Al Moreno And the Crystal of Gosia
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Al Moreno
Rift Resolver
And the Crystal of Gosia
Mason J. Schneider
Note: This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental.
Al Moreno Rift Resolver And the Crystal of Gosia
Copyright © 2019 by Mason J. Schneider
All rights reserved.
Cover art by Bobooks
Other Works
By Mason J. Schneider
Al Moreno, Rift Resolver Series:
The Crystal of Gosia – Book One
The Wizard of the Night Series:
Wizarded Away – Book One
Saved By Sorcery – Book Two
Table of Contents
1 Elevator 041
2 From A.I. to alive
3 Escape of the lonely heart
4 Tea-bot
5 Jenni’s roller-rink
6 “What a trip!”
7 Not quite a black-tie affair
8 jashi
9 The gazers
10 The father of two moons
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
-- Aristotle
1 Elevator 041
Bzzz! Bzzz!
“Time to get up!”
Bzzz! Bzzz!
Movement began to stir from somewhere deep beneath a warm comforter.
Bzzz! Bzzz!
“The early bird catches the worm!”
Bzzz! Bzzz!
The movement seemed to become more irritated as it thrashed from under the blankets on the bed, and after much struggle a curly brown mop of hair emerged from under the covers.
Bzzz Bzzz!
“Today has lots in store, let’s get out of bed! Whaddya say pal?”
Suddenly the mop of hair extended out further to reveal the head of a young man, who looked quite annoyed by whatever had forced him to leave his current state of hibernation. He removed an arm from under the covers and slammed the top of a small device which was vibrating and flashing bright blue strobe lights around his room.
“Whaddya say we stop with the buzzing?!” the man asked irritably.
“Good morning Alfred! It’s 7:00 p.m. Oh my... it appears you’ve slept all day!”
Alfred fixed his sleepy gaze on the metal egg-shaped device he had rudely slammed his hand on before. He took a moment to scratch his head and then let his arms reach up in a large stretch, yawning excessively.
“Oh yeah? And what’s it to ya?” he muttered back to the egg.
“Well sir, it’s no matter at all. But I thought perhaps I could inform you of an important date that has been set in your calendar?”
“Important date? What are you talking about Henry?” Alfred addressed the personal assistant by the name he had assigned it.
“Alfred I am pleased to inform you that your date with Cynthia is scheduled for tonight at 7:30 p.m. Shall I start the shower for you sir?”
“7:30? It’s 7:00 o’clock Henry! You’ve just now decided to wake me up?”
“Not exactly sir. You slept through my first twelve alarms. And the time is now 7:05, shall I start that shower for you?”
“Twelve alarms...Cynthia...why did I have to pick a dating cruise to hide out on?” Alfred rubbed his hands against his eyes as he spoke.
“Yessir, Cynthia! Would you like me to read off her interests and description from the passenger files while you shower?”
“Forget the shower Henry, I don’t have time. I’ve got to find something to wear.” Alfred stood up out of bed and walked to the closet door in his room.
He clicked a button on the wall beside the metal door and the light on top illuminated in blue. The door slid up electronically into its frame.
“Alfred I would highly recommend you take a shower. My readings indicate your proper hygiene levels are extremely low.”
“Yes, well I don’t have time tonight Henry. Now help me pick out something to wear, and brew me a coffee.”
An exasperated release of air sounded throughout the closet speakers.
“Henry.” Alfred looked up to one of the many cameras in his closet which allowed the personal assistant to help him pick out clothes.
“Yes sir?” the A.I. asked nonchalantly. Its voice was slightly high pitched and sounded as if it was always trying too hard to be friendly- in Alfred’s opinion.
“Did you just sigh at me? Is that what that whooshing was?”
“Exactly right sir! I found a soundboard filled with common humanoid noises. It was through my effort of sighing that I hoped to further my opinion that showering would be a healthy option for you!” the voice spoke as if it were delighted to inform Alfred the reasons behind its sighing.
“Henry, I promise to shower when I get back from my date tonight under one condition. Never, use that soundboard again.”
“Okay sir. Now about that outfit! May I recommend outfit number 017?”
Alfred turned to look at the display screen in the center of the closet. It showed an image of the outfit on a model who looked much more physically fit than him and had a full beard. The man wore khaki pants with a plaid green and navy button up shirt, and a brown leather jacket over top.
“Henry, what did I tell you about leather jackets man?”
“Sir my records indicate you have informed me in the past that you don’t believe you can pull off a leather jacket. However, my database has shown me that the jacket completes the look in this outfit, and if I do say so myself- looks quite well on the model in your display!”
“Yes Henry…” Alfred groaned as if he were exhausted at the thought of talking to the personal assistant any longer, “But that model looks like he just got done doing a hundred pushups and then fought a bear to cool down after his workout.”
“Ha. Ha. Ha. You are too humorous sir! Bears have been extinct for three thousand and fifty-eight years. Ha Ha Ha.” the robotic voice chuckled.
