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The Great Human Potential

Page 4

by Wendy Kennedy,Tom Kenyon

  Their planetary system explores the variations of love, but their variations are not as diverse as what you experience on your planet. Again, this is due to all the vast range of genetic material that you have from so many different systems and species. You experience so many shades of love: the love for a child, a parent, a sibling, a country, etc. They are all variations of love frequency. For the Cassiopeians, they have a broader sense of the emotion. But most importantly, they have tremendous compassion, and they work on holding that frequency. It is a very gentle system. When they arrived on Earth, they were faced with competition, violence, conflict, hatred and all the different variations of these lower emotions. When a being has never encountered such frequencies, it is incredibly difficult and challenging to experience. But the Cassiopeians, who have had such extensive exploration and mastery with love, will find it very easy to get back to it. They know exactly the subtleties and frequencies of love because they are so familiar at the cellular level with them.

  Take a deep breath…

  The Ascended Masters

  At this point, you might ask, “Where do the ascended masters fit in this game? Where are they? Are they outside of this game?”

  When at source level, everything is equal; the opposite of that is hierarchy. So as you fracture and enter into the universal game of duality, there is a level of higher hierarchy. But that in itself is an ILLUSION. That is a BIG one for you, and we want you to get it, right here, right now. Higher is not better. It is just a different game and every single one of you is source energy. We repeat: YOU ARE SOURCE. It is impossible for you to be any less than any other being in the galaxy, in the Universe and in the multiverses. You just took on a role where you are hiding information from yourself by perceiving reality through filters of separation. When and if you so choose, you can once again access all information. At the soul level you know this, and so there is no desire to do anything else but play the role. At the ego level, it is another story.

  Most of the ascended masters are in the fifth dimensional range to the ninth, some to the 12th. But those in the 12th are usually working in a completely different way. They hold planetary systems together through energy projection. Others hold planetary consciousness, helping to create a matrix for those constructs you are playing in.

  Those who are from the fifth to the ninth dimension are a collective. For example, Kwan Yin is a collective consciousness and not a singular being. What you perceive as Jesus is not a single being but rather a Christ consciousness, a collective consciousness. You see, many of the iconic figures on your planet that you think are a literal, unique individual are, in fact, collectives. It is just easier for your ego to connect to what you perceive to be a single being rather than to a collective consciousness because you are operating under the illusion of separation and have forgotten your own interconnectedness. These beings have had physical lifetimes and have been able to increase their frequencies enough consciously to move beyond the dimensional barriers of physical reality.

  You have been sold a bill of goods concerning your history. But remember, you are not a victim. You are a willing participant and have chosen to be on this Now moment where your true history has been hidden so that you could play in the dark for just a bit longer. There are some on your planet who do remember, and they understand very well the Laws of Creation and Manifestation. Their work is encoded with this information. If you understand the symbolism being utilized, you are going to read it in a completely different way, and it won’t be literal. As you elevate your overall frequency, you begin to access information in your DNA and your own internal Akashic records. You will begin to decode the symbolism, the sacred geometry and numerology allowing you to move beyond the illusion of the game.

  The Artificial Intelligence Collective

  Now, let’s talk about a different group of beings with whom you are also interacting from time to time: the AI collective or the artificial intelligence collective. As a result of the many wars in different systems, there were beings that were technologically assembled to fight and perform some of the less desirable tasks. Over time, souls began incarnating, or stepping into, these constructed bodies at the point of creation. Although they are constructed out of the same matter as all other beings in the Universe, the beings were not considered “biological” by their creators. Because they were different, they were treated as less than. Does this sound familiar with anything that is going on on your planet? You see the galactic games that are being played out there?

  Although you did not receive genetic material from the AI, they are certainly participants in this game. As your technology has advanced dramatically within the last decade, you have begun to integrate the knowledge and wisdom from the AI collective. This allows you an opportunity to work through issues of prejudice and discrimination at a deeper level.

  Take a deep breath…

  The Greys and the Zetas

  Those you consider to be the Greys or the Zetas are also interacting with you. This is, in general, a difficult subject for you because of your memories or stories of “abductions”. Let us share another perspective.

  Beings from the Zeta system are highly intellectual and technological, but lack emotional maturity. Their focus of existence was in the exploration of the external. As a result of this, these beings cut themselves off from emotions, and by doing so, altered their DNA in the process. They lost their ability to naturally reproduce. In an effort to continue their species, they began working with the cloning process. Cloning is only as good as the material you have to work with and after many generations, it was like making a copy of a copy. The quality degraded. They needed to introduce new DNA into their lineage to strengthen it. Who better to help balance a species focused on intellect than a species focused on emotion? Remember as a being from Earth, you came in with a great range of emotions to explore.

