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Page 10

by Alexander, S. B.

  One of the only compliments I’d gotten from my stepmom, Arlene, was about my breasts. “You should be proud of those,” she’d said to me not that long ago.

  “So maybe Beverly is here to tell you if you got into the sorority,” I said to Vicki.

  Vicki had gone through the recruitment process during the week, and she was waiting for word on whether or not she was in. I would be happy for her if she got in, but I would be sad too. I didn’t want to lose her as a roommate.

  “I doubt that. She doesn’t go out of her way to track down potential candidates to give them news. Anyway, I’ll be at the bar.” Vicki skirted a few chairs until she was sliding onto a stool at the island while Lucas piled meat onto a plate.

  Beverly and Tab wound their way around the pool and over to Ryker.

  Inwardly, I growled as I trailed Vicki. “Lucas, where’s the bathroom?” I asked.

  Lucas slid the plate over to the middle of the island. “Pool house.”

  I hurried in that direction, hoping my bladder wouldn’t combust.

  The pool house was more like an apartment, with a bathroom, a comfy living space, and what looked to be two more rooms behind two closed doors.

  I locked myself in the small bathroom and quickly took care of business. Then I washed my hands and splashed water on my face. I hadn’t bothered with makeup because it had seemed pointless to pretty myself up if I were going to go swimming. I swiped a hand towel from the rack near the marble counter and patted it over my face.

  Wow! I looked like death. Faint dark circles marred the undersides of my eyes. Maybe I should’ve taken a minute to at least put on concealer. It didn’t matter. I had sunglasses on, and I didn’t plan on partying until the wee hours of the morning like Vicki and I had done the night before. I had tons of homework to do the next day as well. So I needed all my brain cells. Plus, my father was due home, and I never knew what he would throw my way. Since I’d been living in town, he was in my face more than ever before.

  If you go anywhere near Ryker, then prepare for your father’s wrath, and let’s not forget Beverly is here.

  The whites around my green irises were red, and the more sun I got, the more my freckles came out. I really should’ve thought to mask those spots on my face. That was one of the things I didn’t like about myself.

  Despite my horrible appearance, my father would freak out if he knew where I was. But I’d come for two reasons. One, Vicki had pleaded with me to come because she’d wanted to see Lucas again. And two, I had a message for Ryker from the principal at Woodcreek High.

  I fixed my breasts so they weren’t spilling out of my bathing suit top then opened the door. When I did, I gasped.

  Ryker leaned on the arm of the loveseat with his arms crossed over his bare chest. He was sizing me up like he had plans for me, or maybe I wasn’t supposed to be in the pool house.

  “Hey,” I said. “You scared me.”

  He sucked in his bottom lip. “I do have that effect on people.” His gaze was glued to my breasts.

  I snapped my fingers. “I’m up here, big guy.”

  He deadpanned, not listening to me.

  I started for the door when what I really wanted was to untie the strings of my bathing suit top and have him suck on my nipples. At that thought, my nipples hardened.

  “Why are you here?” His voice was raspy, and his tone was hard.

  I came to an abrupt halt and pivoted on my heel. “I was invited. What’s your excuse?”

  “I live here,” he said.

  He had a point. “The last I knew, you lived in a house one block from campus.”

  He placed his sunglasses on top of his head. “Are you my keeper all of a sudden?” His gray eyes were darker than I remembered.

  “What do you want, Ryker? You’re the one waiting for me outside the bathroom.”

  “What if I had to use it?”

  “Something tells me you don’t.”

  His gaze roamed down my body then back up, slowly and methodically, as though he were trying to see through my jean shorts and swim top.

  I pursed my lips. “You football players are all alike. Aren’t you?”

  He angled his head. “How’s that?”

  “You have this look like you want to eat a woman.”

  One side of his mouth went up. “Eating a woman is fun. Have you tried it?”

