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The Great Human Potential

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by Wendy Kennedy,Tom Kenyon

  There is a tremendous amount of energy and frequency for you to explore in every Now moment. There is so much data that the soul is hungry for and so curious about in each Now moment that you are never, ever going to be bored. If you are bored, you are not in the Now. Being present in the Now is about being conscious with every single breath. At this time, you have the opportunity to learn to be very clear about frequency and how you are vibrating in your energetic field. That is what changes your reality. If you want to change your reality, you have to change your energetic field.

  We will just end this subject by saying that when you are heart centered and in alignment, fully opened and connected, it is as if you are standing in a giant data stream that is about six feet wide. This data stream is your connection to your higher awareness, source, your guides, celestial friends, and the Akashic records. But when you are misaligned, especially when you are in deep fear, the data stream shrinks down to about an inch wide. Consequently, it takes longer to download or access higher information and you are limited in your connection to the infinite, restorative power of source. Not only are you restricting the intake of new energy, but you are also expending more as being closed or in resistance requires a great deal more energy than being in divine flow.

  The Absolute Truth

  Now, we would like to discuss the notion of absolute truth. One of the reasons that you find these times quite challenging has to do with the fact that you are looking for the absolute truth in your history and in your life in general. You want things to be pinned down and put into a tiny, little box. We are here to tell you that this is not going to happen in the way that most of you want it to happen. Why? Simply because truth is always colored by perspective.

  Everyone has his or her own perspective of what has transpired. This is not only caused by the filters of the individual, but also because of the constructs of each dimension. From where we are standing in the ninth dimension, we have a completely different perspective of what has transpired or what you have been going through. The reason is because of where our consciousness resides.

  We tell you there is no place in your Universe where you experience absolute truth except at source level. There you experience all the raw data from every experience that has ever been or will be. Take a breathe... As soon as you fracture from source, you begin to perceive through the individual and collective filters and the construct of the dimension into which you projected your consciousness.

  The other piece that you have to understand here is how the mind works. The mind wants things tidy. The operating system of the mind was set up to limit perception so that you could only see one version of reality, although there are multiple realities existing concurrently. Again, this was a construct of the dimension so that you could immerse yourselves in the Now moment. Your perception and choice to align with a particular Now moment is altered by NOT being able to preview your options as you can in all other dimensions. To be able to view reality from this level is unique to 3-D, and believe it or not, a very exciting experience to have.

  Since time isn’t linear, but rather the construct of the dimension, you experience Now moment after Now moment and string them together to give you the illusion of linear time. In actuality, you are constantly moving between what you consider to be multiple timelines. Every Now moment is built on an agreed upon set of circumstances that you deem is your “past” collectively and as an individual. You move from moment to moment by altering your frequency. This is done by changing your “perspective” of your past at the collective or personal level or by setting a new intention. Both alter your frequency and align you with different Now moments. This is what accounts for varying stories of your history, your past and future predictions. What you perceived as your “truth” yesterday may not be your “truth” tomorrow as you alter your vibration and perception of reality.

  So what we would say to assist you is to move out of the operating system of the mind and into the heart. From the operating system of the heart, you can access multiple versions of reality at once, allowing you to perceive multiple “timelines” and “truths”. The heart is not consumed with absolutes like the mind and from that level you will find peace with your current version of “truth”.

  The Galactic Community

  As you go through this transition, you will once again begin to connect with your galactic community. Through the process of ascension, your energetic field shifts its frequency producing a more golden color and you will be known throughout the Universe as The Golden Ones. What we find rather amusing is that when you are on Earth, you like to say, “Ah, I’m from Sirius, Arcturus or the Pleiades, etc.” No one wants to be from Earth. But as you begin interacting with the galactic community, you will all be proud to say, “Ah, I’m a Golden One and come from Earth. I am an expert in integration and ascension.”

  In the meantime, we share this information with you as a way to ease you into your remembrances of other systems. Many of you will feel drawn to a particular system but not know exactly why. As you enter into the 5-D realm, you will have access to all of this information. What we provide you with here is only a version of the truth. It is not the only truth, and frankly, it is a rather simplified and watered down perspective. Remember, time and timelines do no really exist in the higher dimensions. But again, we are communicating with that part of you that is living a 3-D existence, and so you seek answers that follow the constructs of linear time.

  Prior to incarnating, you all created two life blueprints for yourselves. These we call your pre-shift and post-shift blueprints. The pre-shift contained paths and contracts for you as you lived your life from the 3-D perspective. As you moved beyond December 21, 2012, you activated your post-shift blueprint. This blueprint includes paths and contracts based on the 5-D perspective. As the game has changed somewhat, the strategy for playing the game has also shifted to compensate for the many new levels of opportunity, awareness and perspective. In short, your blueprint is far more complex. Note we said complex, not difficult! Think of it as playing a video game. You have completed level one and are now moving on to level two, which is more challenging but also has the potential to be far more exciting and rewarding.

