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Her Secret Baby

Page 4

by S. E. Law

  I too, begin to doze. I try to stay awake, but the stillness inside the nursery drugs me. Soon, I go boneless on the small couch where I’ve made my bed, and I dream of Ryan.

  His hands move all over my body. His face seems to transform from sweet and loving to dominant, strong, and desperate for me in an entirely different way. The dream feels wonderfully real and in my mind, I see him with ash and soot covering his body and can even smell the smoke from the inferno raging around our little island of paradise. Somehow, we’re safe, wherever we are.

  His hands are rough and strong as they run over my curves. I arch into his touch, mewling his name. He whispers into my ear, teasing me with sweet nothings. I’m not only eager, willing, and excited for him to take me, but absolutely desperate for it to happen.

  Of course, that’s when I wake up.

  At first, I have no idea where I am. The room is dark and it’s hot. Incredibly hot, and I struggle a bit, trying to get out from under the covers.

  But this particular blanket won’t move because it’s a blanket made of man. Specifically, one huge, hard, handsome man whose leg is currently thrown over mine as his hand rests on my breast. His handsome face is peaceful and mere inches from mine as it slumbers in peace.


  How did I get into Ryan’s bed?

  My heart rate goes berserk as I try to remember. But I can’t. I was falling asleep in my little nest in the playroom, having a dirty dream about this very man. But now he’s here, in the flesh, and clasping me close like we belong together. My flesh molds to his, as if craving his heat and closeness.

  Then, another thought strikes me. Quickly, I look down. Holy shit! I’m only wearing a tiny bra and the lacy pair of panties Denise teased me about. In fact, Ryan’s knee slips between my thighs as I watch, and presses teasingly against my mound. I suppress an urge to moan as tingles run through my clit. Is the man still asleep?

  It seems so, although if anything, his grip on me has tightened. I don’t remember going to Ryan’s room and I definitely don’t remember undressing. How did this happen?

  And oh god, but he’s gorgeous next to me while wearing next to nothing. The man is naked, at least from the waist up. I can see his broad shoulders, sculpted chest and—dear God—his six-pack abs. My mouth waters, and I imagine tracing my tongue along those ridges. He’s got a vee that leads lower, but my sight is blocked by the hem of his boxer briefs. Oh god, how much I’d love to tear those away at this very moment.

  But I can’t do this. I have to get away. This is my boss, for crying out loud! I take care of his kids, and I can’t be in bed with him without jeopardizing my job. Suddenly, a thought strikes. Yes, I have my panties on and he has his boxers on too.

  But did I sleep with him? Everything’s so muzzy in my head, that I’m not even sure. I would remember if I slept with him, wouldn’t I? I can’t imagine not remembering that. No, that’s not possible.

  Gently, I try to squirm out from under a bronzed, muscular arm. It’s impossible because if anything, he pulls me in tighter, his bicep hooking under my breasts as one hand skates dangerously close to my nipple. I freeze, unsure what to do next. Do I throw his arm off and make a run for it? Or should I try to squeeze out from under it again, and hope that he stays asleep?

  Suddenly, a deep, rough voice murmurs in my ear.

  “Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”

  My heart flips over because Ryan’s awake, and it’s time to get to the bottom of this.



  The girl is stunning and feels amazing curled up against my heavy mass. Regina’s all curves and softness, beginning with her lush ass pressed against my semi-erect dick.

  “Ryan?” she squeaks.

  I pull her closer, and chuckle as she lets out a tiny yelp.

  “Yes?” I growl in her ear. “How did you sleep, sweetheart?”

  She’s breathing fast and her heart is racing like a rabbit. Good, because mine is too. After I got back last night, I saw the kids and Regina curled up in the playroom. The setting was tranquil and so peaceful that I almost let them be. But I could see how Rachel’s head was contorted to the left, and how Regina was curled in a ball because the couch was too small.

