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His Royal Request: Royals of Lochland Book I

Page 9

by Mulliner, Brittney

“That would be correct for our cousins ” I said. Isla and Ronan laughed.

  Charlie looked confused. “What?”

  “The British Royal family. We refer to them as our cousin even though our family, and country, split from them over two hundred years ago.”

  “Though technically we’re closer to the Danish family through Mum,” Isla said it as if being related to not one but two royal families was normal. The equivalent of me saying my mom had British roots.

  I shook my head. “I don’t know what you want from me, Aiden. I can’t be a prince’s date or girlfriend or whatever you had planned.”

  I took a step forward and held her hands. “I know we haven’t known each other long and you have no reason to trust me, especially after keeping this from you.” I took a deep breath. It wasn’t often I had to be this honest, and I wished we didn’t have an audience but the time was now to lay it all out for her. “The moment I saw you I knew I had to meet you. Then that wasn’t enough. I had to get to know you. Our time in Galway made it worse. I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving and risk never seeing you again. I know I was selfish and I deceived you, but I was desperate.”

  Never in my life had I admitted that. It felt like a mixture of relief and like I’d taken a running leap off a cliff all rolled into one stomach-churning moment while I waited for her reply.

  She tilted her head and looked into my eyes. “I felt the same way. It’s the only reason why I agreed to come, but…” She shook her head. “This is so much more than I was ready for.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry, but all I can do now is stand by your side and get through this together.”

  I took a step toward her but she backed up.

  “I came to spend more time with you.” I started nodding but she wasn’t done. “If I get uncomfortable you have to let me leave.”

  I agreed. “Of course. If anything happens all you have to do is ask. I’ll make sure you’re taken care of.”

  I didn’t want my siblings to know about the agreement we’d made in Ireland and I hoped she understood my meaning.

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  Isla jumped up and down before rushing forward to hug Charlie. “I promise, we will have fun. No need to stress about anything.”

  Ronan clapped Charlie on the back. “I’m glad you’re staying. We could use some excitement around here.”

  With that, they both left, and I was alone with Charlie for the first time...ever. George had always been within sight in Ireland even when we were shopping or dining. Now though, it was just us.

  “Charlie, can you forgive me?”

  She didn’t speak for a moment, making my heart clamber in my chest. “Yeah. I can’t begin to understand your life, but I understand wanting to get to know someone without them knowing your true identity.”

  I smiled. “Honestly, part of me expected that you knew who I was and were just playing it


  She swatted at my arm. “You’re so cocky. Not everyone knows who you are.”

  I laughed. “Maybe not in America but I can assure you I am quite the eligible bachelor in Europe.”

  She shook her giggled. “You’re so full of yourself.”

  “But you can’t help but like me?”

  It seemed like she was having an internal struggle, wanting to laugh with me while also staying mad. “Aiden.”

  She breathed out my name and I took a cautionary step toward her. When she didn’t move I continued forward. “Charlie, I’m so sorry I hurt you. That was the last thing I wanted.” I reached forward and ran my thumb over her cheek. She didn’t pull away and my heart soared. “The moment I saw you in Limerick I knew I couldn’t let you go without getting to know you. I was willing to do anything, even invited you back home, to get a chance. I was so focused on that, I let myself forget this part of me. I wanted things to be as simple as you and me getting to know one another.”

  She bit her lip and nodded. “I was a bit lost in you too. Nothing I’ve done in the past two days has been normal. You have to promise me, no more secrets.”

  I nodded. “Of course. I promise.”

  She studied my face, a tiny smile creeping on her lips. She stepped forward, into me, and wrapped her arms around my waist. I enveloped her, relishing the feeling of her and grateful she was still here.



  A sliding sound broke through my peaceful sleep as light poured into the room without warning. “Up, up, up.” Isla’s sing-songy voice was the last thing I wanted to hear in that moment.

  I cracked open one eye and groaned.

