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The Resolute Prince

Page 8

by Nana Prah

  “Sule!” he said louder as he shook his slim shoulders. “Sule, are you okay?”


  A rough squeeze of her person was followed by yelling in her ear. She swatted the hand away. Why was the voice calling for her brother while shaking her? The insolence.

  Malika attempted to escape the rudeness only to find her limbs flailing before being caught. She popped her lids open and met the familiar eyes of the man she’d been dreaming about moments before. The lingering sensual vision of lips and hands gliding over wet places on her body made her face grow hot as she reached out to capture the strong arms holding her.

  Eyes hooded, she grasped the muscles and drew herself to him. Her dream man.

  Focused on his tempting lips, she was magnetized to the goal of experiencing the pleasure that Zareb had initiated her to.

  The cinnamon freshness of his breath fanned her face as the distance closed, not just from her side. She wasn’t the only one lost in the sensations swirling between them, which heightened her desire. Heat penetrated into her skin where his powerful hands held her steady and evoked a moan.

  The next thing she knew, she was sprawled out on the floor when he released her. Quick reflexes saved her from face-planting and ending up with a broken nose.

  Glancing down at her chest to make sure she’d flattened her breasts, she remembered wanting to rest for a minute before heading to the palace. At least, she’d been smart enough to get dressed in her smock first.

  Zareb’s stony expression no longer revealed the concern she’d glimpsed seconds ago. “Let’s go.”

  He hadn’t been able to hide the huskiness in his voice, and her core throbbed at how she’d affected him. They both had issues to deal with. She now understood just how bad his were. Poor man.

  The one thing she could ease his mind about, her being a woman, stayed stuck in her throat as she considered her goals over his distress. The selfishness brought on yet another bout of shame to contend with.

  Getting to her feet, she avoided his eyes. “Where?”

  “To the palace. I’m giving you a ride.”

  She squinted, attempting to decipher what his ulterior motive could be. He’d never offered anything other than exercises to improve her fencing skills. Wary, she accepted the ride with a curt not.

  Heaving her bag over her shoulder, she followed him out. Had he felt her breasts when he’d prevented her from falling? Doubtful since his hands had held her shoulder and hip. Nowhere near her chest.

  As she passed the floor-to-ceiling mirror, she ensured that she looked like the male she was supposed to be portraying. She attempted to add an extra bob to her walk, but then decided against it when it took too much energy. Shuffling would do.

  The prince tapped his foot as he waited for her to reach the car. She threw her bag into the open hatch door of the large black Range Rover SUV before sliding into the plush leather front passenger seat. She bit her lip to restrain a whimper as she closed her eyes and leaned her head back, luxuriating in how the seat moulded around her.

  Sensing him watching her, she turned her head and opened her eyes. The sharp inhale of breath scratched her throat when she met his inquiring gaze.

  Coming to her senses, Malika gave her attention to the passenger side window.

  Over the soft purr of the engine, Zareb spoke. “Tell me about your sister.”

  She slanted her eyes at him. The man intended to pump her for information about … well, herself. Giddiness wiped away her fatigue. On Saturday, he’d shown his interest, but she’d thought it would wane. If hers hadn’t, what made her think his would’ve?

  Despite the crappy situation she and the queen had created, it wasn’t all bad. She could have some fun with this. “Which one?”

  He took a right out of the parking lot. “Malika.”

  “Oh.” She dulled her voice. “You mean the headstrong one.”

  He cut her a look that would’ve had her averting her eyes if she weren’t so happy. Did he like her enough that he was annoyed by someone calling her names? “Okay, so she’s not always stubborn, but she can be a pain sometimes.”

  His upper lip curled into a semblance of a smile. “I know what it’s like.”

  She sneered. “You have a bossy older sister who likes to tell you what to do all the time and thinks she’s always right about everything?”

  It made her day to lord it over her younger siblings, and sometimes her older ones. She couldn’t help it if nine times out of ten, she was right.

  “I have an older half-sister from Queen Sapphire. Isha likes to be in control as much as I do. Let’s just say that I understand.”

  Remembering to bring on the aloofness, Malika ignored him by watching the lush, manicured landscape of the deepening palace grounds. In the mornings, one of the chauffeurs drove her to the gym. If she wanted a ride back, she’d call. Usually, she opted to walk the two miles. It helped to cleanse her thoughts and commune with nature before delving headlong into her job.

  Not deterred, he asked, “What does Malika like to do with her free time?”

  “You know, girl stuff.”

  “Such as?”

  The sprawling fortress appeared up the road. “Shopping, reading, hanging out with her friends.”

  Zareb smirked. “Guys don’t do those things?”

  He had her there. Perhaps she should’ve added painting her fingernails on a daily basis, but that would’ve been a lie. She’d rather gnaw them off with her teeth. She had better things to do with her time, like enjoying her family.

  When the vehicle stopped, she hated having to leave his side.

  They got out, and Zareb grabbed her bag from the rear of the car and tossed it to her.

  He slowed his pace to match hers. “I can’t get over how much you resemble your sister. It’s uncanny.”

