Book Read Free

The (New) American Way

Page 6

by Mark R. Adams

  I didn’t see too many reporters anxious to ask a question after that lecture. By the time I was done, I was breathing fire. “Before I take any questions,” I asked, “is there anyone in the room who disagrees with anything said in this scenario?”

  No one dared raise a hand. That was good. I had their attention. “Now are there any questions other than “How are you going to pay off the debt and rein in our budget deficits?’” I inquired.

  Almost all the reporters nodded in the affirmative.

  “It’s already started and you will just have to report on it as it takes place. The next thing on my agenda is immigration. It is a broken system that will be fixed within the year,” I proclaimed.

  The hands flew up all over the room and the noise was deafening. I knew this would get them fired up, but, of course, this subject always does. I looked to call on one of the reporters, and I heard several questions being yelled at me at the same time, “Are you going to build a wall? Are you going to separate children from their parents? Are you going to give the “Dreamers’ citizenship?” I held up both hands and said, “Okay, wait just a minute. I heard four or five different questions, and I would just like to say this: All of the things you want to know will be addressed. Common sense will solve every one of these problems. Problem one is illegal crossings. I will solve this with a wall of my choosing. It worked for Israel and it will work for us. The cost of the wall is approximately $25 billion. Every study I have seen says we spend anywhere from $100-$200 billion per year on illegal immigration. The answer to the problem lies in the simple math just presented. If you argue walls don’t work or are too costly, you are just showing your ignorance. And I will add one more thing: Is one human life worth $25 billion?

  I pause and give a very serious, stern look at the reporters, and say “Be careful how you answer that. Can you put a price on human life? I can introduce you to several people who have lost loved ones to illegal immigrants and you can give them your answer. And what about the harm to the illegal children, and deaths of the illegals themselves, what is their price tag? We must keep the criminal element out of our country, not to mention terrorists, who come across our southern borders. Keeping drugs from coming across the border will be a high priority. A huge amount of drugs comes through our gates, and we need more technology and officers to catch these criminal transporters. Once the wall is complete we will round up all the illegals and put them on the other side of that wall and they won’t be coming back. However, I will be granting new green cards and a path to citizenship for the Dreamers. They are here by no fault of their own; it just makes good sense. I am not against legal immigration and the process needs to be streamlined and made less expensive. I intend to make all these things happen very soon. I hope that’s enough for you reporters to write about for a while. I’m going to get to work and we will have another press conference later. Thank you.”

  I left the pressroom and headed back to the oval office. The General followed me in. He smiled and said, “You are absolutely fearless. The way you handle yourself around the press is just a beautiful thing to watch. I’m so glad we picked you to do this!”

  “Thank you, General,” I said, “but I might drive you crazy before this is over. I told Cindy I could do this in a year, so I’m in a hurry. Let’s meet at 0700 tomorrow here in the conference room.”

  “Good by me,” said General St. Claire. “See you in the morning.”

  The General left and Jerry came in the room. I told him to be there in the morning for the meeting and to get some rest. I needed to call Cindy.

  Chapter 11

  DAY 3

  Day 3 of the takeover started early for me. I woke up at 0400, and I had a lot on my mind. I wanted to get some things started that might take a while to complete, so I made a list of things to discuss at the 0700 meeting. Quiet time alone is the best time to think; I just need coffee. I slipped down to the kitchen in a sweat suit and find the coffee left over from the night shift security guards. It was black and strong, just the way I liked it. After a couple of hours, I dressed for the day and heard a knock on the door.

  It was Jerry. “Do you need breakfast brought to you?”

  “Yes,” I said, “Make it three scrambled eggs, bacon and a glass of milk, and get yourself something.”

  “Okay. I will,” answered Jerry. “Be back shortly.”

  We ate in a small conference room near my bedroom. Jerry finished and asked, “Is this an important meeting?”

  “This is when I find out just how much of my book they have really read and are committed to implementing,” I replied.

  I walked into the large conference room and saw that all chairs were full and five security guards lined the walls. I took my seat and said, “The security personnel are excused and may leave the room. I don’t think anyone in this meeting will try to harm anyone in the room. Guard the door while you wait outside.”

  Everyone just laughed a little as the guards left. General St. Claire looked at me and asked, “Are we going to talk about something they weren’t supposed to hear?”

  I simply reply, “Yes.” There is a quiet anticipation in the room as I began.