  Instead, I lifted my kids one by one to their bedrooms, saving my beautiful nanny for last. When I lifted her soft shape into my arms, I stopped for a moment, breathing in her scent. Her hair fell lushly against my hands, and she curled against my chest like she belonged there. I even began the long march to the nanny’s suite, but my legs wouldn’t obey me. Instead, I went left, left, right and then left again, and soon I was standing in front of the master bedroom.

  I didn’t let myself think about what I was doing. She was tired, and she deserved a bigger bed than the four poster in her own room. I lay her on my huge king-size, and slowly took off her clothes. With every inch of creamy skin that was revealed, I grew harder. Regina is absolutely luscious, with those enormous tits and the sweet, soft shadow between her thighs.

  Tempted, I trailed a finger over her cloth-covered slit. The panties were silky, and my finger bumped over that hard clit. She moaned slightly, reaching for me, but I held still. I can’t do this. I can’t force myself on a beautiful, sleeping girl. Instead, I helped her under the covers, and then stripped and got in right next to her. In a flash, Regina was curled up next to me, her head on my chest with her hair spilling across my pecs. Nothing had ever felt so right.

  But it was a few hours before I could get to sleep, and the wait was excruciating. I treated myself to a few more light trails across her panties, and even a pluck or two at a sweet pink nipple, but each time she seemed to rouse, I stopped. I can’t do this. She’s my nanny, and so goddamn young. I shouldn’t.

  But now, she’s awake and looking like a cross between a terrified doe and an angry tiger. Regina takes a deep breath and looks into my eyes.

  “How did I get here, Ryan?”

  “You mean in my bed?” I drawl.

  She nods, holding my gaze, which is hard to do given that our faces are about five inches apart. She’s gorgeous with that pert nose and plush, pink pout. I’m tempted to kiss it, but I don’t think she’d let me right now.

  “Well,” I drawl, leaning back a little to tuck my hands behind my head. I’m the picture of an alpha male at ease, and I know it. Her eyes flare at my muscled torso, and I smirk a bit. She likes what she sees, given the hungry look in those brown eyes. “Well, you were sleeping when I got back late. I wanted you to help me put the kids to bed, but I couldn’t wake you up no matter what I did. You were out like a rock.”

  She gasps, clasping her hands to her cheeks.

  “Oh my god …”

  I cut her off.

  “No, it’s okay sweetheart. I put the kids in their own beds. But when it came time to put you to bed, I couldn’t wake you up either. So I picked you up, and I was going to carry you to your room, but you kept saying “no” in your sleep. So I brought you here, and you snuggled in, comfy like a bed bug.”

  She blushes hard, her breasts rising and falling quickly. I can’t help but sneak a look. Her tits are enormous and look like they’re about to fall out of that bra. I can’t wait for when that happens.

  But then Regina shakes her head.

  “I didn’t do all that!”

  “You did, sweetheart,” I say. “I swear it, you did.”

  She shakes her head.

  “No, I couldn’t have. I would never do that. Besides, how could I lose my clothes in the process too?”

  I grin and hold up my hands.

  “Guilty. You caught me on that one. But sweetheart, you wanted it. You kept begging me to take off your panties in fact, because they were tight, but I’m a principled man. I left them on. Although, if you’d like to take them off now, be my guest.”

  She looks down and squeals a bit because although the fabric of her panties is red, it’s very lacy and transparent. I can see the shadow of her vee, and even the small bu
lge of her clit. I wonder what she’d say if I told her I’ve already run my finger over that nub a few times, teasing her.

  Her face is flaming red and I can’t resist. I twist the knife.

  “You even begged me to suck you,” I tease. “Down there.”

  Her face drains of color and a stab of guilt hits me.

  “Alright, sweetheart,” I sigh. “I admit it. You didn’t beg me to do those things, nor did we sleep with each other. Does that make you feel better? And no, you didn’t ask me to take off your panties. I was making that up, and I didn’t touch you at all, I swear. Not with my mouth, and not with anything.” In reply, her cheeks flush an even deeper crimson color. God, she’s absolutely stunning when she’s embarrassed.

