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His Royal Request: Royals of Lochland Book I

Page 14

by Mulliner, Brittney

  I smiled, but I wanted to tell her she needed some too. She minimized her impact on people. If it was humility or ignorance, I wasn’t sure, but she was wonderful and I wanted her to know.

  “Really, thank you. I was a stranger and you took me under your wing.”

  “Aiden asked me and I couldn’t tell him no. Not when I heard in his voice how much you meant to him, and that was back when you were still in Ireland. You’ve changed him, Charlie.”

  “He’s changed me too.”

  He opened my eyes to all that was possible. He broadened my world. He saw me, even when I was hiding. I thought my life was meant to be simple. This trip was supposed to be the highlight, and it turned out to be, but for such different reasons.

  I dreaded the thought of returning home. I didn’t want this moment to end. I couldn’t bear the thought of saying goodbye to Aiden.

  We were on borrowed time. We might have a few more days together, but then what? He had a company to run and I had...what? A lonely trip before going back to live with my parents and job hunt?

  I’d always been fine with what I had. I didn’t dream of fame or wealth. I just wanted a happy life like my parents. Could I go back to Indiana and accept that? After all of this? How could I ever date another man while comparing him to Aiden?

  He ruined me, and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

  Even if this all ended and I never saw him again, I’d do it all over in a heartbeat. The saying is right, it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.

  “You look sad,” Isla said. “What’s wrong?”

  I blinked and mentally shook off the inevitable. “Sorry, just got lost.”

  She stared me down. “Don’t write things off. Don’t write him off. This is as real and unexpected for him as it is for you. You just need to figure it out together.”

  I nodded and stood up straight. “Should we get this over with?”

  Her smile dimmed. “I’m sorry you won’t be sitting near us. The seating arrangement was set ages ago. Nicole begged to have you closer, but the wedding planner could only squeeze you in at the opposite end.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  She looped her arm through mine and we left my room. Both our guards were waiting for us with blank expressions.

  I looked up at mine and waited for him to meet my eyes. “Ma’am?”

  “What’s your name?”

  He blinked. Then again. “Harrison, Ma’am.”

  “Thank you for watching out for me, Harrison.”

  He gave the slightest nod then went back to ignoring me. Isla giggled. “This is Logan.”

  I looked at her guard and he gave a tiny smile. “Nice to meet you, Ma’am.”

  He was quite handsome and had a bit more personality than Harrison. I liked him.

  “Nice to meet you, Logan. I bet you’ve got some good stories about the princess, don’t you?”

  He winked but didn’t say another word. Isla smacked my arm. “Don’t you dare even try. He signed an agreement.”

  I looked back at him and saw his lips quiver like he was keeping in a laugh. I patted Isla’s hand wrapped around my arm. “Don’t worry.”

  As we turned and walked down the hall, I looked over my shoulder. “We’ll talk later,” I whispered to Logan who continued to smirk while Isla pulled me forward.

  I laughed and fell into step with her. “I’ve never seen you blush before,” I said the words under my breath so the guards couldn’t hear.

  She groaned and hurried down the stairs as if she was trying to run away. I leaned into her. “You’ve got a crush, don’t you?”

  She glared at me with tight lips and I smiled. I’d hit it on the head.

  We approached a doorway I hadn’t seen open before. A red room waited. The floors were a red carpet with a delicate gold pattern woven through and the walls were covered with a rich, red wallpaper. Enormous portraits covered one wall while windows adorned the other side. A table, longer than the one from my first dinner here, was set for what looked like over fifty people. It was beautiful and overwhelming and already full of guests.

  I took in a slow breath.

  “You’ve got this.” Isla and I entered together but she was quickly swept away by a dozen people vying for her attention.

  I felt vulnerable standing alone out in the open. I looked around for Aiden or Ronan. I would have taken Cian at this point, but couldn't find any of the princes.

  A man wearing a white tuxedo jacket and black pants asked for us to take our seats and I wanted to kiss him for giving me a purpose. Isla went to the far side of the table so I looked for my name at the end closest to me. I was trying to be discreet but I knew I looked lost and confused.

  “Charlie, dear, you’re over here.”

  I looked up to see Aunt Evelyn smiling at me.

  I hurried around the table and slid into the chair next to her. “Thank you so much.”

  She patted my knee under the table. “Don’t show fear, they can smell it.”

  I laughed then caught myself. “Isn’t this your family?”

  She smiled slyly. “They are.”

  Ah so if anyone had the right to make a comment like that, she did.

  “Why aren’t you closer to the head table?” I asked her. “This is your daughter’s wedding.”

  She gave me a look out of the side of her eye. “Why indeed?”

  Huh, so there was underlying tension here. Wonderful. Isla mentioned the wedding planner hadn’t let them move me closer, so I had a feeling this planner wasn’t a fan of the bride’s parents either. Then why hire him or her?

  I’d have to ask Isla or Aiden later since the first course was served.

  I looked down at the fish, asparagus, and some unknown green structure with a frown.

  There was no menu on the table explaining what I was looking at. I could only assume it was traditional Lochish cuisine.

