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His Royal Request: Royals of Lochland Book I

Page 12

by Mulliner, Brittney

  I sighed. “I have a feeling I might know who started the rumor, and there’s only one way to kill it.”

  Nicole let out an evil laugh. “I like how this sounds. Who is it? I’ll help you take them out. My guards have perfected the discrete exit.”

  I’d have to ask her later what that meant. Right now, I had to fix things. If my own parents were listening to the rumor, I needed to prove it wrong before it was too late.

  “How many are watching us right now?” I asked calmly as I ran my hand over Charlie’s back.

  Isla discretely looked around. “Pretty much everyone.”

  I met Nicole’s eyes and sighed. “Mind if we make a scene?”

  Her smile brightened. “Oh, please do.”

  I nodded and took Charlie’s hand and lead her to the dance floor. There weren’t many other people dancing which was in our favor. There would be no obstructions.

  I stopped and spun Charlie before pulling her in and placing my hands on her waist. She rested hers around my neck and glanced around. “What are we doing?”

  “Dancing.” I smiled down at her as her eyebrows creased.

  “How is this creating a scene?”

  I leaned down and kissed her forehead. “We aren’t yet.”

  She followed my steps as we slowly made our way around the floor. I didn’t want to do anything too soon. It had to seem real. It was but staged. I wanted it to look like we got so caught up in the romantic moment that we just couldn’t control ourselves. It wasn’t something Cian would approve of. My parents probably wouldn’t be thrilled about the public display, but I wanted to prove to everyone that this was real.

  “I’m going to kiss you.”

  Charlie blinked up at me like I’d lost my mind. “In front of everyone?”

  I nodded and before she could protest, my hands captured her face, guiding her to me. The moment our lips pressed together there was an audible gasp. I tried not to smile as I deepened the kiss. Her scent. Her taste. The softness of her skin. It was overwhelming. I tilted my head, kissing her thoroughly. She responded, matching my passion. This was what it was supposed to feel like. This was it.

  I’d suspected it from the day in Galway, but now I knew.

  I pulled away, brushing a strand of hair away. “Charlie…”

  She blinked, looking a bit dazed.

  “Charlie,” I said, searching her eyes, “I think I’m falling for you.”

  Her eyebrows shot up, her mouth opening slightly. Her eyes searched my face before she relaxed against me. “I am too.” Her voice could barely be heard over the music.

  I pulled back and gazed into her eyes. “This is real.”

  She paused before nodding.

  The song changed and it seemed to break the spell. I looked around and realized the majority of the guests were watching us, while the rest were pretending not to.

  If that didn’t convince them we were real, nothing would.

  “Do you want to get away for a bit?” I asked.

  She nodded, still speechless.

  We left the dance floor and started back toward the palace when Isla intercepted us.

  “That was so romantic.” She fanned herself. “I think I swooned.”

  Charlie blushed, but Isla wasn’t done.

  “Everyone saw and every woman wanted to be you, Charlie. And every man wanted to be you, Aiden.” She wagged her eyebrows. “You guys are officially the newest hottest couple.” She placed a hand on our shoulders. “But be warned. You guys just went public, that means you’re fair game.”

  She spun on her heel, leaving me and a very shocked looking Charlie. “Are you all right?”

  She shook her head in a daze. “What have we done?”



  I woke up to pounding on the door. Before I could even move, it burst open and Isla walked right up to my bed. “Oh good, you’re awake.”

  “Um good morning?” I rubbed my face, trying to wake up. “What’s going on?”

  Worry lurked in her eyes. “You haven’t seen anything.” It wasn’t a question, so I didn’t know how to respond. “Don’t freak out, okay? We’ll get this to blow over by tomorrow.”

  Now I had a reason to freak out. “What are you talking about?”

  She handed me her phone. It was pulled up to a web search of my name. Over three hundred thousand results populated and the top all had to do with me and the prince of Lochland.

