Book Read Free


Page 11

by Alexander, S. B.

  Get the box and get out.

  I swore after I left there, I would be curling up in my bed again.

  The admin office came into view, or rather the glass box of hell as Lucas and I had called it when we were in high school.

  Mr. Holland had been known to intimidate students when they got into trouble. I knew that firsthand. I’d been frightened the first time I was sent to see him for fighting. I’d been a freshman and had gotten into one brawl with a senior who’d thought he owned the school. I’d won that fight and had also won the respect of my peers. Despite that, the penance I’d received had been well worth Mr. Holland’s wrath—a month-long detention and scrubbing graffiti off walls in the boys’ bathroom.

  “Are you still as mean and tough as you were when I was here?” I asked in a light voice. I needed some other distraction after the last thirty minutes of misery.

  Chuckling, he opened the glass door to the admin office. “Let’s just say things haven’t changed much since you were here.”

  Thoughts of fights and his strict management skills swept out the door as we walked in, and I laid eyes on none other than the woman who seemed to be showing up everywhere I went.

  Haven batted those ball-teasing green eyes of hers at me as she sat prim and proper, dressed in a pair of whitewashed jean shorts and a low-cut T-shirt.

  Damn. “Follow the Yellow Brick Road” started in my head. I wanted to lick my way from her toes up her tanned, toned legs, stopping inside her thighs to nibble a tad before I settled my tongue on her clit and took her right to that orgasmic palace at the end of the yellow brick road. Man, the blood was pooling in my groin already as I thought about all the things I could do to her.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked in a harsh tone. “Are you stalking me?”

  Mr. Holland cleared his throat. “Do you two know each other?”

  Haven rose elegantly as though she’d been trained on how to act. I imagined as a senator’s daughter, she had. She held out her small hand, showing off her pink-painted nails that matched her lipstick and cheeks. “I’m Haven Hale,” she said to Mr. Holland.

  Mr. Holland shook her hand. “Robert Holland. Mr. Bridges told me about you.” Then the principal addressed me. “I’ll get Leigh’s box.” He ambled around two desks then disappeared into a back office.

  The two ladies who worked for Principal Holland stared at Haven and me.

  I shoved my hands into my jeans pockets. “What are you doing here?”

  “You really need to come up with a new question for me,” Haven said.

  “It seems you’re always in my face. If I recall, you told me to stay away from you. Yet you’re following me.”

  She laughed, light and free. It was a singsong sound that was soothing and made me grin.

  “Ryker, you’re not the only one who has business here,” she said as a matter of fact. “I gave a talk here last week. Remember?”

  “That was last week.”

  The bell rang, and students flooded the hall outside the admin office. Then the door opened, and Zack Cleary ambled in, looking like he’d stuck his head in a wind tunnel.

  “Ryker James,” Zack said, sounding a bit shocked.

  Leigh, Jessica, and Zack had been good friends. It had been ages since I’d seen him. He’d grown out his wavy brown hair, beefed up in the chest and arms, and looked good.

  He and I exchanged a manly hug.

  When he eased away, tears streamed down his face. “It’s awful, man. Losing your sister has gutted me.”

  Join the fucking club.

  Haven went over to Zack and wrapped her arms around him. “It sucks. I know.”

  I then remembered her telling me she knew how it felt to lose a loved one. Maybe she would be a good listener. Fuck that. I didn’t want her to listen to me. I wanted her wiggling and screaming my name while I did things to her that I couldn’t say out loud. Well, I could, but not in school.

  Haven released him. “I got your tickets.” She dove into her purse and pulled out two tickets. “Lakemont will be playing at home in two weeks.”

  “Are those football tickets?” I asked even though I could see the writing. We were playing Regal College at home. “I could’ve gotten you some, Zack.”

  “I didn’t want to bother you,” Zack said. “Thanks, Haven. You’re one cool chick. Ryker, when are you going to play again? I know you’ve got things on your mind, but the team really needs you.”

