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Mickey's Way

Page 16

by Karen Clow

  She looked pleased when he told her he was single and hadn’t got any kids. Instantly accessing that he was living locally, she made a point of letting him know that her husband worked away on business most of the time. It was only when Mickey asked questions about the ponies that she really spoke to the others.

  Two of the female ponies were almost identical in size and colour, a light brown with a blonde mane. They were called Penny and Polly. They were sisters, both very good with children and only nine years old, so plenty of good years left in them.

  Mickey left Billy and his parents talking to her, while he discussed the ponies with Maria. Although they tried not to say too much in front of the twins, it was clear that Maria thought the ponies were ideal; they were obviously very gentle. Agreeing with her in principle, he would consider buying them, depending on the price.

  Walking back towards the others, they could see Hilary laughing and joking with Billy. As they approached, she smiled and asked what they’d decided.

  Mickey was interested.

  “I was looking for six hundred pounds for the pair, but as Billy has offered to do a couple of odd jobs for me and the ponies are getting a good home, I would accept five hundred.”

  Mickey smiled and said, “Would you prefer cash or cheque?”

  Hilary liked the idea of cash. After agreeing on the sale Mickey suggested that Billy could call by with the money the following day. The look on her face told everyone that she was happy with that and no one was surprised when she asked him to call in the afternoon. She was driving her husband to the airport in the morning. Billy looked smug as he nodded.

  Driving home, Mickey teased Billy and told him to behave himself when he took the cash round.

  “That Hilary was gagging for you Billy,” said Den “she must have a thing about bad boys.”

  “I’ve told you before Den, the women just can’t resist me. You would think the NHS would have developed a tablet by now that women could take!”

  They all laughed.

  It was after midday when they arrived home. After lunch she prepared herself for the hospital visit, it was time to leave.

  At the hospital a receptionist took her details, minutes later they were being called into a room. The nurse introduced herself as Lyn as she prepared Maria for the scan. As she ran the scan complete with gel over her tummy, she watched the monitor screen. Smiling she turned to face them.

  “Well it’s definitely two babies,” then she paused and said, “Actually it’s three, you’re having triplets.”

  There was a moment’s silence as they took in what she had just said. Then Maria looked nervously at him and said, “Triplets?”

  With a cheeky grin on his face he replied “That’s fantastic!”

  Everything looked just fine on the scan.

  He talked about the babies all the way home; he couldn’t wait to tell everyone. Walking through their front door he called out to the twins. His mum appeared with them, she could tell by his face that he was pleased about something. Looking at him she asked if it was two babies.

  “No Mum it’s not two,” unable to keep quite a minute longer he laughed, “Its three Mum, triplets!” Mary walked over, hugged Maria.

  While his mum talked to Maria, he asked where Den was. He was using the computer with Billy; they were looking at companies that sold stables. He headed for his study and on entering told them it was triplets.

  “Fuck me Mickey,” said Billy “you’d best get the snip after this lot. Twins then triplets, who knows, maybe next time it’ll be quads!”

  The three men laughed.

  Mickey went back out to Maria and told her they would eat out that evening to celebrate, but she should call Monica and Shaun on the house phone to tell them the good news. He would call Tony and the lads.

  “Fuck me you must be psychic Mickey, I was just about to call you. I had a call from Colin Brett about an hour ago.”

  “Fuck me we haven’t heard from Colin in a long time Tony, is he still living up North?”

  “No apparently he’s back down here at the moment. He’s working for some pretty heavy duty boss, which is how he heard about Davy Sheridan.”

  “What about the fucker?”

  Mickey could feel the anger racing through his body, just the mention of the name Sheridan got his back up.

  “According to Colin young Davy is into some heavy drug deals with the bloke that Colin works for; he’s into the bloke for nearly seven hundred grand. He took on the big boys at poker. Apparently, he just doesn’t know when to stop.”

  “Well he should be able to afford it; the old man must have left a few million.”

  “Not according to Colin, by all accounts Dave senior was in debt himself, apparently he’d been living beyond his means for years. He took a lot of risks and it cost him.”

  Mickey was suspicious as to why Colin would call out of the blue with that information.

  “Me too Mick, but he’s kosher. I’ve made a couple of calls and he’s telling the truth. Like you I was suspicious, but it’s because Davy unexpectedly turned up and paid his debt. It was then that Colin heard about the kidnapping, what Davy didn’t know was, we go back a long way with Colin. I’ve left a message twenty minutes ago for Lenny to call me; I’ll bring him up to speed.”

  They enjoyed the meal at the pub. All Mickey talked about was the triplets. Maria eventually managed to change the subject by asking the other two men how they had got on looking for stables on the internet.

  The twins were tired, so Maria suggested not leaving the pub too late. By half nine they were back at the house being greeted by Rosie. By ten o’clock the twins were tucked up in bed fast asleep. Maria left the men drinking and talking in the lounge, while she worked on some recipes for the restaurant in the study, despite Mickey telling her to leave them until the morning, she insisted on doing them that night.

