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The Great Human Potential

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by Wendy Kennedy,Tom Kenyon

  The Great Human Potential

  Walking in one’s own light

  Teaching from The Ninth Dimensional Pleiadians and The Hathors

  Tom Kenyon and Wendy Kennedy

  Edited by Martine Vallée

  Ariane Éditions

  The Great Human Potential – Walking in one’s own light

  Tom Kenyon and Wendy Kennedy

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  First print: August 2013

  ISBN paper : 978-2-89626-133-8

  ISBN ePub : 978-2-89626-149-9

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  by Martine Vallée

  The greatest potential of all: Walking to the drum of your own light

  Dear friends,

  Even though my time as a full-time publisher for the French community was traded for work on more global issues, I still, once in a while, “pop in” for very special editorial projects. The Great Human Potential is one of them. Some of you may remember me from two previous books that were published in English: The Great Shift and Transition Now. To every one of you, I say, “Welcome.”

  Many times as I was preparing this book, I thought about the path that we all share and I sincerely think that one of the most precious moments in any human life is when one discovers its divine nature, when the journey back to source begins.

  I remember clearly my own experience. It seemed so surreal that for awhile I felt as though I was walking on air. I instinctively knew that I had opened a door that was just waiting to be opened. I had entered a place where my higher consciousness lived and a whole new world was set into motion. My journey had just begun and I felt alive and free like never before. I’m sure many of you reading this know exactly what I am talking about.

  These times are times of great acceleration and expansion, and if we really want to go from one reality to another, from one vibration to the next, we have to get serious about eliminating judgments, false beliefs and manipulations, especially those that come from religions. They are very powerful programs and they keep us in fear and drama, and when you have drama, you have karma. Another challenge is to understand that living in the moment is where all our potential is, not in the past, or the future. Usually, we ignore the present moment and, by doing so, we take away its power.

  Right now, we are given the opportunity for a new scenario. We are advancing towards a completely different dispensation of consciousness, from the ego-conscience to the eco-conscience as written by Otto Sharmer in his book Leading from the Emerging Future. That higher level of consciousness will require the realization that we are not victims but rather willing participants. If we understand that we are the creators of 100% of our reality and accept it, then everything changes.

  The ninth-dimensional Pleiadians say, “…if you still see yourselves as victims, then you do not take responsibility for your part in the experience. You are judging and judgment is only possible in the mentality of victim/perpetrator.”

  With the passage of 2012, a new blueprint has been made available for each one of us. And this blueprint makes possible all potentials and available all realities. Furthermore, what is really “buzzing” and what we feel more and more is that, from now on, the changes that we want to see happening will not be only on the surface but will come from deep down. We have to go deep in our being, into our humanity, and see what we want to become, not only as an individual but as a community and a country. There is no more separation.

  My purpose with this book is to bring you to live the highest version of your potential, and to do so, I have invited two groups that I find incredibly powerful and interesting: The Hathors channeled by Tom Kenyon and the Ninth-dimensional Pleiadians, channeled by Wendy Kennedy.

  I must admit, I have a special place for what Wendy channels. With this particular group, I have finally understood the real nature of the illusion and how judgments and fears keep us in the illusion, and thus in the “game”. They offer many solutions on how to integrate these judgments and fears so that we can all rewrite history, not only for ourselves but for humanity.

  Then there is Tom Kenyon. Without a doubt, I consider Tom Kenyon and Judi amongst those people who had a big impact on my life. With Tom and the Hathors, I discovered the power of sound and these sounds have greatly participated in my spiritual evolution. Doors were opened that only sound can open. And no words could ever convey my immense gratitude for his work. With Judi by his side, they make a remarkable team and the year 2013 will mark the 25th anniversary of Tom’s Egyptian alchemy exploration. What a fantastic journey!

  In French, Tom channels two groups of Light beings: The Hathors and the Arcturians. Here you have only the part with the Hathors because Tom will be publishing himself the teachings of the Arcturians. It will be called The Arcturian Anthology. These teachings will be even more powerful with the addition of a sound CD and should be available in the fall of 2013. Do not miss it.

  In closing, I simply want to say how grateful I am to every one of you who is taking the time to read this book. The path toward “home” is not a simple one, but if we find the courage to be our very own muse, to be the inspiration behind each of our creation, then we will walk tall to the drums of our own light. Is there a better place to be?