  “Come on, sleepyhead.” Isla had drawn the drapes back, which explained the sliding sound. “Cars are arriving soon and we have to be ready to greet the guests.”

  I pulled a pillow over my face but it was ripped away within seconds.

  “Why?” I asked, my voice raspy from sleep.

  “Because you are a special guest of the royal family. It’s expected that you make an appearance, plus it will get the rumors going and hopefully divert some of the female attention off Aiden.”

  I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Isla was already dressed in a stylish red dress that hugged her curves and was cinched in with a thin black belt. Her blonde hair was curled and she looked ready to greet the world.

  On the other hand, I could taste my morning breath and I knew my hair was a tangled nest. I’d always been a violent sleeper and that translated to the worst bedhead of all time. Every single morning.

  “Oh boy,” she said. “You get in the shower now while I get your dress laid out.”

  I slowly swung my legs over the edge of the bed and sat trying to find the strength or desire to get all the way out.

  “Chop chop! We have thirty minutes.”

  I groaned and got up and headed into the bathroom to shower.

  I walked back into the room in a plush pink robe to see that Isla had taken over. More makeup than I’d ever owned was sitting on the vanity and a dress, jewelry, and shoes were waiting for me.

  “Let’s get started on your makeup while your hair dries a bit.”

  I sat on the stool she pulled out. “Where did all of this come from?” I asked.

  “I sent for some more last night when I saw yesterday how little you’d brought.” She picked up a brush and combed out the tangles in my hair.

  “That was all the makeup I own.”

  Her eyes met mine in the mirror while she paused. “Huh. Well, now you have more.”

  I closed my eyes as she applied cream and then brushed my face with powder.

  “Open your eyes,” she said.

  I followed her instructions and she applied mascara. I fought the urge to blink and giggled when she swatted my arm. “Hold still.”

  “Don’t you have someone to do this for you?”

  She shrugged. “I have a makeup artist and stylist that come in for big events, but I actually enjoy it. Having someone else to dress up is fun.”

  I laughed. “I’m not a doll.”

  “Hush. Don’t ruin this for me.”

  I rolled my eyes but didn’t argue with her. It was fun having girl time with her. Neither of us had sisters, so maybe she craved this bonding as much as I did.

  Once she announced my hair and makeup were complete, she waved toward the bed. “I laid out your outfit. Be careful not to mess up my hard work.” She bent down and hugged my shoulders. “I’ll meet you down the hall.”

  She let herself out and I stood to see what I’d be wearing. A beautiful, emerald green number with long sleeves and an A-line skirt. It was another dress I wouldn’t have picked out because I never would have had a place to wear it.

  My reasons for fancy dresses had pretty much ended with high school graduation. I stepped into the matching heels and slid the emerald ring on that was waiting. I convinced myself it wasn’t real. Just costume jewelry. There was no way she’d let me borrow a ring with a stone the size of a dime. Nope. It had to be fake.

took a deep breath and turned to face the mirror. I smoothed the dress over my hips and sighed. I could do this. I could pretend to be prim and proper and well-mannered. I’d just keep my mouth shut as much as possible.

  I opened my door and headed to the main hall where the grand staircase led to the main floor. Isla was waiting for me with Aiden at her side. He was wearing another suit, but his hair was styled back for the first time. He looked regal. Like a prince. My stomach tightened at the sight of him, as it did every time I saw him. His crystal eyes met mine and lit up.

  He stepped forward and took my hand in his, bringing it to his lips and placing a gentle kiss. “Good morning. I’m sorry it’s such an early start, but guests will be arriving soon and my parents asked that we receive them.”

  My jaw tightened. “Did they specifically include me in this request?”

  Aiden didn’t even pause. “Mum emphasized that all of us, and she mentioned you by name, were to be ready.”

  I wasn’t sure I believed him. I doubted I made a good impression with the king and queen last night. They probably didn’t even remember me or my name.

