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The Great Human Potential

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by Wendy Kennedy,Tom Kenyon

  Take a few moments here... to feel if the information we have shared has triggered any issues, such as manipulation, control or abandonment. You may also find it may have activated some level of homesickness. If this is the case, just take a nice, deep breath. Remember, always take what resonates and leave the rest behind. It is our version of history that we are sharing with you because we see that you are requesting it energetically, and we want you to move forward. Our purpose is to support you. Don’t forget, the version of the story may change as you change, grow and expand.

  We are sharing some bits and pieces of your true history, but the full picture will only be known and activated within each and every one of you when you are ready. When history is just given to you, it can be confusing and very hard to contemplate as there has been so much manipulation of information. At a certain point, you don’t know who to trust. We are giving you a place to start so that each and every one of you can go within, to the Akashic records, and look at the histories and different genetic material available. You have simply forgotten that you have a library card. So take your card, go to the library, and see the librarian. Yes, there are beings that specialize in helping those of you who are looking for information. They are there to assist you. They will do their best to find the vibrational match to what you are looking for.

  Not only are you at the end a 26,000-year cycle, but we are also at the end of a universal cycle. The end of this universal cycle has nothing to do with the counting of revolutions, but rather a result of the dissemination of information and skills that humanity gains and shares with the entire Universe. This new knowledge and wisdom will in essence change the universal game so dramatically that the game as it fundamentally exists can no longer be and is deemed complete. All this is accomplished through the holographic nature of the Universe.

  Let us explain. As an individual, you are part of the whole. Every time an alteration is made to the whole, all the individual pieces are updated to reflect that change. If you make a change to any one of the individual pieces, all other pieces, as well as the whole itself, are also altered to mirror the change. So as you learn how to release judgment, you send out this information, the “how to go about it”, to other aspects of yourselves, your genetic line, and all other beings in the Universe holographically. By doing that, you are changing the universal game because these other aspects now have access to new information that was previously unavailable until you experience it. Those lifetimes have the ability, if they so choose, to download and run the knowledge and wisdom you have shared through your life experience. It is quite exciting and powerful. This is one of the reasons that this is called “The Grand Experiment”. Never before has a planet gone through the ascension process with conscious beings on it and with the emotional range that you have. That’s why there is so much stellar and angelic support. We all understand how unique and transformative this experience is and will be.

  We will say that there are other timelines on which this project or experience is not succeeding. But you, the version with which we are having this conversation, are successful, and you are going through the ascension process. There are infinite probabilities and ways to have experiences. Down here, where you are in the linear mindset, you think that there is only one version of reality that exists. But in actuality, there are multiple versions that are going on beside you and you are constantly moving at will, back and forth, between these versions as you adjust your frequency and vibration. But since you are processing reality through the mind, you think that you are only on one timeline. You still don’t catch the fact that you have shifted. Occasionally, you will experience déjà vu, and that is an indication that you have shifted timelines. Your shift in perception, in beliefs and in frequency is usually pretty subtle since your version of reality doesn’t change in a very dramatic way.

  Even though you are not aware of your different timelines, your higher self always is. It is able to witness and participate in multiple versions of reality all at once. But the ego, this part of you that is having this limited existence, can’t see it. That is a construct of the game. It is part of the beauty of this third dimension, feeling separate from the whole. It is at the same time unique and challenging, and it is what you came for.

  As you go through this process of ascension, don’t be in such a rush to get to the other side. You already know what that multidimensional experience is like! What you don’t know, and what we are all learning from you, is how to go through this process of releasing judgment and by doing so mastering compassion for self and others. You are still in the midst of it. The bits and pieces that make you uncomfortable or depressed, the times that you feel overwhelmed, etc., this is what you came for. This is what you are learning to work through. Eventually, you are going to teach others in your galaxy about compassion and the integration process. If you can have appreciation for all the moments that you experience these lower frequencies — one, it will help you reframe them to see the service in them and, two, it will help you move beyond them.

  Each and every one of you leaves your body at night to give those of us in the higher realms a report. You are all very, very busy. You are going from council to council, meeting after meeting. Remember, all beings from the higher realms are part of a collective. We do not always understand your sense of separation, the choices you make, or why you choose fear over love. This is a large part of your nightly debriefs. You are giving us information regarding current events because, unless you are born into a physical body in the third dimension, you cannot have that precise vibrational experience.

