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Her Secret Baby

Page 3

by S. E. Law

  But as I approach her door, I see that actually it’s slightly ajar. And now, there are breathy, moaning sounds coming from the room. Immediately, my body stiffens. Is she …? No, she wouldn’t right? This is Regina’s first day. She wouldn’t be so bold.

  I creep up to her door, and it’s slightly ajar. Should I push it open? But then, a particularly long, melodious moan hits my ears, and against my better judgment, I nudge the door open before looking in the crack. The sight that greets me has my staff standing on full attention immediately. Regina’s on her hands and knees on the bed, a silky negligee pulled up over her bottom. Her heart-shaped ass is facing my way, and oh shit, but there’s a huge monster buried in there.

  Her cheek is pressed against the virginal white coverlet, and she moans as she thrusts the dildo even further into her pussy.

  “Mmmm!” is her delighted cry, her lashes fluttering. “Oh fuck!”

  I can’t believe it. I watch, fumbling for my cock, as that huge toy disappears into her body, only to reappear, glistening wet with her fluids.

  “Ohhh!” she wails again while sliding it in again. “Oh fuck!”

  I can’t believe it. Is this the innocent, lovely girl who stood on my doorstep this morning, looking not a day over eighteen? Is this the woman who’s been shaking those huge breasts in my face all day? Right now, her enormous tits are pressed flat against the mattress, but they’re so huge that the creamy flesh squeezes out the sides. I watch hungrily, as one of her hands goes up to fondle a big tit, squeezing a pink nipple.

  Oh fuck, oh fuck. What do I do? I desperately want to join her in the room. I want to replace that toy with the real thing, and ream her deep while giving her my full length. I want Regina to cry out my name while she squeals and moans, her curvy body shuddering.

  But I can’t. I’m her employer, and we only met this morning. She’s great with my kids, and I don’t want to chance losing her through some embarrassing encounter.

  Not that I would be embarrassed. Hell no, I’d be more than happy to join her in there, and to run my hands over that creaminess again and again. But I don’t want Regina to quit. Especially not after witnessing this delicious scene.

  I watch, barely breathing as she thrusts the toy into herself again. Her pussy makes delicious, deep sucking noises because she’s so wet, and I shudder, imagining that it’s me she’s sucking into herself. Her pussy moistens even more as I watch, and then with a scream, Regina loses it. She pussy contracts violently, and even her pink asshole tightens with the rhythm. She screams out loud, a long “Mr. Blyyyyyyythe!” and then fluids gush all over, dripping down her folds to seep down her thighs.

  Holy shit. I stare, my hand still on my hard rod. Did she just call my name in the heat of the moment? I watch as her pussy continues to contract violently. Cream pours from her hole and drips down her thighs as she breathes heavily, face down in the coverlet. Oh shit, oh shit. But then, Regina gets a second wave and she lifts her head ecstatically while letting out another low wail. “Ryannnnnn!”

  It’s too much for me. The movement of my hand accelerates as I pant at the doorway, watching her luscious curves heave and shake. Then, I bite down on my lip as my back arches, and shudders course through my powerful frame.

  “Fuuuuuck,” comes my low curse. Hot fluid seeps onto my fingers even as my balls pulse with the force of my ejaculation. As if sensing our dual climaxes, Regina mewls again, and I hear a distinct murmur.

  “Ryan,” she breathes. “Oh god.”

  She’s calling me. She’s calling me, and yet I can’t do anything about it. Not now. Not tonight. But soon, I will.



  It’s so embarrassing to be here this morning. Not that my accommodations aren’t perfect, or that Ryan hasn’t been extraordinarily nice. It’s just that when I joined the family at the breakfast table this morning, it was like the CEO knew something. His blue eyes gleamed as he looked at me from across the table, and I swear, there was a frisson in the air between us.

  But as I sit down, I remind myself to be real. Ryan Blythe is a handsome, rich, powerful man who can get any woman he wants. He probably has models on speed-dial, and socialites who would give their right arms to be seen with him. Who am I, by comparison? His chubby, frumpy nanny. A woman on his payroll, no less.