  “It’s halibut and a watercress mousse,” Evelyn whispered.

  I hummed like I knew exactly what that meant. I looked up and realized I had an audience. Almost everyone opposite me was watching as if they’d made bets on my next move. Countess Wallace, Maribeth sat directly across from me. She smiled then lifted her fork with a tiny bite of halibut and the mouse.

  I followed her lead and took a tiny bite. The instant it touched my tongue I wished the meal was over.

  How long would I have to endure this?

  I forced a smile and froze when I noticed everyone was still watching me. What were they waiting for? Was I missing something? I looked back at Maribeth who gave the tiniest nod as she took another bite.

  Crap. I had to clear the plate? Wasn’t a polite bite sufficient? I had to eat the whole horrible thing?

  Couldn’t I pretend to have an allergy? Gluten? Dairy? I’m vegan?

  I took another tiny bite and focused on breathing through my nose. I could get through this. I could survive.

  “Aiden told me you majored in international relations at university. What made you choose that?”

  I blinked and realized Evelyn was giving me an escape. I’d noticed a few conversations had picked up and those people were no longer eating.

  “I really liked the thought of traveling the world and meeting new people. I thought that was what I’d do if I graduated with that degree. Little did I know it was a bit more complicated.” I laughed. “That’s why you shouldn’t choose your major as an eighteen-year-old.”

  We laughed. “Oh boy,” she said. “My major was English so I can’t say it was particularly helpful either. I got a special paper because I read a lot of books.”

  I nodded. “It’s so important now to have a degree, at least that’s what we’re taught in school, but they forget to tell us to pick something useful.”

  “Who knows, you might use yours.” She winked, which gave me pause.

  Would people think that? Would they think I’d planned to meet Aiden? Or that I was using him?

  It was almost comical how coincidental it was. Would the public see it that way or would they think I was an opportunist? Would they think I was an American trying to worm my way in and impose my own agenda?

  I was spiraling but I couldn’t get up and leave. I needed to catch my breath, but how could I with dozens of eyes on me?

  “Oh, darling. I didn’t mean anything by that.”

  I nodded. “No, I know. I just realized how that might look to others.”

  She frowned. “Don’t think like that. If someone makes an accusation all they have to do is see you and my nephew together to know it’s not true.”

  I met her eyes. “You think?”

  She nodded. “Of course. You two are something special. The moment people see that they will support the two of you.”

  I sucked in a breath and tried to relax. We were up against so much. The odds were stacked against us, and that wasn’t likely to change.

  I’d have to put up with criticism and negative talk for my entire life if things with Aiden and I continued on this track.

  Could I handle it?

  I looked down the table to where he was seated and watched him. He was so poised and confident. So even-tempered. He was the calm to my storm. As if he knew I needed him he turned and smiled at me. I relaxed and smiled back before turning to face my audience.

  I could do this. With him, I could.



  The moment Dad stood, ending dinner, I hurried to Charlie’s side. I’d watched her as much as I could through dinner and she’d remained composed and smiling, but I had no idea what she was really facing. I wanted to rescue her. I wanted to protect her.

  Not just from this group, but from the world.

  “Hello,” I whispered behind her causing her to spin. She beamed up at me and took my hand in hers.


  I noted Maribeth across from her. “Did she take care of you?”

  Charlie’s eyes twinkled. “Yes, she did.”

  “Good, I hope you enjoyed your time cause your mine for the rest of the night.”

  She bit her bottom lip and smiled. I wouldn’t need to convince her.

  “The party will be moving out to the walled garden,” Dad announced before leading the group outside. The sun had dipped low against the horizon but we still had a bit of light. Mum had also instructed the gardeners to light the pathways and garden for the event.

  We got to the main entrance gate and Charlie paused. I looked to her and smiled at her stunned expression. We hadn’t even gone in yet; we had stopped in front of the iron gate.

  “It’s beautiful.” She held up her hand and traced the spiral pattern. It was black with gold touches and quite striking, but it was something I’d seen a million times.

  Seeing her take it in for the first time reminded me of all I took for granted. Being with her helped me remember to take it all in and appreciate it.

  “Wait until you see inside.”

  She pulled me through, more excited than I’d seen in days. The walled-in area was made up of four square, symmetrical knot gardens with paths between each. The geometrical designs were the highlight and always impressed our visitors.

  “It’s like the Palace of Versailles,” Charlie whispered with wonder.

  “On a much smaller scale.”

  She laughed and looked up at me. “Well, this is only one of the gardens.”

  I was about to rattle off the history when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and worked to keep the cringe off my face.

  MacDonald and Pierce, two members of Parliament, stood with expectant expressions. They weren’t exactly my biggest fans and I was sure they had strong opinions about me dating a title-less foreigner.

  “Evening gentlemen, to what do I owe this rare pleasure?” I slipped my arm around Charlie’s shoulders and pulled her closer to me as if that would protect her from whatever they were planning.

  “We wanted to introduce ourselves to your new friend.” Pierce dragged his eyes over her with no attempt at hiding his disdain.

