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Rescuing Jules (Lawless MC Book 1)

Page 8

by K. C. Stone

  Taking a deep sigh, she shook her head. “Not right now. Will you let her know I’m going to take a nap? Maybe she could come back in like an hour or so?”

  “Yeah, baby, I will.”

  I kissed her. I think she was asleep before I got to the door. Walking into the hall, I saw her mom. “She’s napping now, but why don’t you sit with her?” I suggested.

  She grabbed me in a hug. “Thank you,” she whispered as she pulled away. Cara walked into the room and curled up next to Jules.

  I smiled at the sight, then nodded at Ranger. As much as I wanted to stay there with Jules in my arms, it was time to take care of business.



  I took a deep breath as I did something I’d never done before. I called Locke and requested for him to call church, shocking him when I asked to have Sal and a couple of his men there. I needed everyone in one place so we could put an end to this whole fucked up situation. Locke knew what it meant to me, I just hoped he cared enough to go along with it.

  Locke just grunted. “Okay, Dom. Call Sal and whoever else you need there.”

  “Thanks, brother.” I felt like a ton had been lifted off my shoulders.

  Then I went down the list. I called Ezra, Mac, and Viper first, giving them the option to have someone take their places so they could come to the meeting, or stay with their girls. Everyone wanted to be in chapel. I’d figured they would. They were all getting close to their girls and wanted vengeance.

  My final call was to Sal. I told him we were having a meeting to get everyone up to speed and I wanted him there, and that he could bring some of his boys. He agreed to meet at our club.

  One hour later, I sat in chapel with Locke, Ezra, Tech, Mac, Viper, Axel, Sal, Leo, and a man I’d never seen. He introduced himself as Red, which made sense. His hair was as bright a red as I’d ever seen. Damn, I needed sunglasses just to look at him. But he was about as big as Viper, so I doubt he took much ribbing about it.

  Once everyone was seated, I nodded to Tech and he opened a laptop. He dove in without hesitation, like he wanted to get it over with. I hadn’t seen what was on the computer yet and wasn’t sure I wanted to. A sick feeling settled in my gut and rage swirled in my veins.

  Tech pecked a few keys and turned the laptop around so we could all see. “When we went through John’s place, we found wall to wall photos, but that’s not all. His computer had more than we imagined.” Tech shook his head. “I hacked it. What I found was more than disgusting, and I don’t say that lightly.” He pointed to the screen I had yet to look at. “It looks like an online portfolio. Photos of each girl in different settings. Makes you sick to your stomach that someone would actually do something like this, then not have any remorse for this shit.”

  I finally slid the laptop closer and scrolled through the images, getting sicker with each page. I stopped on a row of photos that caused my gut to drop. There in front of us were five photos of Leah in different poses, including one with a man groping her chest. A low, rabid growl came from Viper’s direction as I continued to scroll down.

  Next was Grace, in much the same positions as Leah had been. In one she had nothing but panties on. Ezra vibrated with rage and I could hear his knuckles cracking.

  I moved along to the next set. It was Faith, completely naked. I seethed, my jaw clenched hard. I bypassed it quickly, clicking on the next page. I wished I hadn’t. It was Storm, naked. The last one was the one that broke me. It was a photo of her crying as a man fondled her, focusing on her tear-stained face. The same guy I left bleeding in Sal’s basement.

  I slammed the screen shut. “Tech, delete the whole damn thing. Crash any sites he has.”

  Ezra looked at me, his voice like gravel. “Brother, tell me this motherfucker is dead.”

  I inclined my head to Sal. He gave a nod to confirm he was in fact a dead bastard.

  Sal grinned and it was pure evil. “Let’s just say, in order to find him, you’d have to be good at puzzles.”

  Ezra sneered. “Good. Did he suffer?”

  Sal nodded. “Oh, he was still alive when we started cutting and I started with his dick.” All the guys cringed a little.

  Ezra looked satisfied. “That’s better.”