  For example, we are beings of light from the ninth dimension. As such, we can only perceive reality through the ninth dimensional filter, except when we channel. This is the one exception. When we work with the channel, in this case Wendy, we get to have a sneak peek because our energy is blending with hers. But most higher dimensional beings are just observing. Sometimes, they question your motivations and don’t really understand your emotions concerning certain situations. It is such a grand emotional range. In some places, there are only five different emotions, others maybe a dozen. Can you imagine having only five different emotions! For instance, the Cassiopeians liked to focus on love and compassion. So if a Cassiopeian has known only love and decides to incarnate to Earth, well that is going to be quite an adjustment for him/her to feel the polar opposite of love. More on them later.

  By now, you all know that each and every one of you has had plenty of dark lifetimes. We often laugh and giggle when we hear you say, “I don’t want to know about any dark lifetimes.” But these lives are often the most interesting because they are so unlike the experiences that you have in the higher realms. And you all have had them!

  Take a deep breath…

  Your desire to know is really a deep longing to connect with source energy. That is what you are, in essence, doing as you go through the ascension process. You often talk about going home. But this time around, it is not about you going home, but rather bringing home here. We understand that this longing can be overwhelming. It can give you a sense of despair and disconnection, but again, it is not about leaving the planet. It is about bringing your expansive sense of awareness into your body. Your higher self has awareness of every incarnation that you have ever had. It knows that you are a multidimensional being having a limited experience on this planet. As you start to bring that expanded version of yourself into your vehicle, it will change the game and how you operate.

  Many of you have coded yourselves, like putting markers in your energy field, so that you awaken and remember at precise moments. These markers are saying to you, “It is time. Wake up!” That is what you are experiencing. The year 2012 was given to you as such a marker. It was always about a window of opportunity for enormous growth and expansion. But as you perceive current reality through the lens of linear time, you work with specific dates to mark potentials and motivate you. If you didn’t think that way, nothing would get moving. You would think, �
�Hmmm, I have another month, another year.” This date of December 21st got you all activated because it was an important coding in your genetic material and a key memory that gave you, once again, access to higher wisdom.

  The Construct of your Dimension

  and Breaking the Mental Barrier

  This topic covers a number of things. First, we will start by talking briefly about how to better understand the dimensional structure. For you to be able to leave the three-dimensional structure for good, you have to understand how it is built. Letting go of the 3-D mindset will allow you to focus on the multidimensional perspective.

  Those of you reading this all know by now that the 3-D mind was created to limit, to give you the illusion of separation so that you could have a unique set of vibrational experiences and make unique choices based upon the perception of separation. Of course, it is impossible for you to be separate because you are always connected to everyone and everything. In this process of descension into 3-D reality, you needed the illusion of time, as it allowed you the opportunity to make adjustments so that what you were creating via your thoughts, emotions and feelings weren’t immediately projected. Frequencies do not move through time at the same rate. Lower thoughts move through time at a slower rate. Time gave you space between what you were pulsing out and what was reflected back or experienced. Time is a very important component of 3-D reality, but it is an illusion. And we want you to know that your perception of this illusion does not exist in any other dimension. In other dimensions, time is viewed simply as a marker for an event.

  One of the most important things to let go and break from your mental cycle is this idea of time. For many years now, you have noticed a big shift, a change in how you are experiencing time. You are most certainly feeling the compression of it. You may not realize that it is time that is creating these increased sensations or intensities that you are all going through. As we said, frequencies do not move through time at the same rate. The higher you go in frequency, the more time appears to compress. Ten years ago, you played out your dramas in an extended period of time, but now it is done in a relatively short period. To give you an example, what you would have taken a year to work out now takes about four days. This is why everything feels more intense. This is happening because you are getting higher in frequency. As you move beyond 3-D and into 5-D, you will feel that time is collapsing upon itself. And when you break the mental barrier, you can shift your focus to a multidimensional perspective. You will no longer look at things in a linear timeline, and you can start focusing on multiple realities in a single moment.

  So, we have talked about the 3-D and 5-D experience, but in truth, you are currently vibrating in 4-D. Unlike 3-D and 5-D which have very fixed constructs or rules to the game, the fourth dimension is a very malleable one. Because the constructs of 3-D and 5-D are so different, you needed an entire dimensional range in which to make the transition from one to the other. You needed a matrix in which you could modify the rules to allow for consciously adjusting to and implementing these new perceptions. Remember, you are playing in a game of descension and reascension, and this 4-D playground was needed for both transitions. Many of you think that you incarnate at the bottom and work your way up to the top. This is not the case. You ARE source energy. You start at the top, then you fracture, come down, “play” in different arenas, reconnect with source energy, review, and project into another game again.

