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Cuff Me, Sheriff

Page 7

by Douglas, Katie

  Soon, the pressure was so high I couldn’t take it anymore. I fell over the edge and came, writhing and moaning, while he fucked me in the ass. When I involuntarily clenched again, at the height of passion, I heard him groan, felt him stiffen, then hot liquid shot deep into my ass, making me tremble. I strained at the cuffs holding my hands in place, feeling his power over my body as he filled my ass with his cum and waves of pleasure overcame me.

  Gradually, I came down from my climax. Gasping for air, I opened my eyes, not remembering when I had closed them. He slid out of me. I stayed where I was while he went to the bathroom. He returned a few seconds later and I felt the warmth of a hot bath towel laid over my body.

  “Oh, that feels good,” I mumbled, still half out of it. He unfastened the cuffs then climbed onto the bed beside me. He took the towel off, rolled me onto my side and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight against him.

  “I’ll get you a drink and some chocolate in just a minute,” he murmured into my ear. I may have swooned a little.

  Chapter 10


  Holy fuck. That girl was something. I hadn’t meant to fuck her butt the first time we had sex, but as soon as she’d said her ass was trained, I’d known how it was going to end. I couldn’t help myself, I had a real fetish for anal.

  Holding her to me, now we’d finished, felt so right. I didn’t know how I could ever let her go. But she was leaving as soon as our case was closed.

  I didn’t see any reason to think about that, right now. There was a whole eternity between here and there, and I would deal with her leaving when it happened.

  Correction. If it happened.

  Sure, she was planning to go back, and I wasn’t going to do anything to stop her, but I had a feeling she was connecting with Snake Eye—connecting with me—in a way that made me think she might consider sticking around.

  Once I was sure she felt cared for, I went to the kitchen and made us both some hot drinks, dropping some ice in them so they’d be ready to drink. I grabbed a bar of chocolate and took it up, too.

  “Here, have some coffee.” I handed her a cup. She sipped from it. I watched her lips carefully form a shape to draw the liquid into her mouth, and imagined them making the same shape if they were wrapped around my cock.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked her.

  “Chocolate,” she replied. “I’m feeling chocolate.”

  “You like mint chocolate? Otherwise, I got some Milky Ways downstairs, too, leftover from Halloween.”

  “Mint choc would be great, thanks.”

  I passed her some, and watched the way her fingers took it. She had a firm grip. I looked forward to finding out what that would feel like if she held my cock.

  “So... we did the butt stuff...” she giggled through a mouthful of chocolate.

  “I suppose we should have started with something more conventional.” I had no regrets. Find me a red-blooded man who didn’t like anal.

  “I feel floaty and warm,” she murmured. I realized her reaction times were a little off. It was natural, after what we’d just done.

  “Me too. Be sure to drink your coffee. It’ll help.”

  It seemed weird that the cold and sharp Agent Frost was now languid and relaxed, naked in my bed. Apparently, she did just need someone to shake that stick out of her ass.

  * * *


  The sand was warm between my toes. I held his hand, letting him lead the way across the desert.

  “Here.” He showed me a red checkered picnic blanket. A basket of food. A big pitcher of lemonade. From somewhere, two horses had appeared.

  “We can ride back,” Bob said.

  I loved that idea. I’d always wanted to go horseback riding.

  “I’m not sure how to ride a horse, could you teach me?” I asked.

  “Sure thing, sweetheart.” He sounded so optimistic, it was impossible to worry about whether I’d take to horse riding or not.

  I sat down on the picnic blanket and Bob joined me. His hand closed over my knee, sending a thrill of heat through my leg and straight to my pussy.

  “Before we have this picnic, how’s about you and I work up an appetite?”

  I awoke before I was ready.

  Christmas Day was hot and sunny. I came downstairs and marveled at the bright sunshine streaming into Bob’s kitchen. I’d seen all the days before this one, but somehow, I’d thought Christmas Day would at least be overcast or rainy.