  “Gentlemen, I need your utmost attention,” I demanded. Everyone looked intently at what I was about to say. “Okay. Here we go. First, I want to fix immigration. I want the Army Corps of Engineers, plus every sub-contractor that can work with them, to start building a 2000-mile wall, from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. I don’t want to hear any excuses about how there are certain areas that are too mountainous, or wet, or whatever. We are the finest builders in the world, with the smartest engineers and the most technology. I will not put up with any excuses. The Chinese built a wall over 1000 years ago over all kinds of terrain. I think we can handle it. I have chosen the prototype for the wall. It will have steel slats on the bottom to solve the water drainage problems and to be able to see what is on the other side. The rounded top will have clips for razor wire. I want the illegal immigrants stopped cold.”

  General St. Claire clapped his hands and the rest of the room joined in. It made me feel great, but I might upset them with the next item on the agenda. General St. Claire was my right hand, and I turned to him and said, “General, I lean on you to delegate that to the right person and get them started building.”

  The General proudly responded, “Absolutely, Commander.”

  “Great,” I replied. “Let’s move on. The next thing is going to be tricky, but I know we can do this. I want our maximum security prisons cleaned out.”

  The General interrupted me and asked, “Where are we going to put them?”

  I answered sternly, “In the ground!” I paused to watch their reaction and it was not positive. They mumbled among themselves for a few seconds and I said, “Let me explain before you express your opinion. First of all, I said maximum security, and that means the inmates are the worst of the worst. Does anyone in this room think any of these guys are going to become solid citizens some day? The sentence they received was not as harsh as it should have been. That is what is wrong with our justice system today. The punishment must deter the crime. Some liberal, activist judge had the prosecutor make a deal for a lighter sentence and avoided giving out the punishment the criminal deserved. And by the way, have any of you been inside a prison and seen what is going on there? It is nothing but factions carving out a niche and fighting each other for control of the prison ‘economy.’ They trade cigarettes for sexual favors or tattoos. I visited a medium security prison before writing my book and the warden told me the maximum-security prisons were much worse than the one I saw. This nation can’t afford to provide food, shelter, water, electricity, healthcare, dental care, and guards to watch over them for nothing in return. I want this problem solved in this way: Go to the wardens and tell them we are moving their prisoners to a new location. Take them to a pre-arranged medical facility manned by Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, Marines, or Coast Guard doctors, sworn to secrecy. Sed
ate them, put them to sleep, harvest their organs, and have their bodies cremated. Catalogue and store the ashes until this operation is completed. This process must be kept totally secret. Have the wardens declare no visits while martial law is in effect. Catalog the organs with all vital information and start clearing the list of people waiting for an organ donor. This will be the last, best, and only thing these sorry individuals have ever done for society.”

  I clenched my jaw by this time and everyone knew I was serious. I could see that they could barely believe what they were hearing, but they seemed to know it made sense. “I think some of you may have skipped a chapter or two in my book. You should have known this was coming.”

  The General shook his head and said, “I knew it, and I still chose you.”

  “Then get things moving,” I said, “and by the way, when the prison facility is empty, I want every homeless person rounded up in the area and given a place to live in the prison. The warden and guards will still have jobs, just a different clientele. The homeless can come and go as they please, and cell doors will remain unlocked unless the occupant wants that. At least these facilities will be trying to give a guy or girl a leg up to help them integrate back into the workforce and society in general. The guards will keep the peace and solve disputes.”

  The General looked around the room and announced, “After Commander Marsh ends this meeting, we will stay and decide on who to put in charge of each phase of these operations.”

  “Oh, I’m not done yet,” I proclaimed. “Let’s move on. I want a team of military men in full body armor to work in conjunction with every swat team in every city in America, to eliminate every gang. The SWAT teams know where every gang’s territory lies, and I want them cleaned out. You are to use deadly force if necessary. If they have a firearm and don’t disarm immediately when confronted, shoot to kill! Take them to the nearest civilian or military prison and lock them up. They have no rights under martial law. We will keep them as long as necessary. If they try to run, stop them any way you choose. I want all gang activity completely eliminated.”

  The General nodded in agreement and said, “We knew this wouldn’t be easy, but it has to be done. We will get right on this.”

  “General, I would like to address the nation tonight at 1800 hours. Can you arrange that with the networks?” I asked.

  Yes, Commander. I will make it so,” the General answered.

  I headed back to the oval office with Jerry in tow. As soon as I entered, I turned and sent Jerry to get the Secretary of State for me. He left and it was not long before the Secretary of State knocked on the door. He entered and asked, “What can I do for you Mr. President?”

  “Oops” I said. “You’re just used to saying that. You know better.”

  He started laughing with me and corrected himself, “Yes. I mean Commander Marsh.”

