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Page 31

by Amy Brock McNew

  Rhys rested his hand on the back of Makenna’s neck. “This doesn’t give us as much time as I’d like, but maybe it’s better this way. We can get this over with and move on.” He gave Makenna a look full of sympathy and love. “We strike hard and fast and do what needs to be done. What we were made for.”

  Trystan nodded as he pulled Amanda close. She leaned into him. Gods, she couldn’t describe her relief and joy at finally having him.

  Trystan’s hand ran along her back. “We’ll be ready.” He growled in Brianna’s direction. “Now why don’t we get what we need from her and send her back to her cage?”

  Rhys’ face hardened. “There’s more.” He glanced at Makenna. Her jaw tightened and red danced on her skin, but she nodded. “Brianna is going with us.”

  Trystan and Talon started shouting again. Bowen tried to calm them. Amanda’s veins lit up, boiling. She looked at Makenna. Her sister was two seconds from going nuclear.

  Rhys raised his hands. “They have to be together to do what needs to be done.”

  Trystan released her hand and stepped toward Rhys. “I get that. But can’t we just bring Mere─” His eyes softened on Amanda and he curled an arm around her. “Can’t we bring her back here? That way we can keep Brianna contained until it’s time?”

  Rhys shook his head. “We have to break the spell to defeat Kylian. I doubt he’ll let us simply walk out the door with her.”

  As the males continued to wrestle with the issue, Amanda sidled up next to Makenna. “What do you think?”

  Makenna eyed Brianna, then sighed. “She’s being straight with us. We can keep her power bound until we find our...Meredith.” She swallowed hard, choking on the sorrow that welled in Amanda’s throat as well. “I still don’t like it. I don’t trust her. But I don’t sense any deception from her. You?”

  Amanda read the witch again. “No. She’s being honest. About this. But I’m feeling something else I can’t put my finger on. She’ll help us take down Kylian, but beyond that,” she shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “Yeah. I’m getting the same.” She took Rhys’ hand as the males wound down. “We have no choice but to take the chance and hope it works out.”

  Choices. They defined them. In this unimaginable situation, where their choices seemed few, they still had to make a decision.

  How much were they willing to sacrifice to save their people?

  Though the being Kylian had conjured wasn’t their mother, she was representative of her. Taking even the twisted life she’d been returned to would gut them all. Even Brianna. Snuffing out any life had consequence. Each kill changed them. This one would carry ramifications that would reverberate through their lives, change them in ways they couldn’t imagine.

  Then there was the fact that they had to join with a sister who’d betrayed them. All because they were the Triad. Amanda had learned very little about who they were, simply because she’d never thought they’d all be together.

  The weight of their destiny flattened her.

  As much as she and Makenna were struggling, they knew what their decision would be. Amanda was certain what her real mother, the one she’d known for so short a time, would want them to do. Perhaps in joining as one to defeat their enemy, they could also save their sister.

  She could only hope their destiny didn’t swallow them whole.

  UNBELIEVABLE. NOT ONLY was his mate faced with something that could rip her apart, but now they had to allow a female who had been their enemy to join them in battle.

  Trystan breathed deep, pulling in the calm of his mate. Though the beast within only whimpered, powerless, Trystan feared at any moment, he could rear his head.

  He believed in his bond with Amanda. Believed it would eventually make him whole. But the rage boiling inside was too potent, the battle they faced too important, for him to relax.

  Rhys rounded his desk and sat down. “So it’s decided. Brianna will be surrounded at all times, and her magic will remain bound until the moment the females must act.”

  A chorus of begrudging agreement sounded.

  Brianna cleared her throat. “If my magic and wolf are bound, how will I defend myself?”

  Makenna snorted. “As much as it fucking kills me to say this, we’ll protect you.” She crossed her arms. “At least, until we no longer need you.”

  Brianna glared at Makenna. Makenna smiled, just waiting for a reason to pounce.

  Approval flooded him. His sister-in-law was definitely a bad ass.