  “American steals Prince’s heart. They’re in love, but will it last? Insider says the relationship is a sham.” I finished reading and shook my head before looking up. “What’s going on?”

  Isla sighed and sat next to me. “Pictures of you and Aiden were released. I promise our staff is looking into it. No media was allowed in yesterday so that means guests sent the pictures in. We’ll find out who did it.”

  I was stunned. “So, people know about me and Aiden?”

  She nodded. “Not just people, Charlie, it spread from Lochland press across Europe and it made it to the US.”

  I searched her face waiting for her to say she was kidding. She didn’t.

  “Are you serious?” I asked.

  She nodded slowly.

  “But why? Why do they care about me?”

  She reached out and touched my arm. “Honey, I know Aiden is just a person to you, but to the rest of the world, he’s a prince. He’s a celebrity. People are fascinated by all royalty. He hasn’t publicly dated in the last eight years, since he was a teenager. Now, he shows up to a private event hosted by the King and Queen with an unknown woman. Of course, everyone’s going crazy. They’re trying to find out who you are and the story.”

  “So, they don’t know who I am yet?”

  Isla smiled, but it was a fraction of her usual grin. “Just your name, but it’s only a matter of time.”

  I groaned and covered my face.

  “Charlie, I’m asking this as a friend.” I lifted my head and my eyes met hers. “Is there anything we need to know about before it comes out?”

  My jaw dropped but it was a fair question. I just couldn’t believe it was happening to me. “No.” I shook my head thinking through my entire life in just a few seconds.

  “No affairs, disgruntled ex’s, no cheating, no problems at school?”

  I sighed and shook my head. “For the first time ever, I’m grateful I’ve had a remarkably boring life.”

  She relaxed and nodded.

  “What if they find out that Aiden and I just met?”

  She rubbed her temple and blew out a breath. “That’s likely. They can get their hands on his itinerary and if they dig into your life, they can piece it together.”

  I nodded. “I should call my parents.”

  Her eyes held compassion and worry. “You haven’t told them?”

  “I told them I was going to Lochland, but I haven’t exactly been keeping them up to date.”

  She nodded and took my hand. “It’s best you tell them before someone else does. They might get hounded soon, so at least they’ll know it’s coming.”

  I felt horrible this would affect them. I just hoped the press would leave them alone.

  “What do I even say, Isla? I’m pretending to be Aiden’s girlfriend for the week?”

  She stood and gazed down at me. “You still think you’re pretending?”

  With that she walked out of my room, closing the door behind her. I leaned against my soft pillows and considered hiding out until this whole thing blew over, but she was right. Aiden was just Aiden to me. To the rest of the world, he was a powerful CEO and prince. I should have known this week wouldn’t be easy.

  I reached over to the nightstand where my phone was waiting. I hadn’t needed it this week except to send a few texts to my dad and Liza that I was still alive. I dreaded the call I was about to make, not just because of the bomb I was going to drop but thinking about the phone bill pulled my stomach in knots.

  I might have forgotten about my real life while I’ve
been at the palace, but the second I leave it will all come back to me.

  I shook my head and dialed my dad’s number. I held the phone to my ear and prayed he wouldn’t answer so I could leave a brief message and go back to hiding.

  “Hi, honey.”

  I was wrong. It was good to talk to him. His voice was like a warm hug. “Hi, Dad.”

  “Is something wrong? It’s early here.” I looked at the clock and mentally slapped myself. It was four in the morning there. He probably thought I was kidnapped or in prison.

  “Oh, Dad. I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about it.”

  “It’s okay, let me just get up so I don’t wake up Liza.”

  Guilt washed over me. I almost asked him to wake her up, but I could talk to her later when it wasn’t before the crack of dawn.

  “What’s going on, hon?”

  “Something happened last night and I wanted to give you a heads up in case you hear about it.”

  There was a pause of silence. “Do you need help, Charlie?”