  “Yes, we’ve heard chatter and thought it best we meet her,” MacDonald spoke as if Charlie wasn’t directly in front of him.

  “It’s lovely to meet you both.” Charlie held out her hand for MacDonald who stared down at it for a few beats before reluctantly shaking it. Pierce was slightly less embarrassing, but I made a mental note about these two.

  “How lucky you are to be on the prince’s arm. Your friends and family back home must be so thrilled.”

  When had MacDonald become the most condescending person in the country?

  I was about to defend her but she wasn’t going to back down.

  “Actually, my parents had to leave their home and check into a hotel because the media won’t leave them alone. They’re supportive of me and my decisions, but I don’t think I’d use the word thrilled.”

  Pierce looked down his nose at her. “Well, I can only imagine the family will miss you terribly when you have to leave.”

  I pulled her even closer. “You have no idea. Charlie’s become a dear friend and I’m sure when she leaves it will only be temporary.”

  Isla appeared behind the men with Mum at her side.

  “Charlie has been a pure delight,” Mum said. “I’m sure once you and the rest of the country gets a chance to know her better, you’ll share my opinion.” She condemned them with a look and they scurried off like frightened mice.

  Charlie giggled. “Thank you both. That was very sweet of you to say.”

  Mum smiled. “It’s true, my dear. I may not have had much time to spend with you, but you’ve brought happiness to my children and have remained graceful in the face of adversity. I admire you for that.”

  Charlie stuttered a bit before composing herself. “Thank you so much, Your Maj-”

  “Just Anne.”

  “Thank you, Anne.”

  Mum leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “When this is all over, we’ll spend more time getting to know one another.”

  Charlie nodded emphatically. Mum walked away greeting guests as she moved to join Dad.

  “Are you going to be okay?” Isla asked Charlie with a smirk.

  She shook her head. “Leo and Anne. Your parents asked me to call them by their first names.”

  I nodded. I loved that she referred to them as my parents, not the king and queen. “Yes, I know.”

  She turned to me. “That’s a big deal. I thought that happened later on in the relationship. I’m supposed to have to work for it.”

  Isla laughed. “Oh, honey. You have worked for it.”

  * * *

  The wedding ceremony started at ten but the procession to the chapel started an hour before. Michael planned to meet with me over an hour ago, before I left, so I could introduce him to Charlie, but he was nowhere to be seen. He and Charlie were supposed to be there before me and my family arrived. It wasn’t like I could delay the entire wedding party because of one person. Well...I could try.

  “Have you seen him yet?” I asked Ronan for the twentieth time in the past few minutes. He was sitting in front of my window watching for his car to roll in.

  “Still no. I would have told you.”

  I buttoned my gray waistcoat before sliding into my shoes. “How long do we have?”

  “Seven minutes.”

  Michael could get here in time for a quick introduction. If he hurried. I didn’t bother checking my phone for an update. Michael was notorious for not answering calls or texts.

  “Let’s head down then.” I slipped on my morning coat, grateful I didn’t have to wear my full ceremonial uniform.

  We got to the steps out front where the carriages were already prepped and waiting to carry us to the chapel.

  “Five minutes.”

  I nodded. Nicole was climbing into the last carriage, her bridal gown overflowing from the small door. Her mother and two other women were shoving the fabric in, but it didn’t appear to be working.
  “This should be interesting.”

  Ronan looked where I pointed and laughed. “That’s quite the dress.”

  “It’s surprising she went for something so…” I trailed off, unsure of the best word.






  “I think that’s it. She complained about the attention at the garden party but that screams ‘look at me’.”

  He shrugged. “It’s her day. She probably didn’t want to get upstaged by anyone.”

  I chuckled. “No chance of that happening.”

  A car engine roared and I pulled my eyes away from my struggling cousin.


  Michael’s red Porsche parked to the side, away from the carriages and he jumped out jogging toward me. His waistcoat was open and his tie hung loosely around his neck.

  “Sorry, sorry. Every road was closed because of this blasted wedding.”

  I shook my head. “I told you to just stay here.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I had a late meeting yesterday, otherwise I would have.” He looked at Ronan and smiled. “Long time, mate.”

  They hugged and Michael stepped back and finished tying his tie. “Where’s the lovely lady?”

  “She hasn’t come down yet.” I looked back through the doors, but no one was coming down the stairs. “I haven’t seen Isla either.”

  “She’ll make it with a second to spare, she always does,” Ronan said with a shrug.

  “True.” I took a breath, finally calming down now that Michael was here. “Things between us are still fairly new but I really like her. Don’t scare her off.”

  Michael smirked at Ronan. “It’s serious isn’t it?”

  Ronan nodded, and I didn’t deny it.

  “Just please be a gentleman and make sure she’s comfortable,” I told Michael. “If you need to make introductions you can say she’s a friend of mine or ours. Also, if there’s a custom she’s not aware of, please explain.”

  He waved his hands. “Yes, I know. I’m not going to embarrass either of you. I’ll take good care of her.”

  I stared him down for a minute then nodded. “Thank you.”


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