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Bears of Burden Complete Series Box Set

Page 56

by Candace Ayers

  My mate was hurting and if he needed the connection of our bodies to feel better, I was glad to give it to him.

  I yanked at his jeans until they fell to his knees and then grabbed his hard dick. “How do you want this, Cannon? How do you want me?”

  His eyes softened and he looked at me with a pleading gaze. “Don’t make me think right now.”

  I wrapped my hand around his neck and pulled his mouth to mine, kissing him hard. “You need me to take control, baby?”

  He groaned as my grip on him hardened. “Yes,” he rasped.

  I put pressure on his neck and moaned as he immediately sank to his knees in front of me. “Get me ready for you, Can. I’m going to take you hard and fast.”

  Cannon freed me from my pants and took my cock into his mouth. His tongue curled around the sensitive underside of my shaft and I grunted. He wasn’t shy with his mouth. He gave openly of himself, letting me push more of my length into his mouth, all while gripping my thighs in his hands and looking up at me with heated passion reflected in his eyes.

  I reached under his shoulders and pulled him to his feet, spinning him around before I lost control in his mouth. With his chest pressed against the wall, I reached down and spread him. I wrapped my arm around him and gripped his cock hard while pushing into him firmly. I’d promised hard and fast, but I entered him slowly, letting him get used to my size before stroking him and pulling out simultaneously.

  “I need you.” I pushed back in faster.

  Cannon pressed his forehead into the wall and growled.

  “I need you more than I need anything else in the world, Cannon.” I pulled out and thrust back in harder. “You’re my mate. I’m fucking up, but it doesn’t change how important you are to me.”

  He reached around and gripped the back of my neck, locking us together. “Shut up.”

  I squeezed my fingers around the top of his shaft and took him as I’d promised. Hard and fast, I rode him and tugged on his cock until my breathing was rough and he was digging his blunt nails into my neck and quietly cursing me. When I felt him close to shooting off, I stopped moving and raked my teeth over his neck, secretly getting off on people seeing my mark on him.

  “It doesn’t change that I fucking love you,” I whispered in his ear.

  Cannon’s orgasm was instantaneous, his seed pulsing down his lengthy shaft and spurting out in front of him, covering the bathroom wall. I thrust into him harder and faster, continuing to stroke him as I did, drawing out his orgasm until mine hit hard. I growled into his hair as I braced my free hand on the wall beside him, my knuckles digging into the plaster.

  I was still hard in him, my body reacting to the words I’d spoken as strongly as his did. I loved him. The idea of losing him made me feel like someone had cut me open and gutted me like a fish. I needed him. I wanted him. He was the man for me and I couldn’t go on without him.

  Cannon’s fingers loosened on my neck and slid into my hair. “You love me?”

  I smiled against the back of his hair, inhaling his unique scent of pure happiness. “Yes. I love you, Cannon. I’m not perfect, but don’t run from me. Please.”

  He laughed and the tension in his body had us both groaning as he tightened around me. “You love me.”

  I growled against his ear. “You heard me. Both times.”

  He pushed me away from him and turned to face me, heat burning in his eyes. “In the shower. Now.”

  I gaped at him, wide eyed, but proceeded to strip out of the rest of my clothing. “Again? Are you sore?”

  His grin was wicked. “No, but you’re going to be. Get in. Hands on the wall, mate.”

  I licked my lips. “So… me loving you is a good thing?”

  He stepped into the shower and steam rose around him. “Is me loving you a good thing?”

  My heart skipped a beat and I stepped into the shower with him. “You love me?”

  A knock came from the shower wall and then Carter’s voice rang out. “I get it. We all get it! You love him, he loves you, you have hot, masculine sex. Just do it quieter. We’re not all getting laid around here!”

  Cannon caught my face in his hands and pulled me in for a kiss, even while he was laughing. “Yes, I love you.”

  I gasped when he spun me around and pressed his hard body against me.

  He nipped my shoulder and growled low in his throat. “You heard the woman. Keep it down. Don’t make a sound or you’ll be gagged and holding your ankles.”

