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His Royal Request: Royals of Lochland Book I

Page 13

by Mulliner, Brittney

  I gazed at her. “What do you mean?”

  She glanced at Aiden before addressing me. “There are three options. First, you can leave and avoid this story growing.”

  My breath caught and my eyes found Aiden. I didn’t want to do that. I couldn’t leave him, not after what he’d revealed last night.

  “Second, you may stay and avoid being seen with Aiden. You can stay close to Isla and we spin things. Say you’re her friend and it was an innocent kiss.”

  I didn’t think that one would be successful. If the picture looked half as passionate as the kiss felt, no one would buy it.

  “Finally, we face things head-on. You go as Aiden’s date and we deal with the repercussions.”

  I swallowed. “Repercussions?” Why did I feel like I was being punished? Sure, this whole thing started out as a ruse, but it had quickly become real.

  “The media attention,” Isla clarified.

  “If you choose to stay and go as Aiden’s date I recommend staying at the palace for a little while until things calm down. We can’t guarantee protection outside these walls.”

  The Queen’s words sank in. If I stayed and put myself out there for the media and press, they would find out more about me and I’d be a target. I’d seen how the paparazzi treated the girlfriends of celebrities and the British princes. Did I want to subject myself to that? I looked at Aiden and knew the answer.

  “If it’s alright with you and the king.” I took in his serene expression, feeling a bit better. “I’d like to stay.” I reached out for Aiden’s hand. “With you.”

  The King cleared his throat. “It’s decided. We’ll do what we can to minimize the effects on you and your family, but we can’t prevent everything.”

  I nodded. “Thank you, your--”


  I paused. I knew that was his first name but I never thought I’d address him by it. “Thank you, Leo.”

  He smiled and stood, helping his wife to stand. She paused next to me, placing a delicate hand on my shoulder. “You made the right choice, Charlie.”

  They left the room and I started to feel my knees go out. Aiden directed me to the couch his parents had just left and I plopped down with much less dignity than the Queen.



  I could feel my brothers’ eyes on us, but I didn’t care about their opinions. Ronan had asked me repeatedly over the past few days what was so special about Charlie that I wanted to endure this additional attention. He didn’t understand. He hadn’t met someone he couldn’t stop thinking about. He’d never felt the need to be with someone. He’d never panicked about the thought of losing her or never seeing her again.

  Mum had done me a tremendous favor by telling Charlie she had to stay after the wedding. It was something I wanted to bring up but I didn’t know how. Now, I didn’t have to.

  “I hope you understand what you’re doing, Charlie. This isn’t a game for us.” Cian stood and walked around until he was facing us. “What you’re feeling now is a fraction of what we endure every single day. It’s not ever going to get better than it is now. It will only get worse.” He paused, letting that sink in. I took Charlie’s hand and squeezed. “If that’s not something that interests you, leave now. While you still have some remaining anonymity.”

  He turned and left the room. Charlie leaned into me like the weight of his words was crushing her.

  Ronan passed by and shook his head once. “He might not have said it with any tact, but he isn’t wrong.”

  He left and only Isla remained. I looked to her for some sort of reassurance.

  She smiled sadly and sat on the sofa across from us. “As he said, Cian’s not wrong. It will only get worse from here. The attention, the press, the burden. If you are serious about Aiden you need to accept that part of the relationship. We’re not normal. We come with our own set of issues. You need to really think about that before putting yourself out there for the world to scrutinize.”

  She reached forward and squeezed Charlie’s knee. “I want both of you to be happy, truly. I’ve loved getting to know you and I can see the change you’ve brought in my brother. I think you’re good for him, but you have to ask if he, and everything that comes with him, is good for you.”

  She stood and walked out of the room.

  Charlie was silent for a minute before turning to me.

  “I choose you, Aiden.”

  “Are you sure? You heard what they said. It’s not just me. It’s my family. My title. My duty.”

  She nodded. “I want all of you. I know it won’t be like a fairytale. It will probably be hard and I might get scared, but I want to see what we can be.”

  I took a breath for the first time in what felt like forever. “I do too. I meant what I said last night. I’m falling for you. I know it’s crazy and we barely know each other, but that doesn’t change how I feel.”

  She smiled and touched my face. “I know enough to know I’m falling for you too. I may not know about your childhood or what you were like as a teen, but what I know of the man you are now is enough for me to want to know more. I’ve seen how you treat others, especially those under your station.”

  I laughed. “You mean George?”

  “And the guards and butlers and everyone else. You know their names; you treat them like friends.”

  “Of course. They’re a part of the family.”

  She smiled. “There are people with much less that treat others horribly. Or ignore them completely. You could do that, but you don’t.”

  I didn’t know what to say. It never crossed my mind to treat them like they were beneath me. Probably because my parents didn’t.

  She continued, “You love your siblings, even when they’re being difficult, but most importantly, you care about me. You took the time to talk to me and learn my dreams and you made them happen. You’re generous and you make me laugh. You’re more than I could have ever dreamed of.”