“I hate when you laugh like that Henry. I’ll take the outfit, minus the jacket.”
The display flashed in a green light to confirm Alfred’s selection. The machine below it whirred and buzzed until a pair of folded khakis, underwear, and the button-up shirt shot out into a tray. A moment later the machine buzzed again and a belt and a pair of navy lace-up sneakers fell out as well. Alfred undressed quickly and threw his dirty clothes down a shoot in the closet. He put on his new outfit and then headed to the kitchen, where he grabbed a cup of freshly made coffee from underneath a dispenser. He took his cup and sat at a bar stool beside the kitchen counter. Alfred took a sip of his coffee and began to wake up a bit.
“Alfred, it’s 7:20, you’ll need to leave in the next fifteen seconds in order to make it to your date on time.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being fashionably late Henry. Only reason I’m even going is so I don’t get kicked off this cruise yet, I’m supposed to be blending in.”
The robotic voice spoke quietly and muffled through the surround speakers in the cabin, “Not exactly fashionable without the jacket.”
Alfred looked up from his coffee, “Henry I know you did not just say that.”
“Say what sir?” Henry chirped joyously back.
“Nevermind. Just be quiet while I drink my coffee. Please.”
“As you wish sir.
Alfred took a few more sips of his coffee, enjoying the warmth from the cup in his hands.
“Alfred, I am pleased to inform you that you are officially a record holder aboard this ship!”
Alfred looked irritated that the voice had ignored his request for silence but asked anyway, “What are you talking about Henry? I haven’t set any records.”
“Actually sir, I have just completed a diagnosis of all the hygiene levels of every passenger on board the ship, and you have the lowest of them all!” Henry sounded elated to provide Alfred with this information.
Alfred stood up out of his stool and walked to the front door where he pressed a button identical to the one beside his closet. The light on top of the door flashed blue and then the door slid up into its frame.
“Good luck tonight sir!” Henry’s voice sang out through the exit speaker.
“Piss off Henry.” Alfred replied as he walked out of his cabin.
Alfred walked down a hallway that was surrounded by white metal walls and looked exceptionally clean. The floor beneath him was also white, although there were imprints where lights and signals would flash every so often. He passed by three more cabin doors before he reached an elevator. Alfred clicked the button beside the elevator door and waited. Nothing happened in the next couple of seconds to indicate that it was coming to pick him up. Alfred reapproached the button and this time pushed it in much more thoroughly with his index finger before stepping back. Another couple of seconds went by without any indication.
“Is this not working, what’s going on?” Alfred said to himself as he walked back up to the button.
As he jammed his finger repeatedly on and off of it, he became enraged yelling- “Why won’t you work damnit!”
A blue light flashed above the elevator and a cheerful voice, similar to Henry’s but even more so thrilled, rang out from the speakers. “Hello there sir! I couldn’t help but notice you seem a bit frustrated today, is there any way I could assist you?”
Alfred paused from his rage-clicking of the button and looked up at the blue light.
“Are you the goddamn elevator? Is that who’s talking to me right now?” Alfred asked, obviously frustrated.
“Well yes of course I am sir- Elevator 041 to be exact!” the elevator responded.
“Then why the hell aren’t you taking me up?” Alfred asked through gritted teeth.
“Sir, you have not yet commanded me to take you to any level on this ship. I cannot perform my functions without first being commanded by a passenger.”
“What’s your name?” Alfred asked, his face tight-lipped as he stared at the light above the elevator.
“My name sir?” the elevator responded as if it were confused by his question.
“Yes your name? You know, that thing people call you when they’re addressing you?” Alfred explained irritably.
“I’ve already informed you. My name is Elevator 041. Pleasure to be at your service passenger!”
“Of course...of course it’s just Elevator 041. Nevermind. What do you mean I didn’t command you? I clicked that button a hundred times.” Alfred argued.
“Yes sir, I saw that. However, the elevator assistant software recently updated and we now operate solely on voice command. Buttons are truly a technology of yester-year now, friend!” Elevator 041 happily explained.
Alfred took a moment and his cheeks puffed up with air before releasing in a long sigh.
“Elevator 041, please take me to floor fifty-six.”
“Happy to serve you sir, step on in!” the elevator responded as its door slid open quickly.
Alfred walked into the spacious elevator and stood with his arms crossed. The door slid shut and the elevator began to make noises as it raised up slowly.
“I see you’re going to floor fifty-six tonight, home of Shabby Dadoo’s Intergalactic Water Food restaurant. That’s one of the most expensive restaurants on board- excellent taste sir!” Elevator 041 broke the silence that Alfred had much been enjoying.
“Did you- did you say most expensive?” Alfred looked surprised to hear that the place he had picked was one of the most expensive onboard the ship.
“Correct! Shabby Dadoo’s Intergalactic Water Food is not included on your passenger meal account, so looks like you’ll be paying out of pocket for this one!”