  I didn’t swing that way, but I did recall him asking if I were into threesomes. “What do you want?” I rolled back my shoulders as my gaze ran up and down his happy trail. Whew. The remembrance of how he felt in my hand was making me warm and dizzy.

  Without thinking, my gaze fell to his groin.

  He groaned. “If you keep salivating for my cock, I just might give it to you.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Don’t flatter yourself.” I turned to walk out. My lungs were burning for air. When I got to the door, I paused. On second thought, my swimsuit bottoms were soaked. I needed him inside me. One night of unbridled passion with him would surely put out the fire in between my legs.

  You’re lying to yourself. One night with him, and you’ll be begging for more.

  I laughed out loud as I gripped the doorknob.

  Before I could even turn the knob, his hot breath was on my neck. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing you would understand.” Liar. Then I remembered Vicki had said his nickname among women was Foreplay King.

  He sandwiched me in between his rock-hard body and the door, which thankfully didn’t have a window. If it did, then Beverly might have seen us and snapped a pic.

  His lips grazed my ear. “Try me.”

  My breathing ramped up as he pressed his crotch into my backside.

  Oh my word.

  He dragged his large and callused hand down my waist.

  I shivered. Damn body.

  “Well, Heaven, are you going to answer me?” His voice was gravelly as his erection grew.

  “It’s Haven,” I barely said.

  His hand came around and went under my sheer top until he was touching my stomach.

  Heat, electricity, and mad lust zipped through my body.

  He pulled me closer to him. “I think I’ll stick with Heaven.”

  “Whatever floats that boat of yours.” At the moment, I didn’t care what he called me as long as I could keep feeling him against me. Oh, I was so screwed.

  He nibbled on my ear. “So, do you want me to take you to heaven?”

  I giggled. “Is that one of your lines that you use to get women in bed?”

  His hand left my stomach, sliding down until he was rubbing my inner thigh close to my throbbing clit, which needed his attention. It had been too long since I’d had sex with a guy. The last time had been at the beginning of my senior year at boarding school, and it wasn’t even worth talking about or remembering.

  “I don’t need a line. All I have to do is this.” He found my clit through the fabric of my jean shorts and rubbed.

  I moaned.

  He continued to rub as his erection poked into me. “Want to come?”

  Hell yeah.

  But the minute I did would be the minute he would probably throw me away like all his other one-night stands. He wasn’t getting to me that easily. One thing my father had taught me was to play hard to get. The harder I played, the harder they fell, and that was idiotic because that saying applied to both sides, and I wasn’t ready to fall. I barely knew Ryker.

  I jutted out my butt then ducked underneath his arm, breathing like I needed a tank of oxygen.

  He laughed. The jerk laughed.

  I shook off the incredible sensation of feeling like I was a second away from a climax just looking at the quarterback god.

  He continued to laugh.

  I snarled.

  “Thank you, Heaven. I haven’t laughed like that in a long time.”

  I stuck him with my middle finger. “Glad I could oblige.” Jerk face.

  I really was leaving. but before I did, I remembered a
reason that I’d shown up. “I came to tell you that the principal of Woodcreek High has been trying to get ahold of you.”

  He lost his smile. In fact, he paled. “Why tell you?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest.

  His eyes immediately went to my breasts.

  “I was there on Friday to give a talk to the government class on my father’s behalf. Mr. Bridges mentioned it to me.”

  “Do you always do your father’s dirty work?”

  “We’re not talking about my father.” My tone took on a mean streak. “Just call the principal.” I inched closer to him, almost flattening my chest against his, hoping I could affect him like he was affecting me. “Oh, and stay away from me.”

  He knitted his thick eyebrows as he glanced down. “You offered an ear if I ever wanted to talk.” His tone was even.

  I captured my bottom lip in between my teeth. “That was before I knew you were using me to get to my father.” I stepped back then pivoted on my heel. “I don’t need the hassle.”

  He belted out a laugh. “You’re a piece of work, Haven Hale.”

