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The Resolute Prince

Page 9

by Nana Prah

  She loved being right. She’d recognize the voice of her prince even if she were underwater, but he didn’t need to know that. “Who is this please?”

  “Zareb Saene.” He paused, seeming to expect her to jump in.

  She took pleasure in waiting for him to continue.

  “We met at the palace in Bagumi last Saturday evening.”

  A broad grin accompanied more silence on her end.

  “At the party. My mother, Queen Zulekha, introduced us.”

  “Ah, yes. I remember. One of the princes.” It was getting harder to keep from laughing. Only a week had passed since the party. How could he think she wouldn’t remember him? “How are you?”

  “I’m doing well, and yourself?”

  “I’m fine, thank you.”

  “Will you be attending the fencing tournament to see your brother compete?”

  So much for small talk. Why hadn’t she chosen any of the more flirtatious princes to become infatuated with? “Nothing has changed. I’m not able to make it.”

  “Is that so? Can’t you rearrange your plans?”

  She rubbed a hand over her mouth to wipe the grin away so it wouldn’t come through in her voice. “It’s something I can’t postpone.”

  Please don’t ask what I’ve got going on. She had a back-up story of being a bridesmaid in a cousin’s wedding ready to blurt out, but she’d prefer not to lie. At least not any more than she had already.

  “I was hoping to see you there.”

  “Why? To show off your favourite sport?”

  “Partly. I enjoyed our time together. I’d like to get to know you better.”

  Heat streamed up her neck as she recalled their kisses. “I had a good time, too.”

  “When will I see you again?”

  “I don’t know. My life is a little … complicated right now.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  She heard no trace of sarcasm. He really expected her to tell him what was going on. The hard part was that she wanted to get it off her chest. How angry could he get?

  A volcano spewing hot lava and destroying everything in its path flashed before her mind’s eye. She couldn’t risk exposing her secret before he saw her potential as an Olympic hopeful. Or was good and properly in love with her. That would take time, if it ever happened.

  “How about …” she hesitated, pretty sure she was about to do something dumb, but unable to resist temptation. “If we meet for lunch next Sunday?”

  She put a pillow over her face and bit down, waiting for her conscience to tell her she’d done the wrong thing.

  Nothing came. No sense of impending doom at seeing him again. A lightness made her feel as if she were floating. She’d made the right move to see him again.

  “I’d like to, but will it make your life more complicated?”

  Without a doubt.

  “I could use the diversion.”

  “I’ll see how distracting I can be.”

  There was that humour he hid so well with Sule. Did she have a right to be jealous of herself?

  “I’ll take the early morning flight, and we can hang out.” She couldn’t believe her boldness. “I can only stay for a few hours. I have an appointment at six.”

  “I could come to you in Loras, if that would be more convenient.”

  Extending her arm forward, she waved as if he stood before her.

  “That’s okay.” She took in a breath to reduce the shrillness, then rushed to explain the lie. “My meeting is with your mother.”

  Must remember to call the queen and fill her in.

  “She gave me an assignment which I’m on the verge of finalising,” she continued. “I need to give her a report before the next phase can begin.”

  “What’s the project?”

  “It’s still in the works, so I can’t discuss it yet.”

  “Okay, then it’s a date. I’ll pick you up from the airport next Sunday.”

  “No!” she shrieked. There had to be a way to respond that didn’t make her seem so suspicious. “I mean, that’s not necessary. I know you’re busy with your work. Your mother said she’d send a car to get me.”

  Malika released her breath when he didn’t contest her statement or try to convince her to change her plans. Whatever happened, she’d have to find herself at the airport looking like a vivacious woman who’d just stepped off the plane, in case Zareb decided to show up.

  The queen would have to devise a diversion to keep him from being there on time for the touchdown; otherwise, she’d be toast.

  “Do you mind if I call you before then?”

  He was asking her permission? Wow.

  “That would be fine.”

  “Good. What do you have going on for the day?”

  Opening her mouth to speak, nothing came out. With every turn, he surprised her. She’d never have guessed that he’d care about her mundane plans.

  “Hello, Malika. Are you still there?”

  “Yes. I was going to call my brother to check up on him. He always seems so tired. What have you been doing to him?”

  “Making him earn my mother’s interference into my training centre.”

  Her shoulders drooped. “Are you punishing him?”

  “Not at all. I’m whipping Sule into shape. He’s talented, and I want to draw it out so that he has no doubts.”

  She snorted. “Believe me, Sule is aware of his gift in fencing. Training, winning competitions, and going to the Olympics is all he talks about. He’s lucky to have you as a coach.” She paused. “Thank you for taking him on.”

  “After he got in a hit during our interview session, I had no choice.”

  She knew better. No one forced Zareb to do anything he didn’t want to do. Not even his mother. Time to change the subject. “What are you up to today?”

  “Working. Because of this tournament, we need to vet everyone who will be coming.”

  “Sounds like a good time.”

  He chuckled.

  “It’s what I live for.”