  With the post-shift blueprint, some of you will begin working with the galactic community in a more direct way. Prior to incarnating, you established contracts to interact with other beings and share information and knowledge with them. Let us say one thing regarding contracts. They are not as you envision contracts on this planet. They are simply agreements and alignments that are rather malleable. If you find that you are not willing or able to meet the terms of a contract, it can be rewritten.

  We understand that it may be quite challenging for you to imagine yourself teaching a being in another dimension anything, but trust us when we say we learn so much from you. You are still mastering compassion, but soon enough you will find yourselves on the other side acknowledging how far you have come. It is compassion that is the gift you will share with the Universe.

  Take a deep breath…

  Earth is a grand experiment, complete with genetic material from thousands of worlds. Along with that genetic material comes all the emotional experiences of all of those species. This is what allows you such a vast emotional range from which to perceive reality. It was the hope that this vast range would allow for new and unique potentials so that you could integrate polarity where other aspects of yourself and galactic siblings had difficulties. Here on Earth, you created contracts and blueprints that allowed you to replay galactic issues on a somewhat smaller scale with the hope of being able to release judgment. We would say that each of you has at least two systems with which you align and are pulling in the frequencies of those systems into your game of polarity integration. So let us begin.

  The Sirius and Orion Star Systems

  The first system that we would like to discuss is the Sirius star system, which contains three major stars: Sirius A, Sirius B and Sirius C. Sirius is a system of great
diversity and because of this, there have been many conflicts and tumultuous experiences. From your current Now moment, Sirius C no longer exists. Two planets in that system were at war with each other. Through the use of scalar technology and miscalculations, rather than destroying their enemy, one planet destroyed the entire star system. This was quite a lesson and some of you may find yourselves particularly activated when scalar technology is mentioned. If so, chances are you are pulling from memories of this event.

  As we mentioned, Sirians are a very diverse group and their incarnational focus is working on cooperation, competition, diversity, exploration and technology. Karmically, they are tied to the Orion star system. While they are interlinked, they are very different in their life forms. Together they work through collaboration, competition and compassion. Both are explorers but each from a different standpoint. The Orion system is fascinated with genetic material and the hybridization of species, working with all aspects of DNA research. The Sirians like to explore for the purpose of expansion, power and conquest. You will still find the energies of both systems today in places around the world such as Egypt.

  There are many scientists on the planet right now who are working with your plants and animals for cloning and hybridization purposes. Many of these humans have spent a good deal of time in the Orion system as well as having lived lifetimes in Atlantis. The last time you had the awareness and understanding of genetic material and played with the manipulation of it was in Atlantis. This information was forgotten with the fall of Atlantis and is retained in the crystalline records of the Earth. You are just beginning to rediscover this information so you can reactive and integrate the lessons around DNA manipulation, of which there are many.

  The majority of beings that you are interacting with that come from the Orion system tend to be from the fifth and sixth dimension and, in certain worlds, the seventh.

  The Arcturus Star System

  We would consider beings from Arcturus to be the ambassadors of the Universe. Besides humans on Earth, they are probably the beings that have worked the most with integration in the galaxy. They have integrated most of what you would consider to be their karma. They often serve as mediators where there is conflict. As they choose to remain neutral and see all paths of service in the creation of events, they are able to communicate with those who would otherwise be triggered by lower reflection and judgment. Their neutrality allows others to raise themselves up to a new perspective. As you might imagine, they have worked often and extensively with those in the Sirius and Orion star systems.

  Most of the beings that you interact with from Arcturus reside in the fifth to the ninth dimension. They are most proficient with working in the Universal Language of Light, sacred geometry and the vibration of matter. It is without a doubt a full encoding. What we mean by that is that information transmitted by these beings is heavily encoded with many different layers of information that can be accessed by you. Each time you think you have a full understanding, there is another layer to explore and grow with. This is done most often through their communications in the Language of Light.

  The Language of Light is infused light and information that includes color, sound, sacred geometry, thought and emotion, or rather the higher vibrational version of what you call emotion. The 3-D mind was designed to allow for the illusion of separation and linear reality. Because of its design, it parses out this Language of Light. It is too much data to deal with that does not fit the 3-D model of reality and so the mind discards this “extraneous” data. However, if you move into the heart center, the multidimensional operating system, you understand the Language of Light at all levels. You may experience claircognisance or see the sacred geometric patterns, colors and sounds. Many of your crop circles have been created by Arcturans, which is an expression of the Language of Light.