  I liked this better.

  “Sleep well?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yes, thanks.”

  At some point we’d fallen asleep tangled up together, and I had dreamed of staying here forever. The reality was, my job, my home, and my life were all on the East Coast and I had to go back to them at some point. I tried not to think about it.

  Not today. I’d spent enough Christmases feeling guilty, or worrying that I ought to have bought gifts and cards to send to people. I’d spent enough time missing the family I’d never belonged to. This time, I was going to do Christmas differently.

  “Coffee’s ready, here you go.” Bob handed me a steaming mug. I looked at the pattern.

  “Arizona Electricals?” I raised a brow.

  “It was a free mug from a long time ago.”

  “Don’t you buy proper tableware?” I asked.

  “Sure, when there’s no grand openings giving it out for free.”

  I laughed, imagining the Sheriff going from store to store looking for free promotional mugs.

  “What about your plates?”

  He smiled with a twinkle in his eye. “They’re all commemorative plates, of course.”

  He opened the cupboard and pulled out one plate. It was blank.

  “What are they commemorating?” I asked, deciding to tease him further. I took a big sip of coffee.

  “Arizona’s first and only snowstorm,” he replied, deadpan. “See, white-on-white. There’s no year stamped on the plates because there’s never been a snowstorm in Arizona... yet. But when there is, I’m front of the line to commemorate it with plates.”

  I burst out laughing. The coffee in my mouth sprayed everywhere. My laughter turned to horror as I saw Bob, standing beside me, his white shirt covered in coffee.

  “Oops. I’m so sorry.”

  He looked down and took in the splatters of brown on his white shirt, and all over the plate he’d been holding.

  “Oh, well. I guess Christmas will be laundry day, after all.” He pulled the shirt off, revealing a toned, taut body with incredible muscle definition and the faintest peppering of salt-and-pepper chest hair.

  I didn’t disguise my long stare. After several long seconds I realized he hadn’t moved. My gaze traveled up, and our eyes met.

  “Like what you see?” he teased.

  I nodded.

  I liked what I saw. A lot.

  A flush of warmth spread through my body. I blew out cold air and pressed my thighs together, wishing there was some way to hide the fact my nipples were rapidly hardening. I averted my eyes, staring at a floor tile, and my cheeks burned.

  “Missy, do I need to spank you for covering me in coffee?” His tone turned stern and for a moment, I thought I might genuinely be in trouble, until I looked back up at him and saw his eyes, still twinkling with mischief.

  “I didn’t mean it, sir. But maybe I need a punishment. To remind me not to do it again.”

  He nodded in mock-seriousness.

  “Then it’s settled. After breakfast, I’m gonna take you out back and give you a switchin’ to remember.”

  My body’s reaction to this news made me feel like I’d had an electric shock. My whole body tingled and I didn’t know how to respond. A real switching? I’d always wanted to try it, but...

  “Wait. Did you say outside?” I glanced out of the patio doors at the green garden Bob had created in his backyard. The idea of being stripped bare outside and punished where anyone could see was equal parts terrifying and exhilar

  “Yep. Sun’s shining. It’s a balmy eighty degrees out there. Why not?”

  I shook my head in disbelief. “But what if anyone saw?”

  “You think I’d take that chance? I’m the town Sheriff. And I can guarantee no one will be walking past my backyard this morning.”

  He sounded so sure, and I guessed if anyone saw, his job would be on the line, but an outdoor punishment still pushed me out of my comfort zone.


  “Anyhow, I’m pretty sure you’ll be less apprehensive once your belly’s full of breakfast.”

  He opened the freezer and pulled out two breakfast burritos, which he threw into the microwave.

  “Tofu? Why, Sheriff Bob, you don’t seem like the sort of man to eat tofu,” I told him, when I bit into my burrito.

  “They were out of the egg and cheese ones, so I had to get these, instead. Matter of fact, you can help me use them up.”

