to destroy include drag-

  ting the T-800 on a Harley, driving through a

  ons, devils, mines, high-speed boats, floatable

  drainage canal (viewed from an angled per-

  guard guns, moveable fortresses, and more.

  spective), avoiding obstacles and debris while

  Terra Cresta is the sequel to the slide-and-shoot shooting openings in gates and shooting and

  coin-op classic, Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu, 1980).

  outracing the T-1000, who gives chase in a big-

  rig tow truck. Much different than the Genesis

  Tetris (Nintendo)

  and SNES versions of the game.

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.

  Action Puzzle, 1 player. 1989.

  Terra Cresta


  A port of Alexey Pazhitnov’s famous com-

  UBLISHER: Vik Tokai. DEVELOPER: Nihon Bus-

  san. Vertical Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 players

  puter game, Tetris for the NES has players ma-

  (alternating). 1990.

  nipulating seven different types of blocks that

  fall, one at a time, down the playfield. The

  A nice port of Nihon Bussan’s 1985 arcade

  blocks can be rotated and moved right and left.

  game, Terra Cresta for the NES is similar to Xe-The objective is to piece them together to form

  vious (fly over land and sea, firing at airborne horizontal lines. When an unbroken line is

  and ground-based enemies), but adds to the

  formed, it disappears, clearing up space. If the

  blocks pile up to the top of the

  screen, the game will end. Clear-

  ing two to four rows at once gives

  players extra points. Mode A is an

  endurance test in which players

  try to complete as many lines as

  possible while mode B is a contest

  to complete 25 lines. Tetris is great

  in most any form, but the Nin-

  tendo version lacks the two-player

  simultaneous mode found in the

  Tengen rendition. Tetris was

  ported to numerous other systems

  and spawned countless imitators

  and sequels, including Tetris At-

  tack (Game Boy, SNES), The Next

  Tetris (PlayStation), and Tetris

  Worlds (various).

  Tetris (Tengen)

  Although it lacks the two-player simultaneous mode of the PUBLISHER: Tengen. DEVELOPER:

  Tengen version, the Nintendo rendition of Tetris for the NES

  Tengen. Action Puzzle, 1 or 2 play-

  is nevertheless an excellent port of the popular computer game.

  ers (simultaneous). 1989.



  Although forced off the market due to a

  ing involved. Players run through eight alien

  Nintendo lawsuit (making the game somewhat

  worlds, leaping over large chasms, dodging

  hard to find), “Tengen Tetris” (as it is fre-

  flaming towers, and firing missiles at serpent

  quently called) is superior to its Nintendo-pro-

  beasts and their minions (including robot

  duced counterpart. Similar to the Tetris arcade heads, roving hands, dog faces, mean TVs, and

  game (Atari, 1988), the Tengen version offers

  seashells). Power-ups to grab include invinci-

  two-player split screen action (cooperative or

  bility, higher jumping ability, bonus level

  competitive). Players can even handicap games

  warps, and more. Mushrooms should be

  or play against the computer. Objectives in-

  avoided, however, as they are poisonous. The

  clude achieving the highest score or racing to

  game comes packaged with special glasses,

  eliminate a set number of lines, with or with-

  which give the already colorful visuals a rich,

  out a time limit. Graphically, the blocks are

  surprisingly clear, 3D look. Fans of Space Har-

  shaded like their arcade counterparts. In the

  rier 3-D for the Master System should enjoy 3-Nintendo version, the blocks appear flat.

  D WorldRunner.

  Tetris 2

  The Three Stooges

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.

  PUBLISHER: Activision. DEVELOPER: Beam Soft-

  Action Puzzle, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous).

  ware. Multi-Genre Game, 1 or 2 players (alter-


  nating). 1989.