  Finally, by taking responsibility for this spiritual journey, honoring our potential, and walking fully in our light, we recognize that each one of us has a role to play in the renaissance of our civilization. And that, dear reader, is the beginning of a brand new reality.

  Have a great journey.

  Martine Vallee

  Montreal, August 2013


  The Ninth Dimensional

  Pleiadian Collective

  The information that we give you in this book

  is what we consider the most appropriate vibrational match

  for where you are right now.


  from Wendy Kennedy

  In 1994, I began my adventures in channeling. After a year of working with my angelic guides and a few other higher dimensional beings through automatic writing, I was introduced to an amazing group of beings from the Pleiades who called themselves the Ninth Dimensional Pleiadian Collective. They had been patiently waiting for me to increase my frequency en
ough to begin to work with them verbally, not surprising since they work with tone and sound.

  It has been an extraordinary journey with them. I cannot imagine what life would have been like without the support of these kind and loving beings. They encouraged and reminded me that I was capable of so much more than I was willing to allow myself to see or to be. In the thousands of private and group sessions I have done over the years with them, they have always offered encouragement to those seeking answers. Many times I would wonder how they would respond to someone’s question when on the surface it seemed bleak. Never ones to sugar coat their answers, The Ps (as I affectionately call them) would always find a way of phrasing their replies so that an individual could see the service or growth potential in their choices, even the challenging ones the ego was not quite yet willing to release.

  One of the perks of my “job” is that by working with so many different people, I get to see the general trends of what we are collectively processing. I have to admit that for the ego, it does make it a bit easier to relax and release issues when you know you aren’t doing it alone and that everyone else is processing similar stuff. There is something within us that releases that illusion of separation and allows us to have more courage through the awareness of connection.

  It is amazing to me how many have awakened in the last 20 years. I see what was once considered fringe as being mainstream, and I have no doubt that what is today considered a bit “out there” will be tomorrow’s norm. With the passage of 2012, it now feels as if we have moved beyond many of the fears of destruction and the unknown and into a period of infinite possibility. I am truly honored to have been asked by Martine to contribute to this book, as I do believe we have so much potential, each of us, to create fascinating and wondrous things. It is just a matter of remembering that and allowing it to be our version of reality.

  Wendy Kennedy


  from the Ninth Dimensional

  Pleiadian Collective

  Greetings, Dears. This is the Ninth Dimensional Pleiadian Collective, and it is a pleasure and an honor to have the opportunity to connect with you. No matter when you are reading this, each and every time you think of us, we stand beside you. To us, we are always with you for it is always the next Now moment. Hmmm…we will let you think about that one for a bit. Perhaps it will make more sense to you as we share our perspective of time with you later.

  What we present to you here is simply a version of the truth. It is not the only truth for there are infinite versions. The truth is always colored by perspective, that of the one telling the story and by those listening. But what we offer you is a stepping stone to your greater truth. Take the bits and pieces that resonate with you and leave the rest behind. You may be surprised if you read through this book several times that there may be whole sections you missed or couldn’t comprehend and upon rereading them you had a newfound understanding. As your vibration changes, so will your perception.

  We are so very excited to see what you create for yourselves, for this is the time of greatest potential on your planet. Each and every one of you has an amazing amount of support available to you, both in your world and “beyond the veil”. Use it! Call on us. Know we always answer even if you cannot hear us. Move out of your head and into your heart for it is there we can be heard.

  Stellar History,

  Wisdom and Potential

  Let us begin by saying that through us, other beings are participating in this channeling and are very happy to share their perspective and wisdom about their star system.

  To process the information that you are about to read, you must be in your heart center since the heart center doesn’t have any of the distortions nor the beliefs that the mind has about your true history. Realize the history that you have been given, what was sold to you, was not your true history. As many of you know, for this grand experiment called planet Earth, your DNA was altered. We, from the Ninth Dimensional Pleiadian Collective, would like to give you a brief perspective on what it was all about and how it has brought you here to this point in time, allowing you to understand the past so that you can move towards your highest potential.

  But first, we want to be honest here; we do have a different perspective than that of the White Brotherhood (with which many of your ascended masters align) about how to interact with you at this time. That doesn’t mean that ours is right or wrong; it is just different.

  The White Brotherhood and the ascended masters wish to work with you amongst the construct of the dimension within the illusion. We choose to be here and tell you about your galactic history, the illusion and the game that is being played, and how to move beyond it. We think that you are ready for a new story, another version of the truth. The White Brotherhood thinks that, for some of you, it will create too much of a shock, so information is released at a slower pace. Both perspectives serve you well. Everyone needs to work in a unique way, at their own pace. Some will align with what we are giving, others with the White Brotherhood, and many of you who are reading this understand both perspectives. Having different perspectives gives you the bigger picture and enables you to see different aspects of the experience.