  “Soon,” I said even though I wasn’t sure. I definitely wouldn’t be playing in the upcoming game on Saturday. I knew that much. Coach would want me to have at least a week of practice since I hadn’t played a game yet that season.

  “I know Leigh would want you to play,” Zack said. “Anyway, I got to run.” He winked at Haven. “If you need a date for the game, call me.” Then he bounced out like he’d just won the lottery.

  He was right. Leigh would have been on my ass if I didn’t play.

  Mr. Holland returned with a shoebox in his hands. “Here you go.”

  I held onto the box like it was the most delicate thing in this world to me. “Thanks. I have to get to a meeting with my coach.” My plan was to get my head around my classes, which I hadn’t been to since the semester started, talk to Coach Chapman, then get drunk, in that order. Or maybe I would drink once I left the high school. “Please let me know about the art festival.”

  After Principal Holland and I said our goodbyes, I winked at Haven like Zack had. I thought about repeating Zack’s line and telling her to call me if she needed a date, but I didn’t date.

  So I hustled my ass out of the building and into the hot, humid sun, which was less suffocating than inside the school.

  I’d just reached my car when my phone rang.

  I answered without looking to see who it was. “What?”

  “Gee. Who pissed in your coffee?” Franklin asked.

  A redhead with legs, big tits, and a mouth I want to devour. Not to mention, my heart wanted to burst into flames over the loss of my family.

  “Kari tells me you got out of bed and that you’re back amongst the living. So I’m calling to remind you of your campus civic duty that you were supposed to start last week. I managed to convince the chancellor to cut you some slack. But those ten hours need to start soon.”

  I’d completely forgotten about that.

  “You’re to report to the maintenance department on campus on Thursday after your classes. Oh, and I hired a tutor to catch you up on your studies.”

  I pinched my eyebrows. “Please tell me she doesn’t have red hair.”

  He chuckled. “The dude has brown hair.”

  Thank fuck.

  If he had said her name was Haven Hale, then I didn’t stand a chance of passing any of my classes.



  The sound from the TV droned in the background as I finished up an English paper that was due the next day.

  Vicki was over at Delta Sigma Pi, and I was dying to know if she’d been accepted into the sorority. There had been some drama at the sorority house. So Beverly and her team were late in picking the new recruits. I didn’t want Vicki to get in, yet I did. I wanted her to be happy, but I didn’t want to lose her as a roomie. I’d come to the conclusion that my idea of Vicki and Beverly in cahoots with my father wasn’t true on Vicki’s part. Vicki was realizing that Beverly wasn’t such a nice person after all.

  “She’s too darn bossy,” Vicki had complained. “And she doesn’t listen.”

  Still, the idea of the dorm room all to myself was enticing. I could have dates over and have wild sex without worrying about a roommate. I laughed out loud as my gaze drifted from my spot on the couch to the TV screen across from me. The news was on, and the male reporter was talking about the upcoming election. I grabbed the remote off the small coffee table and turned up the volume.

  “Early polls show that Senator Hale is slipping. He’s lost several points against his opponent.”

  I could
feel the space between my eyebrows creasing. My father’s standing had been good last I knew, but that was several months ago.

  The reporter continued. “Ned Lambert has been campaigning hard with his new policy that could cut emissions in Texas by half.”

  In order to do that, Ned Lambert would have to shut down most of the refineries in the state, and I didn’t see that happening, although I didn’t know what his plan entailed. What I did know was that my father was probably pacing his office, yelling at his aides, and throwing things at the wall.

  The good news was I wasn’t the problem—his opponent was. For that, I became giddy. Father Dearest wouldn’t be in my face. Then again, he had no reason to be. I’d been a good girl, staying out of trouble and away from Ryker James. After our last encounter at Woodcreek High over a week ago, I’d had no reason to seek out the hunky quarterback.

  News around campus was that he’d been hiding in the gym and practicing every morning and every night, getting ready for the home game that upcoming Saturday, which was in three days. The football team’s record was dismal with three losses to start the season. The media had been making all kinds of speculations about the game and Ryker’s return.