  She hunched her shoulders and scratched her nose. “I get that a lot. It’s not a compliment from my point of view.”

  The most confident man she’d ever met opened his mouth then closed it with hesitation. “Does she have an intended?”

  The chuckle she couldn’t hold back came out as a sputtered cough. “Intended?”

  “Is she dating anyone?”

  “Not that I know of. I like to stay out of her business. She can get a little, um, harsh when she thinks someone is invading her space.”

  Malika took a second to observe him. No reaction.

  She wondered why he didn’t live at the palace, especially since he wasn’t married. “Where do you stay?”

  “I built my own place about five kilometres from here.”

  The marble floor gleamed as they walked into the expansive entryway.

  She may as well get some answers from him while she had the chance. “Why?”

  She waved a hand at the opulent surroundings, from the crystal chandeliers to what appeared to be original works of art from both African and Western artists. Who wouldn’t want to live here?

  “This place is ...” She held back the ornate words she’d use if she were herself. “Cool. There’s always delicious food available, and I never have to clean my room.”

  He rubbed his chin as if thinking. “I left for freedom and independence.”

  She’d attended school outside of Loras for the same reasons. Her family was so close that it sometimes suffocated. Now, her heart longed for that nearness, the reason why she couldn’t bear to be more than an hour’s plane ride away from them again.

  “I see.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes. Sometimes, being around family and people in general gets stifling. Having a man-cave as a home is the way to go.”

  Zareb graced her with one of his rare smiles. Malika’s stomach dipped, and she turned her head so he couldn’t see the desire most likely burning in her eyes. It wouldn’t do for a young man to get a crush on his male trainer seeing as how homosexuality still wasn’t an openly accepted practice in many countries in West Africa. Loras and Bagumi included.

Was Zareb closed-minded when it came to the topic? After those brief encounters they’d had where she’d realized his reaction to Sule, she doubted it. If he were, she had no misgiving that he’d have kicked her out of the program. Which would’ve been fine because she’d have lost all respect for him.

  “I’m heading up to my room. Will you be coaching us this afternoon?”

  The later sessions were group-based. Those who had full-time jobs during the day would join them. The workouts were challenging and expansive as she practiced against those who were already on the Bagumi fencing team.

  She held her breath, not sure what she wanted the answer to be. If he said yes, she’d suffer. But if he said no, she wouldn’t get to spend time with him. Lately, that’s all she wanted to do. Get to know him better. Not that he ever allowed it, though, not until he’d met her as Malika the other night.

  “No, I won’t.”


  “I thought you’d be happy.” His eyes sparkled when she glanced up at him. “You looked like you didn’t want to get off the floor at the gym today.”

  “I’m glad you find that amusing, Your Highness. I learn a lot when you work with me.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “You don’t benefit from my other coaches?”

  Not falling into the trap of judging his staff, she backed up a step. “I do, but I absorb more from you.”

  When I’m actually paying attention instead of being hypnotized by your melodious voice.

  The light patter was Malika’s only warning before a toddler came into the hall, giggling as he lunged himself at Zareb.

  “I’m going to get you,” a non-menacing voice said just before a man appeared around the corner.

  The child’s squeals got louder as he attempted to hide behind Zareb.

  Prince Zediah lurked in the large hallway, twisting his body as if searching. “Where’s my son?”

  The boy giggled as he clung to the back of his uncle’s legs, hiding his face. The child was too cute for words, and the whole scene made Malika smile.

  Zareb looked up at her and did a double-take. She sobered, relieved when he reached down to pick up his nephew.

  “He’s right here.” He blew a raspberry onto the toddler’s stomach, causing him to squirm and laugh even harder.

  Zareb settled the boy on the crook of his arm and pulled a tendril of his hair. The child returned the gesture with a fistful of Zareb’s locs.

  Malika ducked to hide just how touched she was by the scene.

  “The little stinker ran away when I told him it was time to get back to the room for a bath.” Zediah poked out a finger to tickle his son.

  Feeling more composed, Malika looked up at the three males. Her heart stopped beating when the child reached out for her.


  Chapter Thirteen

  Malika glanced behind her to ensure that the child wasn’t reaching for someone else. She’d encountered him at the palace a few times, but it wasn’t until they’d met at the party while she’d been Malika that they’d engaged. The boy had distracted her with joyous play as she’d waited for Zareb’s arrival.

  Unable to resist Nour’s call as he twisted over Zareb’s forearm, she grabbed him, making sure to hold him in front of her body like Zareb had, rather than perched on her hip.

  Nour clapped his hands against her cheeks. “Tee. Tee. Tee.”

  Malika prayed this kid wouldn’t expose her before she was ready.

  “Nour, That’s Uncle Sule,” Zediah introduced them. “He’s not an aunty.”

  “Tee,” he insisted.

  Zediah shook his head. “He must have you confused with your sister. You look more like twins than Zareb and I.”

  “I was just telling him the same thing,” Zareb said.


  She couldn’t discern if Nour’s intuition told him that Malika and Sule were the same person or if he was as stubborn as his uncle in believing only what he knew to be true.

  Zediah laughed as he took the boy.