  She gulped, hoping he didn’t look too much deeper into her or Sule. She’d had to do a search of everything that she’d ever posted on the Internet and get rid of the things that might’ve made her look like a liar. Being deceptive was exhausting.

  “What do you do for fun?” she asked.

  “What’s fun?”

  Was he serious?

  “I’m kidding. Exercise of any form is my greatest enjoyment. Being with my family and the few friends that I’ve been able to maintain over the years. Watching movies and reading is one of my favourite pastimes, although I don’t make much time for it. What about you?”

  He had her at reading. “Pretty much the same, only I have loads of friends that I like to talk to and hang out with.”

  “I can understand why. You’re pleasant to be around, and I can’t wait to spend time with you.”

  His honesty was pure charm. “Thank you.”

  “I’ll let you get back to your day.”

  Don’t go yet. “Yeah. I’m sure you’re busy.”

  “You sound disappointed.”

  May as well be upfront. “I’m enjoying talking to you. You’re different from what I thought you’d be.”

  She could get used to that deep-chested laugh of his.

  “I’m almost afraid to ask. In what way?”

  “You have the reputation of being a disciplined man who endures no nonsense. When your mother said she wanted to introduce us, I didn’t expect you to be so … well, nice.”

  “Don’t let anyone outside of my family hear you say that. They’d never believe you. I’m not an easy person to get to know unless I open up, which is rare.”

  She touched the base of her throat to find her pulse throbbing. “And you’re willing to open up to me?”

  “Very much so.”

  The guilt of her lies piled higher with a force that made her slither onto the floor wishing she could confess.

  A muffled knock sounded from his end
. “I could talk to you all day, but I have a meeting.”

  “Okay. That’s fine.”

  I’ll spend my time daydreaming about you and wondering why you like me when all I’ve done is deceive you. No big deal.

  “Have a good day, Malika.”

  “The same to you, Zareb.”

  When the phone went dead, she stared at it for the longest time. Had she really just arranged a date with the one man she should be staying away from?

  Yes, indeed. And she was going to keep it. Like her mother had once told her, things always worked out the way they were supposed to. There was no time like the present to believe her.

  Malika peeled herself off of the floor. She had a date to plan for. It was a week away, but preparations had to be made if she wasn’t going to get caught in the process.

  She’d packed a suitcase full of her Malika clothes. One of the outfits would do. She looked forward to wearing something sleeveless to show off her toned arms, and wouldn’t mind revealing a little bit of cleavage, either. Not that she had much to flaunt, but her hyper-padded push-up bra would provide her with what nature hadn’t.

  First things first. Call Queen Zulekha.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Zareb swung into the first parking space he saw and jumped out of the vehicle, hoping he hadn’t missed Malika’s arrival. His mother had been so demanding with her requests that he couldn’t have escaped without completing them. No one was rude to the queen without severe consequences.

  Malika had told him not to come, but he couldn’t have stayed away if he’d actually put effort into it. They’d conversed every day for the past week, and he couldn’t wait to be with her again.

  Dashing into the airport, he scanned the area. He froze, mesmerized as he caught sight of her. Rich umber skin glowed as if she’d ingested a star. Glorious. She’d worn a traditional bright multi-coloured print cloth sewn into a modern wrap-style dress which showed off her trim figure. She’d changed her hairstyle and now wore braids which hung to below her shoulders. A different pair of glasses than she’d worn at the party adorned her face.

  Stepping forward, he fell into her view. He could tell when she recognized him by the initial broad smile which she immediately converted into a frown. Her glittering eyes presented the truth. Watching her stalk in his direction, he’d never seen a more striking woman in his life.

  She curtsied when she stood a few feet away. The respect ended there as she placed a fist on her hip. “You don’t follow orders very well, do you, Your Highness?”

  “Only when they make sense.” Giving no heed to protocol or the people present, he closed the space between them and embraced her.

  His body stirred when she wound her arms around his neck and squeezed. How could he have missed a woman he’d known for a week?

  Because we belong together.

  As the thought crashed into his consciousness, he released her. When she clung, he tightened his arms again, not caring if anyone was minding their business. He’d kiss her if Bagumi didn’t possess a conservative culture when it came to displaying affection.

  On his second attempt to let her go, she loosened her hold.

  Clearing his throat before speaking didn’t remove the huskiness when he asked, “How was the flight?”

  She blinked a few times. “Uneventful.”

  He doubted that a day trip would require more than a carry-on, but couldn’t assume that she’d come without any bags. “Do you have luggage?”


  They walked to the parking area in silence.

  Unlocking his SUV with the key fob, he settled her in the passenger seat before jogging to the driver’s side to bask in her euphoria-inducing presence. He was a goner. Settled, he angled himself to better stare into her luminous dark brown eyes. “I’m glad you’re here.”


  He cut her off by leaning in and brushing his mouth against hers, then nipped the bottom lip lightly with his teeth. When she responded by placing her palm against his cheek while sealing their mouths together, he hauled her over the console to sit across his lap as he deepened the kiss with a sweep of his tongue into her warmth.

