Harper, Kyle, 494–96
Harper’s, 446
Harris, Eric, 137
Harris, Kamala, 488
Harris, Sam, 404, 471, 473
Hart, Jeffrey, 309
Hatch, Richard, 214
hate, 127–44, 446 and attention given to haters, 144
hysterical, 134–36
ignorance and, 134, 143
love and, 132–33, 135
media obsession with, 144
narcissistic, 134, 135
obsessive, 134, 136
prejudice and, 129, 143
reasonable vs. unreasonable, 133–34
use of word, 435
varieties of, 132–37
within minorities, 139
hate crimes, xviii, 128–30, 132, 137, 139–43, 431 personal vs. group hate and, 140–42
criminals as members of hated groups in, 137–40
involving no violent physical assault, 142
statistics on, 137, 141–42
Hate Crimes (Jacobs and Potter), 129
hate speech, 138, 431
Hawkins, Yusuf, 8, 11–13
Hayek, Friedrich, 313
health care, 27, 268, 297, 385, 354, 418, 432–33, 456 Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), 328, 335, 432–33, 438
COVID-19 and, 505
managed care, 457
Medicaid, 193, 458
Medicare, 189, 192, 336
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 31, 32
“He Hormone, The,” 145–61, 317
Heilemann, John, 194
Helms, Jesse, 279, 281
Helprin, Mark, 85–86, 119–21
Henderson, Russell, 127–28
“Here Comes the Groom,” 1–5
Heritage Foundation, 193, 432, 479–80, 483
Herlihy, David, 499
Heroes, Rogues and Lovers (Dabbs), 151
heroin, 451–53, 457–63, 465
Herrnstein, Richard, xvii
heterosexual intercourse, 70–71 procreation and, 42, 49, 57, 63–64, 66, 70, 258
heterosexual marriage, see marriage, heterosexual
Hezbollah, 245
Hilton, Perez, 291
Hispanics and Latinos, 21, 24, 25, 82–83, 216, 222, 299, 427, 428, 438
Hitchens, Christopher, 474
Hitler’s Willing Executioners (Goldhagen), 136
HIV, 15, 17–20, 26, 67, 76–78, 86–88, 205–7, 214, 222, 298, 503 author’s positive status and treatment, 78, 92–95, 146, 205–7, 258, 279–80, 344, 400
immigrants and travelers with, 279–81, 301
treatments for, 15, 26, 26, 53, 76–78, 86, 87, 206, 213, 317, 462
see also AIDS
Ho, David, 77
Hobbes, Thomas, 195
Hoffer, Eric, 387–90
Hoffman, Wayne, 169
Holocaust, 81, 82, 92, 133, 136, 141, 497
Homer, 451
homophobia, 19, 21–24, 27, 50–55, 58, 65, 81–82, 133–38, 140, 144, 447, 481 hysterical hate and, 135
Rustin and, 164
homosexuality, politics of, xvii, 39–58 AIDS and, 92
conservative, 40–46, 53, 56
liberal, 50–58
moderate, 48–50, 56
radical, 44–48, 54, 56
homosexuality and gay life AIDS and, see AIDS
alcoholism analogy and, 68–69
assimilation into mainstream society, 19, 46, 48, 53–54, 80–83, 213, 221, 258
author’s sexuality, xvii, 39, 59–62, 67, 71–73, 93–94, 172, 187, 216, 515, 517, 518
bear culture, xviii, 165–70, 210, 219
black men, 21–24, 82–83, 222
Catholic Church and, xvii, 23, 43, 59–73, 138, 187, 222, 246
children and teens, 47, 214–17, 221
Christianity and, xvii, 21, 435
circuit parties, 78–80, 87, 166, 169, 214
civil society, 217, 219
club scene, 19–20
conservatism and, 113–15
drag, 220, 482
employee protections and, 215
end of gay culture, xvii, 209–23
freedom from responsibility associated with, 91
gay bars, 217–18
gay rights, 47, 50, 98, 131, 203, 302, 319, 393, 427, 482, 504
gender expression changes and, 219
genetic origins of homosexuality, 42, 45, 319
hatred toward homosexuals from other homosexuals, 139
Hispanic men, 21, 24, 25, 82–83
