Book Read Free


Page 20

by Beatrice Sand

  “This is Teresa, she owns Camila’s Kitchen, a dessert bar across Suite 63. Teresa, this is my aunt Louise, the woman who raised me. If you need advice with troubled teens, she’s your go-to person.”

  The women shake hands. “I’ll remember that,” Teresa says, laughing. “So nice to meet you, Mrs. Vandenberg. And it’s Tess, by the way.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Tess. And please, call me Louise.”

  “You have a lovely home, and so beautifully decorated with the wreath and garlands.”

  “Thank you, dear. Mae, Hannah’s mother, helped me. She’s very creative. The farmhouse belonged to Josh’s grandparents, and now we use it for family gatherings. I’m sure Josh will give you the grand tour if you like.”

  “I’d love to see it.”

  Aunt Louise focuses on me. “Why don’t you and Tess get unpacked, and then meet us for aperitifs later?”

  “Sounds like a good plan,” I agree, then carry our bags inside.

  “Tess can stay in Jaz’s room.”

  “Ah,” I comment, lacking words, except for fuck, but that’s hardly suitable, and doesn’t reflect proper Christmas spirit. It’s not exactly how I imagined things, but it’s the first time I’m bringing someone over. Guess I need to adjust my plans and be a little bit more creative in the dark hours of the night, because I don’t see how I can lie alone in my bed, lusting over a drop-dead gorgeous woman from down the hall. Even my trusty hands I fall back on from time to time won’t do anymore. It’s her I need.

  “Thank you, Louise,” Tess says with a sincere smile.

  An uneasy expression crosses Louise’s face. “I hope I don’t come across as old-fashioned.” It’s obvious she’s embarrassed at the situation, and I blame myself for being vague this morning when I called her to let her know I’m bringing Teresa. “I didn’t know if you’re just friends or, well, you understand. I made two rooms ready, just in case. See for yourself.”

  I wink at my aunt. “Thanks, we’ll work it out.”

  “I’m sure you will. See you later, Tess,” she says, then leaves.

  “What a lovely aunt you have,” Tess says when we’re alone.

  I hang our jackets in the wardrobe. “She’s the best. She and Mae both. Always there for us, even though we were hard to handle.”

  I pick up our bags and we climb the stairs. It’s strange to talk to Tess about these private matters, but I guess I’ll have to open up to her if we’re going to pursue this, just like she opened up to me.

  “I would have loved to meet your sister. It’s such a shame she isn’t here.”

  “It is. I’m sure you two would hit it off. She’s just too popular in Europe. I don’t expect her back before summer.”

  “Need to hear her music. What’s her band’s name?”

  “Soul Lady. They’re seven women who sing and play their own instruments. My sister plays the sax. They perform soul, rhythm and blues, funk... If you want, I’ll load their music on a memory stick for you.”

  “Oh, nice.”

  I drop the bags on the floor and stare down at Tess’s face, immediately aware of the building chemistry, now since we’re alone with nothing or no one else to focus on. “I’m not going to force you in my bed, even though it’s exactly where I want you. Where do you want me to put your bag, Tess?”

  She pushes a strand of her hair behind her ear, and a frown creases her forehead. “This is unfamiliar territory for me, Josh.”

  “Same here.”

  “You never brought a girl here?”

  “It never crossed my mind to do so.”

  “And the others?”

  “Tristan and Mac never brought someone. Lola and Ash sleep in the barn. I believe Hannah and Abel do too, and they’re not engaged or anything, just shacking up.”

  “I don’t want to embarrass anyone.”

  “We won’t. You heard my aunt, she’s not stupid, she just doesn’t know how serious we are.”

  “Neither do I.”

  Smiling, I push a strand of hair behind her other ear. Our faces linger inches from each other, and we’re inhaling each other’s breath. Watching those full, moist lips is pure agony. If I can’t taste her lips in the foreseeable future, I might die from sexual starvation. “Then let’s find out,” I suggest.

  Then, instead of an endless debate, I open the door to my room, and carry both our bags inside.

  Decision made.



