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Page 32

by Amy Brock McNew

  Blood flowed freely as the wolf roared and swung wildly. But he was slowing. Rhys toyed with him, sensing the battle around him winding down. Finally, Rhys charged, impaling the male on his blade. He pushed it in to the hilt, following until he grasped the male’s shoulder. Rhys’ claws dug deep.

  “Your mother should’ve taught you not to try and take on your betters.” He twisted the blade and blood gurgled from the wolf’s mouth. “You’ll have time to think about it while you burn in Ifrin.”

  Rhys yanked the sword out and shoved the male back. Then he swung, sending the head flying in one smooth stroke.

  Turning to survey the field, he saw only a few of Kylian’s soldiers remaining standing.

  Makenna finished off the opponent she had on the ground with a quick twist of her blade. Then dropped to her knees and pulled her dagger from her hip. She made quick work of his head, grabbing it by the hair and throwing it aside.

  She stood and walked toward him, her brow knitted. “Is it just me, or are Kylian’s numbers not so great?”

  Talon skewered a wolf, then kicked the furry thing off his blade, sending it into Makenna. “Sorry, sis.” He jumped back in to end the warrior creeping up on his left.

  Makenna kicked the ball of blood and fur aside. “You know, this isn’t really what I imagined being queen would be like.” She wiped at the blood covering her shirt and grimaced.

  Rhys would’ve smiled if the back of his neck wasn’t on fire. Something was wrong here.

  He checked her over. “Are you injured?”

  She waved him off. “Already healing. I’m right, aren’t I? That was too easy.” Makenna glanced around, eyes narrowed. “And I’m not sensing Kylian. Last time I did, even though we don’t have a blood bond.”

  “He’s perfected his cloak.” Brianna grunted and rose from the ground, where she’d taken another head. She staggered. “Been a while.” She straightened. “Trust me, he’s here.”

  “That’s just it.” Trystan joined them, Amanda by his side. “We don’t trust you.”

  Rhys tilted his head. “He’s right.” He spread his arms at the battlefield. “This isn’t every wolf in Kylian’s army. Yet you promised this was the night they would all convene.” He lifted his nose and sniffed the air. “And I’m not scenting anyone but our own.”

  He stalked closer to Brianna; Makenna at his side, Trystan, Amanda, and Talon at their backs. His neck was burning again, and an idea forming. One that twisted his gut and stabbed fear in his chest.

  “I’m thinking this is a trap of some sort. Though, I’m not sure exactly why.”

  Rhys stiffened as the thought fully formed. He turned to Makenna. Her eyes grew wide. Surely he wouldn’t. No wolf could be that depraved, that sadistic and cruel. Yet in Rhys’ heart, he knew Kylian was indeed that sick and heartless.

  Makenna gasped as the thought passed between them. Her heart clenched and she grabbed her stomach. “Shit. The pups.” Her eyes glowed gold as she dove for Brianna.

  Rhys held her back. Then reached for the witch and took her by the throat. He didn’t sheath his claws.

  Amanda lurched forward, a hand on Rhys’ arm. “You can’t kill her.”

  Makenna sighed. “She’s right. Unfortunately, we need her.”

  Rhys growled. “Oh, I’m aware we can’t kill her.” His eyes bored into Brianna. “Yet. Are our pups and those guarding them safe? Or did you give up our home to Kylian?”

  Brianna’s eyes widened, and she tried to shake her head. “I swear, I would never! I have no idea where Kylian or his wolves are at.”

  Rhys cocked his head, searching deep in her mind. He found nothing but confusion and fear. The scent of the witch’s fright rivaled the stench of burning bodies around them.

  “Where else would Kylian be?” He loosened his hold on Brianna’s throat. Slightly. “Start talking. Fast.”

  She tried to gulp around his hold. “There is no other place. He’s consolidated all his forces here. I swear.”

  Suddenly, the air thickened. Power popped and sizzled around them. Rhys’ entire body went on alert, as did everyone around him. They scanned the area for the threat. Warriors emerged from the shadows in wolf and human form. They surrounded the group, growling and laughing.