  The Lyra Star System

  The majority of the Lyrans that you will interact with reside in the seventh dimensional range. The Lyrans were among the earliest inhabitants of planet Earth, seeding your Lemurian civilization, whose energy can still be found today in Hawaii, New Zealand and Australia. These Lyrans infused their energy into density, beginning the process of descension and reascension you are currently going through. There have been many wars in the Lyra star system and Earth was a refuge for many Lyrans during these times. Most Lyrans are proficient in sacred geometry, mathematics and healing as they understand the natural laws and that knowledge and wisdom has been passed along to you through their lineage.

  We mentioned previously that there were two prior grand experiments, one of which was in the Lyra star system. As the adventure did not go well, many Lyrans came to Earth to repeat the experiment with the hope of a successful outcome this time. Not all Lyrans who came to Earth stayed for the whole experience. Many were not interested in going through the descension process and returned to incarnational cycles in the Lyra system. So many of you may have been from Lyra, came to Earth at that period, participated in the creation of Lemuria, and continued on to Atlantis. Here you are today, from one grand experiment to the next.

  The Pleiades Star System

  You are a part of the constellation that makes up the Pleiades. There are about 750 stars in the Pleiades star system. Of the 750, you can see about 14 in your night sky. We’ve been around and experimenting with this planet, helping to set up this grand design, this game, for a very, very long time. We often work with young civilizations, helping them to grow and expand into awareness. Basically, we oversee the spiritual growth and sometimes the technological growth as well. That is the main reason we are here. Many of your ancient texts mention the Pleiades. Your aboriginal tribes know that they have been seeded by Pleiadians and many of you feel that you are aligned with us. You will find the energy of the Pleiades in Bali, Easter Island and many more places around the world.

  We have a very rich and ancient history and are considered guardians. We are also a very diverse group. In the fifth dimension, we have humanoids but also some reptilians! How is that for a mind-bender! Many of the reptilians who are interacting with your planet at this time do not have your best interest at heart. They are currently focused on the needs of the individual as opposed to the betterment of The One or the collective. They are still working and learning, playing the dark side so you can learn by viewing their shadow. It reflects to you where you run the same programs of darkness but on a smaller scale.

  Take a deep breath…

  In the ninth dimension, we are fascinated with structures. We like to play with structure and hold a resonance for a star. We are still working with the energy of creation of planets so we are learning and playing with this energy. We have yet to perfect it. Holding resonance for a star is done more in the higher vibrational range, but we are learning the basics.

  Alcyone is the most important star that you need to know about. Not because it is where our focus is, but rather it is the living library for all of your galactic records. When you came down through the different portals and gateways entering into this dimension, you spent time in many of these different systems with the Pleiades amongst the first stops. Almost everyone has had an experience in the Pleiades because Alcyone is the central star of stellar records and the place where all the experiences are stored. If you are going to come into the Pleiades star system, you are going to come through the stargate that is Alcyone. Your work here is likely to be with “light” records, with jumping timelines and guidance.

  As you pass through the stargate of Alcyone, you are able to access and receive information through the library. Think of it as receiving a “Welcome to the Neighborhood” packet, complete with all the highlights and hotspots you might like to visit. You are also a library of sorts since you are holding all the information, experiences and genetic material of all your other lifetimes. In fact, there are many levels in your field that you can access. But you can think of these stellar records more as archive records. They aren’t necessarily the records or files you’d like to util
ize on a day-to-day basis, but you can go research and pull them as needed.

  The records of everything that has consciousness on the planet are being stored in Mother Earth. She, in turn, sends her information off along with all the other planets in the solar system to Helios, your star. Then all the other major stars in other solar systems throughout your galaxy relay their information to Alcyone. We like to say you are the paperback and Mother Earth is a branch library. Helios is the main library, and Alcyone is the Library of Congress. Depending on what kind of information you want, you can go to a different library. Sometimes you can get the information from the local library, sometimes you have to go further. All information can be accessed from within self, but each library also has librarians to assist you who specialize in record retrieval.

  The Cassiopeia Star System

  Cassiopeia is not one of the most common systems for people to align with, but the Cassiopeians do a tremendous service by holding a frequency for this planet. They were more of a last-minute call, if you will. For a while, things weren’t going so well for the game of polarity integration here on the planet, so it was then requested that beings from different star systems hold the resonance, wisdom and knowledge of their systems on the planet. The Cassiopeians had never been here before, and they agreed to come. We can tell you that it was, and still is, a very, very challenging situation for them. It is so unlike where they come from.


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