homosexuality as choice or not, 42–46, 48, 50, 63–65, 67, 68, 113
homosexuality as cultural construction, 44, 46
homosexuality as illness, 113, 201–2
increased visibility of, 215
lesbians, see lesbians
Lincoln’s sexuality, 175–79, 243
marriage equality, see marriage, same-sex
military service and, xviii, 39–41, 44, 46–51, 55–56, 58, 84, 92
outing and, xvii, 27, 28, 45
percentage of gay people in U.S., 515
political organizations, 218
press, 218–19
in Provincetown, 165, 166, 169, 209–12, 220
queer identity, 45–48
religious life and gay denominations, 217
separatism and, 19, 47, 48, 83, 172, 221
sodomy laws and, 41–42, 48–49, 113
transgender ideology and, 479–83
Hoover, J. Edgar, 50
Hormel, James, 114
House of Representatives, U.S., 382, 394, 419, 427, 438
Howard Stern Show, The, 386
Howard University, 272
“How Did I Get Iraq Wrong?,” 275–78
How to Change Your Mind (Pollan), 469–71
Hudson, Rock, 462
Huffington, Arianna, 291
Huffington Post, 291
Human Rights Campaign (HRC), 215, 218, 221
Hummes, Cláudio Cardinal, 375
Hutus, 133, 134
hydrocodone, 455, 458
“I Am Bear; Hear Me Roar,” 165–70
identity politics, xvii, 445–46, 448–49, 506
I. F. Stone’s Weekly, 292
Ignatius of Loyola, Saint, 370
Illing, Sean, 472
immigration, immigrants, 134, 141, 389, 390, 392, 420, 426–27, 433, 436, 438, 440 HIV and, 279–81
mass, xvii, 427, 428, 439, 465, 506
Trump and, 389, 390, 392, 393, 420, 437
Immigration and Nationality Act, 279
individualism, 439, 465, 513
individuality, 439
industrialization, 410, 456 deindustrialization, 456, 464
information technology, 401
Inglis, Bob, 114
Inquisition, 195, 362
Instapundit, 293
“Integration Day,” 171–73
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 486
International Committee of the Red Cross, 226
internet, 239, 384–85, 427, 464–65 blogging on, see blogs, blogging
living online, 399–403, 405–7, 409, 410, 412–14, 506
Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln, The (Tripp), 175–76, 178
Into Great Silence, 404
Inuit, 431, 435
“Invisible Man, The,” 163–64
Ipsos Public Affairs, 413
IQ, 317, 319
Iran, 245, 247, 265, 322, 325, 420, 481
Iraq, 423
Iraq War, xvii, 231–35, 245, 246, 254, 262, 264–67, 275–78, 290, 427, 432 Obama and, 266–67
Ireland, 423, 429
ISIS, 392
Islam, Muslims, 246, 247, 250, 267, 373, 435 fundamentalism and fanaticism in, 195, 211, 237–39, 245, 269
Koran and, 199, 234, 246
terrorism and, see terrorism, Islamist
Trump and, 389, 390
“Islamo-Bullies Get a Free Ride from the West,” 237–39
Israel, xvii–xviii, 92, 245, 247, 317, 318 continued building of settlements in, 321–26
It Can’t Happen Here (Lewis), 394–95
“I Used to Be a Human Being,” 399–414
Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 323
Jackson, Jesse, 194, 272, 273, 383
Jacobs, Alan, 407
Jacobs, James B., 129
Jalics, Francisco, 364
Japan, 134, 190, 233
Jefferson, Thomas, 248, 455, 500 Bible of, 327, 330, 331, 333
Christian faith of, 327–33
Jena, La., 272
Jenner, Caitlyn, 481–82
Jesuits, 363–67, 375
Jesus Christ, 248–49, 270, 327–31, 333–34, 348, 349, 351, 362, 363, 367, 369, 371–74, 376, 411, 476, 477
Jews, 119, 216, 247, 390 anti-Semitism and, see anti-Semitism
gay, 217
Israel and, see Israel
Judaism, 246, 411, 435
Nazi Germany and, see Nazi Germany
John XXIII, Pope, 359