  Rhys’ blood sizzled as he ground his teeth. “Well, it’s a good thing we increased our numbers.”

  He whistled. More of the warriors under his banner stalked out of the woods surrounding the compound. He’d figured Kylian wouldn’t display his full numbers immediately. Rhys smirked, as did Makenna.

  “Did you really think we’d let you know our full force? We gathered the packs hiding from Kylian. And we’ve improved our cloaking spells as well. So this little trick? Yeah, it’s not going to work out so well for you.” He leaned into Brianna, snarling. “If I find out you had anything to do with this, I’ll deal with you personally. Makenna won’t have time to get to you.” He let his fangs drop, glinting in the moon light. “I’ll peel your skin from your bones with my teeth, then rip your head off and display it on a spike in the middle of camp.”

  “Now, now. I’d figure you’d been raised better than to threaten women, Rhys.”

  A deep voice he hadn’t heard since his teens rasped out of the darkness. Rhys turned slowly, dragging a whining Brianna with him. Shock stuttered his movements. It was the voice of a wolf who’d been long dead.

  Had Kylian raised more soldiers from beyond? Was that even possible?

  As his eyes fell on the tall warrior with wild dark hair streaming down his back and a long scar across his throat, he knew he was looking at flesh and blood.

  A ghost with teeth.

  Rhys staggered back, dropping Brianna. His mind blanked and his mouth fell open. He quickly regained his composure, raising his blade. He’d never killed someone twice, but he was willing to give it a try.

  “Sloane. I thought I killed you already. Apparently I didn’t do a very thorough job.” The shock of seeing the wolf who’d once been his friend wore off as pure evil flickered in Sloane’s eyes.

  Sloane laughed. “Aye. It’s been over a decade, friend. I hear you’ve found your mate.” He shot a glance at Makenna, who’d come to Rhys’ side, her hand poised to throw a devastating blow of magic. Sloane’s eyes narrowed. “Though, you might want to put a leash on her.”

  It was Rhys’ turn to laugh. “There’s no leashing the Morrigan, friend.” Rhys snarled the word, his hand gripping his blade tightly.

  “Ah, yes. The dreaded warrior queen. Well, if she had a throne.” Sloane took one step forward.

  Rhys felt his inner circle stiffen at his back.

  “Let me guess, Kylian saved you.” Rhys snorted. “Looks like I was right about you back then. You’re nothing but an opportunist. A worthless piece of shit with no honor.”

  “Little Brianna didn’t tell you?”

  Rhys followed Sloane’s gaze to Brianna. She stood between Talon and Amanda. Talon gripped the witch’s arm tightly.

  “I’m Kylian’s Beta. Just a little surprise we thought you might enjoy. Hence the reason I haven’t revealed myself before.” He smirked. “But I had to show up to see the boy who would be king finally get what’s coming to him. Wouldn’t want to miss that show.” He leaned in, a conspiratorial look on his face. “I hear it’s going to be spectacular.”

  Rhys growled. Makenna stepped forward, power crackling between them. Rhys smiled, slow and wicked, as a wave of magic flowed through him, lighting his hands anew.

  “Oh, it’ll be spectacular all right. But it won’t be Kylian standing in the end. And you won’t be around to see it.”

  Sloane returned his smile, evil dripping from it and clogging the air. “We shall see.” He bowed and stepped back. Then he gave a nod.

  The air whispered around them.

  “Down!” Rhys yelled.

  Before he could grab Makenna and cover her, a red fireball the size of which he’d never seen blasted through the air. It impacted him dead center mass, setting
his skin on fire and throwing him in the air. Makenna screamed. The sizzling sound of her power sliced the air. An explosion of white lit up the world.

  Rhys landed on his back, air leaving in a whoosh. Pain shot through him. Burning, excruciating agony that opened his mouth on a silent roar. He heard the battle rage, but it sounded far away. His power extinguished the flame trying to consume him, then sputtered out.

  Makenna slid on her knees to his side, her hands hovering above him. White light encased him, but it was too late. His organs were cooking. The pain faded as numbness set in.

  He looked at his mate one last time. Her lips moved, her glowing eyes wide, her face creased with panic. Her fear resounded in his heart. Rhys tried to raise his arm to touch her but couldn’t make his body obey.