  “Amira has you calling everyone aunty.” He tipped his head towards Zareb. “You need to teach him how to say uncle.”

  Malika looked at Zareb. The usual neutral expression had been replaced with one of curiosity and a concentrated study of her face.

  The sooner she left, the less her chances of being discovered, especially with a tattle-tale toddler on the loose.

  “Thanks for the ride. I’ll see you later.” Hefting the strap of her bag onto her shoulder, she dredged up the strength to climb the stairs.


  Zareb followed his brother into the quarters he shared with his wife. His parents loved having their grandson in Bagumi. Which worked out because Zed and Rio claimed to appreciate the attention the family gave the boy. His brother lived in a wing opposite from everyone else, but it would drive Zareb nuts to be back under the restrictive roof of his parents.

  Zed handed his child over to the woman who was more like family than a nanny. Oksana received him with the same broad grin that Nour brought out in everyone.

  “Hey, Zareb.”

  “Hi, Oksana. Are you missing the cold weather yet?”

  “Never,” she said with a laugh.

  He watched them walk down the hallway as Nour chatted her ear off in a language only he understood. He’d never been one to enjoy children, but his energetic nephew had changed his attitude.

  Would his child look like himself or the mother?

  An image of Malika’s sweet face came to mind.

  He'd met her once and was thinking about having children with her? Something had to be wrong. Maybe stress had gotten to him and he was losing it.

  “Where’s Rio?”

  Zed hitched a thumb in the direction of the bedrooms. “Resting. I didn’t realize that she’d need so much of it once she’d gotten pregnant. I wish I’d been with her when she was carrying Nour.”

  “Why? So, you could’ve gotten on her last nerve by coddling her?”

  “Exactly. My queen deserves the best.”

  “I don’t doubt it, but you might want to lay off a little. Give her some space.”

  Zed grunted. “This coming from the most overprotective person in the country.”

  “I’ve eased up a little. Or do you want guard detail with you twenty-four-seven again?”

  “No, thanks. Want a drink?”

  Zareb took a seat. “I’m all right.”

  “Now tell me about Malika and how she has you strung out over her.”

  He couldn’t hide anything from Zed. “What are you talking about?”

  “This, dare I say it, happiness you’re enshrouded in.” He wiggled a finger around Zareb’s face. “Soft eyes. It’s the only thing you can’t control.”

  Zareb rested his forearms on his thighs. “You’re being ridiculous. I only met her the other night.”

  Zed shrugged. “Have you been in contact?”



  It didn’t take long for the confession.

  “When I called, I got a message that her phone wasn’t in service. I tried to get information from Sule about her.” He tamped down the memory of what had happened in the locker room. If he didn’t think about it, then it wasn’t real, right? “Such an ornery teenager. I didn’t get a chance to ask much about Malika.”

  “Wouldn’t want the kid to know you’re interested in his sister by asking him straight out.”

  He ignored the sarcasm. “You know I’m more about covert actions.”

  Zed chuckled. “We’re all aware of how much you enjoy being a sneaky bastard.”

  No denial necessary. “Looks like I’ll have to go to Mama.”

  His brother sucked air through his teeth, “That’s extreme. Can’t you do some of the investigating you’ve been trained for?”

  He frowned. “It would take time, and I already have so much on my plate.”

  “This Malika must be special.”

  “She is.”

; Zed clamped a hand against his shoulder. “Then go for it. How about if I intercept by asking Mama for the contact information? She won’t harass me.”

  Zareb knew he should man-up and go to his mother himself, but he’d have to be drunk to make it happen, and he didn’t handle his liquor well. “Don’t bet on it, but thanks. I’d appreciate it.”

  “Need any other info on your crush?”

  If she’d agree to come back and spend time with me.

  The thought excited him. When he’d first seen Malika, the familiarity of having known her all his life had been jarring. She captivated him.

  And for some reason, so did Sule. She must’ve been on his mind when he’d thought Sule was unconscious in the locker room. His eyes had deceived him when they’d been that close, and for those few seconds, he’d have sworn that Malika, rather than Sule, was with him.

  He was tempted to tell Zed about what had been going on when it came to Sule. His brother wouldn’t judge.

  Yet, as comfortable as he felt with his twin, Zed wasn’t the confidant to discuss it with. All he’d give him was encouragement to explore. His half-brother Zik would be the one he’d confide in if he ever wanted an opinion. They shared the qualities of being disciplined, honest, and direct, but somehow, Zik had tapped into his emotional and compassionate side without going overboard. Zik gave practical advice that Zareb had taken on more than one occasion.

  He sighed and got to his feet, already knowing the outcome on the topic. He wouldn’t need to talk to anyone about Sule, because there was nothing to discuss.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The musical ringtone pulled Malika out of a zone of concentration she’d spent the whole of Saturday afternoon in. The client would love the work she’d done to make the program both accessible and easy to learn.

  When the ringing occurred again, she realized it was Malika’s rather than Sule’s phone.

  Private number showed on the screen. The raised hairs on the back of her neck told her who it was without answering. Should she ignore it? With reluctance, she pressed the answer button and grumbled, “Hello?”



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