  “It’s tasty,” I replied. “I could eat these every day!”

  Once we finished our burritos, I lingered over my coffee, sipping at it nervously, wondering what I’d signed up for with agreeing to this switching. I wasn’t really in trouble for ruining his T-shirt, and we both knew that, but it was a good excuse to start off a scene.

  I hoped my body had healed enough to do this. It would be a shame to forego an interesting-sounding scene, and one that would seriously push my limits in more than one way, due to the state of my ass.

  * * *


  I examined Mariella’s ass. It had a few pink marks from the day before, but nothing too long-lasting. I had no doubt it would still be a little sore from yesterday, but she would be fine to take a switching.

  My back yard faced the desert, on the outskirts of town where the only other houses nearby didn’t overlook my property. I knew we’d be safe out there, but being in the open air would add an extra edge to the scene. On top of that, it was a heck of a lot easier to swing a switch outside than in a room.

  “You have a clean bill of health, missy.” I patted her ass gently and she winced a little.

  “Uh... is that a good thing, right now, sir?” She played the part of a reluctant submissive very well. I imagined she wasn’t acting. The apprehension would be real. Sure, I didn’t really know what it felt like to be a woman spanked by a man, but I imagined it wasn’t an easy thing, to willingly submit to a man’s discipline, any more than it was easy to be forced to take a spanking.

  “It’s good for gettin’ a birching. Not so much good for your butt. Leave your panties off. You can go out in just your t-shirt.”

  “Yes, sir.” The slight tremble in her voice proved my point.

  “C’mon. I’ll get you a knife and you can find out why I have a birch tree planted in my backyard.”

  I led the way outside, through the patio doors, and across the back lawn. She followed, her bare feet causing the grass to make a slight bristling sound. I’d been thinking about this scene for a while before I’d found a submissive to enact it with, and I knew exactly how I wanted it to go.

  “Here’s my best knife. Go cut yourself five switches from the birch tree and bring them to me.”

  I handed her my rosewood-handled Bowie knife and she looked at the tree with uncertainty.

  “Sir?” she began.

  “Somethin’ up?”

  “What sort of sticks do I need, sir?”

  I sighed. Didn’t they teach youngsters anything these days?

  “Thin. They don’t have to be straight. Knots will bite worse.” I pointed one out that would make a perfect birching rod. She cut it off and examined it between her hands before passing it to me. Good. I wanted her to be intimately familiar with the instruments of punishment long before they touched her ass. It would make this far more effective.

  When her arms stretched up to reach a higher branch, the hem of her T-shirt rode up, revealing her pale ass. I watched it move beneath the fabric as she tried to cut the branch above her head.

  When she pulled it down and handed it over, I saw an almost-childlike glee in her eyes. She might have been scared, but she was looking forward to this as much as I was.

  Chapter 11


  Having me cut the sticks for this birching was cruel and unusual. I had no idea if I was finding the right kind or not. When I’d handed Bob four sticks and he didn’t pass comment, I was pretty sure my sticks were passable.

  I didn’t know why I was getting so caught up on whether some silly sticks were good enough for him. Yeah, I did. I knew exactly why. I wanted feedback. Thrived on it. Even in the most minor situations. And I wanted his approval. Ever since I’d met him, in the very back of my mind I’d felt like he was supposed to be my superior. It was crazy. We didn’t even work in the same department. He was a Sheriff and I was FBI. But I kept on reporting to him. Tested his authority to see how he’d handle dissent. And I hadn’t even noticed I was doing it until now.


  I’d never let my submissive nature get in the way of my job before. Was I doing that this time? Could I separate out my natural need to submit to him and my professional commitment to run an investigation alongside him, as an equal?

  I handed him the last stick and hoped I could navigate the duality of our working and personal relationships. If this all went wrong, not only would I be facing trouble at the Bureau, but I’d also lose him.

  “Five sticks. All supple, not too many buds or knots. You did well. Now put your wrists together and raise them over your head.”