  I was stunned. I’d had people compliment me, but I’d always wondered if there was another motive behind their words. If they wanted to impress me or get an in with me. If they were trying to get to my parents. I kept my walls up, but never with her.

  “From the moment I saw you I needed to know you. Thank you for making the hard choice. I promise I’ll do everything I can to protect you. I’ll do anything for you.”

  A phone ring interrupted us. She blushed and pulled her phone out of her pocket. “Does anything include meeting my parents?”

  Nerves like I was about to speak on television flooded through me but I pushed them down. She met my parents without warning. I could talk to them on the phone.

  I nodded and she tapped the screen, holding the phone out in front of her. “Hi Dad, Liza.”

  I leaned in closer and smiled at the couple on the screen. The woman squealed. “You weren’t lying. That’s the prince!”

  I laughed. “Hello, Ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Charlie has told me a lot about you and your husband.”

  “Funny, she hasn’t told me anything about you.” Liza narrowed her eyes and Charlie cringed.

  “I’m sorry,” Charlie said. “I meant to call, but things have been happening so quickly. Then I woke up this morning to find out that the media is sharing a picture of the two of us. I wanted to warn you in case they found out who I am.”

  Liza smiled. “Don’t worry, honey. I’m sure being in the palace with a handsome prince makes you forget your parents.”

  Charlie shook her head. “So, Dad caught you up?”

  She nodded. “Sounds like you’ve been having quite the adventure.”

  Charlie giggled. “It’s been unexpected.”

  Mark leaned forward. “I’m worried about her, Aiden. I don’t want anyone trying to hurt her or take advantage.”

  I nodded. “My family and I are working to ensure no one shares more images. Guards have been assigned to her and we will make sure no one gets close without approval. Her safety is my top priorit

  Mark nodded. “That’s good to hear. It’s taken a lot of Liza talking me down to stop from flying out there and bringing my daughter home.”

  “Dad, that isn’t necessary,” Charlie assured him.

  “Sir, I appreciate and understand your concern, but that won’t be necessary. Unless you’d like to come. My family would love to host you.”

  Liza smacked her husband’s arm. “She’s a grown woman, Mark. Thank you for your offer, but we trust you.”

  Mark didn’t seem entirely convinced, with his brows knit together, but he didn’t argue.

  “The Queen recommended that I stay for a little while after the wedding to let things blow over,” Charlie said, “so I won’t be continuing on my trip longer than I planned.”

  “That’s fine,” Liza said. “Just keep up posted with your plans.”

  I nodded. “I’ll make sure her itinerary is sent to you so you can keep track.”

  Charlie looked at me. “I have an itinerary.”

  I smiled. “As of this morning you do.”

  Liza and her father laughed at her surprised expression.

  “Hold on, Charlie. I just heard someone pull into our drive.” Her dad jumped up and moved out of view.

  I felt her tense next to me.

  “It’s Channel Four. Their van is parked in front of the house.”

  Liza’s face grew concerned. “I think they figured you out, sweetheart.”

  Charlie nodded. “They work fast.”

  I pulled out my phone and texted my assistant. We’d have to contact their local police and have security set up. “I’m working on getting them removed now. I’ll have a reservation made at a local hotel. Once I have the details arranged, I’ll send it over. I’m so sorry this has happened.”

  Liza waved her free hand. “You can’t control what you’re born into, hon. We’ll be just fine.”

  Mark came back to the screen. “You don’t need to get a hotel room. We can get one ourselves.”

  These were good people, just like their daughter. They weren’t looking for handouts or taking advantage of the situation. It made me want to help them even more. “Just look out for some information soon.”

  They agreed and Charlie said goodbye before hanging up. “I can’t believe they found my address that fast.”

  I put my arm around her shoulder and squeezed her against me. “It’s their job.”

  “So, what does this mean for us?”

  “We’ll have a lot of eyes on us tonight and all day tomorrow. Just smile and be yourself. That’s worked wonderfully for you so far.”

  She smiled but still looked worried.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She sighed and gazed into my eyes. “Our relationship might not be so fake anymore but I still feel like a fraud.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  Her brows furrowed. “Aiden, you’re a prince. I’m a regular American girl.”

  “Didn’t Liza just say you can’t control what you’re born into? I can’t control the fact my dad’s the king any more than you can. None of that matters to me, but my life doesn’t change by all this. Yours does.”

  She nodded. “I can’t lie and say I don’t wish things were simpler, but you’re right. We can only focus on what we can control. I’m not ready for this to end. I’m not ready to give up on us.”

  “That’s all I need to know.” I leaned forward and kissed her gently. When I pulled back, she was smiling. “Let’s go see what they’ve figured out.”

  We went up the stairs to the ground floor and through the art gallery to my dad’s study. As I expected Cian and some of his staff were together talking.

  “Have you found who sent the pictures?”

  Cian wouldn’t meet my eyes. I looked away from him to my dad.