  I was sure the stadium would be packed on Saturday. Vicki and I were going. When I’d bought tickets for Zack Cleary, I’d purchased two for Vicki and me right beside him.

  The door opened, and Vicki came in with a smile on her face. I tracked her movements as she set down her purse on the small counter where we had a dorm-room-size fridge and hot plate.

  I muted the volume on the TV. “Well? What’s the verdict?”

  She pulled out her clip, and her hair fell to her shoulders. Then she plopped down next to me. “I got in.”

  I raised my hand to high-five her. “That’s great.”

  She gave my palm a weak tap. “Yeah, but I said no thank you.”

  “What! Why? You were dying to join a sorority.”

  Turning to face me, she tucked one leg underneath her and let the other dangle off the couch. “After the meetings, the parties, listening to Beverly, meeting the other women, I don’t know. I just didn’t feel it. I think for my freshman year, I want to explore. I don’t want rules. I had enough of them at home.” She picked at something on her bare leg. “I want to hang out with you. We have it made here.”

  We did. We didn’t have to answer to anyone. We could come and go as we pleased. We didn’t have chores except that we had agreed to keep things neat in the common room.

  “You don’t seem happy,” I said.

  “I am. I’m just…” She trailed off, glancing at the TV.

  I waited, watching her bite her lip. “Just?”

  “I saw Lucas kissing a girl earlier near Braden Hall.”

  I didn’t know what to say without sounding like her mother or saying something cliché and stereotypical. But some guys liked to play the field. They liked a different girl in their bed, much like Ryker, who was known for sleeping with lots of women.

  I gently placed a hand on her leg. “I’m sorry.”

  She shrugged. “I’ll get over it. There are plenty of guys out there. Right?”

  Knuckles wrapped on our door, hard.

  I popped up and answered it. Once I did, I immediately slammed the door in Ryker’s face.

  He knocked again. “Open up.” He slurred his words.

  Vicki’s eyes got big as she smiled. “What’s he doing here?”

  Great question. But I didn’t care to find out, so I sat back down.

  Ryker knocked again.

  “Go away,” I shouted.

  Girls giggled loudly in the hall.

  “I’m saving up money for the fundraiser to buy a date with you,” a girl said.

  “You know he might get mauled in the hall,” Vicki said through a laugh.

  “Let him. I don’t care.”

  “You do, and you know it. Remember, big dick.”

  I snorted. “Stop reminding me.” We were as bad as the men. If they were into boobs, we couldn’t stop talking about penises. Or at least I couldn’t stop thinking about Ryker’s dick night after night.

  I squeezed my legs together.

  He knocked again.

  That time, Vicki answered. “Come on in.”

  “Traitor,” I said to her.

  She laughed. “Ryker, you’ve made my night.”

  He waltzed in like he owned the room. “Wow. We haven’t even fucked either.”

  “It’s your lucky night, then,” Vicki returned. Then she went over to the fridge and pulled out a soda.

  Ryker sat down in Vicki’s spot. Actually, he positioned himself almost on top of me.

  I flew off the couch. “I told you to stay away from me.” I grabbed the can of soda out of Vicki’s hand and took a big gulp to rid my throat of the dryness or maybe to cool my heated body.

  Ryker was too big for the small living area of our dorm room, and his body was way too big for the love seat we had.

  He sat up straighter. “Got any beer?”

  “No. And if we did, I wouldn’t offer you any. Now leave.”

  “Ah, Haven,” Vicki said. “Don’t kick a guy when he’s down.” She leaned closer and whispered into my ear. “This is the perfect time to take advantage of him. Seriously, he’s oozing all kinds of sex appeal right now.”

  I swallowed thickly. His button-up shirt was open at the top, showing a little chest hair. His sleeves were rolled up on his forearms, showing off his large diver’s watch, which glinted in the light, and his ripped jeans hinted at what lay underneath his belt.

