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His Royal Request: Royals of Lochland Book I

Page 8

by Mulliner, Brittney

  “Aiden told me your cousin is marrying royalty. They’re going to be here, aren’t they?”

  Ronan started choking and Isla thumped his back. “Um yes,” Isla said. “Some of his family might come.”

  I leaned against the wall. “I’ve never met anyone that famous or important. What do I do?”

  Isla touched my shoulder. “You’re not Lochish so technically you don’t have to do anything out of the ordinary.”

  “But it is customary to curtsy to royalty,” Ronan interjected.

  I pushed away from the wall and moved one foot behind the other and bent my knees slightly. “Like this?”

  “Yes, but bow your head a bit,” Isla directed.

  I did and she put her hand on my shoulder. “Perfect.”

  “How will I know who to curtsy to?”

  They shared another look. “Just watch my eyes. I’ll direct you.” Isla sounded more confident than she had a moment before so I trusted her.

  “Anything else?”

  Ronan rubbed his jaw. “It’s best to speak only when spoken to and watch us eat. Follow our lead.”

  I nodded taking mental notes. “Okay.”

  “Just breathe. I promise it’s not as bad as we’re making it seem.” Isla’s attempt at comfort didn’t have its desired effect. They were obviously nervous about this so why wouldn’t I be?

  I followed them down the stairs and to the left down the corridor in the opposite direction of where we’d had tea.

  We waited until Aiden finally approached us from the other end of the hall, still buttoning his shirt. His tie hung around his neck. My stomach tightened at the sight of his rugged appearance in a nice suit. This was the most dressed up I’d seen him, yet he seemed comfortable. I sucked in a breath when he smiled at me.

  “You’re late.” Isla practically scolded him as she tied his tie with speed and precision. This obviously wasn’t the first time one of her brothers had arrived late and unprepared.

  Aiden’s eyes met mine and he smiled, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes. Everyone’s nervousness was rubbing off on me. “Ready?”

  Ronan walked ahead of us. “Don’t worry. We covered the basics.”

  That didn’t seem to relieve Aiden. He took my hand and placed it around his elbow. I inhaled his clean, masculine scent and leaned in closer. The doors swung open and I fell into step with him behind Ronan and Isla.

  The room held a group I didn’t recognize, apart from Evelyn and Douglas. Ronan and Isla greeted people and I froze when I heard them say “Mum” and “Dad”. Aiden’s parents were here? I wasn’t ready for this. Sure, we were just friends and this was a fake relationship, but I wanted them to like me.

  Aiden leaned in close. “Don’t be nervous. They’re going to love you.”

  I kept my smile in place and walked forward with him. He smiled at the people we passed and I kept my eyes on Isla waiting for her to give me a sign.

  When we got to the head of the table where Aiden’s parents stood Isla glanced at them, then me. She raised her brows slightly and my knees nearly gave out. I was supposed to curtsy to them?

  Aiden caught my stumble and brought his other hand to where mine was resting on his arm and gave it a quick squeeze.

  “Hi Mum, Dad. This is my friend I told you about, Charlie.”

  My head was spinning but when I heard my name coming from his lips, I lowered my head and curtsied. When I looked up, Isla was standing behind her mum, smiling. I guess that meant I did it right.

  “My, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Charlie.” His mom was smiling at me with kind eyes and I relaxed maybe one percent.

  “The pleasure is mine…” I paused not knowing what to call her. I didn’t know her name and if I was supposed to curtsy, I realized I probably shouldn’t call her by her first name anyway.

  “And this is my father—” Aiden’s words evaded me the second I looked at his dad. This couldn't be possible. I knew this man. The entire world knew who he was. I looked to Aiden praying he would correct himself. This couldn’t be his dad.

  Not only had Aiden kept his entire life from me. He conveniently forgot to mention the little fact that his parents were the king and queen of Lochland.

  I swallowed and curtsied again, much deeper and praying I didn't screw up. “Your majesty.”