  “Ms. Marshall admitted she took the photos and sold them.”

  Shauna. I had a feeling she’d be connected to this. No wonder Cian wouldn’t look at me.

  “And she’s left, I assume.”

  The head of the guards, Geoffrey, nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good.” I put my hand on Charlie’s back. “Thank you for taking care of that.”

  I turned to leave when Cian called my name. I looked down at him and waited.

  “I’m sorry.”

  He didn’t elaborate, but I didn’t expect him to. We both knew what he was talking about.

  “Thank you.”

  We left and I could feel Charlie relaxing. “She must have really not liked me.”

  I squeezed her shoulder. “She’s desperate for attention. She’ll do anything for a moment of it. Don’t take it personally.”

  “At least she’s gone and I don’t have to worry about her anymore.”

  I nodded. “Just everyone else.”

  She looked up at me with narrowed eyes. “Very supportive.”

  I laughed and she joined in. “I’ll stay with you through the next two days. If I can’t be there then Isla will be.”

  She smiled sweetly. “Thank you.”

  “There’s just one thing.”

  She cocked her head. “What?”

  “Before the wedding, the family typically rides in carriages to the chapel. During that time…”

  She nodded. “I’ll be on my own for the wedding. I figured that out already.”

  I paused. “How?”

  “I’ve been doing some research to get ready. Since I’m not a part of the family I’ll ride separately and sit in the back with the normal folk.”

  I shook my head. “An old mate of mine, Michael, will be there. I’ve asked him to stand in for me, so you won’t be alone.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Would you like to take a walk through the Princess courtyard?”

  She immediately brightened. “Of course.”

  I lead her away from the study. “It has over one hundred species of roses.”

  “Really? Are those Isla’s favorites?”

  I laughed. “No, she loves dahlias. This garden is over a century old.”

  She blushed. “Of course. I forget how old this place is.” We took a few more steps before stopping. “What’s your favorite tree?”

  The question caught me off guard. “I like aspens.”

  She smiled like she had a secret.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “I get your code names now.”

  I laughed. “The guards are supposed to be discreet.”

  She looked over her shoulder to the two following behind us. “They are. I’m just smart.”

  “That you are.”



  I thought after going through half a dozen dresses I’d get used to the luxury, but Isla kept impressing me. We were getting ready for the bridal dinner when a knock interrupted us.

  “Come in,” I called and the door opened to reveal a woman holding a garment bag.

  “Thank you, Patty,” Isla said. “You can leave it on the bed.”

  The woman nodded and moved to the bed before turning and leaving as quickly as she’d come.

  “What’s that?”

  Isla propped the curling iron on the dresser and hurried over to unzip the bag. “This is your dress for tonight.”

  She carefully removed the cover and held up a shimmery sea green dress with long, sheer sleeves and a pleated skirt that looked like it would flow almost to my ankles.

  “Isla, that’s beautiful!”

  She smiled with pride. “I saw it in a magazine yesterday and called to have it sent over.”

  My jaw dropped. “You mean, you called the shop?”

  She laughed. “No, I called the designer and mentioned that my brother’s date was desperately in need of a dress. He jumped at the chance to have you wear his design.”

  “But why?” I stepped forward letting the fabric slide between my fingers.

  “There were already rumors that someone was here with Aiden. The people love involving themselves in our relationships.
He was smart enough to realize the potential of having you say his name.”

  “But I’m no one.”

  She winked. “Not for long.”

  I shook my head. “Isla, we’re barely even a couple.”

  She laid the dress down and placed both hands on my shoulders. “Charlie, listen to me because I will only say this one more time. Aiden has never brought anyone else home. He may get heckled for being single, but it’s never been enough to bother him. He may have used that as an excuse to get you to come, but it’s not the real reason. He saw something in you that he couldn’t ignore. You’re here because he wants you to be, and clearly, you want to be here just as much. Now, stop the talk of you not being anyone important. You’re the most important person to him right now, and that matters. You’ve also become my friend and that matters. My parents already trust and adore you, and that missy means quite a lot.”

  Wow. She wasn’t holding anything back.

  As hard as it was for me to accept, she was right. I might be too shy to admit it, but I was here for a reason.

  “Can I put it on?” I asked.

  She beamed and handed me the lush pile.

  I moved to the bathroom and removed my robe before stepping into the dress. I slid my arms through the sleeves and pulled it up. The wrap at the front created a deep V-neck but it wasn’t revealing. It fit perfectly and when I looked at my reflection I grinned. I looked like I belonged. Like I should be standing next to Aiden. I felt a bit like a princess.

  “Wow.” Isla stood behind me looking proud. “I’ll have to get one of these for myself.”

  I nodded. “It’s beautiful.”

  “I thought the color would look good on you, and once again I was correct.”

  I turned to face her. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, Isla. I don’t know if I could’ve survived this long without you.”

  She winked. “Sure, you would. You need to have more faith in yourself.”


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