  He’d been able to get her alone for a few minutes before they’d come upstairs. He’d told her that bonding with Amanda was controlling the monster, and apologized for causing issues between her and Rhys. She’d assured him it wasn’t him and congratulated him again on the mating. Then threatened him with being sent to Néamh in tiny pieces if he hurt Amanda.

  His grin at that had pissed her off.

  Trystan pulled his mate into his lap. Gods, he wished they had more time. More time for Amanda to deal with what would be asked of her. More time to spend with his mate before they went back into battle. But they didn’t. If this was their chance, they had to take it.

  He had no idea how long they tossed ideas back and forth. Reagan came in with coffee, sweet tea, and even some of Amanda’s cookies. Damn, his mate could bake. Good thing he was a wolf, or he’d weigh four hundred pounds. He smiled despite the dark mood.

  Rhys stood and stretched, working his neck from side to side. “So we’re in agreement?”

  Trystan nodded. “Yeah. This will work.” He set Amanda on her feet as he stood.

  Talon shook his head. “I’m good with everything but Reagan going in. I can’t allow that.”

  Reagan, who’d been picking up mugs, straightened to her full height and turned livid eyes on Talon. “I’m sorry, who are you to allow or not allow me to do anything?”

  Trystan held back a grin. Talon was about to get his ass handed to him. This should be fun. Trystan glanced at Rhys, who had the same amused look on his face. The Alpha would eventually step in and overrule Talon, but for now he was going to enjoy the show.

  Talon stood, his shoulders rigid as his jaw ticked. “I’m in charge of our warriors. I say who goes and who doesn’t.”

  Reagan cocked her hip, her hands resting at her waist. “Oh, I’m well aware of your position. But you didn’t say that as a commander or general or whatever the hell you call yourself.” Several muffled laughs rang in the room. This was better than TV. “You said it as if I belong to you. I don’t. I don’t belong to anyone. And I won’t if you continue to act like a fucktard with a stick up his ass.”

  “Oh ho ho.” Trystan exclaimed.

  Amanda slapped him on the arm, but he saw her bite her lip to keep from laughing.

  If steam could come out of a being’s ears, it would’ve been rolling out of Talon’s. He stalked toward Reagan, not stopping until he was all up in her space. “Well, maybe you’d be mated already if you weren’t such a stubborn ass. If you could see for one minute the world isn’t black and white, and not everything is as easy as you want it to be.”

  Reagan gasped. Shock flickered in the room. Trystan shot a questioning glance at Rhys.

  Rhys shrugged before standing. “Talon, there’s a lot of wolves I wish could stay behind.” He shot a sad glance at Makenna, who cocked a brow at him. “But we need all the warriors we have. Reagan goes.” He tilted his chin at Talon. “And you might want to work out your issues before we run into the fight of our lives. In private.”

  Talon growled, never taking his eyes off Reagan. “Fine.”

  Reagan crossed her arms. “Couldn’t agree more.”

  Rhys shook his head as he opened the door and gestured to Connor, who waited outside. The young wolf retrieved Brianna, and escorted her down the stairs. Reagan left after they did, Talon hot on her heels. Trystan snorted. That would be a pleasant conversation. Bowen filed out after them, but only after giving Makenna and Amanda hugs. Trystan smiled at that. At least they ha
d their father. Even if Trystan still wasn’t completely happy with the mage.

  Makenna kissed Rhys and headed out behind Bowen. “Amanda, you comin’?”

  “Yeah.” His mate planted a seductive kiss on his lips. “I’ll be waiting.”

  He watched her hips sway, already planning on getting his hands on them. As soon as he talked to Rhys.

  Difficult business cooled his lust.

  He turned to the Alpha. “We’re taking a big chance with Brianna.”

  “Aye.” Rhys sighed as he glanced over the schematic Brianna had drawn of the compound.

  Trystan didn’t envy him the mantle of power. It was a weight he wasn’t sure he could bear. “We may have to take her out after this is over with.”

  Rhys’ shrewd gaze landed on him. “I’m afraid you might be right.”

  Trystan moved toward the door.

  “You’re with me. Right, Trystan?”