  The Secretary of State, Andrew Richey is the chief diplomat in the U.S. He is fifth in the line of succession to the presidency. I had heard he was used to the spotlight growing up, and did a little singing as a young man. He got along with others and handled himself well during negotiations with our allies. He had been having some health problems and was having trouble performing his duties. His knees had to be replaced a couple of years back, and he had gained a little weight he was still retaining. He never let that stop him from accomplishing his goals for the country. He has done a terrific job representing the U.S. throughout the world.

  “Secretary Richey, I want you to tell me what problems are on the horizon worldwide.”

  “Commander Marsh,” he began,” the entire world is in shock watching what is happening in the U.S. Every leader of every nation I have been in contact with wants to know what’s next. They are concerned about their relationship with the U.S. I reassured each leader that you just want everyone to honor all agreements and keep the peace.”

  “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” I answered, “and I hope that continues. I want the world to know this is a domestic housecleaning and that when it’s over, we will be an even stronger country economically. Our ability to help keep the peace worldwide will be bolstered.”

  “I will pass this along to all countries. I’m sure they will appreciate it; well, most of them.”

  The secretary thanked me and left. Jerry took his place and asked, “Would you like some snacks or something to drink?”

  “No,” I answered. “Just get me the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of Agriculture.”

  It wasn’t long before they arrived. I greeted them at the door, “Secretary Latham and Secretary Kirkpatrick, have a seat.” I walked behind my desk and sat across from them.

  Secretary of Agriculture Matt Latham is a portly fellow, and always smells of tobacco smoke. I’ve been told he has a two pack a day cigarette habit. Of course the White House is a non-smoking area, now that I am residing there. If I keep him here for an extended period of time, he will probably get a little fidgety needing that nicotine fix. He and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Christopher Kirkpatrick, are very good friends. However, Secretary Kirkpatrick’s influence concerning good health hasn’t rubbed off on Secretary Latham. Smoking is a terrible health hazard, and expensive in more ways than one. Don’t smokers ever read the side of the cigarette package? I’m sure smokers are costing everyone big bucks in the health insurance pools. I’ve never had a single puff of a cigarette, and it continues to be one of my pet peeves. My newest pet peeve is the ACA, or Obamacare as most call it. Secretary Kirkpatrick will have to run interference for me when I do away with it.

  “Gentlemen,” I asked, “how are things in your part of the government?”

  Sec. Latham spoke first, “I have made sure that each and every change you have instituted has been advertised on TV, radio, social media, and even billboards throughout the nation. There should be no reason for anyone to say, ‘I didn’t know.’ Also we’ve sent out letters and left flyers at all government offices.”

  “Awesome, Secretary Latham,” I proclaimed. “I couldn’t ask for much more. Thank you, but you and I both know there will be a lot of backlash on these subjects. Both political parties have tried to cater to the poor by promising free food, housing, healthcare, cell phones, and money. All of these ‘freebies’ are offered with one catch, ‘Vote for Me in the election, and the free stuff will continue.’ In other words, the politicians are buying votes. And once again, none of these free things can be taken away, or so it seems. I can’t name any entitlements that have been discontinued. We have to continue to take care of those incapable of taking care of themselves, BUT the perfectly fit and healthy people, who are gaming the system, have to be weeded out. We must change this entitlement culture. It has become a habit and habits can be broken. I can give you an example that relates to this conversation – about food stamps.

  A man has a bird dog that is great at finding coveys of quail, but the dog is gun-shy. That means the dog runs off and hides at the sound of the gunshot, and the owner has to catch him to take him back home. This is unacceptable behavior and must be changed, or the dog is worthless as a hunter. So the man attempts to change this habit for the next few days by taking his gun with him to feed the dog. The man sets the dog’s food bowl down, and as soon as the dog begins to eat, he fires the gun in the air. The dog runs into his house, and the man picks up the food and takes it back home. The next day, this exercise is repeated, and gets the same result. The third day, the man sets the food bowl down, and the dog begins to eat. The man fires his gun, but the dog remains at his bowl. The man fires again, and the dog continues to eat. Problem solved.

  If the government takes away food stamps from the people gaming the system, when they get hungry enough, they will go to work, or starve. I’m betting they will get a job, buy their own food, and quit relying on the government.”

  Sec. Latham smiles and says, “Great story and I agree with you. Habits can and must be broken in this instance. I will hold firm on requiring drug
tests to be passed before handing out any entitlements. The abusers of the system will be purged from our rolls, and the authorities will be made aware of any violent protests.”


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