  Mac shook his head. “Shit, man. This guy’s still out there. Where do we go from here?”

  Locke chimed in. “You guys stay with your assigned girls until all this shit blows over and we find this fucker. Got it?” Everyone nodded. “When you’re with your girls, if you notice anything, call another brother in. Never leave your girl alone unless she’s here!” He barked out.

  I doubled down on the order. “Look, guys, this bastard could be anywhere. Like Locke says, we don’t leave the girls’ side for shit. Got me? Right now, these girls are it.”

  “We got any leads on where the fucker is or who might be hiding him?” Viper asked.

  “We’ve got leads out there, now we’re just waiting for a bite,” Tech explained.

  Viper tapped his knuckles on the table. “We need to find this piece of shit, because none of the girls will rest until he’s found. I know I can’t wait until I get my hands on him. I’ll make him wish for death.” He sneered.

  “Right! Well, if we’re finished, you boys might want to get back to the hospital.” Locke brought down the gavel, dismissing church.

  I jumped up, ready to get back to Jules. But first, there was something it was past time I took care of.



  I asked Sal if I could ride with him back to the hospital. It was time to man up and talk to him regarding my plans for Jules. With a nod, he got in the car and waved me into the passenger seat. Not going to lie, I was a little scared. Even being a biker, having to tell one of the biggest, badass bikers this side of New York that you planned to marry his only daughter was enough to make a guy shit himself.

  I waited until he’d pulled away from the curb. Then it just exploded out of me. “I’m going to marry your daughter.”

  Sal’s expression didn’t change. “Son, do you know that I’ve never let my daughter date anyone in my club?” I nodded. “You know why?” He never took his eyes off the road. I sat there silent and shaking in my boots, trying not to let it show. “There’s never been a man worthy of my princess. No one who could protect her, love her, the way she needs or deserves. She’s one of the strongest people I’ve known. Even as a little girl. She’s the best of my wife and I. Angelic, like her mother. Always willing to give a helping hand to anyone in need. But she’s hellfire when you piss her off. And that, my boy, she gets from me.” Pride showed in his eyes. “I knew that one day, a man worthy of my girl would come around. I always thought maybe one of my brothers would spike her interest, but it doesn’t look that way.” He half grinned, but it didn’t get rid of the tightness in my chest.

  “Sir, I love your daughter. She’s my world. I would fight for her, no matter the outcome.” I shifted in the seat, figuring I should tell him everything. “My home life wasn’t what you’d call great by any means. I never even really thought about love until I saw your daughter. As pussy ass as this sounds, I just knew when I first saw her that I’d do anything to have her love.” Clenching my fists, I forced down rage. “When those assholes took her, it felt like my entire world was crashing down around me. It wasn’t until I held her in my arms again that the world felt right.” I felt like a tool, purging my heart like that, but it couldn’t be helped.

  For a while we sat in silence. I wasn’t sure what that meant. Did he approve or was he about to rip my throat out? Either way, I didn’t give a shit. I was in love with his daughter, not him, and it was our life, not his. I wanted his approval for Jules’ sake, not mine. I couldn’t care fucking less if he liked me or not. I’d marry her today if I had my way.

  Sal interrupted my mental tirade, jerking me back to the conversation. “I felt that way about her mother.” Tilting his head, Sal looked over at me. “Did Jules ever tell you how her mother and I met?�

  Where was he going with this? “No, sir, she didn’t.”

  Sal settled back. “She was nineteen and thought it would be cool to come see what the inside of a real MC Club looked like. Her words.” He laughed. “So she came around with some of her friends who’d been there before. But man, Cara, she had no clue. Not to mention, it was my patch party, so shit was crazier than normal.” He laughed again, shaking his head. “One of the brothers chatted her up, letting her know he was interested. By that time, the party was getting really wild. There was sex all around. Brother, I saw her eyes get about ten times their size. I never saw blue eyes that big.” He smiled slyly. “So my brother was trying to hit her up, and she had no clue he was about to pounce all over that shit.” Just talking about someone else with his lady had his fingers gripping the steering wheel tighter. “I walked over there and asked my brother if I could have her since it was my patch party. He walked away, like I figured he would. I took her to my room, telling her it was quieter. She was so scared. Had no clue what was in store.” That got another laugh out of him. “The rest is history. God, to this day that woman still makes my heart race.”