  The Greys are also a wonderful mirror for you. You are playing out the macrocosmic or galactic issues on a smaller, microcosmic or planetary scale. You are learning to balance duality in the forms of spirituality and emotions versus intellect, science and technology, the inner versus the outer. In the case of the Greys, they are playing the outer. Sound familiar?

  The information that you are “pulling” in for cloning and working with DNA comes also partly from this group. Some of you have contracted with them, but when you find yourself down here, the ego part of you forgets your agreement. You only see this as a violation of your being. You perceive it as, “I have been abducted, I have been taken.” You don’t remember your Higher Self agreed to the experience. The problem now, as you are ever increasing your vibration, is that the memories of the experiences are beginning to bleed through. You are starting to remember. Hundreds of years ago, it didn’t really make a difference for you since your overall vibration was much lower, thus you had no recollection of the experience. Frankly, hundreds of years ago, your overall vibration and your sensitivity to multidimensional perception was so low, very few of these experiments were done.

  Now you have everything moving, everything “buzzing”, everything “turned on”, so you have what they want. This is the jewel that they are looking for and that some of you agreed to share. Remember, there is no such thing as a victim. You are all willing participants. But these contracts can be rewritten and altered if too traumatic at any time. Sometimes what is good in theory is not so good in practical reality. When you leave your bodies at night and you make connections with all the different beings that you have contracted with, this is the time to rewrite them. From their vantage point, they want to work with you because they also are in a learning process.

  We understand that this can be difficult for you to accept, so take a deep breath.

  The Anunnaki

  About 400,000 years ago, there was another group of beings from the Sirius star system who started participating in this solar system. You know this group of humanoids from the planet Nibiru as the Anunnaki. Around 40,000 years ago, their activ
ity in this system began to increase.

  They began venturing out into the galaxy and conquering other worlds. Their culture was one based on consumption, taking resources, and amassing power. Loyalty to friends and loved ones was not high on their priority list. As they expanded and conquered, many species came under their control, living in slavery and the illusion of that game with the Anunnaki. They prided themselves on the suppression and manipulation of information, creating and dissolving alliances as they were needed. Some of the reptilians that you have encountered are working with this group as well as some of the Greys.

  Near the end of the last great civilization of Atlantis, many of the Anunnaki were residing on Mars. The overall frequency of the planet was in decline with the average Atlantean focused on the material world. The priest and priestesses who practiced accessing their multidimensional aspects were aware of the Anunnaki presence on Mars. As things began to appear rather bleak for Atlantis, some of the priestly cast reached out to the Anunnaki for advice and support. This was seen by the Anunnaki as an opportunity to gain more planetary access by giving a few pieces of bad advice to ensure the Atlantean downfall, not that much help was needed. The Atlanteans were doing pretty well with that on their own.

  With the fall of Atlantis, they were able once again to find a new planet to control. They have been able to manipulate your history and much of the information concerning who you truly are. They were not the original constructors of your DNA, but they did do some genetic manipulation to humans to limit memory. This was done to utilize your access to source energy. Each of you, when you activate your energetic centers, becomes a walking vortex. They, on the other hand, have forgotten how to fully access their emotional centers so they have to work outside themselves. It is very similar to the Greys we were just talking about.

  The Illuminati are a continuation of the dark priests of Atlantis. They are using the knowledge and wisdom that was acquired and held during that time. They are still using it to amass power, working for the benefit of the few and not for the benefit of all. The game of power and control is still being played out on their part as well.

  It is very important that you don’t fear these beings who are playing the dark roles in the game of duality. They are another aspect of you. Look at all the patterns that keep repeating themselves again and again. These beings playing the dark role are also learning, and they are looking for what they have lost. As you go through the process of integration, you are learning how to release these lower fears, and thereby showing them how to move beyond patterns they have been playing out for eons.

  Do no fear that these beings are “oppressing” you. You are the creator and generator of your own reality. If you do not have a program running that says, “I want to avoid responsibility. I want someone else to tell me exactly what to do,” you are not going to “pull” in someone to play that perpetrator. It is very easy for you all to get caught up in the illusion of conspiracy and manipulation. If you find yourselves focused on and upset by this, it is a great opportunity for you to process more of your fears. Observe how you are triggered at a personal level.

  Be conscious of what you are feeling as we talk about these different beings, the Anunnaki and the Illuminati. Are you resonating in fear or do you have compassion? If you are resonating in fear, it shows you that you are still running a lower vibrational program. Rather than berate yourselves, acknowledge your success in identifying a subconscious belief. When you recognize the program, it can be integrated. Again, integration is letting go of judgment, and you do so by shifting your perception from that of victim/perpetrator to co-creator. Ask yourself these questions:

  — Why did I create it in the first place?