  If his parents were the king and queen, Aiden was a prince.

  Holy. Royalty.

  I felt Aiden tense next to me. I met his gaze, pleading with me. I saw regret in those crystal blue eyes and almost forgave him, but I couldn’t. Not without an explanation.

  “A pleasure, my dear.” The king of Lochland smiled at me and extended his hand. Ronan and Isla didn't prep me for this. Did I shake his hand, kiss it, was I even allowed to touch him?

  I froze and Aiden gave me the tiniest nudge. I extended my hand and nearly gasped when the king shook it.

  “I’m honored to be here.” I met his eyes briefly before turning to his wife. The Queen. “Thank you so much for hosting me.”

  I had no idea what I was saying. I was running through every movie I’d ever seen about princesses or royalty trying to remember what they said. If Aiden wasn’t holding onto me, I would have already fainted.

  “We’re glad to have you here. I’m told this is your first trip to Lochland.” The queen was smiling so warmly I continued to feel more comfortable.

  “It is, ma’am.” Crap. Could I call her that? Or was it your majesty as well?

  “I hope you enjoy your visit.”

  I nodded and Aiden guided me past them and around the table to where two open seats were waiting for us.

  “I’m so sorry. I’ll explain everything later.”

  He pulled out my chair and helped me settle in. I fought the urge to protest and sat across from Ronan and Isla across from Aiden. Now wasn’t the time to make a scene.

  Another man that looked so similar to the brothers sat across from the queen, but he ignored us. Was he another brother?

  Isla and Ronan smiled at me and I tried not to shoot daggers at them. I just had to sit here silently and not make a fool of myself until I could go back to my room. I’d have my bags packed and be out of here in a few hours. I didn’t care if I had to hitchhike to the closest airport. I needed to get away from this insanity.

  And Isla. My eyes shot up to her. Her gaze met mine and she sunk a bit in her seat looking guilty. Her betrayal stung as much as Aiden’s.

  She was a freaking princess. A princess had helped me dress and did my hair. I was wearing her royal earrings. I’d said I felt like a princess! What an idiot I was!

  I placed a napkin on my lap and tried to slow my breathing.

  A royal wedding. Ha! His cousin wasn’t the big deal. Aiden was.

  The cousin might be marrying a baron, but she was someone with a title too! I wasn’t sure how cousins worked but she was probably a duchess or something.

  Servers brought out platter after platter of elaborate dishes. I tried to eat but each bite made me feel worse. I didn’t want to leave or puke in front of this group so I stopped eating and moved the food around on my plate, hoping no one was paying attention.

  “Cian, how did the meeting with the British parliament go?” The king addressed the man to his left. He looked so much like Aiden, but why hadn’t I seen him yet?

  “It was successful.”

  His clipped answer seemed to satisfy the king, but I was left more confused. Who was he?

  Isla must have noticed where my attention was. “Cian, have you met Charlie?”

  He turned to her before looking at me. “No. I’m sorry I haven’t had a spare moment. It’s a pleasure.”

  Zero percent of his words sounded sincere and I got the feeling immediately he wasn’t interested in knowing me.

  His attention was back on the king before I could respond.

  “Sorry, my brother isn’t known for his warm personality,” Aiden whispered into my ear and my suspicions were confirmed. />
  “Any other family members I should know about?” I bit out the words with a bit more venom than I meant to show.

  He dropped his head. “I’m so sorry, Charlie.”

  I sat stiffly in my chair, not caring if were attracting attention. If we did, he deserved it.

  “Please, forgive me. We can talk later,” he asked.

  I didn’t respond. Just glared at him out of the corner of my eyes. I didn’t really want to talk to him about his deception. I was steaming mad and didn’t want to forgive him. I was anxious to pack and leave Aiden to his princely pranks. Hopefully, I could pack and be far away long before he noticed I was gone.

  “I’ll explain everything.”

  I clenched my jaw as another course was served. This had to be number five. How long would this meal last?