  “Let’s get going,” Ronan called up to us from the bottom of the stairs. Aiden took my hand and wrapped it around his arm, helping me down the staircase. I had to remind myself to breathe. That this was real. He was real.

  A butler stood in front of the center set of doors and opened them when we approached.

  I smiled. “Good morning.”

  He tipped his head slightly. “G’ morning, miss.”

  We walked through the open door to the top of the stairs leading to the driveway. Well, could you call a mile-long paved road that led to the palace a driveway?

  Aiden stood first in line with me beside him, then Isla and Ronan next to her. It seemed to be their unspoken order. I looked around and frowned. “Where’s Cian?”

  Ronan scoffed. “Probably hiding in his office pretending to have a task too important to delay.”

  I pursed my lips to keep from laughing at his tone. He sounded like an annoyed little brother.

  “He’ll be here just in time,” Isla said.

  There weren’t any cars coming that I could see, but the siblings all faced forward. Aiden kept my hand in his while absent-mindedly running his thumb over my knuckles. I could feel his nervousness rolling off him in waves.

  I leaned in close to his shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  He didn’t answer right away and I was about to move back when he sighed. “I’ve enjoyed being myself with you. I’m dreading the moment when people arrive and I have to go back to being the prince.”

  I squeezed his hand hoping to reassure him the best way I could. “I know I’m just your fake girlfriend, but I’m here for you anyway I can. If you need an excuse to leave, I can come up with something. If you need me to cut into a conversation just give me a sign and I’ll make a fool of myself if necessary.”

  His smile made a brief appearance, too short for my liking. “I might have to take you up on that.”

  The quiet roar of an engine broke through the silence and I turned to squint looking for the first vehicle.

  The car stopped in front of the stairs and the driver jumped out and opened the passenger rear door. An older, regal looking couple stepped out. They looked like old money, but that probably meant a lot more here than back home.

  “Earl and Countess Wallace, a pleasure to see you.” Aiden stepped forward. They gentled bowed before him before shaking his hand.

  Isla leaned over. “This is our father’s right-hand man.”

  I gave a subtle nod and smiled when they approached me. Aiden put his hand on my back and introduced me. “This is my guest, Charlie Avery.”

  The countess smiled. “How lovely to meet you.”

  I didn’t know if I was supposed to bow, offer my hand or hide. I kept my smile in place and glanced at Aiden. He didn’t give me a sign of what to do so I held out my hand. “The pleasure is mine.”

  She placed hers gently in mine but didn't shake. I relaxed for a split second when she moved on to Isla, but then the earl approached.

  “How very interesting to meet you, Ms. Avery. I wasn’t aware our prince had a guest.” I panicked for a heartbeat until he winked. “It’s about time, my boy.”

  Aiden laughed and shook his head. “You’re the one always telling me I’m still a child in your eyes. Now it’s about time? I can’t win with you, Harold.”

  The earl placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “I hope you keep him in his place.”

  I laughed and nodded my agreement before he moved on.

  I let out a sigh as Aiden slid his hand around my waist. “That was stressful. I didn’t know what to do.”

  He chuckled. “They’re like another aunt and uncle to us.”

  “So, you’re telling me that was easy.”

  He nodded and looked down to meet my eyes. “You did wonderfully.”

  “I don’t know who I should curtsey to, who I can shake hands with and who I can talk to. What are the rules?”

  “You’re not Lochish so you don’t have to bow to anyone. It’s more common for people to bow to the king and queen but even that isn’t required. It’s more tradition than a requirement these days. You won’t see people bowing and curtsying to everyone this week.”

  “But they bowed to you.”

  Aiden smirked. “It’s borderline mockery from them. I grew up bowing to them, and now that I’m of age they return the favor. It’s…” He paused and looked up. “It’s like an inside joke maybe.”

  I nodded, feeling more confused.

  “Just remember to be polite and no one will fault you. It’s more common to simply shake their hand.”