  The men talked about Hilary and the obvious fact that she had taken a bit of a fancy to Billy. What they didn’t realise was that Maria could hear them, when Mickey said he reckoned if Maria hadn’t been there Hilary would have hit on him. She was obviously fucking sex starved. It could have been him taking the cash round tomorrow and giving her a fucking good seeing too. Maria heard the others laughing.

  “I might have to keep her purely as a fuck,” said Billy “I haven’t had me end away since I’ve been down here! If I don’t soon start using it again, the fucking things gonna drop off!”

  “I’ll see if Shaun can stay over for a few days next week, then you can get back to the club and shag a few girls, after all we don’t want your fucking todger dropping off!”

  “Cheers, talking of birds, did Mickey ever tell you about that fucking blonde WPC who had the hots for him Den? She was like a fucking stalker, wasn’t she Mick?”

  “Fuck me Dad, I just couldn’t get rid of her, mind you I must say she could certainly fuck. She was a friend of Monica’s; she knew me and Monica was together but that never stopped her, she was like a fucking woman possessed. Every time Monica was working she would turn up at the club, every opportunity she had she wanted to fucking shag me! Fuck only knows what would have happened if she hadn’t been transferred to another station. She kept fucking phoning me and texting me; she even turned up at my office a few times. Thankfully my secretary thought she was there on police business. I remember one time she turned up, I left the room for a minute to speak to my secretary, when I went back she was lying stark fucking naked across my desk!”

  “And of course son, you being a gentleman, I expect you told her to get dressed and leave.”

  “Of course I did Dad, well after I shagged the fucking arse off her, after all you can’t look a fucking gift horse in the mouth, can you?”

  “Fucking hell, those were the fucking days hey Mick” said Billy “I remember when we all used to go to the strip clubs after work. We were like Wyatt Earp and his pussy posse, especially Jimmy, there was nothing he wouldn’t do. He was a fucking dirty bastard! It’
s a wonder he didn’t end up with galloping knob rot!”

  Maria sat in the study listening to them with tears streaming down her face and wondering how men could joke about such things. Worse still how women could act like that just having sex with anyone. Then she listened as Billy told Den a story about Shaun and one of the dancers at Sweet Cheeks, it was disgusting.

  Since the first day she met him she had always seen Shaun as a good husband to Ann, a real family man. That was until she listened to Billy graphically describe an account of him getting a blow job from one of the dancers. Then Billy mentioned Isabella, Tony’s wife and how good looking she was, leaving him to question why Tony kept a mistress.

  Den knew about her, but had never actually seen her.

  “She’s not bad looking Dad, but not in the same league as Isabella. Fuck knows why Tony keeps her. He only gets to see her a couple of times a week and let’s face it, he’s not short of dancers that he can shag. There’s not a night goes by at the club that he doesn’t have one of the girls. I wonder if poor Isabella ever gets any. Mind you, I’d always offer to help her out, if she was needy!”

  “Yeah, you and every other fucking bloke in London,” piped Billy “but Tony makes sure she never gets the opportunity, he keeps her on a very tight leash.”

  The more they drank the more they bragged about their sexual conquests, even Den. Finally she just couldn’t listen to anymore; turning off the computer she left the study. It was obvious by the look on their faces as she appeared in the lounge that they had completely forgotten she was there. Mickey looked embarrassed as she looked at him and asked if they could keep their voices down, she didn’t want the girls hearing them. Then she just walked towards the door, as she passed him he tried to touch her hand, but she just carried on walking. Aware that she had been crying, he tried to redeem himself by asking if she needed anything before going to bed. She shook her head. When he said he’d be up shortly, she told him she’d be asleep. Then she said goodnight and left.

  Billy’s first words were, “Fuck me, I forgot she was there, I hope she didn’t hear us.”

  Mickey knew that she had and he couldn’t help but wonder if she had heard everything, because despite his bragging, he had always been faithful to her. Although he would have a hard time convincing her of that now, if she’d heard them. Not wanting to lose face in front of his dad and Billy, he made light of it and said she hadn’t heard them; she would have left ages ago if she had. They had one last drink then turned in for the night.

  Mickey walked into the bedroom and quietly asked if she was awake. There was no reply. Getting in beside her he wrapped his arm over her, although she wasn’t asleep, she never moved. Slowly he moved his hand inside her nightie and over her breasts. She stirred in the hope that he would believe she was asleep and leave her alone. Undeterred; he lifted her hair onto the pillow and began kissing her neck. Then he pulled her nightie up and ran his hand over her. As he touched her, he pulled her closer to him. Despite feeling his erection touching her back, she was determined not to respond, even when he touched her and gently pushed his fingers into her. Then she felt him pull her buttocks closer to him and she could feel him trying to enter her. Pretending that he had woken her, she told him to leave her alone. She was tired. Kissing her neck, he asked her to relax as he gently entered her. Pulling her firmly to him and holding her there, she tried to move her lower body away from him, but he held her tighter.

  When she said again she was tired and didn’t want sex, he was right inside her and thrusting harder with every move. He asked her to roll over. Not wanting a scene she did as he’d asked, with her moving he withdrew from her, but no sooner had she rolled onto her back, when he was pushing her legs apart with his legs. Moments later he was back inside her. She could smell the scotch on his breath as he kissed her and he kept repeating how much he loved her.

