author’s grandmother’s faith, 250, 332
Biden’s faith, 488
at Boston College, 217
child molestation and, 187
contraception and, 329, 354, 359
fundamentalist, 199, 211, 246, 250, 361–62
gay denominations, 217
homosexuality and, xvii, 23, 43, 59–73, 138, 187, 222, 246
Jesuits, 363–67, 375
meditation and, 413
in Northern Ireland, 429
Opus Dei, 183, 186, 359
Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger), 64–67, 194, 211, 246, 269, 354–56, 359–63, 367–69, 375
Pope Francis, xvii, 347–48, 350–51, 353–78, 439
Pope John XXIII, 359
Pope John Paul II, xvii, 72, 138, 186–87, 290, 348, 349, 355, 356, 359, 361, 377–78
Pope Paul VI, 329, 359
priesthood, 187, 246
Second Vatican Council, 186, 358–60
Thomism and, 42, 44, 63, 72, 368
Vatican, 63, 211, 269, 359
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), 11
censorship, 123, 449
census, 299
Chapman, Steve, 309
Character of a Trimmer, The (Halifax), 314
charisma, 102
Chasing the Scream (Hari), 464
Chavez, Cesar, 50
Cheney, Dick, 201, 215, 225, 242, 254, 277–78, 315, 394
Cherry Jubilee, 79
Chevron, 215
China, 115–16, 239, 322, 506
cholesterol, 148
Christianity, Christians, xvii, 98, 186, 198, 246–50, 317, 318, 327–34, 353–55, 411, 428, 438, 472, 476–78, 503 AIDS and, 20–21
Bible and, see Bible
Catholic, see Catholic Church, Catholics
Constitution and, 118
crisis of, 327–34
democracy and, 478
distraction and, 413
as doctrine vs. way of life, 369–70
fundamentalist, 199–200, 239, 247, 249, 269, 361, 369
Gospel and, 246, 249, 329, 348, 369, 371, 377
homosexuality and, xvii, 21, 435
Jefferson and, 327–33
Jesus and, 248–49, 270, 327–31, 333–34, 348, 349, 351, 362, 363, 367, 369, 371–74, 376, 411, 476, 477
Limbaugh and, 347–51
and Mary as untier of knots, 366, 367
and meaning of “secular,” 328–29
Obama’s faith, 270–71, 328, 434
plagues and, 496, 498
politics and, 332, 428
poverty and, 375–77
Protestant, see Protestants
psychedelic experience and, 471
religious right, xvii, 98, 113, 125, 139, 189–204, 263–64
Saint Francis and, 330–33, 350, 371, 372, 374–77
and separation of church and state, 98, 118, 196, 235, 327
theo-conservatives, 118–19, 125, 196
torture and, 329
Trump and, 477–78
“Christianity in Crisis,” 327–34
Christianity Today, 123
Christmas, 98
Churchill, Winston, 104, 342
CIA, 225, 227, 228
Citizens United, 336
civil disobedience, 230
Civil Rights Act, 480
civil rights movement, 43, 50, 51, 98, 163–64, 171, 192, 222, 268, 427, 428 March on Selma, 255
Civil War, 303, 424, 426–28, 455–56
C.K., Louis, 407–8
classics, 509–14
Clement VI, Pope, 497
climate change, 433, 505–6
Clinton, Bill, xvi, 84, 109–14, 116, 119, 120, 122, 125–26, 128, 181, 190, 198, 203, 237, 253, 263, 265, 268, 274, 297, 299, 300, 309, 315, 336, 393, 427, 431, 434, 437 impeachment of, 112, 114, 125, 263, 427, 437, 438
Lewinsky and, xviii, 105–7, 110–15, 122–24, 300
Starr and, xviii, 106, 109–12
Clinton, Hillary, xvi, 190, 261, 264–65, 267–69, 272, 274, 297, 341, 384, 418–19, 437, 485, 487–89 abortion and, 181–83
Trump and, 393, 396, 417–19, 421, 436, 437
Clooney, George, 102
Cloud of Unknowing, The, 362
Coalition for Harmony, 12–14
Coates, Ta-Nehisi, 317–19, 435–36
cocaine, 452, 454, 464 crack, 452–54