  I had no idea what to do with that information, so I just nodded.

  The rest of the way back we rode in silence.

  “Don’t hurt her or I’ll kill you,” was all he said as we climbed out of the car at the hospital.

  I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. I guess that meant I was in.


  I woke up to my mom humming as I slept. Just like she did when I was a little girl. She didn’t realize I was awake, and I took the moment to treasure her being close.

  Finally, she looked up from her book. Her gentle voice was like honey. “You’re awake.”

  I slowly sat up, holding her hand as she reached out. Thoughts and images of a completely different outcome came unbidden to my mind and the tears welled up. What if I had never gotten to see her again?

  She brushed my hair from my face. “Shh, my baby girl. Don’t cry,” she cooed like she did when I was little. When I’d wake up from having a bad dream and she would climb in bed next to me until I fell asleep again. “We’re going to get your room at the house ready for when you are released. Your apartment isn’t safe. I can’t have you being alone, honey.”

  “Mom, I’m not going to the house or my apartment. I’m going to Dom’s.” He’d mentioned it, and though we hadn’t really talked about it, I was definitely ready to move in with him. Whether all this mess had happened or not. I hated to break her heart, but it wasn’t safe for me there. But mom smiled brightly. “What?” What the hell was she smiling about?

  “I know that look. I still see that sparkle in your dad’s eyes when I walk into the room.” Leaning in, she got serious. “You really do love him, don’t you?”

  “I really do, Mom. He makes me feel like I’m the only one in the world when we’re together. I feel like I can breathe when he’s around. Something always settles in my chest and I know I’m safe. Plus, he already lives in our world, so it’s not like I have to explain that. I never have to worry about being afraid, because I know he’ll always be there for me.” I grasped my mom’s hand. “I always wanted the love that you and Daddy have, and I’ve found it.”

  She looked at me with a coy smile. “And it doesn’t hurt that he’s devastatingly gorgeous,” she said with a wink. “Well, just wait until your dad finds out.” She laughed. “He might be the one you have to convince.”

  “Who’s devastatingly gorgeous?” My dad’s voice boomed as he walked in the room.

  “Well, speak of the Italian devil himself,” Mom said on a chuckle.

  “Aw, thanks, angel.” He leaned over to kiss her deeply.

  Making a gagging sound, I waved them away. “Gross, guys. That’s enough!” I beamed up at him. “Hi, Daddy.” I gave him my mega-watt smile.

  Just behind him, the most magnificent man ever strolled in and walked right up to me. He kissed my forehead. “How was your sleep, my angel?”

  Stretching, I scooted up in the bed. “Good. I was just telling Mom my plans for when they spring me from this joint.” I popped my eyebrows.

  The smirk on Mom’s face made me laugh out loud. Then I sobered up as I prepared to break the news to my father that I was moving in with Dom.

  Dom surprised me with the smirk on his face and the twinkle in his dark eyes. “Baby, don’t worry. Your dad knows. He’s actually going to help me move your stuff to our place.”

  With my mouth gaping, I looked at my mom. She was in the same state of shock I was.

  My dad kissed the top of my head. “I wouldn’t allow it if I didn’t think I could trust him with your life, baby girl.” Turning to my mom and taking her hand, he pulled her up and into his arms, her mouth flopping like a fish while she shot him a shocked look.

  I just laughed at my parents. Dom stepped out to take a call, and a thought came to me. Now would be the time to ask them.

  I cleared my throat. “Hey guys, there’s an idea Dom and I have been tossing around. I have a question. I need you to really think about this, because it could change someone’s life.”

  My mom untangled from dad. “What is it, honey?”