  He licked his lips. “Can I at least get some water?”

  Vicki obliged.

  I didn’t move. “Are you drunk?” He’d been drinking, but he didn’t look wasted like that first night I’d met him and sat on his lap.

  He twisted off the cap of the water bottle Vicki had just handed him. “I had a couple of beers.” After gulping down half the bottle, he rested his forearms on his thighs as he glanced at the TV. “Your old man is losing his steam.” He grinned, no doubt enjoying that piece of news.

  I pressed my back into the edge of the counter. “What do you want?”

  Vicki took her soda can, which I’d set on the counter.

  Ryker raised an eyebrow at me. “Remember our convo in the pool house?”

  I hadn’t been able to shake his words. He’d been so sure that I would be in his bed with him between my legs.

  Yep. “Nope.”

  He gave me a mischievous grin, almost sending me over the edge. In another minute, I would strip off my pajama shorts and tank for him, not even caring if Vicki watched.

  His gaze drifted around the room. “How big is your bed?” He rose. “Which room is yours?”

  Vicki choked. “That one over there.” She was quick to point it out.

  “Traitor,” I said again, not sounding at all like I was angry with her.

  Ryker walked over and poked his head in. “Mmm. That size will do.” Then he went in.

  What the heck?

  Vicki giggled.

  I stomped over to the doorway. “Get out.”

  The man owned my bed. “Not until we talk.”

  Suddenly, an image of Ryker and me between my sheets flashed before me.

  “I have nothing to say to you.”

  Vicki waltzed over and nudged me in. “Seriously, you two need to screw and be done with it. I’ll head downstairs and make myself busy.”

  I grabbed her arm. “Oh no, you don’t.”

  “At least hear what he has to say,” she said.

  That was the problem. I wouldn’t be listening to anything except our heavy breathing. Not only that, it didn’t thrill me that I would be just another girl on his playboy-style list.

  “Yeah, Heaven. Listen to your friend,” Ryker whined in a husky voice. “I have a proposition for you. I’m sure you’ll want to hear all about it.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Nope.”

  Vicki shoved me farth
er inside. “I’ll be downstairs.” The door to our dorm room opened then closed.

  I hovered near my dresser, staying super close to the door, as my stomach swirled like a tornado and my lady parts screamed for release.

  Ryker, on the other hand, smirked. “I do like your roommate.” Then his gaze went on a hike, checking me out from my bare toes up to my extremely short pajama bottoms then to my breasts, which were poking out a little too much in my drab tank top.

  He leaned back on my bed, propping up on his elbows. “I would like for you to consider doing the fundraiser with the team. Before you say no, hear me out.”

  If it meant he would leave soon, I was in. So I folded my arms over my chest and waited for him to continue.

  “The team thinks that adding a girl to the program would be fun and change things up. Plus, we feel we might be able to raise more if there’s a mixture of guys and gals. Our goal this year is to raise twenty thousand dollars to support the Chelsea House for Battered Women.”

  I could see the team raising that amount with Ryker alone as hungry as women were to get their hands on him.

  “Why me?”

  “Because you’re a senator’s daughter. You can bring in at least two thousand dollars.”

  I laughed hard. “My answer is no.” And it had nothing to do with my father at the moment. Sure, Ryker was asking nicely. Sure, Ryker was raising money for a good cause. But the whole senator’s daughter excuse was bull crap. He knew my father didn’t want me to participate. He knew it would piss my dad off. He was using me. “Any girl can bring in that amount of money. And let’s not forget how many guys are on the football team. That alone should meet your goal. Girls will pay two thousand or more just for you.”

  “Maybe for me,” he said with a cocky smirk. “Only ten from the football team will be up for grabs. We had some guys bow out because of schedules and other shit.”

  “Have you asked other ladies?”

  “We’ve got nine eager women on the list. We’re looking for one more.”

  “I’m certain you can find one more, but not me.”

  He got up off the bed so fast, he made me dizzy. “What if I want you?”


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