  Makenna hauled him against her and rocked as the light wrapped them both. But he was cold. His wolf whimpered and pawed at him, then sagged, losing strength. His raven squawked, but couldn’t even flap his wings. The god shook his head, looking to his mate with hope.

  There was none. Even as his mate poured healing power into him, the opposing magic within gobbled it up like a wolf with prey from a hunt.

  Rhys tried to tell her he loved her. That he was sorry he was leaving her. That he believed she could lead their people to victory. The words wouldn’t form.

  The last thing he saw was her beautiful, tear-streaked face.

  The last thing he heard was her whispered, “I love you.”

  Then there was nothing.


  Walk Through the Fire

  Rhys’ essence whispered out of her mind. His body went limp in her arms.

  Makenna threw back her head in a long, mournful howl. The howl changed, turning to a scream. The wail of a goddess as her mate was ripped away from her. The battlefield fell silent as the cry of fury and agony blistered the night. Swords fell as warriors covered their ears.

  Makenna let the cry die out as tears streamed down her face. She hugged Rhys to her, his face cradled against her neck. “No. No. No!”

  She could not lose him. This wasn’t happening. Makenna rocked back and forth. A soft hand landed on her back. She whirled, still holding her love, and growled.

  Bowen stepped back. “Makenna, am fear prìseil agam, you have to leave him. You must fight.” A sob choked him. “He would want us to finish this.”

  Makenna turned her attention back to the male in her arms. So strong. So much power. No way was he going out like this. She held him tighter. A voice called in her mind, stilling her.

  Kenna. Love. I’m with you. Always. Be strong.

  Rhys. He was still here, his quiet voice breaking through her grief and fury. His essence, though weak, tickling the back of her mind.

  Makenna’s heart pounded against her ribs as his essence flickered. No. She couldn’t let this happen. She was the fucking Morrigan. The warrior goddess others whispered about in hushed voices. The one feared above all others. Together, she and Rhys had more power than the world had ever seen.

  She would fucking save her mate.

  Makenna motioned for the others to back up as the fighting began anew behind them. Amanda sobbed, clinging to a trembling Trystan. Talon sniffed, rage pouring from him. Brianna stared on, eyes wide.

  She carefully laid her love on the ground in front of her. She had no fucking clue what she was doing. She was flying purely on instinct.

  She pulled all her power from within, pleading with the goddess to find more. Her wolf howled. Her raven cawed. It wasn’t in grief. They were sounds of defiance. The animals joined with the goddess, their entire focus on their mate. They weren’t letting him go without a damn good fight.

  White light poured from her hands as she closed her eyes. Makenna threw her head back and screamed his name. She slammed her hands down on his chest. His body jolted as her scream carried. It turned to a war cry as the magic built within her. Fed the magic left in Rhys. Then built to a roar. The light that encased them pulsated, then exploded with a sonic boom. Every wolf on the field was thrown back as the wave blasted out, the sound splitting their ears and reverberating through the wilderness.

  Makenna held Rhys tight as the light sucked back in, lifting them off the ground. Just like when they’d bonded, they floated. The healing light repaired his wounds as they hovered. She closed her eyes and saw her goddess’ counterpart. The god in all his glory, rising from his knees. Standing tall as strength flowed back into him.

  Rhys’ essence strengthened within her. His voice growing louder in her head.

  “Rhys!” The wail left her lips as she held on.

  I’m here, love. I would never leave you.

  Tears flowed anew at the surge of power. She looked down to see his wounds stitched together. All of them. The black char that had marred his skin gone without a trace. Her heart skipped a beat as his amazing fathomless brown eyes opened, looking at her with so much love her chest nearly exploded.

  He sat up and pulled her close. She melted into his arms, their combined magic enveloping them. Makenna shook as he held her, whispering comfort to her mind and heart.

  It’s okay, love. I’m okay. Because of you. You brought me back.

  Makenna shook her head. No, it wasn’t just me. We did it together.