  I bit my lip and looked at him over my shoulder. My mate. My perfect mate.



  There was no bringing me down the next day. I was walking on a cloud. The sun was shining, there was a pleasant breeze that keeping it from being too hot. The smell of wild roses was in the air, the mountains in the distance even seemed to be extra beautiful. Things were good. We were in love. My mate loved me.

  It wasn’t announcing our love to the world, but it was a leap in the right direction. It settled my restless bear to know how my mate felt about me. I could handle keeping it secret for a little longer.

  The incredibly hot sex didn’t hurt either. I felt tons lighter. Work was easy, joking with the guys came easier, even playing with Jellybean was more fun. The spans between seeing Matt would be easier now that my bear knew he wanted us, too. We were okay for the time being.

  I was still anxiously awaiting nightfall so I could see him, so after Jellybean conked out on me and Carter banished me from her room while she packed, I headed to The Cave to blow some time.

  It was a week night and a smaller crowd, but I found Sam waiting for me at his usual table. Presley wasn’t at his side and he looked a bit lonely without her.

  “Where’s your mate?”

  He looked up at me and shook his head. “Meeting with her sisters. She’s trying to work on forging a relationship with them. I’m not welcome, because apparently trying to eat their dad is off-putting.”

  “No, shit? You tried to eat her dad?”

  He looked proud. “He’s scum. He hit her. I wouldn’t have actually eaten him. He didn’t know that, though.”

  I nodded. “I get it.” If someone hit my mate, I’d go after them, too.

  He grinned at me. “Which is one of the reasons I like you so much. You’d eat someone for my cousin. He needs that. I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t know his story. He left Burden when we were teens and he was gone for a decade or so. He returned shortly after my Uncle Dane died. I do know life hasn’t always been easy for him. Uncle Dane was a mean sonofabitch.”

  I nodded and sat back as Allie dropped a beer off in front of me. “Thanks, Allie.”

  She smiled down at me. “I owe you. I love knowing a secret that Georgia doesn’t.”

  I shook my head and laughed as she flounced off, back behind the bar. “This town is nuts.”

  Sam nodded. “And don’t you just fucking fit right in?”

  I smiled and took a swig of my beer.

  He looked uneasy, as though there was something he wanted to say. I frowned. “What?”

  He hesitated, not meeting my eyes. “I might’ve pushed Matt a little hard today. I hate that he’s hiding this from me and I hate that I know it, but he doesn’t know that I know.”

  “What happened?”

  “I ran by after work and tried talking to him. I hinted that I was pretty sure I knew who your mate was and he shut me down. He was pissed and practically shoved me out of the clinic.” Sam sighed. “I fucked up. I should’ve let it ride out.”

  I shrugged off the feeling of dread that began to creep up on me and forced a smile. “Don’t beat yourself up. You were trying to help your cousin. He’ll calm down.”

  “I saw the panic on his face. He was freaking out and nothing good has ever come from a shifter freaking out.”

  Like magic, the door to the bar opened and I smelled sweet summertime as Matt’s delicious scent drifted over me. Before I could respond, Sam’s eyes widened and his jaw fell ope
n. A feeling of dread was in the air by the time I was able to turn in my chair and gaze his way.

  Matt was in the doorway, alright. He’d dressed up in nice pants and a new button-down shirt. His hair was combed back, and a stunning blond woman was clinging to his arm staring up at him with fluttering eyelashes. He looked sexy as hell, and he was sending a devastatingly suggestive smile down at the little blonde woman. My stomach lurched. She must just be a friend. Please be just a friend.

  I couldn’t tear my eyes away until I saw proof that they were strictly platonic. As I watched, he dropped his arm to her waist and leaned down to whisper something in her ear. The woman blushed and giggled before slapping his chest.

  My heart was ripped clean out of my chest. I forced myself to turn back to Sam and grunted as the glass I’d been holding shattered in my hand. Glass shards cut into my palm, but I barely noticed. She was resting her hand on his chest, touching him in a much too familiar way, like she knew him. The same chest that had been pressed against my back as he fucked me the night before.