“Not included, damn it. Damn the fine print. I only chose it because the food matched my date’s preferences. Must be a picky eater.” Alfred shook his head and furrowed his brow down as he spoke, obviously mad at himself.
“Sir would you like me to read your date’s description and interests for tonight? We still have twenty floors to climb!”
“Yeah, okay. Whatever.”
“Fantastic sir! I’ll just need your first and last name in order to look up the date we have arranged for you this evening.”
“Alfred Moreno.” Alfred stated.
“Alfred Moreno.” the electronic voice began, “It looks as if the Lonely Hearts Neptune Cruise has set up your nightly date with Cynthia Gwshkiftkaadarbis. Cynthia’s interests incl-” Elevator 041 broke off as Alfred interrupted.
“What did you just say? What’s her last name? Gwshkaftdu-what?” Alfred attempted to say the last name, completely butchering it.
“Gwshkiftkaadarbis.” the elevator responded, pronouncing the last name perfectly which was something along the lines of:
“That’s a weird last name. Anyway go on with the interests.” Alfred commanded the elevator, a hint of suspicion in his voice.
“Cynthia considers herself a bookworm- she’s especially interested in books where the main character is a baby and is eaten by a monster in the end. She also enjoys watching films...Oh would you look at that- her favorite film is the classic “Baby-Eating SuperMonster: The Sequel. How wonderful! In addition to thi-” once again 041 paused as Alfred interrupted.
“What? What kind of joke is this? Babies getting eaten by monsters! That’s horrible- who would watch or read anything about that? And sequel? How was there a sequel to a movie called Baby-Eating Monster?”
“I believe you mean Baby-Eating SuperMonster.” 041 joyously corrected.
Alfred stopped his rant for a moment and thought.
“Elevator, be honest with me. Is my date tonight a baby-eating monster alien from some weird planet?”
“I’m afraid I cannot answer race-related questions Alfred. The Lonely Hearts Neptune Cruise Line does not permit racism in any form.” Elevator 041 explained.
“I’m not being racist. I just don’t want to end up going on a date with a baby-eating alien! Is that really too much to ask?” Alfred seemed to be growing both angry and concerned as the elevator continued to rise.
“When you put it that way sir, you do seem to come off as a bit racist. My my... my sensors just completed a quick scan of your bias tendencies and I’m getting a 27% racist reading! For shame Alfred!”
“What, no! I am not racist, I just want to know what kind of person or uhh...creature I’m going to be going on a date with tonight.” Alfred replied, quite alarmed that he was considered 27% racist.
“Why didn’t you just say so sir?! We’ve only got five more floors to climb, so I’m afraid I don’t have time to read off the remaining interests and description of Cynthia. However, I am delighted to inform you that Cynthia’s arranged date from last night has left a comment on his feedback file. Isn’t it great when passengers help passengers, Alfred?”
“Yeah, fantastic. Just read the comment.”
“This comment was left by Darius Jordan, Cynthia’s last recorded date onboard the cruise. The following was voice recorded by Darius himself- how wonderful! Playing recording:”
041’s voice silenced, and what Alfred assumed was Darius’ voice began to play through the speakers.
“Yo, I went on this date with this Cynthia broad...Damn! Let me tell you what- wildest night of my life man! We go to this weird ass restaurant that it s
ays she recommended- somethin’ like Shabby Dadoo or hell I don’t know but it sounded crazy. So I was like shit let’s get it! So I get to this restaurant and right off the bat- first thing I notice is that this lady definitely isn’t human. I mean I’m talkin’ seven foot tall green alien with mofuckin’ tentacles, oozin’ goo all over the table. But shit I ain’t racist- so”
The recording broke off as Alfred begged the elevator, “Please. Just go back down. Take me back to my cabin.”
2 From A.I. to alive
“Sir please, I urge you to listen to the remainder of the recording. We’re only two floors away from Cynthia and you’ll need this information to make your date a Slam-Dunk!”
“No...No. No. Just take me ba-” Alfred broke off as the Elevator spoke.
“Resuming recording.”
“But shit I ain’t racist so I go up, act all like a gentleman and such and as we sit down and have dinner I’m really starting to think this alien lady is kind of attractive. We havin’ great conversations- I mean I don’t understand anything she’s sayin’- but hell the bartender kept pouring shots so I was having a great time! Well the dinner went pretty good- but then this shit got FUNKY! I start escorting the lovely lady back to my cabin- you know I was feelin’ like tonight was my night. But soon as we get in there she whips out this freaky lookin’ baby mask, and she’s tryna put that shit over my face with those nasty tentacles drippin’ goo all over the pla-”
“Elevator 041 I demand you take me back down at once!” Alfred looked to be quite distressed as he yelled angrily at the elevator.
“But sir, you know our policy that if you fail to appear for your scheduled date each night, you will be promptly kicked off the cruise!”
“I don’t care- please just let me go.”
“Oh look we’ve arrived- enjoy your date Alfred, and best of luck!”