  Boy did I. “No, it’s not like that, Dad.”

  “Do I need to transfer money to your account?”

  I dropped my head. I was the worst child ever that I would make him worry like that. “No, I promise I’m fine and safe and not out of money.”

  “Okay, then what’s going on?”

  “Remember the man I met in Ireland.”

  I heard him sigh. “You mean the reason you’re in Lochland right now and not London?”

  “Yeah, but that’s only part of it.”

  “So, there’s more to it than you leaving the country with a stranger and his nice old driver.”

  “Yes.” I cringed.

  “So, is this the part where you call me and tell me you need help?”

  “No, I promise I don’t need anything. I just wanted to let you now that Aiden wasn’t exactly who I thought he was.”

  “What does that mean?” His patience was running out and I knew I needed to get to the point before he booked a ticket on the next flight here.

  “So, we landed in Lochland and the driver takes us not to a hotel or his family home like he told me. We arrive at the Summer Palace.”

  “A palace?” He sounded confused.

  “Yes, he told me since his cousin was marrying someone royal, we were invited to stay at the palace. I met Aiden’s sister and she took me shopping for appropriate dresses to wear at all the fancy events.”

  “Charlie, please get to last night and why you’re calling.”

  I swallowed. “So, I went to dinner that first night and recognized the King and Queen. I started--”

  “Charlie. Do you mean to tell me you had dinner with the King and Queen of Lochland?” He was finally getting it.

  “Yes, it was insane. I was so nervous the entire time. Especially because Aiden forgot to mention one critical piece before we walked into the room.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Those are his parents.” There was silence and I checked the phone to make sure the call was still connected. “Dad?”

  “Aiden, as in Prince Aiden the second in line to the throne?”

  “So, am I the only person on the planet that didn’t know who he is?”

  Dad laughed and I finally relaxed. “Well, you’ve had your head stuck in books for the last four years, but yes. I think everyone else knows who he is.”

  I groaned. “Well, I didn’t know. I totally flipped after dinner. I mean, I’d gone shopping with the princess!”

  “So, you mean to tell me this week while I’ve been at work stuck behind a desk, you’ve been running around a palace with royalty?”

  I laughed. “Yeah.”

  He scoffed. “I should go on vacation more often.”

  “Yes, you should. But that’s not even the reason I’m calling.”

  “You mean there’s more?”

  “Yeah, Aiden and I have grown close, and last night at his cousin’s party we kissed and someone took pictures and sent them to the press.”

  “Okay, is that bad?”

  I loved my dad so much at that moment. He wasn’t losing it over the fact I’d kissed a man I’d known for a few days. Fifteen-year-old me was still nervous I’d get grounded.

  “Well, they’re trying to figure out who I am. Isla, the princess, told me that it’s only a matter of time before they search my name and she’s worried they’ll find your address or number. I just wanted to warn you.”

  “Well, I appreciate that the princess was concerned.” He sounded like he was smiling.

  I chuckled. “That’s the not point, Dad.”

  He laughed with me. “I know, Charlie. Don’t worry. We won’t answer the phone and if they find our house, we’ll either stay in or find a hotel to hide away in for a few days.”

  “I’m so sorry, Dad.”

  “Don’t apologize for finding a man you like. The people that sold your picture are the ones that need to be sorry.”

  I sighed and rested against the pillows. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too, but it seems that you’re doing just fine on your own. I knew you would, but I want to have a talk with that prince soon.”

  “I don’t think cleaning your shotgun over the phone has the same effect.”

  He chuckled. “We’ll see about that.”

  “Thanks, Dad. Go back to sleep. I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “It’s part of the job description. Be safe and I’ll talk to you soon. I’m sure Liza will call you the second I say the word prince so watch for her call.”

  “I will. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  He hung up and I felt like a boulder had been lifted from my chest. I didn’t realize how hard it was to keep this from him. I didn’t keep secrets from my parents, so having them caught up on what was going on felt like the universe was back on its axis. Though I had a feeling when Liza called, she’d be booking tickets to come see things for herself.