Cocteau, Jean, 454–55
Cohen, Leonard, 303
Cohn, Roy, 36, 50
Colapinto, John, 149
Cold War, 233, 275, 431
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 453
college campuses, culture of, 445–49, 487
Collier, Peter, 112
Colombia, 439
Columbine High School massacre, 137
Comey, James, 418
Commentary, 114, 120
communism, 186, 190, 197, 349, 378, 423
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (De Quincey), 453–55
Congregation for Divine Worship, 373
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 359, 362
Congress, U.S., 418 House of Representatives, 382, 394, 419, 427, 438
Senate, 382, 394, 419, 430
conscience, 246
conservatism, conservatives, xvi, xvii, 190–91, 250, 254, 335–37, 418, 439, 465 America-blaming and, 123
balance and, 314
Bork on, 121
Bush and, 254
cultural and social, 119
of doubt, 191, 194–98, 201–4, 314
economically based, 123–24
of faith, 191–95, 198–201, 204, 314
freedom and, 125
gay marriage and, 1–5, 172–73, 257
institutions and, 335–37
intellectuals, 114, 431, 432
Kain on, 313
homosexuality and, 113–15
liberalism and, 120–21, 309, 314, 432
morality and, 110–26, 191–204
neoconservatives, 114, 117–18, 314
Oakeshott and, 33
Obama and, 253, 254
paradox of, 124
in politics of homosexuality, 40–46, 53, 56
populism and, 386, 506
religious right, xvii, 98, 113, 125, 139, 189–204, 263–64
Sullivan’s leaving of, 309–11
theo-conservatives, 118–19, 125, 196
see also Republican Party, Republicans
Conservative Soul, The (Sullivan), 310
Constitution, U.S., 114, 190, 192, 197, 235, 302, 315, 336, 382, 394 Christianity and, 118
torture and, 228
contraception, 113, 115, 182, 183 Catholic Church and, 329, 354, 359
Conway, Kellyanne, 463
Cornyn, John, 200
cortisol, 149
Coulter, Ann, 262
COVID-19, 491, 493, 502, 503, 505–7
Cowan, Richard, 460
Crain, Chris, 218
Crawford, Matthew, 406
crime, 199, 442 hate, see hate crimes
murder, see murder
sex differential in, 153–54, 156
testosterone levels and, 152–54
Crimea, 434
“Crisis of Faith,” 189–204
Crisis of Zionism, The (Beinart), 321–23, 325–26
critical race theory, xviii, 448, 511–14
Cromwell, Oliver, 390
Crowley, James, 305–6
Cruise, Tom, 102
Cruising, 214
Cruz, Ted, 393, 396
Cuba, 41
Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, The (Bell), 465
Cunningham, Michael, 210
Cyprus, 429
Dabbs, James M., 151
Daily Kos, 291
Daily Telegraph, xv–xvi
Damore, James, 432, 448
Davidson, Jo Ann, 183
Dead Right (Frum), 123–24
“Dear Ta-Nehisi,” 317–19
Death of Ivan Ilych, The (Tolstoy), 29
of Outrage, The (Bennett), 122
Declaration of Independence, 103, 118, 197, 229, 327
“Declaration on Certain Questions concerning Sexual Ethics,” 63
Decter, Midge, 118
Deedes, Bill, xv
Default Mode Network (DMN), 470, 471
Defense of Marriage Act, 114, 119, 201
DeGeneres, Ellen, 214, 220
DeLay, Tom, 200, 203, 336
“Democracies End When They Are Too Democratic,” 379–97
democracy, 186, 233, 250, 319, 379–97, 416, 418, 424, 446, 465, 478 Christianity and, 478
direct, 382, 384
elites in, 395
late-stage, 379–81, 388
media, 384
Plato on, 379–82
tribalism and, 426
“Democracy” (Cohen), 303
Democratic Party, Democrats, xvii, 120, 190, 198, 201, 203, 265, 268–69, 328, 386, 418–19, 428, 430, 433, 437, 486–89 abortion and, 181, 183