  Trystan turned and smiled at his Alpha. His brother and friend. For the first time in months, he answered honestly. “To the death.”

  He walked down the stairs, meeting his mate at the bottom. He ushered her out into the gathering night. The moon shone down, bathing them in soothing light. “I have a surprise.”

  When he reached the spot in the woods, he grinned. Reagan had done a stellar job. A plush blanket lay in the grass, surrounded by candles. In the center was a basket with finger food and an iced bucket chilling a bottle of champagne. And a dozen white and red hybrid roses.

  Amanda’s hand went to her chest. “Trystan! When did you have time to do this?” Her eyes sparkled.

  Yeah, he’d done good.

  He pulled her close, nibbling on her neck. “I had Reagan set it up.” He scooped her in his arms and carried her to the blanket, setting her in the center like the priceless treasure she was. “Do you like it?” A flicker of worry lit his spine. He wasn’t even sure if she was the wine and roses type. He had so much to learn.

  She got to her knees and took his face in her hands. “I love it. And I love you.” She kissed him once. “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you, my Manda.” Trystan moved the food to the side. They could eat later. He took her to her back and stretched out over her. “I’ll give you everything in my power to give. Then I’ll borrow some power and give you more.”

  Amanda shivered as he licked over his mark. Then she giggled. It was a beautiful sound. “Are we ever going to do this in our bed?”

  A thrill ran through him at the words. He’d promptly moved her to his larger room as soon as they’d gotten back last night.

  He tugged her tank top over her head and buried his face between her luscious breasts. “Eventually we’ll get around to it.”

  She laughed again. The laughter turned to moans and whimpers as he stripped her down and made a meal of her before they dove into the food.

  With the biggest battle of their lives looming, his mate facing the most horrific task of her life, they needed this time. Their world may be on fire, but the fire in their souls for each other burned brighter. It would carry them through.



  The moon glinted off the steel gates rising before them.

  As Rhys stood surrounded by his mate and his warriors, he thanked the gods the night they’d been forced to move had been a night of the full moon. He and his wolves could use the boost, and the Triad would need all the extra power they could get to accomplish the unthinkable.

  His mind flashed back to the heartfelt speech he’d given before they left.

  “Tonight, we have a chance to hit Kylian harder than we ever have. With the Triad, we have all we need to destroy him.” A chorus of cheers had gone up. Rhys sobered. “Some of us will make sacrifices we never imagined.” He glanced at Makenna and her sisters. “We will do whatever it takes to defeat the evil that has taken so many of our brothers and sisters.” His voice strengthened. “This night, we will be victorious. We will soak the ground with the blood of our enemies. We are the Fianna. Tonight we rise!” The pack erupted, battle cries shaking the ground.

  The memory faded and he turned to Makenna, massaging the nape of her neck and pulling her forehead to his lips. “Ready, love?”

  Makenna nodded. Tension tightened her muscles. Unease wound down her spine. “I think so.” She raised worried eyes to his. “I can do this, right?”

  That she looked to him for encouragement filled his heart. “Aye. You can do anything. And I’ll be right beside you.”

  She leaned into his kiss, then straightened. The transformation as she went from loving mate to full on warrior goddess was breathtaking.

  Her face hardened, taking on the look of a seasoned warrior. The dark chocolate, nearly black eyes he adored flicked to wolf, then raven, then the gold of the goddess. Dark red magic swelled on her skin, illuminating her in a warm glow.

  “Not too much,” he reminded her.

  She nodded as she met his eyes. “Turn him loose.”

  They’d learned to let her call her goddess first. When she was stable, he unleashed the god. Rhys called him forth.

  They’d practiced this last night and earlier today. Melding their powers, letting the god and goddess fully combine. They were adjusting to the growing forces inside themselves. Since their bond had fully cemented, their power had increased by the moment. It was, as his Kenna would say, a shit ton of power.

  As the two forces wound together, their song rang in his ears. It soothed him ahead of the blood and gore that awaited them. As Kenna sighed, he felt the calm wash over her as well. Good. He needed her completely in control, at peace with the task that lay ahead. As much as she could be.