  Following introductions, hugs and kisses, we gather around a huge Christmas tree that’s decorated from top to bottom with lights and glitterballs. My aunts really outdid themselves. The ambiance is cozy, with burning candles, a fire crackling, and a platter of artfully arranged canapes on the coffee table. I actually feel good, and only now wonder why I go out of my way every year to avoid the holidays like I avoid processed foods. I could take a leaf out of Felipe’s book, who travels thousands of miles to spend Christmas with his cousins.

  “Tell us about yourself, Tess,” Uncle Max says. “We want to know all about you since you must be very special to our Josh. Really, I gave up on the guys, stubborn bachelors as they are, but here you are, saving the day for at least one of them.”

  Everyone chuckles, and I catch Tess’s eyes, who’s looking at me for help. Yep, Max put her in the spotlight like I knew he would, and the whole room is watching her in anticipation.

  I shrug, the mean bastard that I am, and give her a told-you-so, and you’re-on-your-own look. She shouldn’t have told me she wasn’t impressed with overwhelming families. Now let’s see what she’s made of.

  She sips from her Kir Royale, and then sets her drink down, clearing her throat. “Well, I’m from New London, Connecticut. I lived there until I was seventeen, then moved to Mallorca with my brother.”

  “Mallorca?” Mae asks.

  “It’s one of the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea. They’re part of Spain.”

  “It’s near Ibiza,” Lola adds. “Ash and I went there on vacation last year. We took the ferry to Palma, Mallorca’s capital. I love that old city with the spectacular medieval cathedral, and the influences of the Moors.”

  Tess nods. “Palma is beautiful. You should avoid the big seaside resorts on the island, but there are dozens of lovely bays, and the countryside is very relaxing.”

  I watch every gesture on her face as she discusses her father’s country, and she’s obviously passionate about it. I can almost picture us leisurely strolling across the countryside. Better yet, I’m looking forward to it. Yeah, she can definitely show me around her beloved island.

  She turns to my two aunts and uncle. “Josh told me you like to cruise. If you ever get the opportunity, then you must cruise in the Mediterranean and stop at Palma. You won’t regret it, I promise. I can tell you exactly where to go and what to see, and what tourist traps to avoid.”

  Louise raises her brow and glances at Mae. “Now that’s an idea for next year, what do you think?”

  Reassured, I relax back on the couch and sip from my cocktail. She’s definitely not shy and an absolute joy to watch.

  “Weak in the knees, much?” Tristan, who sits next to me, asks, humor lacing his voice.

  I purse my lips as I study the blush pale color in my flute. I know I’ll be targeted and bullied by him and Mac for the upcoming days. So be it. “You know I’ll hit back twice as hard when you bring someone over, don’t you?”

  “I know, but don’t hold your breath, man. Planning on staying spouseless for the next three decades or so.”

  His remark doesn’t surprise me. Mac, at least, scores every now and then, hell, it’s even on tape, but Tristan never entertains us with his conquests. Either he’s the world’s biggest celibate, or has sex with reckless abandon, and for some reason, he wants to keep it a secret.

  “Hey, Mac,” Ash calls, “you owe me fifty bucks, man.”

  “Yeah? And why is that, Ash?”

  “You said Josh would fall for his sous-ch
ef one of these days. What’s her name, Donna? I told you she wasn’t his type, way too blonde. Guess I was right.”

  What the fuck? “Ash, do you mind?” I ask through clenched teeth, but everyone heard him, because the room fell quiet.

  Tess, who’s nestled on the couch between Mae and Hannah, pushes herself up. “I’m sorry,” she excuses herself, then walks out of the living room.

  I shoot Ash a withering look. “Next time you place a bet, collect your winnings at the gym!”

  I stride into the kitchen where I find Tess. “Hey,” I say, staring down at her. “Are you okay?”

  She smiles up at me. “Yeah, I’m okay. When he mentioned Donna’s name, something inside my head snapped.”

  I caress her arm. “I can imagine. Same here. Ash is an insensitive sonofabitch. I’m sorry. I should have warned you about him.”

  “It’s okay, Josh. His remark was a little out of order and the timing off, but he couldn’t know that.”

  “His timing is always off.”

  “Let’s go back and forget about it, okay?”