  Tetris 2 is a cross of sorts between Tetris Ruthless banker I. Fleecem has threatened

  and Columns, with fixed blocks and flash

  to foreclose on Ma’s orphanage, and it is up to

  blocks (which are already on the screen as play

  Larry, Moe, and Curly to raise enough money

  begins) thrown in for good measure. As in

  to save the day. What this amounts to is a col-

  Tetris, formations of blocks fall from the top lection of mini-games: The Cracker Eating

  to the bottom of the screen, and players must

  Contest (Curly scoops up crackers before oys-

  maneuver the blocks in order to make them

  ters can eat them); Help Wanted: Doctors (race

  disappear. However, unlike Tetris (and more

  up hospital corridors, grabbing medical sup-

  like Columns), the blocks come in three colors plies); Help Wanted: Waiters (a classic pie

  (red, green, and yellow), and the job is to align

  fight); The Boxing Match (Larry runs along a

  three or more blocks of the same color verti-

  side-scrolling sidewalk, dodging obstacles, try-

  cally or horizontally. Eliminating a flash block

  ing to bring back a “Pop Goes the Weasel”-

  makes all blocks of the same color vanish, and

  playing radio so Curly can beat the champ);

  eliminating all flash blocks advances the game

  The Slapping Game (Moe slaps, pokes, punches,

  to the next level. In two-player split-screen

  and kicks Larry and Curly); and Three Stooges

  mode, eliminating flash blocks makes the other

  Trivia. Fans of the comedy trio will recognize

  player’s ceiling drop down one line. In addi-

  famous scenes from various Stooges short

  tion, creating chain reactions makes the other

  films, and the game uses digitized graphics and

  player’s blocks fall faster. The SNES version

  authentic voice effects. Based on the 1987 com-

  Tetris 2 trumps this rendition with sharper

  puter game. Also released for the Game Boy

  graphics and a Puzzle mode. Also released for

  Advance and PlayStation.

  the Game Boy.

  Thunder & Lightning

  3-D WorldRunner

  PUBLISHER: Romstar. DEVELOPER: Romstar.

  PUBLISHER: Acclaim. DEVELOPER: Square.

  Ball-and-Paddle, 1 or 2 players (alternating,

  Third-Person Shooter, 1 player. 1987.

  simultaneous). 1991.

  With its behind-the-runner perspective,

  Like Arkanoid, Thunder & Lightning takes 3-D WorldRunner (which is also known as The the Breakout concept — rebound a ball off a 3-D Battles of WorldRunner) is something of a paddle and into a wall near the top of the screen

  Space Harrier clone, but with much more jump-in order to make it disappear one brick at a



  time — and adds levels (30), power-ups, and

  cle automatically jumps over water, inclines,

  enemies (such as birds and turtles in this case).

  and hills and can equip sidecar power-ups con-

  Unlike Arkanoid and Breakout, Thunder & sisting of a chain gun and five types of cannons.

  Lightning has two-player simultaneous action, When things get tough, players can call on a B-square bricks (as opposed to rectangular), and

  7 bomber to provide air support. There are four

  a guy named Mr. Chin, who carries the paddle

  levels of play: City, Base, Woodland, and

  along the bottom of the screen. Power-ups in-

  Fortress, culminating in the destruction of an

  clude: glove (for catching the ball); missile (for

  atomic power plant. This is a nice (if visually

  firing missiles at the bricks); slow (for slowing

  downgraded) port of Taito’s fun, action-packed

  down the ball); big (gives the ball the ability to

  arcade game (1987).

  go through any brick); 1-Up (extra life); long

  (increases the length of the paddle); three-way


  multi-shot (splits the ball into three separate


  balls); and six-way multi-shot (splits the ball

  Canyon. Vertical Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2

  into six separate balls). Based on Seta’s 1990 ar-

  players (alternating). 1987.

  cade game.

  In Tiger-Heli, players fly a stealth jetcopter over land and sea in the fictional terrorist-run


  country of Cantun, firing missiles (which ap-

  PUBLISHER: Activision. DEVELOPER: Pack-In-

  pear in horizontal groupings of four) at any-


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