  Ronan caught my eye and made a face. I knew he was trying to make me laugh but I wasn’t amused. They each had their chance to warn me and none of them did.

  I felt like a fool.

  It was probably all a joke to them. How stupid could we make the American look before she cried?

  I was already pretty close.

  It didn’t matter how pretty I’d felt before walking into this room, or how kind they’d each been to me. This was all a sham. I was meant to be made a fool. In front of the king for crying out loud.

  I was mortified and I just wanted to get away, but I remembered the rules. Don’t speak without being spoken to. I was sure that meant don’t leave the room before being excused.

  I sat through the next two courses, even ignoring the delicious-looking chocolate soufflé that taunted me during dessert.

  I probably should have taken advantage of the best meal I’ll ever have in my life, but my stomach was somersaulting and my brain was threatening to blackout at any second to save me from this horror.

  No one spoke to me throughout the meal. Isla was occupied by her aunt Evelyn and Ronan was talking to his brother for most of the meal. Aiden was pulled into different conversations and I faded back into the scenery.

  I’d expected to feel a bit out of place at the wedding, but I didn’t know I’d be invisible for the days leading up to it.

  I’d never been so uncomfortable in my life.

  And it was all Aiden’s fault.

  I never should have trusted him. I should have listened to the voice in my head that told me to stay away from strangers. I should have gone back home.

  I sucked in a breath when the servers removed the last plates, but then tea was served.

  No one seemed to notice my discomfort. Not even Aiden who kept touching my hand under the table. Each time he did I pulled back and scooted further away in my chair. I shot him another glare and shook my head slightly.

  He wasn’t the sweet, thoughtful man I’d met in Ireland. He wasn’t the one who sacrificed a meeting to spend the day with me. Who went out of his way to make sure I saw and experienced everything I’d wanted to?

  I’d been so wrong.

  I thought he was different. I thought there was something real between us. There were only lies.



  I could feel the tension radiating off her through the entire meal. I wanted to take her out and explain, but that would cause a scene. I wished I had the chance to explain everything to her, but my parents had kept me for almost forty minutes. I barely had time to change before I had to meet her.

  I should have texted Ronan or Isla and had them tell her, but that wouldn’t be right either.

  I should have been honest from the beginning.

  She didn’t touch her food the entire time and her back remained rod straight.

  When Mum and Dad finally stood and wished everyone goodnight, I jumped up and helped her stand. I tried to touch her back but she stepped out of my reach and headed for the door at a pace just shy of speed walking.

  She was more than I deserved. She remained calm and collected through dinner and still didn’t draw attention. She had every right to freak out and yell at me from the second she recognized my dad, but instead, she remained gracious.

  She hurried up the stairs and I followed behind her. Isla and Ronan were on my heels. They probably felt guilty too which made the weight on my shoulders double. I shouldn’t have dragged them into this.

  “Charlie, please.”

  She didn’t slow until she reached the wing she was staying in. She stopped and looked around. She spun and let out a huff. “I don’t remember which one I’m in.”

  I bit my lip to keep from laughing at her adorable fit. I knew she wouldn’t appreciate that.

  “It’s this one,” Isla said quietly from behind me. Charlie glared and walked to the door to her right.

  She opened it, stepped inside and immediately slammed it behind her. Isla, Ronan and I looked at each other.

  Ronan gestured to the door and stared at me.

  I knocked and Isla shook her head before stepping closer to the door. “Charlie, please. Let us explain.”

  We waited in silence for a minute. “Please Charlie, just hear me out.” I pleaded.

  After a few more moments of silence, the knob turned and the door opened a few inches. I pushed through with Isla and Ronan following before closing the door behind us.

  Charlie stood in front of the bed glaring at us. “I don’t know where they put my suitcase.”

  “Your suitcase? What for?”

  She looked at me like I was an idiot. “I’m leaving.” The anger in her voice could have melted metal.

  “Charlie, no!” Isla reacted before I could.