  Everyone’s staring at us as we walk back into the room.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?” Louise asks.

  “I’m okay, thank you. Donna...hits a nerve with me.”

  “I’m sorry, Tess,” Ash apologizes. “I didn’t want to upset you.”

  “Okay,” I say, raking my hand through my hair as I sit down next to Tess. “Let me clarify something here. I fired Donna yesterday. I’d appreciate it if we don’t mention her name again.”

  “What?” Mac asks. “You’re without sous?”


  “Can I ask why?”

  I nod. “It turned out Donna couldn’t handle me seeing Tess.”

  “Jesus,” Tristan says. “She’s crazy. Remember when we went out when you received your second star?”

  “Yeah, what about it?”

  “She came on to me very aggressively. She kept texting me to the point where I had to switch numbers.”

  “Ah,” I say, nodding, “so you’re the one to blame. It was either you or Mac.”

  “Blame for what?”

  “She made a vague comment about how we Vandenberg boys are inaccessible. Guess that explains it.’

  Tristan and Mac chuckle.

  “She may have a point there,” Lola says dryly.

  “Excuse me?” Mac says.

  “Oh, c’mon, Mac. When was the last time you called a woman back?”


  “See? They’re lucky if they get breakfast.”

  From my periphery, I see Abel wrapping an arm around Hannah and pull her close. He whispers something in her ear, making her giggle, then plants a kiss on her forehead.

  Louise glances at her daughter. “Eloise, I’m perfectly fine with all of you getting married and having babies, and it’s about damn time someone gets a baby around here, but I’m not, and I’m sure neither is Mae, interested in the process that takes place before. Thank you very much.”

  We all chuckle, because we never heard Louise curse. When I catch Tess’s gaze, I wink at her. She rewards me with a warm smile, which roils my belly. I’m used to the damn pangs by now, getting them every time I think of her.

  “Anyway,” Lola says, glancing at Tess and me, turning serious again. “I interrupted you. What did Donna do to make you fire her?”

  I reach for Tess’s warm hand and place it on my thigh, and sigh. “This morning Donna talked herself into Tess’s apartment. She took a knife and held it against Felipe.”

  “Oh my God... she didn’t!”

  “Is your brother okay?” Hannah asks, her forehead creased with worry.

  Tess nods. “He’s okay. She didn’t hurt him, or she wouldn’t be breathing right now.”

  “Why didn’t you take Felipe with you?” Louise asks softly. “He would have been so welcome here.”

  “That’s nice of you, Louise, but he insisted on going to Spain to spend Christmas there. I would have gone with him, but I can’t abandon the restaurant for such a long time, so thank you for having me.”

  “What happened to Donna?” Abel asks. “Is she in a secured place?”

  “Yes,” I say, taking over again. “We talked to the police, and all agreed she needs professional help first. She’s in a clinic now, and fully cooperating.”

  “Thank, God,” Mae says, releasing her bated breath.

  “Well, thanks to Mac, we have a personal security detail now,” Ash says in a sarcastic tone that has me almost rolling my eyes. “Maybe a bit late, but hey, they’re here now. Donna wouldn’t make it past the gate if she wants to try anything.”

  “Jesus,” Abel whispers.

  “Asher, please,” Max says, shooting him a look I remember pretty damn well as a little kid. He may be approaching seventy and suffered two heart attacks, but that didn’t adversely affect his stern appearance.

  I gaze back at Ash. Is this guy fucking serious, referring to the kidnapping like that? Aunt Mae looks pretty shocked, and Tristan is rubbing his fingers against his mouth, brooding. He can brood like no one else. That, and the fact he can kick all of our asses into next week, including Special Ops outside, I’m sure, makes him a force to be reckoned with. I bet he’s thinking of kicking Ash’s ass. Hell, if he doesn’t, I’ll shut him up myself, because quite frankly, I’m fed up with his misplaced humor and snide comments.

  “You think you’re funny, Ash?” I ask, my tone sharp.

  Lola gets up, shooting a dark glance at her fiancé. “Can I see you for a moment?” She doesn’t await his answer and walks into the kitchen.

  “Uh-oh, now I’ve done it,” Ash says in another pathetic attempt to be funny, but no one laughs.