  “I was wondering how you would feel about taking Grace in as a part of our family. She has nobody. She’s a runaway from a group home.” Blinking back tears, I pleaded with them. “She really needs people to love her and care for her, to show her what it means to be a family. She’s going to need a lot of help after she gets out.”

  “Oh, honey. Your dad and I will have to discuss it. That’s a lot to take on, especially with the life we lead.”

  I sat up straighter, ready to fight for my new friend. “We would take her in, but Dom and I are going to bring Storm home with us when she’s done with the inpatient clinic. So, I can’t spend the one on one that Grace will need.” Reaching for their hands, I met their eyes. “Please, just talk about it. I mean, think about the fact you won’t have that empty nest issue anymore, Mom.” I gave her my best smile, trying to play on her need to mother everybody.

  My dad nodded. “We’ll think about it.” He kissed my forehead and tugged Mom toward the door. “Let’s give them time to talk, Cara.” He guided her out of the room.

  After my parents left, Dom came back in, finished on the phone. He settled next to me on the bed, careful not to jostle me.

  I cuddled into him. My favorite spot in the world. “So, I talked to my parents, and they want to discuss Grace going to live with them. Hopefully they’ll do it.”

  “Yeah. She needs a break from the world giving her the big F U, nobody loves you bit,” Dom said dryly.

  “She deserves love and a family. Especially after what she’s been through.”

  “Yeah, baby, she does.” Pressing a kiss into my palm, he tightened his arm around me. “What did I do so right to be gifted with such a remarkably wonderful, beautiful angel?” He asked softly.

  I grinned. “Just lucky, I guess.” I kissed him, then followed it up with a blinding smile.

  As far as I was concerned, I was the lucky one.



  Next day when Mom came, and she had Grace with her. I’d known it wouldn’t take that long to convince her and Dad to take Grace in. I smiled as I scooted up to a sitting position in the bed and Mom wheeled Grace’s chair next to me.

  Mom returned my smile and then took Grace’s hand. “Grace, Jules’ dad, Sal, and I were wanting to know if, after you are released, you’d want to come live with us.” Mom spoke softly.

  I looked over at Grace and she had her head down.

  Mom reached for her other hand cupping them both in hers. “Honey, it’s okay, really. We’d love it. Sal is talking to the social worker, and if you say yes, they can start the paperwork.”

  Jerking her head up, Grace had tears in her eyes. “But why would you want me?”

  Mom touched Grace’s cheek, her eyes misty. “Because, you deserve someone t
o love you. Someone to give you a chance to be the wonderful person I know is in there.”

  Grace broke down into full sobs and leaned into my mom. Mom held her, whispering softly as she rubbed her hair, telling her it would all be okay.

  That was one of my mom’s greatest gifts. She could make someone realize they were special, no matter what circumstance they were in or what somebody else had told them. She had the ability to make a person feel loved like nobody else. That’s why I knew Grace going to live with them would be wonderful for both of them.

  Once Grace was calm enough, she softly asked if she could talk to me alone. Mom quietly left to give us a minute.

  I patted the bed next to me and Grace climbed up into it. We sat in silence for a few moments before she spoke.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  With nothing but love and kindness in my voice, I looked Grace in the eye. “Sweetie, this was my idea. You need this. And honestly, my mom needs it too. You both need a way to heal, and this is it. Plus, I’ve always wanted a little sister and now I can have one.”

  She laughed. After talking some more, she got up and went in search of my mom. Leaning back on the bed, I looked over to my side table and saw my phone laying there. I picked it up and sent out a text.

  Me: Where are you? I need you.

  Dom: Down the hall on the phone checking in on Duke. On my way.

  Me: Don’t rush, just come when you can. I want to visit Leah and Storm.

  Dom: Nothing is more important than you, my angel.

  Tossing my phone back on the table with a sigh, I waited for Dom to come back. I was sick of this hospital room and bed and I wanted to walk, and I knew he wouldn’t let me go without him.


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