  “Oh my god, what the hell!” she says in a voice that almost squeaks. “You’re my boss! What boss does this?”

  “Am I?” I ask with a teasing, sardonic smile. “Last night I was more like your valet. I mean, I enjoyed undressing you but that doesn’t make me a ladies’ maid.”

  Although, I’d be her maid gladly, if it meant I could see her without her bra and panties. But I’d like to do a hell of a lot more than just look at her lush figure. I want her more than I can recall wanting any woman before. Regina is a goddess: full-figured, voluptuous, sensual, and curvy in all of the right places. I want her. I need her.

  What the hell am I doing?

  I can feel the desire building beneath my boxers, but that’s not the only part of me obsessed with this girl. She must sense the hunger in my eyes because she averts her gaze from mine and says, “Mr. Blythe, I really need to go now.”

  I decide to go for it. I’ve already been a total ass during our time together, and I might as well jump out of the frying pan, and into the fire.

  “Sure, sweetheart,” I yawn, stretching my arms over my head. My pecs are shown off advantageously, and Regina’s eyes practically pop out of their sockets as I flex unobtrusively. “Go ahead, and run along. I’m just going to grab a shower. Meet you downstairs for breakfast?”

  Before she can reply, I throw the covers off and get out of bed. But instead of walking straight to the bathroom for my shower, I shed my boxers and then stride to the adjoining en suite completely naked. I can feel her eyes eating me up. She sees my bronzed back, those carved buttocks, and most of all that huge staff that’s already rigid with desire.

  When I turn to shut the bathroom door, Regina’s not even aware she’s staring so hard. Her eyes eat me up, and I swear a small hand is slipping between her thighs to touch herself.

  I grin.

  “See you at breakfast, sweetheart.”

  She flushes bright red, but then I close the door with a smile. Fuck, that was good. The curvy girl is going to be mine, even if she doesn’t realize it yet.



  I blast myself with cold water and make myself stay under the spray until my hardness subsides a bit. The entire time, Regina’s face dances before my eyes. She’s so goddamn beautiful, and I love getting a tease out of her too. But this isn’t the time to let my imagination wander.

  I step out of the shower and pull on comfortable jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Then, I slip into deck shoes and make my way down to the kitchen. When Regina arrives a short while later, the omelets are done and I’m putting toast on the plates. None of the kids have made an appearance yet. Then again, what would they do if they knew their luscious new nanny had just spent the night ensconced in their father’s arms?

  I grin at her, and she blushes. I love the way her pale skin shows every emotion. She’s wearing a tank top which hugs her curves, and the fabric is thin enough such that if I stare, I can see the outline of her nipples. Gorgeous.

  Carrying the food, I stride into the main dining room.


  Obediently, she trails behind me and sits down across the table. This is nice. I’d love to start all my days across the table from this beautiful woman. Preferably, after she’s sated and wrung out from a hard workout in bed, courtesy of me.

  Regina sips at a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in front of her. I leave for the kitchen and return with some waffles, and then I leave again to return with a carafe of coffee. She hasn’t started eating. I assume she’s thinking about something, and sure enough, as soon as I sit down, she peppers me with a question.

  “Why did you undress me last night?”

  Because you were so gorgeous there on my bed and I had to see you lush and nude.

  “Because you’d been running around all day dealing with the kids in the midst of panic and I thought you deserved a comfortable night’s sleep. Your clothes were a bit sweaty and dirty, sweetheart, from being worn two days in a row.”

  Sweaty? Dirty? God, I’d love to be both of those things with her. I grin again and can’t help but add, “And it was very, very nice to see something beautiful instead of something covered with soot and ash.”

  Her blush gets worse and she looks down. But then her next words surprise me to my core.

  “I’m so sorry, Mr. Blythe. I was just so tired I wasn’t thinking straight. I’m sorry about that. It won’t happen again.”