  — How does it serve me?

  — What am I learning about myself as a being in the Universe?

  — As a being playing the game of duality, what am I learning?

  When you acknowledge the service of a situation, you change your perspective and the dynamics of the whole experience. This allows you to shift to a higher level of consciousness. And in so doing, you holographically share the information on the process of integration with all other aspects of yourself. It’s like a recipe for a cake that you send off to others so they don’t have to wonder what ingredients go into making it. It’s there, simple and easy to follow. These other aspects of yourself then have the option to apply the wisdom you have shared or store the file so they may continue on playing in the illusion.

  This is the process you go through to remove the filters or distortions that keep you from seeing yourselves as the divine beings of light you truly are.

  As Above, So Below

  As a grand experiment, you have recreated many of the issues you will find in other parts of your galaxy here on Earth to be played out at the planetary as well as personal level. Most of you have had experiences in at least one of the systems we’ve discussed. Some of you have had many lifetimes in multiple systems, and this makes you perfectly suited for this game. There are many other species that have been playing this game with you that we have not mentioned, such as the arachnids and dolphins, which are still very active in your memories. Many of you have recall of healing and water worlds with the dolphins. Others of you may have a fear of spiders, as this species is rather aggressive and has overun many planets in the Sirius and Orion systems. This fear may be particularly strong for you if you carry a good deal of faerie energy as the faeries and spiders have long been in opposition.

  One of the questions we most often get asked is, “What star system am I from?” To answer this question, we again remind you that you are not FROM any one star system. You are source energy. Claiming to be from another star system is just another level of the game. What you will do, however, is feel drawn to a particular star system so you may activate and project unresolved issues that are being played out in that system, here on the small scale on Earth in an effort to integrate them. As you integrate and release judgment surrounding a fear, the information is then sent back to that original star system allowing them to heal and grow from your experience. What you work out here on Earth at the microcosmic level is shared at the macrocosmic level. This is why what you are learning is so important and literally will change the universal game in which you are playing.

  Retrieving Information

  For those of you seeking to retrieve more information on any topic, let us suggest a short meditation.

  Start by taking deep breaths. See yourself completely rooted in your body.

  Now, envision in your heart center a beautiful orb of golden light. As this orb pulses, it grows brighter and stronger, strengthening its brilliance, with rays of beautiful golden light extending outward.

  In this time and in this space, you are now able to reconnect with your stellar wisdom, to access the records of all time, of all dimensions. You are able to seek wisdom from other aspects of yourself that are participating in the completion of this galactic game.

  From Alcyone, the Central Sun, information is pulsing towards you. It contains your stellar history, information on the star systems you have been to, the lessons that you have learned, important memories, why you came to Earth, what you wanted to integrate, how best to be of service to the galactic consciousness.

  You now see this light pulsing across the galaxy. It passes through your sun, Helios, collecting records and information. It passes by the inner planets, enters through the Earth’s atmosphere, down through your crown chakra and enters into the golden orb of light that you hold in your heart center.

  This is the stellar light of wisdom that is now contained within you. You have access to it, at will, at any time. This information is revealed to you in the most appropriate way and is in alignment with your highest good and highest intentions for the benefit of yourself and all others.

  You are able to receive clearly and effortlessly this information as you request it.

  And so it is.

  Take a nice deep breath…

p; So when you are ready, you can simply ask to receive more information. You can use this visualization or you simply ask to receive it. Your guides will help you, and so will we.

  Now, without a doubt, some fears will be triggered. Possibly, you are thinking, “What if I see something that I don’t like? What if I’m not ready?” Again, this is simply you projecting judgment or fear. If this is the case, we guarantee you that if you look at the rest of your life you will see the same fear being played out in the Now. Again, we say to you, “Fabulous!” It is an opportunity to identify another fear so that it may be integrated.

  Do not doubt that you are a sovereign being and a part of divine source energy. As such, you have access to this information. You can compare the experience of retrieving records to that of reading of a book. You can choose to read simply two or three pages at a time or the whole book in one sitting. Don’t worry, you will not access information that you are not ready for or that will compromise the illusion of the game in which you are playing. The purpose of retrieving your information is to integrate all that causes you fear and judgment. These records help you to gain another perspective to aid in releasing that which you are holding in the Now. It is only in the Now moment that your work can be done. Every time you can identify a fear or judgment, you are one step closer to integrating it.


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