  Only a few moments later, we hear their raised voices, the slamming of the kitchen door, followed by total silence. They probably took their fight outside. Good, I hope Reeves, or whatever the fuck his name is, makes short work of Ash. And Lola does too. I can’t understand why she puts up with his absurd behavior.

  Louise clears her throat. “Mac, darling, I believe we’re all in dire need of another drink.”

  As the evening progresses, things have simmered down again. Ash is actually behaving during dinner, and, I have to say, if he keeps the sarcasm to himself, he’s an okay-guy, even pleasant and entertaining from time to time. However, Abel hates his guts, I can feel it from the other side of the table, and I wonder why. I’ve seen Hannah’s boyfriend a few times now, and only now it occurs to me I’ve never seen him say anything to Ash. He completely ignores him.

  “Is there a special reason you’re ignoring Ash?” I ask as I join him when he takes Harley outside. Lola and Ash retreated to the barn, Max, Louise, and Mae went to their rooms, and Tess is upstairs calling her brother.

  Abel keeps looking at Harley, peeing against a tree. “So you noticed?”

  “It’s hard to miss.”

  He sighs audibly. “Shit, I don’t want your aunts and uncle to notice too, but I just can’t look at the guy. There’s something about him I don’t trust.”

  “Did he give you a reason?”

  “Yeah. He tried to sabotage things between me and Hannah when we met a few months ago.”

  “What did he do?”

  “He took incriminating pictures, and showed them to Mac, Tristan, and Hannah.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “Yeah, bastard. He said he was only doing his job investigating me, because Mac was about to invest in Urban C. He even took pictures of Hannah and me together to let Tristan know she was seeing me.”

  “That’s fucking sick.”

  Abel rakes a hand through his hair. “I swear, he could have singlehandedly brought down my business, and ruined my relationship with Hannah.”

  “Jesus, man. I had no idea. Thank fuck my cousins weren’t impressed by his actions. Does Lola know?”

  “No. Mac wanted to keep her in the dark because of the engagement, but believe me, Ash knows wh
ere he stands.”

  “Good. Thanks for telling me.”

  “Sure thing. Just watch out for him, okay? I’m not shitting you when I say this, but my blood runs cold when I look into his eyes. Something’s seriously off.”

  I nod, and walk back to the house as Bishop leaves for the barn.

  Inside, Mac and Tristan are sitting slouched on the couch, drinking the good stuff. I take the crystal carafe of whiskey and pour myself a shot, then join them by the dying fire. “We need to talk,” I say, crossing my ankle over my knee.

  “It’s about damn time,” Tristan says dryly.

  “First, why the Special Ops outside?”

  Mac chuckles. “You’re not far from the truth. Reeves served as a helicopter pilot in Iraq, flew reconnaissance missions and searched for roadside bombs.”

  “Okay, so he’s a bad motherfucker, respect for the fact he served our country, but what in hell is a recon pilot doing in our front yard? Not to mention he went through Teresa’s drawers, so to speak.”

  “Reeves started his own security business, and we’re being blackmailed, Josh! I’m sorry if things get too personal for you, but we’re checking everyone that’s close to us, and I’d like to have a few relaxing days without having to look over my shoulder every five minutes to see if someone is watching us, or making sure I’m the first to get to the mail in case there’s another delivery. Reeves does that for us, and I would like for you to take it a little bit more serious.”

  “Believe me, I’m taking it serious,” I say, glancing at Tristan.

  “Tristan knows about our letters.”

  “Sorry about your mom, man,” Tristan says. “It’s cruel to find out like that.”

  I swirl my drink around. “Yeah, well, I paid the fucking bastard.”

  Mac straightens from his slouching position. “What the hell, Josh?”

  “I couldn’t take the chance he was bluffing, Mac! I don’t want the world to find out about our past before Jaz does. And I’m not upsetting her while she’s touring in Europe. We’ll find that sonofabitch, and get our money back.”

  “I’m not paying him.”

  “Do what you have to do, so will I. Anyway, I just had an interesting conversation with Bishop. Why didn’t you guys tell me what Ash did to him?”


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