  Rhys smiled and kissed her, then struggled to stand. Warriors rose around them. Makenna helped her mate up. His strength came rushing back. Warriors from both sides regained their composure and looked around with confused faces. In seconds the battle resumed full force.

  Talon yanked Brianna to him. “What have you done?” The rage in his voice echoed as he shook her hard.

  Before she could get a word out, Amanda rushed a shaken Brianna and took her to the ground. No one tried to stop her. She slammed a hand to the middle of her sister’s chest, her magic glowing an angry red.

  Trystan knelt beside his mate as warriors circled around them in protection. “Manda? What are you doing? We can’t kill her yet.” His voice said he’d love to let his mate finish the job, though.

  Amanda growled as Brianna struggled beneath her. “I’m reading the bitch. Going to find out once and for all if she’s telling the truth.”

  Makenna stepped to her sister’s side and laid a hand on her shoulder, lending her power. She spoke to the males. “We’re connected like we’ve never been. We might be able to reach deeper now. Right?” she directed the question to Amanda.

  “Damn skippy.” Amanda gave a smirk.

  Makenna laughed, despite the tension. Apparently, she’d taught her little sister a couple things.

  “I swear, I didn’t know!” Brianna pleaded, her eyes bulging as she stopped struggling. She lay back, letting Amanda do what she would.

  Amanda pressed harder, her eyes closed, her head thrown back. After what seemed like forever, she pulled back and slowly rose. She extended a hand to help Brianna up. Looking confused, Brianna accepted.

  Amanda turned to Rhys and Makenna. “She’s telling the truth.” Amanda glanced at her sister, her look softer. As if seeing her in a new light.

  Talon stepped forward. “That’s great, because I think we’re gonna need you three to suit up.” He gestured to the enemy closing in again.

  Makenna noticed Sloane was nowhere in sight. She turned to Rhys. “You ready?”

  Rhys grinned and moved to take his blade from the warrior who’d retrieved it. “Thanks to you.” He glanced at Bowen and gave a nod.

  As the battle continued to rage around them, a circle of their warriors enclosed the Alphas, Betas, Talon, Brianna, and Bowen. Protecting them as they did what had never been done before.

  Unleash Brianna’s magic so the Triad could join as one.

  Makenna had to force herself to stop shaking. She could hardly believe she was about to basically Spock mind meld with her sisters. One of whom she didn’t trust. Despite Amanda’s assurances.

  Four months ago, she was a Taekwondo instructor and part-time bartender. Now here she was, about to throw
down magic that had never been attempted. In the middle of a bloody battle, which included people who could turn into wolves.

  She shook her nerves out and straightened her shoulders. She could do this. Couldn’t she?

  Bowen spoke hurried words in Gaelic as his magic flared. He laid his hands on Brianna’s head. An explosion of red light around her signaled the binding had been loosed. Makenna tightened her hold on her blade as Trystan and Talon joined the circle protecting them.

  At Bowen's gesture, Rhys moved toward the females.

  Bowen stepped back. “Rhys, lay your hand on Makenna.”

  Rhys did as commanded, running his hand up and down Makenna’s spine. Bowen turned to the females and smiled. Looking every inch the proud papa despite the raging, vicious battle going on around them. They had to hurry.

  Bowen urged them closer together. “Girls, join hands. Now!”

  They did, creating a circle. The line of warriors shielding them wavered. A wolf leapt toward the females. Makenna gasped, and raised her hand. She didn’t get the chance to throw. Talon and Trystan intercepted it, slicing it in half from both sides.

  Shit, their forces were buckling under the assault. More of their fighters joined Talon and Trystan, reinforcing the protective ring. Bowen ushered the females back together and they rejoined hands. He opened his mouth, but whatever he was going to say was cut off as a pillar of white light erupted from the center of the circle the three women formed, jerking them all back.

  They held tight to one another as ultimate power infused them.

  Makenna’s brain went blank. The power was all. Their eyes flew open. Wind whipped their hair. Electricity crackled and burned, zinging through their bodies. Her heart pounded in her ears, blood roaring. The full moon emerged from behind the clouds and washed them with warm, empowering light. An enemy wolf was thrown toward them and bounced off an invisible barrier, sending sparks flying.


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