  But the gleam persists through breakfast, and I notice a half-smile dancing at the corner of his sculpted lips. What is he so amused by? Did he do a google search on me and find something embarrassing? Surely not, because there isn’t much information about me, period. I generally keep a low profile, and am pretty private. No crazy social media accounts, no Instagram, no nothing with my name on it.

  But somehow, I get the feeling that Ryan knows something about me. What could it be? He couldn’t have seen me last night, could he? I had some fun by myself before going to bed, but I swear I locked the door. It was so late too. The kids had been in bed for hours by then, and I’d taken a long, leisurely bubble bath before putting on a pink silk negligee.

  But that hadn’t been enough. The excitement of the day kept me going, and soon, I found myself re-reading some of my favorite passages from The Open Window. Sure, the hero in the book has chestnut hair, and he’s actually a pirate turned good-guy ship captain. But I couldn’t help but imagine he was Ryan Blythe, and soon I was on my hands and knees, crying out as I imagined my new employer taking me from the back. He was huge, lusty, and spreading me so wide that I dissolved in a shower of hazy sparks with a scream and a cry. I don’t regret an instant of it.

  But now, the CEO’s smiling that secret smile at me again, and I swear he has something up his sleeve. What is it? I’m going to confront him after breakfast and get to the bottom of this mystery. He can’t be like this, and not tell me.

  Suddenly, a high-pitched clanging fills our ears and we all look up in alarm. What is that? It’s clearly a siren of some sort, and a very serious one too, judging from its volume.

  Before my eyes, Ryan transforms before my eyes from a lusty pirate to the cool, calculating CEO who built a multibillion-dollar empire. He looks at Rico and says in a calm, low voice, “Get your brothers and sisters and keep them close. Regina will take you to the playroom. Nobody leaves your sight.”

  Ryan turns to me then, his handsome face calm yet still tense. “The playroom is almost soundproof. Bring the kids there. I’ll be up shortly.” His voice is direct and powerful. My heartbeat accelerates but I stay calm too.

  “Of course. Let’s take the children to the playroom, Rico.”

  The oldest boy nods, and we gather the four younger ones. The two youngest are stunned, while Rebecca insists on clinging to my hand.

  “What’s happening?” she asks, her small face pale and scared.

  I bend down so that we’re eye-level, and look at her.

  “I don’t know, sweetheart, but let’s go upstairs, okay? I promise, it’s going to be alright. Your dad is going to take care of everything.”

  I take the little princess’s hand in mine and lead the children forwards. They bobble and shoot terrified looks my way as the siren continues overhead.

  “I’ll be right behind you,” I assure them. Finally, we arrive at the third floor where the playroom is situated. Once we’re inside, Ronnie shuts the door behind us and the siren becomes a tiny buzzing in the background.

  “That’s better, isn’t it?” I ask with a big smile on my face. Rachel and Rufus look like they’re going to cry, and I gather their small bodies close for a hug. “It’s going to be fine,” I soothe. “Your dad’s going to figure it all out.”

  They sob a bit, before wiping their eyes.

  “I’m scared,” says Rachel.

  “Me too,” adds Rufus, swiping at his nose.

  “You’re a princess, and you’re a prince,” I say gently. “Princesses and princes are brave people. You two are wonderful and brave. Can you do that for me?”

  They nod, their chubby faces somber. It breaks my heart to see small childre
n this scared.

  “Can I be a princess too?” Rebecca asks in a trembling voice. “I have my wand.”

  I turn to the girl.

  “Of course you can, honey,” I say in as calm of a voice that I can muster. “You’re the big princess, and Rachel is the small one. Can you show me how you guys make magic?”

  The two girls begin to confer on the best way to summon magic into our lives. Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door, and Ryan appears. The breath whooshes from my body because I’ve never been so happy to see his huge frame.

  “There’s a fire next door,” he says. “It’s serious.”

  Immediately, the kids run to the window and sure enough, there’s billowing grey smoke coming from the mansion next door. We’re not too close because the houses are situated on large parcels of land, and yet the smoke seems to cloud the air entirely and make it difficult to breathe.

  Ryan turns and penetrates me with his brilliant blue gaze.

  “I have to go now, but I’ll be back.”