  She gave him a stunning smile as their magic merged, swirling around them, turning both magics to a deep, sultry red. Then shoulders squared, her head held high, she faced the gates and the terror that lay behind them.

  Rhys watched as his warriors felt the charge from their Alphas through the pack link. Each of them stood taller, their magic glowing brighter.

  They were a force to be reckoned with.

  Rhys glanced at Brianna, between Talon and Amanda. Hopefully, their decision to allow her here wouldn’t bite them in the ass.

  He turned to Bowen, standing in front of the group of mages. “Now.”

  At another time, they’d have just blown the gate with a spell. This time, with the extra charge from their Alphas and the boost of the Triad’s combined magic, they had something else planned.

  Each member of the pack, stationed all around the perimeter, focused their power, all their thoughts, on the gate and the wall surrounding the compound.

  They were coming at Kylian from all sides.

  The steel of the fence began to spark. The protective shield around it gave a loud shriek as it buckled and lurched, fighting the force determined to break it. A deafening explosion rent the still air, silencing the crickets and other nightlife of the bayou around them.

  When the dust cleared, the gates and the entire fence had simply disappeared.

  “That’s just fucking cool.” Makenna looked at where the barrier had been with total awe.

  Rhys grinned. She wasn’t a typical queen. Her mouth was that of a drunken sailor, and she had absolutely no filter between that mouth and her brain. But her heart was pure, and she had a vicious streak that made his heart race. Most importantly, she was his.

  As exclamations of shock sounded within the camp, Rhys tucked away all thoughts but one.

  It was time for Kylian to die. He would accept no other outcome.

  Rhys gave the command to charge. The rousing speech he’d given echoed through the pack link as his warriors ran into the compound, blades raised. Some shifted to wolf, roars and lethal growls echoing in the otherwise quiet, Louisiana evening.

  The wolves had been unleashed. There would be no mercy given this night.

  Rhys let his magic flow, encasing him in light. White light. Since the god and goddess had merged, their flame burned
brighter. He grinned as his blade sent heads flying and gutted wolves who charged him.

  Makenna stayed by his side, eyes shining gold, magic surrounding her in flame. Only this time, she was in charge, not the goddess. She let out a yell and took both heads from the warriors lunging toward her in one stroke.

  Fuck. She was amazing.

  A ball of flame impacted his side, not even penetrating the light that encased him. It gave him no more pain than a bee sting. Handy, having the power of a god awakened within you. Rhys turned to the warrior who had thrown.

  The Alpha’s teeth bared and a feral growl leaked out. “That stung.”

  The male’s eyes widened, and he turned to run. Rhys whipped a stream of fire at the wolf, blasting into his side and throwing him several feet into the air. A pile of ash hit the ground instead of a body.

  Handy indeed.

  Rhys whirled, continuing his campaign of death.

  He briefly glanced at Brianna. She swung a blade at a shocked wolf, efficiently relieving him of his head. She turned to Rhys and nodded, then dove back in.

  Perhaps she’d prove herself yet. Or perhaps she’d just been denied the opportunity to draw blood the nonmagical way, and she was making up for lost time. Their wolves craved the thrill of battle. Either way, he was thankful for the extra help.

  Though, now that he looked around, they didn’t really need it. The force that met them was ferocious, but not nearly what they’d expected. It was less than half of what had greeted them the last time they’d attempted to take Kylian down.

  His thoughts were cut off by twin slices down his back. He howled and spun to face the threat. A male holding two short blades stood at the ready, his steel dripping with Rhys’ blood.

  “If I take you down, Kylian will reward me greatly. Maybe even make me one of his generals.” The wolf smiled, showing yellowed, sharp teeth.

  Rhys smirked. “If a tinneas bun like you can best me, I don’t deserve to live.”

  Rhys lunged, feinting to the left. Then he went right, dragging his blade through the male’s midsection. The wolf howled in rage, swinging his blades as he turned. Rhys dodged each attempt, jumping in and out. Each move resulted in another piece being carved from his enemy.


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