  Most of you do not realize that you are residing in the fourth dimension as you are still currently applying 3-D rules to the 4-D matrix. But you can also run 5-D programming. What we want for you is more of the 5-D programming. Many of you are walking between these two worlds, some of you more than others. No doubt, you’ve got the theory down, but the practical application is still far from being there. Right now, you are in the process of creating new patterns, new neural networks, new habits and releasing the programs that generate limitation. You are creating your new potential.

  You have to remember that you ARE your Higher Self. It is not something that you have to become or something that you have to reconnect with. For you to experience the third dimensional range, you, as Higher Self, incarnated and projected into form and then overlayed illusions of separation, creating an ego or personality. You created filters to color the perceived reality. All the emotions, feelings and thoughts that say that you are separate, that you are not good enough, that you can’t connect, that you are not lovable, are simply an exploration in duality. It is so important to see it that way — an exploration that you decided to undertake. Some of you get very upset because you feel that you cannot connect, but in reality you are exploring and practicing duality and are NEVER EVER separate from self or source.

  If you want to shift your perception from one of separation to one of connection, it really is quite simple. Throughout the day, you can stop and ask yourself, “Where am I vibrating at the mental, emotional and physical levels?” As you start to check in and readjust yourself, you can create these new habits, these new thought forms because most of the lower ones are running at a subconscious level. The idea here is to take all of the frequencies that you are running at the subconscious level and become conscious of them. That really is the challenging part for you, but the mechanics of it are quite simple.

  We are going to give you some simple exercises, but you will see that the mind does not like this. It will say to you, “Oh, it is much more complicated than that.” In fact, it is that easy. What is the most challenging for you is the emotional or mental part of letting go. So you must have patience.

  Exercise (7 to 10 days)

  As you go through your day, if you take the time to set an alarm once every hour and check in with yourself to see where you are vibrating at the emotional, mental and physical levels, that will help you to make more conscious choices. For example, ask yourself, “Do I like where I am vibrating? Do I want to keep projecting these frequencies?” Know that if you keep projecting the same frequencies, they will continue to be reflected back to you in your reality. What you may find as you start consciously observing your vibration is that your ability to manifest your clarity and how you interpret frequency will be vastly different.

  Let’s say that you want a new job. Maybe emotionally you are alright with it, but mentally perhaps you are saying to yourself, “Hmmm, maybe I don’t have the qualifications for it…” or another similar thought that keeps you misaligned with what you want. When you check in with yourself once in awhile, you can catch or notice those misalignments. When you do, ask yourself, “Why am I not releasing these fears or this belief system? How does holding onto this belief serve me?” Checking in will give you the opportunity to see that, to see the patterns that you have perhaps not noticed before. You will then start noticing patterns that you have with your coworkers, your family members or your business relations. It could be stronger in one particular relationship, but usually the same pattern is also present in a weaker form in other relationships. Bottom line, you have to see how these patterns are serving you, how they are maintaining the illusion of separation. You have to release judgment around the idea of separation so you can go into a higher perspective about connection.

  When most of you think of creating, you have a visual image of energy being pulsed out and looping back to you. What you seek to create is outside of you, and there is an element of time involved in your process of creation. We would like to start encouraging you to work more with the idea of 5-D creation, which simply involves alignment of frequency. You are that thing you wish to create. You are already that which you seek to become. You need only remove these filters, these false perceptions, these judgments that you have concerning who you think you are and the stories that you are telling yourself.

  We see many of you are pushing energetically to get to the other side, to that 5-D level, and it is absolutely vital that you let go of that push to get there. The underlying need is almost always fear based. You are holding judgment about where you are a
nd your current reality. As we always tell you, you have to accept where you are to change where you are. The desire to run from your current situation will always call more of that frequency to you.

  Anytime you are thinking about the future or the past, you are siphoning off energy. In fact, you are not allowing yourself to run at full power. Instead, you are sending energy to another Now moment on which your soul’s essence is not focused. Also, it is an indication that you are in the victim/perpetrator mindset. Your desire to look down those other timelines means that you are no longer engaged in the present. There is something that is driving you from a state of fear to go back to the past or toward the future. What is it? It could be a security or safety issue, or it could also be about separation, anxiety or abandonment. For sure, there is a fear at the root of it. We hear some of you say, “But don’t I need to plan for my future?” What we are talking about here is your random thoughts throughout the day. If you wish to explore other timelines, then we recommend you sit down with the specific intention to do so and be very clear about your purpose for viewing them.


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