  I nod silently, my heart thumping, and he disappears again.

  Meanwhile, Rachel’s small arms creep around my neck.

  She whispers in my ear, “I like you.”

  “I like you, too, sweetie,” I say. “I like you very much.” I hug her and I’m satisfied my tone of voice doesn’t betray my fear. Music fills the room and I look at the television and see that Rico’s put a children’s movie on the TV. There are animated birds flying over a farm, and Rachel runs to the couch and climbs on.

  The situation seems so normal and yet it’s not. I’m in a locked playroom with the CEO’s five children. There’s a fire raging outside, and we have no idea what we’re supposed to do. Right now, we just have to hang tight.

  As the movie progresses, I steal another look to the window. Oh shit. There’s black smoke everywhere now. The neighbor’s house, directly in my line of sight from the window is in flames. Orange licks of fire shoot out the windows and there are sparks flying wildly in the air. A great many trees are burning as well, and some of the brush is now nothing but ash. In many ways, our house and yard appear doomed. Shouldn’t we leave?

  Quickly, I get up and pull the shade on the window before any of the children notice. Fortunately, they sit enraptured, watching the movie, but Rico’s seen, and he’s clearly afraid. His blue eyes look teary and his bottom lip trembles.

  I try for levity. I smile and say, “See how the fire hasn’t reached us yet? It’s part of your dad’s brilliant landscaping moves. We’re going to be fine, honey.”

  He stands a little straighter, proud of his dad, and nods before turning his attention to the TV again. For the next few hours, I can hear fire alarms, the hum of helicopters and even the growl of an airplane. I don’t open the window because it will only alarm the children. We stay in the playroom for what feels like the entire day. Fortunately, there’s a box of Cheerios that we share, and the kids aren’t too hungry anyways.

  Where is Ryan? I resist the urge to glance at the door, knowing any anxiety I show will only cause the children to worry. It takes all of my strength to keep smiling and acting calm.

  The hours tick by, and I’m getting more and more nervous. Thankfully, I find some crackers stashed in a nursery cabinet, and we feast on those as well. The five children are getting tired and cranky, and I try to make beds for them using an assortment of blankets and throws.

  “Sleep,” I urge the little ones. “This is just a bad dream.”

  The four younger ones settle down in their makeshift beds, and soon they’re dozing off, like cherubs floating on clouds. Rico, meanwhile, has retreated to a corner with a novel on dragons.

  I sneak a look out the window. It’s dark now. Have we really been inside the entire day? Outside, there appears to be no progress with respect to the fire. I can’t tell if it has gotten worse, but the air is dark from the ash, and I can’t make out much of anything. Suddenly, Rebecca stirs from her sleep and blearily asks, “When will my daddy be home?”

  Suddenly, a large shadow looms at the door.

  “I’m home now, pumpkin,” Ryan says, stepping into the playroom. I want to throw my arms around him. His massive form is covered with soot from his head to his toe, but I don’t care. I want to hug him close and bury my head against his wide chest as he strokes my hair.

  Rebecca, her voice quivering asks, “Daddy, is our house going to burn down?”

  “No sweetheart,” he says, crouching down and stroking her cheek. “We’re perfectly safe. Don’t worry about anything. I’ll protect you.” Rebecca smiles and goes back to sleep. Ryan throws Rico a look and says, “Son, I’m going to talk to Regina for a sec. Can you watch over your brothers and sisters?”

  Rico nods from his corner.

  “You can count on me, Dad.”

  Satisfied, Ryan gestures with his head for me to step outside. He follows and closes the door, and suddenly, we’re alone in the darkened hallway. I’m aware of his masculine scent, which is musky, slightly sweaty, and a deep, woodsy scent all his own. He’s dripping with perspiration. His clothes are stained beyond salvation. Where the sweat hasn’t streaked it, his face and forearms are black with soot and ash. He looks like a hero in an action movie who has just rescued a child from a burning building.

  “Should we evacuate?” I ask quietly. “Is everything okay?”

  He shakes his head.

  “The house next door and surrounding brush is destroyed or soon will be. The air is pure smoke. Nobody can go outside, and it wouldn’t be safe to.” He can tell that I am terrified of what he has said and adds, “We’ll be fine though. There are firefighters from the town working hard outside, and I called a private fire brigade as well.”