  Now, any information that you are receiving regardless of the source, be it an angelic guide, an ascended master or from us, take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind. Every being that you encounter will have an agenda. We have an agenda to support you, but also we are here to learn from you. We want to assist you in bringing in light and information. At the end of the day, you are your best authority. You always have the best answers for yourself.

  The information that we give you in this book is what we consider the most appropriate vibrational match for where you are right now. For some of you, it may not resonate as much as for others. When we give information, we always look at the vibrational level of the majority of whom we think will be listening or reading this in order to give you a version of the truth that will best serve you in accessing your highest potential. In reality, there are infinite versions of the truth, and your vibration determines which version you experience. Another way for us to say that would be that you are constantly moving from Now moment to Now moment, stringing them together to experience different “timelines”.

  From time to time, we will say, “Take a deep breath”. This small pause is there because we know that some of the information can be difficult for you to process. One of the ways many of you cope with difficult information or information that does not support the illusion of your reality is to leave your body — out you go! Your breath helps you to ground and connect again so that you may assimilate the information.

  Earth and the Grand Experiment

  Long ago, higher dimensional beings said, “Wouldn’t it be fun to enter into density, forget who we are, and then try to get out of it? Wouldn’t that be an interesting game?” So you all decided to do it. YOU were the ones that came up with the idea, and you are the very ones that are playing it out here on Earth.

  There were two previous planetary experiments in the galaxy that tried to undergo the game of integration. They weren’t successful in achieving it, but we did learn a great deal from them. When Earth was deemed suitable as a new experiment, it was then deposited with the genetic material from thousands and thousands of worlds. Along with the genetic material was all the emotional coding and experiences of these planets and species. We call Earth “The Planet of Emotion”, and it is unlike any other planet in the entire Universe because your range of emotion is so vast. You have extreme highs and lows… and everything in between.

  In other sectors of the galaxy, the emotional range is not as varied. This is in part why the two previous experiments did not go so well. When you lack emotional range, you have a far more focused existence. It means that your flexibility, your ability to pull in new ideas, new inspirations, and to be creative is somewhat limited. A focused existence does give you the opportunity to examine and explore reality in detail, but when
it comes to the game of polarity integration, a wide variety of emotions and potential combinations allows for a higher probability of success. This process of integration includes, above all, letting go of judgment. It is the ability to see light and dark as an illusion, since both are part of source energy. You are once again unifying your perspective of light and dark to a complete, whole and divine state.

  Earth itself is a living, ever-growing library complete with records of all the experiences of all consciousness on it. You have access to this library. Contrary to what you might feel, it is actually much, much easier for you to achieve integration on Earth since you have access to such a vast pool of genetic records and experiences. Again, remember, these experiences are not only from the beings and life forms that have lived on your planet, but also from the thousands of species who contributed their DNA to your world.

  There are five seed races who donated their genetic material to create you, the modern human. We are talking about the Felines, the Reptilians, the Humanoids, the Avians (bird people) and higher dimensional Beings of Light from Lyra. This material was given so that you could have easier access to their records, giving you the greatest chance of succeeding in integration. Each of the five races has had diverse and extensive histories whose records give you knowledge and wisdom to pull from as you attempt integration. From their experiences, you can access information to glean insight into what may have helped or hindered the process of integration.

  It is important for you to know this because this is the basic premise of your game. As you are going through this process of ascension and increasing your vibration rate, you are also completing a 26,000-year cycle. It is no coincidence that the two coincide. With the completion of this 26,000-year cycle, you are integrating everything that you have learned during this period. Think of a cycle like a running track with a start and finish line. This start/finish line is denoted in the galaxy by a band of extremely high-frequency energy. We called it the photonic band as it is composed of photon (or light) particles. These high vibrational particles of light assist and support you in elevating your frequency. Rather than remaining on the same track going around and around in circles, you actually spiral up with the completion of each cycle. As you near the end of a cycle, you are able to access once more everything that you’ve learned and then integrate it before moving on to the next. You began entering into this field of high vibratory light in the late 1980s and continue to move through it today. Most of humanity simply experiences this as life going faster and getting more hectic as their issues are more intensely reflected so they can clearly see where judgment needs to be released.


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