John of Ephesus, 495
John of Reading, 498
John Paul II, Pope, xvii, 72, 138, 186–87, 290, 348, 349, 355, 356, 359, 361, 377–78
Johnson, Boris, xvi
Johnson, Charles, 310
Johnson, Dominic, 425
Johnson, James Weldon, 131
Johnson, Ronald, 24
Jones, Paula, 106, 112
Joseph, Stephen, 26
journalism, 284 blogs, see blogs, blogging
hostility to dissent in, 446–47
Junger, Sebastian, 425–26
Justice Department, 417
“Just Say Yes to Drugs,” 469–72
Jyllands-Posten, 237
Kaepernick, Colin, 441, 442
“Kaepernick’s Message Is Getting Lost—Along with the Facts on Race and Police Violence,” 441–44
Kagan, Robert, 115
Kain, E. D., 313
Karpinski, Janis, 231
Kasich, John, 396
Kaus, Mickey, 241, 291
Keats, John, 453
Kelly, John, 497, 498
Kelly, Ruth, 183
Kennedy, Anthony, 200–201
Kennedy, Edward, 50
Kennedy, John F., 50, 102, 253
Kenya, 423
Kerrey, Bob, 85
Kerry, John, xvi, 182, 190, 202, 264, 280, 309, 393
Keyes, Alan, 215
King, John William, 127
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 50, 163, 272, 303, 332, 509
Kinsey, Alfred, 175
Kinsley, Michael, 285–86
Klebold, Dylan, 137
Klein, Ezra, 448
Knopf, Alfred A., 131
knots, 366–67, 378
Koran, 199, 234, 246
Kosovars, 133–34
Kosovo, 275
Kramer, Larry, 27–28
Kraus, Karl, 288
Krauthammer, Charles, 225, 226, 228–32, 234, 235, 241
Kristol, Irving, 314
Kristol, William, 111–17, 122
Kushner, Tony, 138
Labor Day parade in Broad Channel, 130–31
Labour Party, 183, 198
Landry, Ryan, 220
Larison, Daniel, 309
Larkin, Philip, 59, 222
Latinos and Hispanics, 21, 24, 25, 82–83, 216, 222, 299, 427, 428, 438
laudanum, 455
Law, Bernard Cardinal, 187
“Leaving the Right,” 309–11
Lebanon, 423
Ledger, Heath, 242
Lee, Spike, 22
left Labour Party, 183, 198
use of term, 435
see also Democratic Party, Democrats; liberalism
Legends, 220
Legionaries of Christ, 359
Lemoine, Philippe, 443
Leno, Jay, 105
Lesbian Avengers, 221
lesbians, 5, 209, 210, 214, 216, 515–16 identities and gender expression among, 219, 220
marriages among, 210, 221
in Provincetown, 209, 210
testosterone and, 151
transgender ideology and, 480–82
Lessing, Gotthold, 250–51
Levitz, Eric, 441–42
Lewinsky, Monica, xviii, 105–7, 110–15, 122–24, 300
Lewis, Sinclair, 394–95
LGBTQ identity, 479–80, 483, 515–16
liberalism, xvii, 190, 194, 204, 254, 310, 388, 420–21, 442, 476, 478, 506 America-blaming and, 123
Bork on, 121–22
campus culture and, 445–49
conservativism and, 120–21, 309, 314, 432
Obama and, 253–54, 297
in universities, 428, 431
see also Democratic Party, Democrats
libertarians, 110
“Life Lesson,” 181–83
Likud Party, 325
Limbaugh, Rush, 298, 347–51
Lincoln, Abraham, 175–79, 243, 303
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 176, 177
Locke, John, 195
“Log Cabin Republican,” 175–79
Lollards, 498
London, 505
Long, Huey, 390
Lott, Trent, 113, 114
love, 132, 475 hate and, 132–33, 135
psychedelic drugs and, 469, 471, 472
Love Undetectable (Sullivan), 317
Lowry, Rich, 197
LSD, 452, 453, 469, 471
Lugar, Richard, 280
lynching, 127, 131, 436, 449
Maariv, 323–24
MacCulloch, Diarmaid, 411
Maciel, Marcial, 359
MacIntyre, Alasdaire, 354
“Mad, Maddening America, the Wisest of All,” 301–3
Madison, James, 381
Major, John, xvi
Malcolm X, 164, 509
Malick, Terrence, 414
Malkin, Michelle, 311
Mandela, Nelson, 340, 439