blogs and, 292
Christian, 428
immigration and, 427
professors, 431
Trump and, 437–38
see also liberalism
deportation, 433
depression, 146, 150, 160, 472, 506
Depression, Great, 303
De Quincey, Thomas, 453–55
Diana, Princess, xviii, 101–4
Dignity, 217
Dinkins, David, 10, 24
disability benefits, 458
Dish, The, xviii, xix, 343 “Dear Ta-Nehisi,” 317–19
“The First Elite Conservative to Say Enough,” 335–37
“Leaving the Right,” 309–11
“A Married Man,” 257–59
“Obama, Trimmer,” 313–15
“The Reagan of the Left?,” 253–55
“Rush Limbaugh Knows Nothing about Christianity,” 347–51
“Surprised by Grief,” 343–45
“Thatcher, Liberator,” 339–42
“What Is the Meaning of Pope Francis?,” 353–78
“Why Continue to Build the Settlements?,” 321–26
Disraeli, Benjamin, 192
divorce, 120, 124, 125
Dobson, James, 122–23, 201
Dole, Bob, xvi, 120, 309
domestic partnership laws, 1–5, 49, 257
Donegan, Moira, 448
dopamine, 407
Dornan, Robert, 79
Douthat, Ross, 329
drag, 220, 482
Dreamland, 457
Dreams from My Father (Obama), 269, 273
Drudge, Matt, 287, 291
Drudge Report, 291
drugs, 79–80, 120, 452–53, 459, 506 AIDS and, 16, 25, 80, 82–83
cannabis, 413, 433, 454, 460, 463, 466–67
cocaine, 452, 454, 464
crack, 452–54
fentanyl, 451–52, 460–62, 464, 465
harm-reduction centers and, 462, 463
heroin, 451–53, 457–63, 465
legalization of, xvi–xvii
LSD, 452, 453, 469, 471
morphine, 451, 455, 457, 464
opioids, 451–67, 472, 477
opium, 451, 453–57, 460
psychedelic, 469–72, 475
war on, 460, 463
Du Bois, W. E. B., 513–14
due process, 448
Dugdale, John, 87–88
Ecstasy, 469
education, 193, 268 classics in, 509–14
higher, 428, 431, 464
Edwards, John, 253, 265
Egypt, 390
Eich, Brendan, 431–32
Electoral College, 382, 383, 430
Eliot, T. S., 363
Ellison, Ralph, 163
Emerge, 22
“End of Gay Culture, The,” 209–23
end-of-life decisions, 191, 194, 199–201, 246
England Civil War in, 390
London, 505
Reformation in, 410, 498
see also Great Britain
Enlightenment, 197, 410, 446, 511, 512
Entine, Jon, 157
Episcopalians, 248
Equality Act, 480–81
Eschaton, 293
Eskimos, 431, 435
estradiol, 148
European Union, 417
evangelicals, 110, 114, 185, 201, 211, 216, 263–64, 271, 328, 329, 353, 434–35, 477
executions, capital punishment, 120, 156, 228–29
Experience and Its Modes (Oakeshott), 31
Fackel, 288
Fairlie, Henry, 97
“Faith Healing” (Larkin), 59
Fama, Joseph, 8, 10, 14
family, 3, 42, 52, 58, 464 black, 23
gay marriage and, 172–73, 258
Family Research Council, 134–35
fascism, 394, 396, 510 Trump and, 390–92, 396, 415–17, 420
Fate of Rome, The (Harper), 494–96
Fayed, Dodi, 103
FBI, 132, 137, 142, 417, 418
Fear of Disclosure, 17
Feliciano, Gina, 14
family values, 3, 4
feminism, xviii, 157, 160, 432, 447–48, 479 Lewinsky and, 106
Thatcher and, 339, 341
Fenn, Elizabeth A., 499–500
fentanyl, 451–52, 460–62, 464, 465
Ferraro, Arnaldo, 12–13
Figueroa, Carlos, 306
filibuster, 196, 201, 202, 336
Fiorina, Carly, 383
First Amendment, 446
“First Elite Conservative to Say Enough, The,” 335–37
First Things, 117–19
Fischer, David Hackett, 228
Fishback, Ian, 231, 235
Flames Neighborhood Youth Association, 11
Floyd, George, 504
flu pandemic of 1918, 500–503
Focus on the Family, 122
Forbes, James, Jr., 21