  I nod.

  “Will they be able to put out the fire?”

  His handsome face is grim.

  “I certainly hope so. There’s going to be a lot of property damage, but that’s not important right now. Right now, the only thing that matters is that we’re safe and we’re going to stay safe.”

  I nod and say quietly, “Okay, I’ll make sure the kids are okay.”

  “I know you will,” he says. There is warmth in his voice, but it’s rough on the edges. Clearly, he’s been fighting the fire with his bare hands, although he’s a billionaire CEO. I’m almost afraid to ask.

  Then, he touches my cheek, his blue eyes glinting in the low lights.

  “You’ll be okay, Regina?”

  I take a deep breath and smile at him, meeting his gaze.

  “Yes, we’ll be fine. Don’t worry about the kids. I’ve got everything under control.”

  He hesitates a moment, and throws me a long look. Then, he dips his head quickly, and with long, powerful strides, walks down the hall, leaving us. My heart calls out. I want him to come back. I want him to stay with us, but he’s a hero, and he’s going to save us from this fire.

  I sleep fitfully, curled up on the playroom couch, only to be woken by a small hand tugging at my hair.

  “Gina?” asks Rachel, her chubby face peering into my eyes. “You up?”

  I rouse myself and smile.

  “Hi, sweetheart. How are you? Want some Cheerios?”

  Fortunately, the nursery seems stocked with a number of non-perishable items, and we dig into our second box of Cheerios. The kids are confused, but I try to answer their questions in a gentle way.

  “No, I’m sorry, Rufus. I don’t know how much longer we’ll be sheltering here.”

  “No, I’m sorry Rebecca. The fairies didn’t come last night and put out the fire . But your dad is out there now, and he’s working very hard to keep us safe.”

  The morning continues along the same lines. I spend my time occupying and feeding the children and escorting them to the restroom in shifts. In the afternoon, Ryan makes another appearance, his huge form almost completely darkened with soot and ash. The kids flock to him, and the little children begin to cry as he gives them ginger hugs.

  “Don’t cry, sweethearts,”
he soothes Rachel and Rufus. “Everything’s fine. We’re going to be safe.”

  But with a long look my way, he leaves again, and my heart pounds. Even if we’re safe, will he be safe? I take a peek out of the window, and my heart swoops and crashes. The flames seem even brighter than yesterday, and more violent. A helicopter hovers overhead, spraying something onto the house next door. How can this fire rage for such a long time?

  But plastering a smile on my face, I pop another video into the TV, and the kids settle down to watch.

  “How about some popcorn?” I ask in a cheery voice. “Extra butter?”

  The children cheer, and we get comfortable for another animated film. Thank god, these things usually run three hours, otherwise I don’t know what else I’d do.

  With one eye on the movie, I glance at my phone to see how much time has passed, impatient to find out what’s going on outside. Denise calls after lunch but the signal is poor, so I switch to text. I explain the situation and after many OMGs, WTFs and other abbreviated responses, she makes me promise to stay safe.

  Ryan returns for dinner but only to wolf it down while standing at the counter. It’s microwaved chicken and rice from some packets I found in the nursery cupboard. I’m thrilled when he pulls me aside to give me an update.

  “Thank you, Regina,” he says in a low voice. “I can’t imagine how I’d be handling this without you.”

  “Of course,” I reply. “It’s my pleasure. Just stay safe, okay Ryan? Don’t get hurt out there.”

  He pauses for a moment, his fork still. The air between us is palpable. Can he hear the concern in my voice? How I’m afraid for his body, his health, and his sanity? He merely dips his head again, wolfs down the meal, and then leaves.

  The rest of the evening passes by in a blur. I feel like I’m losing all track of time, although we’ve probably only been locked up for two days. The children settle down in their makeshift beds again, and I tell them stories until one by one, they drop off, their sweet heads nodding. Even Rico falls asleep, and I notice that he’s clutching a stuffed frog close to his chest. I smile. He’s right on the cusp of becoming a teen, but not quite there yet. The child remains.


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