  What? Where is this coming from? I touched her in her sleep and narrowly avoided pounding deep into that curvy body. Yet, she’s the one apologizing.

  I sit back, sighing.

  “Regina, there’s no need to apologize. We just escaped a massive wildfire, and we were all tired. You did nothing wrong.”

  She nods, still nibbling at a piece of fruit. I get the feeling she would apologize to a mugger for only having ten dollars on her.

  “Do you like your omelet?” I ask, changing the subject.

  She takes a bite and her expression grows blissful.

  “Oh my God, Ryan. That… You… That might be the best omelet I’ve ever tasted.”

  I smile.

  “It’s the drugs I put in with the bell peppers.”

  She smiles shyly.

  “Well, I could always use some extra money, so if you need a street level dealer to move your stash, let me know.”

  I grin like an idiot and to stop, I take a sip of orange juice.

  “So you like my omelet, then?”

  This time, it’s her eyes that twinkle playfully.

  “My, my, my,” she chuckles. “Are you fishing for praise?”

  But I’m not shy about these kinds of things.

  “Of course I am. My family is filled with cooks and food is… How the hell do I say this? Food is the standard by which everyone in my family is judged. That’s a little harsh but we actually do have closely guarded secrets, and recipes that won’t be passed down until after death—all that kind of stuff. Back in Sicily, we—”

  “Is she real?”

  I stare at her for a second, trying to follow, but I have no idea who Regina is talking about. “Is who real?”

  “The grandmother from Mama Pasta. You know, the one who owned the vineyard in your commercials.”

  I laugh.

  “That’s actually the number one question I got for a year after that commercial came out. Nonna Elena is real, but she’s my great-grandmother, not grandmother. Despite our age difference, I actually got to meet her before she died. She was almost ninety and I was twelve. It was my first trip to Italy, and she did all the cooking.”

  Regina looks suitably impressed.

  “And she really owned a vineyard?”

  I chuckle.

  “Do I need to swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”

  “So help you Nonna,” she adds, smirking.

  I hear her laughter mingling with mine and revel in the pleasure. It’s nice here, being with her. It’s easy, and I appreciate her humor and her spirit. I want nothing more than to stay here, no worry, no stress, no fire, just me and Regina enjoying breakfast before our kids wake up.

  Our kids. I realize suddenly that I think of them as ours and Regina not as a nanny, but as a mother. My children�
��s’ mother, specifically. How did that happen? Is it the emergency that did it? The fire?

  But then, my thoughts turn to Sandy, my ex. My happiness evaporates suddenly, and I feel another wave of resentment toward my ex for abandoning her kids and leaving them to wonder if she ever really loved them. I know it’s stupid. I can’t help myself.

  Why couldn’t she be like Regina?

  Again, the thought comes unbidden and it shocks me at least a little bit. No. It shocks me a great deal. I don’t know this girl, and yet she makes me think of the way things should be, instead of the way things are with my children’s mother.

  Regina notices the change in my attitude and her smile fades a bit.

  “Is everything ok?” she asks tentatively.

  I turn to look at her and very nearly tell her what’s on my mind before my better judgment asserts itself.

  “Just thinking about the fire,” I lie. “It’s sobering stuff.”

  She’s quiet for a moment, and then puts her hand over mine and says, “All of the children are fine, Ryan. They’re safe. You’re a wonderful father, looking out for them like that.”

  My heart expands with her words.

  “The fire is out, but the damage was extensive,” I say. “The good news is that our neighbors Doug, Tami and their kids are vacationing in Europe, so no one was home when the fire started.”

  Regina nods slowly.

  “But what caused the fire if nobody was home?”

  “The fire inspector won’t say it officially yet, but he told me they didn’t secure their back gate and a deer or one of the wild sheep got in and chewed up the sprinkler system. When the sprinklers were supposed to come on, they sparked instead and it smoldered all day on one side of the house. When it caught, it caught hard and that was that.”


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