  I obeyed and he snapped on a cuff then flipped it over a thick branch and snapped on the other cuff. The height of the branch meant I was on my tiptoes, and the metal cuffs dug into my flesh.

  Bob walked around to in front of me, holding all five sticks in his right hand. He swept them through the air and I winced at the whipping sound they made as they moved.

  “Why am I punishing you?” His voice had hardened, and he was now every bit the dominant Sheriff.

  “Because I was careless and covered you in coffee, sir.”

  “What will you do next time?”

  “I won’t take a big gulp of coffee in the middle of banter, sir.”


  “I will be sure not to face you if I feel the urge to laugh while I have a mouthful of drink, sir.”

  “You will be sure not to face anyone. Turn your head, next time.”

  “Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.”

  He walked around behind me, grabbed a fistful of my hair and growled into my ear. “You will be.”

  His fingers created a sharp tugging sensation in my scalp. I moaned. He released my hair again and the bundle of sticks lightly touched my ass. He was taking aim.


  The branches didn’t all land at the same time. Traveling at different speeds, they all caught me with varying intensities, but it seemed quite gentle.

  I could take this. I wasn’t sure why it was seen as such a formidable punishment.

  He landed it several more times, and the pain seemed to build. It never really had a chance to fade, and it felt like I was being grazed over and over. Soon, it was prickling with every stroke, and I was crying out in pain.

  “Hurts, don’t it?” Bob’s voice was far too gleeful about that fact.

  “It stings!” I wailed.

  “You tapping out?”

  No. I hated this. He was pushing me right to the edges of what I could take. But I wasn’t giving in.

  “No, sir.”


  “Then that was, ‘it stings, sir’,” he growled. I cried out again as the branches bit into me, scorching deep into my soul.

  The branches seemed to cover such a wide area, it was like being punished with a handful of angry bees. I flailed against the handcuffs and lost my balance for a moment, causing me to swing painfully for a moment from the metal binding my wrists.

  Emotions rose to the surface that tore at me. The pain dragged them up
and forced me to examine them. I began to cry. Christmas after Christmas of being dressed like a little doll by my mom, being told to sit quietly while the adults talked, not being allowed to unwrap my gifts until right before bed, at which point all the new toys were taken away and put on a high shelf, where I couldn’t play with them.

  And as an adult, guilt trips because I hadn’t gotten promoted, yet. Guilt trips because I hadn’t spent enough on my mom’s Christmas gift. Guilt trips for not ‘putting a good word in’ at the Bureau for any of my mom’s friends or distant relatives who wanted a job.

  I had buried so much anger over the years. There was so much resentment seething in my blood. I avoided Christmas because I was avoiding confronting all the shitty emotions it dragged up.

  I screamed and cried as the birch twigs kept coming down. Bob didn’t hold back, and he didn’t stop. He kept going long after a lot of doms would have quit.

  When my emotions had died down again, a fresh wave grabbed me as I realized I was falling for him, and I couldn’t stay here.

  The pain was now prickling across my entire ass and the back of my thighs. I shook with the effort of staying upright and sweat dripped from my body.


  Bob brought the switches straight across my ass one last time, then I heard them fall to the ground with a sort of crinkle-crunch.

  I was still sobbing and shaking when he unfastened the cuffs. My feet found the ground but my legs wouldn’t hold me up.

  He put his hands around my waist and put me over his shoulder before carrying me indoors, where he placed me face down on the couch. Was it over, already? The burning across my rear was absolute, but I’d expected him to fuck me, and he hadn’t.

  My pussy was dripping wet. I ached for him.

  “Please,” I murmured, only half able to form the words.

  “What do you need?” he asked, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

  “Please fuck me, sir,” I implored him.

  “You’re not in a fit state, sweetheart.”

  “I am. I’m fine.” Didn’t he understand? I was giving myself to him. Didn’t he want me? “Why don’t you want me?”


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