  I rolled out of bed and went to shower and got ready for the day. I didn’t know what was on the agenda before the family dinner tonight, but I wanted to be ready in case something came up.

  I dressed in the black and white tweed dress that was mysteriously waiting for me on the bed when I came out. It wasn’t one that I recognized from our shopping trip so Isla must have had it brought in. It had sleeves that cut just above my elbow and a dainty red belt. It looked refined and ultra classy. I wasn’t sure what I’d be doing in it, but I knew I’d feel confident. That was probably why Isla picked it out.

  I quickly applied my makeup the way Isla had been doing and blew out my hair into bouncy waves. I slid on the red heels and smoothed my skirt before sliding my phone into the hidden pocket and walked out of my room.

  A guard was waiting across the hallway. It was the first time one had ever been waiting for me.

  “Hello,” I said.

  He nodded. “Morning, Ma’am.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  He nodded once more. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  I looked around the hall but we were alone. “Are you here for me?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  I was thoroughly confused. “Why?”

  “It’s my orders, Ma’am.”

  So, he didn’t know any more than I did. “Okay. Do you know where Aiden is? Or Isla?”

  At first, he didn’t move then he tilted his chin to his shoulder. “Location of Aspen and Dahlia?” He smiled sheepishly. “Code names, Ma’am.”

  Huh. Not the code names I would have picked for them, but I guess that was the point.

  “Follow me.” He led me the opposite direction of the staircase I’d been using and turned a corner revealing another long hall. From what Aiden had told me this was more of the guest rooms.

  He stopped at a door and opened it, revealing a small staircase. I never would have known it was there. It looked identical to every other door. How did they remember where everything was?

  We went down what felt l
ike more than one floor to another unassuming door. He opened it and the hall looked nearly identical to the one we’d been on but the marble floors were covered by a navy-blue carpet rather than the emerald green.

  He continued forward without speaking and stopped in front of a set of double doors. The second I approached they swung open from the inside. A magnificent library came into view. It was full from floor to ceiling with books. The mahogany shelves and sliding ladder called to me.

  Aiden and Isla smiled as I walked in, but they weren’t alone. Ronan and Cian were sitting at the far side of the room while the King and Queen sat on a velvet sofa in the center.

  I stepped in and the doors closed behind me. I looked to my side and realized the guards must have signaled to each other I was coming, but I hadn’t heard the guard leading me say anything. I shook my head and smiled.

  “Good morning,” I greeted everyone.

  “Is it?” I heard Cian mumble but ignored him.

  Aiden walked to me and took my hand. “I’m so sorry this happened, Charlie. I promise we will find who shared those pictures and they will be punished.”

  I didn’t want to think of what the punishment would be but this had more to do with violating the King and Queen’s rules and privacy than it did with me.

  “Were you able to get in touch with your parents?”

  I nodded. “I woke my dad. I forgot about the time difference—”

  “Oh dear.” The Queen laughed. “I’m sure he thought the worst.”

  I smiled. “It took a while to convince him I was safe and not in trouble, but once I explained he understood. He said he wouldn’t answer the phone and if needed they would go to a hotel for a few days until this blows over.”

  She smiled back at me and the King sat up straight. He met my eyes looking remorse. “I regret this is your first impression of our country and people, but I can assure you this isn’t how it always is.”

  I felt the need to reassure him but Aiden spoke first. “Well, it kind of is for us, but it shouldn’t be happening to you.”

  “I think we sort of asked for it,” I said, “making a scene like that.”

  Ronan laughed. “Yeah, you really did.”

  “Ronan. Not now.” The Queen scolded. “Charlie, there will be eyes on you now. Tonight, and tomorrow at the wedding. I’m sure this isn’t what you were expecting but we need to accept the situation. It’s up to you how we handle it.”


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