  Still troubled by the conversations she had heard earlier, she never replied she just let him carry on and although he could tell she didn’t really want sex, he continued. He seemed to last longer when he had been drinking. Finally he came, rolling off of her he laid on his side with his arm over her and asked what was wrong. She didn’t want to talk to him about what she’d heard him say, because he’d been drinking. Although he had never given her cause to be concerned when he’d had drink, but she remembered how quickly Jimmy and Nick would become aggressive, so she simply replied, she was tired that was all. Kissing her, he began fondling her again kissing her breasts and sucking her nipples. Although she was feeling aroused, she couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation she had listened to earlier. Her thoughts were how long it would be, before they were having the same conversation about her. She had prayed that it would be different with Mickey once they moved to the country, yet she knew in her heart he was probably like all the others and it would only be a matter of time before it happened and he was unfaithful. Despite their devotion for one another, she knew that as she grew older and became less attractive there would always be young girls flaunting themselves at men like him.

  Momentarily she was so deep in thought that she was unaware he had stopped making love to her. Opening her eyes, she found him looking down at her.

  “Sorry, but I’m so tired it’s because I’m pregnant.”

  “You’re not enjoying this are you babe? I’m sorry, I just fancied you so much, let’s get some sleep babe.”

  Within a few minutes of lying down, he was snoring, but her mind was still thinking about Isabella and all the other wives and girlfriends. It was a couple of hours before she eventually dozed off, but even when she woke at six the next morning, it was still heavy on her mind.

  The day started as normal, except for Monica calling to confirm that she would love to stay over the coming weekend with George and the boys.

  During lunch, they teased Billy about his visit to Hilary’s that afternoon, although they were careful how they worded things because of the twins.

  As the time approached half one, Billy got ready to leave. He had gone upstairs to change into something clean, as he had been out with the girls and their ponies. When he reappeared downstairs, Mickey wolf whistled him.

  “Well I thought I’d better wash and change,” said Billy “I didn’t want to go stinking of horses shit!”

  Fortunately, the twins were in the playroom with Rosie and didn’t hear him. As he made his way to the door, Mickey said he could take his car if he wanted to impress her.

  “I don’t need a car to do that, she was already impressed with this!” he said as he put his arms out to the side of his body and did a body builder pose.

  “Christ that poor women won’t know what’s hit her!” laughed Den.

  “Ten minutes with me and she’ll be begging for more.”

  Even Maria and Mary laughed, both women knew that there was something about him that women found attractive; despite the fact that he wasn’t overly handsome he certainly had something.

  Just as he opened the door, Mickey asked if he was sure about the car?

  “Chuck us the keys then, it won’t hurt to give it a run.”

  Mickey threw him the keys and said he didn’t want shagging in it!

  “Shagging in a car has never been my style Mick. I need plenty of room because women have been known to go wild and end up in frenzy when they have sex with me!”

  “Is that a fact, just take the car and drive carefully stallion!”

  Everyone laughed.


  Billy pulled in at the stables. A young lad directed him up to the manor house. Parking the car, he thought the house was impressive as he walked to the door and rang the bell. It was several moments before Hilary opened it. She was only wearing a silk dressing gown.

  “Oh hello Billy I’d forgotten you were coming, I was on the sun bed.” Knowing she was lying, he smiled and asked if she would prefer him to come back some other time.

  “No that’s fine; I’ll just slip into something more appropriate.”<
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  “You look fine, don’t bother on my account.”

  Inviting him in, she took him to the lounge and offered him a drink. A small scotch was his choice as he was driving.

  She poured them both a drink as she asked him to sit down. Then she sat down opposite him, with her dressing gown open teasingly high up her leg and the cleavage showing part of her breast.

  “You must get lonely up here all by yourself Hilary when your husband’s away?”

  “Yes it can be quite lonely; he’s away such a lot. We have two children, both away at boarding school. Tristan is almost nine and Pandora is seven.”

  “That’s nice. So what are these jobs, you want me to look at Hilary?

  “Well the window in my bedroom doesn’t shut properly, I keep asking my husband to repair it, but he hasn’t. When it’s windy it keeps me awake at night. Of course I’ll pay you for doing the work Billy.”

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  “Well I just have to pay you some other way; I couldn’t expect you to give up your time for nothing.”

  He knew from her reply that he would be fucking her within ten minutes of going into the bedroom.

  As they entered the room, he asked which window. She pointed to the window that looked out onto the open countryside. As he stood looking out of it she moved closer, as though to check out what he was looking at. He could feel her gently pressing her body against his, as she peered out of the window. Then he felt her hand gently moving up his back. He turned to face her.

  “You have a very muscular physique Billy.”

  “I like to keep in shape and keep healthy.”

  “Oh yes,” she said running her hand up his chest “You feel very healthy.”

  As they stood there, he pulled the ribbon holding her gown and then he pushed it off her shoulders. It gently fell to the floor. Without a second thought, she began to undo his trousers. He fondled her as she pulled his trousers down and took his cock in her hand.


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