  “Just wanted to make sure I pleased you.” What? Where did that line come from?

  He laughed again. “Mark my words, Haven. I will be taking you to heaven. And in case you need clarification, I mean you will be in my bed, between my sheets, with me between your legs.”

  I tossed an eye roll over my shoulder. “Not in this century.” I slammed the door on my way out.

  Then I shivered at the thought as the humid air hit my face. He might be right, but I wasn’t going to make it easy for him.



  The air conditioner blew on me as I sat in my car and stared at the brick facade of Woodcreek High.

  Three days had passed since the party at my parents’ house—three days of drinking, sleeping, and wallowing in sorrow. I’d thought about what the guys had said. I didn’t want to keep disappointing them. They wanted that championship season. Ajax and Erik were sophomores, and Lucas and I were juniors. So all of us had another year at least to win some games. But I was their quarterback. They needed me. I wasn’t certain I was ready, or if I could throw a football, or if it were too late to get my head in the game, or if Coach would even play me.

  I rested my head against the seat.

  If football doesn’t work out, you can always take the year off. My parents would be so disappointed in me if I did.

  Maybe coming to the high school wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe it was too soon to pick up Leigh’s belongings.

  Go inside, man. Get this over with.

  Principal Holland had left a few messages on my voice mail, which I hadn’t listened to until Haven had brought up the principal.

  Haven. That damn green-eyed redhead had a way of getting inside me. She had gotten me fired up in the pool house, or rather she’d gotten my body singing a tune I hadn’t felt in a long time. Maybe she was also one reason I wasn’t wallowing in my sorrow. When I was around her, I was finding that I didn’t feel like someone had stuck a dagger in my heart. She somehow took away the darkness, which was perplexing since she was related to a man I hated.

  Her father’s the dick. She isn’t. She at least has empathy for what I’m going through.

  On top of that, she wasn’t the type of girl to roll over for me like all the other ladies I’d taken to bed. She was the first girl to speak her mind and not beg for something from me. Maybe the liquor was eating at my brain. Maybe I was crazy to think that one person could affect me the way she had so far.

  But I liked trading barbs with her. I liked that she didn’t run from something crass like what I’d said that day in the pool house. I enjoyed a good chase, which had been nonexistent when it came to women, and I had no doubt Haven was about to give me a run for my money.

  My phone rang, and Aunt Kari’s name lit up my screen. I tapped it to answer.

  “Where are you?” she asked. “I went to check your room, and you were gone.” Her voice sounded excited rather than worried.

  “I decided to brave the new world,” I teased.

  “Good. I’m glad your friends made an impact the other night.”

  “I’m at Woodcreek High to pick up some of Leigh’s belongings.”

  “What? Are you sure you’re ready to do that?” Her tone dripped with concern. “I can head down and join you.”

  “Nah. I want to do this alone. I’ll talk to you later.” I ended the call before she could give me psychological pointers like she’d tried to do the day before. Maybe she was another reason I’d showered, dressed, and shaved. I hated seeing the despair written all over her face. It was as if my mom had been counseling me.

  I hopped out of my car and strutted into the school. The halls were deathly quiet as I followed the signs to the admin office. I knew the school well since I’d attended Woodcreek High.

  However, instead of heading to the admin office, I decided to take a detour to the library. One of my last conversations with my sister had been about a painting she’d done. Her art teacher had loved it so much, she’d displayed it in the library with other artwork by students.

  I hadn’t seen Leigh’s masterpiece yet. The school had planned an art festival for early September, but with Leigh gone, I wasn’t sure if they’d gone through with it.

  The halls were dripping in banners that were plastered above lockers, touting the slogan “Go Timberwolves.” Memories of my time playing football for the school bombarded me as I strolled down memory lane.

  As I approached the library, a memory of Ellie flashed before me. I would never forget that day she’d walked out of the library, flipping her blond hair over her shoulder as we’d locked eyes. I had lost my breath when she’d smiled at me.