  “I can do that.”

  He squeezed my waist. “I know you can.” He leaned over and kissed the top of my head. I tried not to react, at least outwardly, but that was the first time he kissed me. Granted, it wasn’t quite a romantic gesture but it broke the physical barrier. That meant something, right? There wasn’t even anyone, besides Isla and Ronan, to witness it.

  “It’s about time,” Ronan mumbled and I looked toward the door to see Cian walking out with a frazzled-looking man following closely behind.

  “Don’t forget to send the letter of intent to Spain,” Cian said. “I don’t want them getting offended. Also, you’ll need to move back my meeting with the Luxembourg minister.”

  The man nodded and silently turned around to return to the castle. Cian tugged on the bottom of his suit jacket and straightened his shoulders before turning away from us and facing the drive. No greeting or apology to his siblings.

  I wasn’t sure what it was, but something about him rubbed me the wrong way. He seemed so conceited and superior. Technically, he was superior, but he didn’t need to treat those around him that way.

  I wanted to ask Aiden about him but another car pulled in. My heart rate picked up as I braced myself.

  Be polite, smile, and shake their hands. I could do that.

  I made it through the next five cars without embarrassing myself.

  A fancy-looking red sports car came down the road next. It came to a spot and the driver jumped out to open the passenger’s door. This was the first time a two-door car had arrived, but I didn’t think anything of it until Isla groaned and Aiden mumbled under his breath. I couldn’t make out his words, but he didn’t sound happy.

  Tan legs exited first followed by a short red dress and finally platinum blonde hair that flowed in beautiful layers. The woman turned and faced us with a brilliant smile. She slowly made her way up the stairs like she was strutting down a catwalk. To call her beautiful would be an injustice. She was stunning.

  Please be a cousin. Please be a cousin.

  “Shauna. It’s been forever.” Cian shocked me as he stepped down to meet her, pulling her in for a hug. It was the first time he’d come off his higher perch and touched anyone. He’d greeted everyone else with a few words and a nod, but not this woman.
br />   “Cian, how good to see you.” She spoke to him, but her eyes never left Aiden.

  I cringed. Cousins don’t look at each other like that.

  They separated and she sidestepped to stand in front of Aiden. “Hello, Aiden.” She said the words like she was seducing him.

  I was ten seconds from either running away or pushing her away from my man. Not that he was really mine. I shook my head and focused on behaving myself.

  “Shauna.” Aiden offered his hand. She looked at it for two seconds before laughing and wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “You’re so silly.” She closed her eyes and seemed to be sinking into him. I sucked in a breath then felt a hand on my forearm. I looked down to see Isla’s hand holding me back. I took a half step back and she dropped it. There was a story here and I was going to have to wait to get it.

  Aiden stepped out of her grasp and looked to me. “Shauna, this is my girlfriend, Charlotte.”

  The vixen’s eyes turned to me, her smile never slipping. “How wonderful to meet you.” Her words were polite but I saw the venom in her eyes.

  “You too.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “An American?” She looked to Aiden. “Really?”

  I stood up straight ready to take on this chick. She might have four or five inches on me but I would fight her if I had to. Aiden stepped closer before I could react and placed his arm around my waist again. “Yes. It was nice to see you again.” He then turned us and faced forward ready to receive the next guest.

  I heard her huff and stomp off, not pausing to greet Isla or Ronan. As soon as the clicking of her heels faded, I pulled out of Aiden’s grip and faced him. “Who was that and why do I feel like I might have a hit on me in the next few minutes.”

  Aiden sighed, deflated more than I’d ever seen him. Worry flooded through me. “She’s someone we grew up with.”

  “Her father’s an English Baron and thinks that actually means something.” Ronan cut in.

  “You two dated.” I didn’t need to ask.

  He nodded. “For three months.” I cringed as he rubbed a hand over his face. “We were seventeen and both home from school.”


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