  Sam blinked past me, still stunned. His eyes grew even wider and I sensed Matt approaching. “Fuck.”

  “Hey. Jenny, this is my cousin Sam. Sam, Jenny. She’s an old friend who stopped by to see about adopting one of our stray dogs and ended up agreeing to have a beer with me.”

  A shrill giggle pierced the air behind my ear and I winced. “Matty never would give me the time of day in school. It just took me trying to adopt all of his dogs to get his attention.”

  Sam blinked a few more times and then shook his head, like he was clearing it. “Um, hey.”

  Matt laughed, a light laugh that sounded fake as hell to me. “I know. She’s pretty, isn’t she? Just wanted to say hello. We’re headed in the back to shoot some pool.”

  I felt him move away, hearing Jenny’s giggle grow quieter until I had to strain to hear it. I felt movement beside me and heard Allie’s quiet hiss.

  “You cut yourself pretty good, Cannon. You okay?”

  I swallowed and forced myself to look at her, forced myself to smile. It must’ve been a grimace because tears filled her eyes and she shook her head. I couldn’t form words, the pain too fresh as it cut through me.

  “Fuck.” Sam muttered it again and dropped his elbows to the table. “Fuck. Cannon… this is my fault. I pushed him.”

  Allie pressed a towel into my hands and swore. “What an dumbfuck. Men are idiots. No offense. Oh, my god. I’m so mad. I’m so sorry, Cannon. Can I get you anything?”

  I swallowed again and shook my head. I needed to get the hell out of there. Except, I couldn’t move. I couldn’t not stay where I was and make sure that he was just putting on a show. “I’m okay.”

  Sam groaned and ran his hands down his face. “I am so fucking sorry. It’s all my fault. Don’t be angry at him.”

  I looked to him and felt another piece of my heart chip away from my chest. “Angry? I wish.” I was devastated.

  He shook his head and threw back his beer. “We need something harder than this. Bring us food, too, Allie. Anything greasy will do.”



  An untouched shot of whiskey and an abandoned plate of greasy appetizers sat in front of me. My world had shifted off its axis. The initial jolt had been fast, but it was followed by slow, burning pain, like being tortured by someone who was new to torture and really took their time testing to see what would hurt the most.

  Each giggle made me flinch. Each time I heard Matt’s deep laugh, my stomach contents threatened to come up into my throat. What I’d initially thought of as a fake laugh had transformed in my head. Maybe it was his real laugh and I’d just never heard it.

  He wasn’t happy with me. Sure, he loved me, but he wasn’t happy. There was a difference. He didn’t want to be gay. By the time Sam had polished off half a bottle of whiskey, I’d convinced myself that Matt would be happier with Jenny instead of me. Being straight was preferable to keeping me.

  With that knowledge came no power. I didn’t suddenly feel like a big man who was going to nobly walk away from his mate for his mate’s happiness. I felt like a little kid who’d just been told his dog died. Not really comprehending the concept of death, but understanding that something special was gone never to return.

  I wanted to scream and cry. I wanted to let it all out. I couldn’t, though. Matt was making a statement. His actions screamed louder than anything I could voice. If he thought that pretending to be straight was what he had to do, what could I say? I’d told him I loved him and it clearly wasn’t enough to make him want to come out. Instead, he’d gone even farther into the closet.

  Sam was taking it almost as hard as I was. He was drunk and getting volatile. “I want to punch him in the throat right now.”

  I growled. “That’s my mate you’re talking about.”

  He shook his head. “And you’re still taking up for him. He doesn’t even appreciate what a fucking good man you are.”

  I tuned Sam out and listened as Matt sunk another ball into the pocket he’d called. Jenny cheered for him. I heard the rustling of fabric and glanced back to see her in Matt’s arms with her legs around his waist. Jerking back around to face Sam, this time I couldn’t force the bile back down. My stomach turned. “I’m going to be sick.”