Forbes, Steve, 383
Foreign Affairs, 115
foreign policy, 115–16, 189–90, 164, 434
forgiveness, 439
Fortune 50 companies, 215
Fortune 500 companies, 215
Foucault, Michel, 431
Founding Fathers, 228, 248, 337, 382, 384, 385, 426, 428
Fourth of July, 99
Fox Family Channel, 157
Fox News, 202, 380, 418, 427
Francis, Pope, xvii, 347–48, 350–51, 353–78, 439
Francis, Saint, 330–33, 350, 371, 372, 374–77
Francis of Assisi (Thompson), 330
Franco, Paul, 314
Franklin, Benjamin, 421, 455
freedom, 197, 204, 222, 223, 233, 234 conservatives and, 125
Declaration of Independence and, 229
fundamentalism and, 239
Plato on, 379–80
religious, 234–35
and separation of church and state, 235
torture and, 226, 228, 229, 234, 277
Freedom Rides, 163
free speech, xvii, 123, 431, 446
free trade, 190, 432, 506
French Revolution, 390
Friedersdorf, Conor, 309
Frist, Bill, 201
Frum, David, 111, 123–24, 309, 433
fundamentalism, see religious fundamentalism
Furrow, Buford, Jr., 127, 132, 141
Gandhi, Indira, 341
Gandhi, Mahatma, 332
Garner, Eric, 442
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 305–7
Gates, Robert, 297
Gaudium et Spes, 63–64
“Gay Cowboys Embraced by Redneck Country,” 241–43
gay life, see homosexuality and gay life
“Gay Life, Gay Death: The Siege of a Subculture,” 15–30
Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), 19, 24–26, 79, 217
gender dysphoria, 483 transgender individuals, 148, 149, 393, 479–83, 515–16
gender identity and expression, 219, 220, 222, 448, 449, 480–83, 515–19
Geneva, Conventions, 229, 231, 277, 322
genocide, 133
Germany Nazi, see Nazi Germany
Weimar, 417
in World War I, 502
gerrymandering, 427
Gibbon, Edward, 410
Gilbert, Sky, 482
Gingrich, Newt, 336, 427
Giuliani, Rudolph, 128, 202, 253, 264, 265, 274, 420
Glass, Stephen, 287
Glazer, Nathan, 314
Glendon, Mary Ann, 118
globalization, 420, 438, 456, 505, 506
God, 33, 245–51, 303, 330, 332, 333, 360–63, 367–70, 372, 373, 376, 377, 411, 473, 476, 477
God Is Not Great (Hitchens), 474
God Is Watching You (Johnson), 425
gods, 425, 473
Godwin’s Law, 385
“Going Down Screaming,” 109–26
Goldberg, Jeffrey, 323–25
Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah, 136
Goldwater, Barry, 125, 190, 427
“Goodbye to All That: Why Obama Matters,” 261–74
Good Friday Agreement, 429
Google, 432, 448
Gore, Al, 190, 263, 277, 383, 393
government role in moral issues, 191–204
size of, 189, 192–93, 313, 315
GPS, 406
grace, 353
Graff, E. J., 221
Graham, Katharine, 104
Graham, Lindsey, 298
gratitude, 472
Gray, Howard, 370
Gray, John, 473–76
Great Britain, 97–99, 195, 198, 199, 233, 339–42, 423 Diana and, 101–4
Northern Ireland, 423, 429
see also England
Great Depression, 303
Great Fire of London, 505
Great Mortality, The (Kelly), 497, 498
Greece, ancient, 511, 512
Greene, Billy, 176–77
Gregg, Judd, 298–99
Gröning, Philip, 404
Guantánamo Bay detention camp (Gitmo), 231, 233–35, 254, 277
Guardini, Romano, 366
Guide to the Classics, A (Oakeshott), 32
Gulf War, xvii, 277
Gyllenhaal, Jake, 242
Haaretz, 321
Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of, 314
Hannity, Sean, 262
happiness, 407, 452, 465, 467
Hari, Johann, 464
Harlem, 20, 128, 131
Out on a Limb Page 60