  I was frozen. She was leaving? Already? I shook my head. Of course, she was. I’d kept a huge secret. She couldn’t trust me now.

  “Don’t, Isla.” She held up a hand and her eyes glistened. “I can’t believe you. Any of you.”

  She looked at each of us in the eyes and sniffed. “I know none of you really know me, but I’ve been nothing but upfront and honest.” She zeroed in on me. “Why Aiden? Why would you lie like this? Why would you make me look like a fool in front of everyone?”

  Isla started to speak but I cut her off. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. When we met and you didn’t recognize me…” I sighed. “It was the first time in my life I was just Aiden.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “That’s the most cliché thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “But it’s true. You didn’t know who I was. I could be a normal guy with you.” I waited but she didn’t say anything so I kept going. “I wasn’t trying to deceive you or trick you. I just wanted to be able to get to know each other without my family’s history getting in the way.”

  She shook her head. “You brought me here under false pretenses. You lied to me, Aiden.”

  I hung my head. “I’m so sorry about that. I was going to tell you tonight, but my parents arrived early.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “Why didn’t you tell me, Isla? You had every opportunity to.”

  Isla looked gutted. “I’m sorry. I was respecting Aiden’s wishes. He wanted the chance to get to know you without the preconceived notions that come with who he is.”

  Ronan nodded. “I’m not going to lie, Charlie. If the same opportunity came to me, I probably would have done the same thing.” He shrugged. “Well mostly. I definitely would have taken advantage of the fact you didn’t know my identity so we could date without me worrying about other motives.”

  I looked at my brother and was filled with gratitude.

  “It’s not every day we meet someone that we can be ourselves with.” Isla offered. “I don’t agree with Aiden’s choices, but I can’t even imagine what it would be like to meet a man that didn’t know who I was. Someone I knew was only interested in getting to know me for me.” She sighed. “It’s a luxury we don’t have, Charlie.”

  Charlie looked between the three of us and sighed. It probably wasn’t fair that the three of us had teamed up, but I appreciated them standing up for me.

ou asked me to be your date to your cousin’s wedding.” Her gaze pierced mine. “I got swept up in all of it at the store this afternoon, but after tea with your aunt and uncle and dinner tonight...I don’t know how long I can keep it up.”

  I understood, partially. It was overwhelming to be at diplomatic dinners or galas and having to remember all the cultural rules and expectations. I’d put Charlie in the thick of things with zero warning.

  “I’m sorry. I was hoping that we could lay low until the wedding. I wanted to spend more time with you, but I don’t see how that’s going to work now.”

  Isla nodded. “Mum and Dad will be curious. They’ll want to get to know her.”

  Charlie’s face paled. “I don’t know if I can handle that.”

  “They want to know you as my parents, not as the king and queen.” I clarified.

  She shook her head. “This is ridiculous. I’m an American. We don’t have these etiquette restrictions and rules. We don’t have royals or people to bow to. We’re polite to our elders and that’s about it.”

  Her breath was quickening and I had a feeling if I couldn’t get her to calm down, she’d have a panic attack. “Charlie, I promise you won’t have to go through any of this alone. I will always be there with you.”

  “Me too,” Isla said with a reassuring smile.

  “I’ll watch out for you, too.” Ronan offered and I swear I saw the corner of Charlie’s lips tugged up. I narrowed my eyes at him. I didn’t want him to be the one that saved her or made her smile.

  I drew in a deep breath. Now wasn’t the time to fight my brother.

  “Why me?” Charlie said. “Why do you even need a date? Find some Lochish girl to have on your arm all week.”

  I took a deep breath. “You asked me if I got flak for being single. You have no idea how true that is. Sure, Cian is the firstborn and the crown prince, but there’s just as much pressure on me to marry and provide an heir. I’m the backup prince.” I shrugged.

  She narrowed her eyes. “Won’t the media freak out? I thought the royals couldn’t casually date. It causes too many rumors.”


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