  I hurried to the bathroom, the same bathroom where Matt and I had… oh, fuck… I lost my stomach contents. I rinsed my mouth and came out just in time to see Jenny pulling back from a kiss with Matt. She giggled again and wrapped her arms around his neck before capturing his mouth in a deeper kiss.

  Last straw. I stumbled on the way back to the table and stopped just long enough to grab the new bottle of whiskey Allie had dropped off. “I thought I could stay, but I can’t. I can’t do this.”

  Sam stood up, his chair falling backwards. “Take tomorrow off, man. Fuck, take the week off.”

  I nodded. “I think I will. I’ll let you know if I change my mind.”

  I didn’t look at Matt or Jenny as I left. I half hoped that I’d hear the bar door open and that Matt would chase after me, but he didn’t. I got in my truck alone and left the parking lot, alone. No one chased after me. No one tried to make it right.

  No one came to my room when I stayed up all night clinging to a sliver of hope. No one snuck into my window, wrapped their arms around me and told me they loved me. No one begged me to forgive them while promising they’d tell the world about us. It was just me, tears slipping down my face like a baby, until Carter came in and crawled in next to me.

  I’d never experienced a broken heart before. I never knew how awful it could feel until that night. With Carter rubbing my back, comforting me, her big brother, assuring me that things would be okay, I finally got why she was so terrified to put herself back out there. Out there felt like shit. Out there felt like being kicked in the gut over and over again until you passed out and then shaken awake to be punched in the head. Out there was a bitch.

  Somehow, the next day, I ended up outside sitting in the bleachers that surrounded a dirt track. Presley was beside me, and Sam chatted over an engine with Hutch while Sterling got ready for a big race. I’d never been before and my fingers itched to get behind the wheel. I was in no shape to operate any kind of heavy machinery, though. I’d barely made it to the track in my truck. I wouldn’t have, if it wasn’t for the overwhelming desire to be out of Burden.

  Carter was packing, eager to get to her new house with Jellybean, and she’d already started niggling me to come with her. She wanted me close, but I think mostly she didn’t want me to get hurt anymore. She didn’t understand that it was too late. I was tied to Matt. He was mine and I was his, for better or for worse. Unfortunately, it seemed that we were destined for worse.

  “Sam was so angry this morning that he fussed until I called off work. He said, well, I can’t repeat everything he said because I don’t use that kind of language, but essentially he wanted me to tell Matt to have Jenny help out in my place.”
/>   I felt like a dagger pierced my chest. I cleared my throat. “I don’t expect anyone to treat him any differently because we’re having issues. He’s still a good man.”

  She snorted. “He is a good man, but boy did he screw up.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back. “Do you think he went home with her?”

  “No way. He’s just trying to cover his tracks in public.”

  “He didn’t come over. He didn’t call or text. He didn’t do anything. He just let me see him kissing some woman and then let me go. No explanation.” I sat up straighter again and shook my head. “It was like he was intentionally trying to hurt me.”

  “He had to feel that he hurt you. Whenever Sam says something dumb and hurts my feelings, he can feel it immediately through the mate bond.” She looked out at the track and waved to Sam. “Not that he says dumb stuff very often. He’s learned quickly.”

  “You got a great guy. He’s sweet and open and hot. You hit the mate jackpot.”

  “You did, too. Matt is just struggling right now, for some reason. He needs a good mule kick to knock some sense into him.” She paused and then looked up at me with a surprisingly cunning look. “He needs to know what it would feel like to actually lose you.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “I don’t want to play games, Pres. I just want to work things out without any bullshit.”

  “End all this craziness then. Don’t you have any hot friends who could come visit? Something completely innocent.”

  Ophelia showed up and plopped down next to me. “What’s completely innocent? Murdering Matt? Justifiable homicide, in my opinion. I heard about that shit he pulled last night. I could break his dick for you, if you need me to.”

  I scooted away from her. “Please, no talk of dick breaking.”


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