  He tightened his grip on her hip when her moan vibrated into his chest. Her tongue sliding against his in such earnest had him ready to crawl into the backseat with her. Always advancing, never retreating, she gave so much of herself. Engulfed in the flames she’d sparked, he lost all sense of place and time as being with her became the only thing that mattered.

  Zareb raised his head and sucked in air to replenish his lungs. The tinted windows were lightly fogged. How long had he been in paradise?

  Not long enough. He lifted her onto the passenger’s seat with a whimper of resistance on her part.

  Turning on the engine, he rolled down the automatic windows to let the slight breeze in. Not that he minded being immersed in her lilac scent, but he needed the windows to clear so he could drive.

  Hands busy straightening her dress, she kept her gaze on her lap.

  Would she chastise him for doing what they’d both obviously wanted?

  “I thought I told you not to pick me up.”

  He’d hoped Malika wasn’t one to dwell on a subject. At least, this topic was easier to handle than discussing the explosive attraction that had his fingers wrapped tight around the steering wheel to stop himself from touching her. Pulling out of the parking lot, he contemplated how to answer. Not that she’d asked a question, but the accusation was clear. At the red light a few meters away, he turned to look into her face. Stunning.

  “I missed you and wanted more time together. Is that all right?”

  Just like his hug in the airport, his confession seemed to take the temper out of her.


  “I won’t share you with your brother. Not today. You can visit him another time.”

  She looked down at her lap. “Sule said he’d be sleeping and studying, so he’ll be cool with me not visiting.”

  “He’d better be,” he mumbled to himself.

  “What was that?”

  “I said that I was glad to hear that he’d be okay about you not seeing him.”

  She snickered, but said nothing.

  A mile of road passed before he spoke again.

  “I know you wanted to meet for lunch, but it’s only ten in the morning. I thought I could take you back to my place. We can relax with a movie of your choice, have lunch, then continue with more films.”

  “I hope you’re not thinking I’m a Netflix and chill type of woman. Because I’m not.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Just because we kissed doesn’t mean it’s going any further.”

  He fought his cheeks to hold back a grin. Her honesty had to be the sexiest thing about her.

  “I meant it about just hanging out. Talking. Getting to know each other.”


  He arched a brow. “I wouldn’t be averse to taking things further, if you insist. We’re both mature adults who know what we want. When you’re ready, I am.”

  The light changed, and he drove as his offer hung in the air. Just when he thought she’d ignore it, she shook her head.

  “I’m not ...” She gulped. “Us kissing the night of the party and at the airport was—”


  The corner of her lip disappeared between her teeth.

  “Yes. But what I’m trying to say is that it’s not me. I’m a slow mover when it comes to getting to know a guy.”

  And yet, she’d dived right in with him. Vulnerability on his part might put her at ease.

  “If it helps, when the number I had for you wouldn’t go through, I sent my twin to my mother to get your contact information.”

  “Why didn’t you go to her yourself?”

  He held her gaze for as long as the stretch of road would allow. “I didn’t want to hear her gloating about being right. She’s really good at it.”

  Malika’s laughter brought on his own grin.
br />   “I wish I’d gone to her, though,” he admitted.


  “I would’ve enjoyed hearing the story about how when you were seven, you announced to my mother that you were going to marry me.”

  She smacked both palms over her face. “Oh, my goodness!”

  He reached out and tugged at her hand. When she relaxed, he interlaced their fingers. He’d have no difficulty getting accustomed to the electricity that sprang into him.

  “Do you remember making the declaration?”

  “That was a long time ago. The musings of a small girl crushing on someone who was kind to her.”

  At least, she didn’t deny it. “Looks like we’ve known each other for eighteen years, Malika. Kisses between old friends is nothing to feel bad about. I’m not a stranger to you.”

  “Did you remember me?”

  Smart woman. “No, but you were familiar.”

  She shifted to look out her side window, the reflection of the glass revealing a grimace.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I’ve had a demanding week. I wouldn’t mind relaxing and watching movies for the day.” Long-lashed eyes squinted. “That’s all.”

  “We can sit in the most public place of the palace if it’s what you desire, just as long as I’m with you. Nothing will happen that you don’t want.”

  “Why doesn’t that sound comforting?”

  He held up his right hand. “I’m a man of my word. No one in Bagumi would refute it. What I say is the absolute truth.”

  “I believe you.”


  She angled her upper body towards him. “Now for the hard part.”

  “What’s that?”

  “What movie are we going to watch?”

  A rough guffaw scraped out of his throat. Malika had a way of entertaining his spirit.

  “Since you’ll be a guest in my home, we can watch whatever you choose.”

  “An artistic foreign film with subtitles.”

  He winced. “If that’s what you want, then sure. Don’t be surprised if I engage you in a lot of conversation throughout.”

  Her giggle was the second best sound he’d heard from her. The moans while they’d kissed were number one.

  “I can’t say that I’d mind,” she said.

  Glass-fronted-storeyed buildings reflected the sun on the horizon as they got onto the highway. “The next time you’re in Bagumi, we’ll go into the capital city. Have you ever been there?”


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