Manzi, Jim, 309
March on Selma, 255
March on Washington, 163
Marcuse, Herbert, 431
Markowitz, Martin, 77
Marlboro Projects, 11–12
marijuana, cannabis, 413, 433, 454, 460, 463, 466–67
marriage, domestic partnership vs., 1–5, 49, 257
marriage, heterosexual, 2–4, 56–57, 66, 201, 434 Defense of Marriage Act, 114, 119, 201
divorce and, 120, 124, 125
gay men and women in, 4, 39
procreation and, 42, 49, 57, 63–64, 66, 70, 258
testosterone levels and, 153
marriage, same-sex, xvi, xvii, xviii, 1–5, 49, 56–58, 92, 171–73, 196, 199, 201–2, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219, 221, 243, 257–58, 263, 302, 388, 394, 432, 504 AIDS and, 3, 4, 257
of author, 257–59, 302
civil unions, 190, 201, 257, 263, 302
conservatives and, 1–5, 172–73, 257
Defense of Marriage Act and, 114, 119, 201
family and, 172–73, 258
“gay marriage” as misnomer, 172
lesbian, 210, 221
partner benefits and, 215
“Married Man, A,” 257–59
Marshall, Josh, 291, 485
Marxism, 133, 349, 376, 431, 445–49, 466
Mary, as untier of knots, 366, 367
masculinity, xviii, 219–20, 243 bear culture, xviii, 165–70, 210, 219
mass movements, 387, 389–90
Mazur, Allan, 151
McCain, John, 128, 202, 231, 253, 265, 298
McCain Amendment, 225
McCall, Nathan, 139
McConnell, Mitch, 336, 437
McGovern, George, 267
McGwire, Mark, 112, 125, 156
McMahon, Vince, 386
McMurtry, Larry, 242
McNeill, William H., 496–97
MDMA, 469
meaning, 465–67, 472, 473–76
Medicaid, 193, 458
Medicare, 189, 192, 336
meditation, 330, 399, 400, 403–5, 408–9, 413–14, 471, 473
Meir, Golda, 341
Mencken, H. L., 131, 143
methadone, 459, 462
methamphetamine, 454, 460, 464
#MeToo movement, 447, 586
Metropolitan Community Church, 217
Meyerson, Harold, 132
Michael, George, 214
microaggressions, 445, 447
Milk, 302
Milk, Harvey, 212
military, 189–90, 428 desegregation of, 163
homosexuals in, xviii, 39–41, 44, 46–51, 55–56, 58, 84, 92
Trump and, 394, 419
women in, 156, 158, 159, 199
Mill, John Stuart, 474–75
Miller, Geoffrey, 231
Million Youth March, 128
mindfulness, 413, 473
minorities, 45, 46, 143, 438 discrimination against, 50–52, 143
gender expression among, 222
Hispanics and Latinos, 21, 24, 25, 82–83, 216, 222, 299, 427, 428, 438
HIV/AIDS and, 21–25, 82–83, 222
Trump and, 393–94
see also blacks; racism
Minority Task Force on AIDS (MTFA), 23, 24
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 227, 232
Mondello, Keith, 13, 14
Mondello, Mrs., 13, 14
Montaigne, Michel de, 226, 249, 288–89
Monticello, 455
Moore, Chadwick, 432
Moore, Michael, 190, 262
Mormons, 194, 426
Morning Party, 79
morphine, 451, 455, 457, 464
Morris, Ian, 512
Mould, Bob, 214
Moulitsas, Markos, 291
MoveOn.org, 262
Mozilla, 432
MSNBC, 427
Muhammad, 248
murder, 120, 140, 142 testosterone levels and, 153, 154
Murdoch, Rupert, 111
Murphy, Eddie, 23
Murray, Charles, xvii
Muslims, see Islam, Muslims
Mussolini, Benito, 510
“My America,” 97–99
Myanmar, 423
Nader, Ralph, 194
naloxone, 454, 462
Napoleon, 390
Nation, 138, 292
national debt, 190, 298, 389, 433
National Health and Social Life Survey, 215
National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, 215
National Museum of American History, 327
National Republican Congressional Committee, 298
National Review, 197, 200, 292
Out on a Limb Page 61