  But as I grabbed the long handle of the door, my chest constricted, and not because of the memory but because of the apprehension of seeing Leigh’s painting.

  Maybe Aunt Kari should’ve joined me, at least to hold my darn hand.

  Footsteps resounded down the hall before I could go inside.

  “Ryker, is that you?” Principal Holland asked as he walked up. The middle-aged man hadn’t changed. He still had a thick crop of dirty-blond hair, which was glued back with gel. He looked sharp in his blue suit, pink shirt, and green tie. The years had been kind to his skin. He only had a few wrinkles around his light-brown eyes.

  The principal extended his hand. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  I gave him a handshake. “Thank you. I was checking on the art festival. Did the school ever have it?”

  “We postponed it. Let’s go inside.”

  The familiar scent of books wafted around as Ms. Gross looked up from her computer at the main desk. She rose from her chair and ambled toward me. “Ryker James.” She gently placed her hand over her heart. “My sincere condolences.” Then she gave me a quick hug.

  I swallowed thickly. One of the reasons I’d shunned the world was because I couldn’t handle seeing sorrow and despair on people’s faces.

  The graying-haired librarian hooked her arm in mine. “I’m guessing you want to see Leigh’s painting.” She guided me down the middle aisle. Shelves of books stood on our left, and an open area on our right displayed several pieces of artwork that were either exhibited on the table or on easels that stood on the floor.

  Ms. Gross let go of my arm and joined Mr. Holland, who gave me some space. My eyes drifted from a colorful geometric painting that was on the table to a sixteen by twenty canvas that sat on one of the easels beside the table.

  My jaw came unhinged. I inched closer to the canvas as my chest constricted more. Leigh had painted me. I’d always known she was talented. I knew she had wanted to study art in college, and I had seen some of her drawings, but this one was fucking amazing. The detail was incredible in how she’d drawn my nose, lips, gray eyes, black hair, and even that cocky smile she’d said I wore all the time coming off the football field.

  Hot tears burned my eyes and grew hott
er the more I stared at her masterpiece.

  “It’s beautiful,” Ms. Gross said softly behind me. “She loved you, you know. She was so excited for the art festival.”

  I wanted to punch something. I wanted to turn back time and make things different. I should’ve been on that plane with them. If I had been, I wouldn’t be feeling like I was dying a slow death.

  Without turning around, I asked, “Are you still having the art festival?”

  “We are, but we haven’t come up with a date yet,” Mr. Holland said. “We’ll definitely let you know.”

  I wouldn’t miss it for anything.

  “I have a small box of Leigh’s things that she had in her locker,” Mr. Holland said. “It’s not much since school hadn’t been in session that long.”

  I bobbed my head as I continued to stare at Leigh’s masterpiece.

  Mr. Holland placed his hand lightly on my upper back. “Come on before the bell rings.”

  I said goodbye to Ms. Gross and walked out of the empty library with Mr. Holland, trying to keep my shit together. If I had stayed any longer in the library, I would’ve bawled like a baby.

  We navigated the halls until we banked around a corner. Fidgeting with his tie, Mr. Holland stabbed a thumb at a locker. “This is Leigh’s.”

  It took me a minute to zero in on what I was looking at. When I did, I lost my breath.

  Coming here was definitely the wrong decision.

  I was a second away from losing it. Aunt Kari thought I should cry, that crying would expel all the pain and sorrow that was building up inside me. And fuck, I was on the verge of pouring out all the tears I could.

  Pictures of Leigh and her friends were taped to the locker with flowers on the floor like a shrine. The sight of it gutted me like a sharp fishing knife to the stomach.

  “The students don’t want me to take any of this down,” Mr. Holland said. “But I’ll have to soon.”

  I pointed at the locker. “Are Leigh’s things in here?”

  “The box is in my office. Let’s head there.”

  I puffed out my cheeks, running a hand through my hair as sweat beaded up on the nape of my neck.


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