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Alpha Bloodlines

Page 22

by Kirsty Moseley

  I felt my wolf rejoicing at the thought of her naked body. I pressed my body against hers and pushed her against the car gently as I kissed her. God she tasted amazing, kissing her seemed to get better and better every time. I heard Dom's car pull up but I couldn't break the kiss, I could have a few more seconds. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck, "Ow shit" I said pulling back and rubbing my neck. There was something there, at the back of my neck, I pulled it off and looked at it. It was a little silver thing, no bigger than a thimble with a needle point at one end.

  "What's that?" Brook asked looking at it curiously, my head was swimming. What the hell IS that?

  My throat was getting dry, I glanced up to see Dom walking towards us, I saw him flinch and clutch the side of his throat pulling his hand away looking at something confused.

  Suddenly it dawned on me. Oh my fucking God! Trey's here! I shoved Brook against the car roughly spinning around, someone had shot me with something. I tried to shift but I couldn't.

  Fucking shit! I tried again but I definitely couldn't shift. My head was swimming, my vision getting a little blurry, I was vaguely aware of Brook squirming behind me, "Jayden what the hell's going on?" she asked scared. I needed to get her the hell out of here, he was here, he'd shot me with something to stop me shifting. I couldn't protect her, I could barely stand. I was going to watch her die and there was nothing I could do about it.

  I grabbed my keys from my pocket with shaky hands, my whole body was getting weak, I fought with everything in me to stay upright. I glanced at Dom just as he collapsed to the floor. "Go Brook, go now" I gasped trying to stay on my feet. I was so damn tired and dizzy, she was holding me tightly I could tell she was crying.

  "Jayden? Oh god please, are you ok?" she asked desperately. I used the last of my strength to turn around and wrenched open the car door.

  "GO NOW!" I shouted throwing the keys at her leaning against the car for support. Oh God shortie please get away, please. I tried again and again to shift but I couldn't even feel my wolf, it was like it just wasn't there. "GO!" I shouted fiercely knowing I couldn't protect her, I was going to pass out any second.

  "Wow you are a strong one huh? I shot you with enough tranquilliser to take down a small elephant yet you're still on your feet" Trey said laughing, I spun around and pushed myself away from the car willing myself not to fall over. My legs felt like jelly, I was so fucking angry but I couldn't do anything, he was grinning from ear to ear.

  "I'm gonna rip you to pieces" I growled. I couldn't stand anymore, I fell to my knees vaguely aware of Brook screaming, everything was closing in around me, my whole body was going numb.

  He laughed "You don't seem to be in a very good position to be making threats" he sneered at me. I tried again to shift but nothing, this was it, she was dead. I watched as his foot came up and smashed into my face, I didn't even have time to feel it before I was unconscious.

  Chapter 21


  Jayden let go of my hand grinning as he jumped out of the car and ran round to my side to get my door, God he is so damn adorable, I wonder how long he'll be like this. I mean Trey was great to start with, I wonder how long he'll think I'm the most special girl in the world for. He smiled his sexy smile as he opened the door for me. Jeez he did it again, how the hell does he keep making me want him like this? The physical attraction for him was just crazy!

  "Thank you Alpha Philips" I said trying not to think too many lustful thoughts, my parents were due here any minute we didn't have time for me to get all hot and steamy so I didn't want him to know how I was feeling. I didn't like to tease him, I knew he could smell my hormones when I was aroused.

  It was too late, he already knew, a look of lust crossed his handsome face as he pushed me against the car pressing his whole perfect body to mine. He kissed me softly making my heart beat faster, I gripped his shirt so he couldn't pull away, oh God I loved him more than anything. Suddenly he pulled out of the kiss, "Ow shit" he said rubbing his neck, I looked at him curiously as he pulled his hand away from his neck and looked at it. There was a little silver thing in his hand.

  "What's that?" I asked. Where the hell did he get that from? He just looked at it confused, he looked over and I saw Dom walking towards us suddenly I was slammed against the car with Jayden's back pressing against me so hard it was actually hurting.

  I squirmed trying to get out from behind him, god he was so heavy! He was looking round tense but seeming like he was unsteady on his feet, what is he doing? "Jayden what the hell's going on?" I asked getting scared as he swayed slightly. I wrapped my arms around his waist trying to help him, was he sick or something? I could feel the panic rising in my chest, something was wrong with him, he needed a doctor. I looked over at my Mom about to shout her to help him when I noticed she was looking at Dom worriedly, he way swaying on his feet too, clutching his knees for support. What the hell is happening? Dom collapsed and I couldn't keep the tears from falling, shit something bad has happened and I didn't even know what!

  I turned my attention back to Jayden trying to push him away from me so I could help him but he'd trapped me against the car, I couldn't move an inch. "Go Brook, go now" he gasped his voice husky and scared. Go? What the hell is he talking about?

  "Jayden? Oh God please, are you ok?" I asked trying to hold him up as he seemed to be on the verge of falling over.

  He pulled away from me quickly and yanked open the car door, "GO NOW!" he shouted as he threw the keys at me, I was too shocked to catch them so they fell to the floor, the look on his face scared the shit out of me. He was terrified, he was pale and sweating slightly, his whole body was shaking.

  What the hell is he talking about, go? Go where? Why? "GO!" he shouted again when I didn't move.

  Then I saw him, Trey was walking out of the trees with three of his boys. Oh shit! I could feel the panic trying to take over. Trey was going to hurt Jayden and Jayden was sick! He couldn't defend himself, shit what the hell do I do? I desperately tried to think of something but Jayden was just getting paler and paler leaning against the car looking like he was struggling to stand. He was begging me with his eyes to leave him, he wanted me to go on my own, he knew Trey was here that's why he said go. I was frozen on the spot, I wouldn't leave him, I'd never leave him.

  Trey smiled at me before turning his attention to Jayden's back, "Wow you are a strong one huh? I shot you with enough tranquilliser to take down a small elephant yet your still on your feet" he said laughing. Jayden stiffened and turned around quickly moving back in front of me again, the silly boy was trying to stay between me and Trey but he was swaying looking like he was going to fall over.

  "I'm gonna rip you to pieces" he growled menacingly, oh God why isn't he shifting to protect himself like last time?

  He fell to his knees and I stopped breathing, I was going to have a heart attack, if Trey hurt Jayden it was going to kill me. Trey took a few steps towards Jayden's unsteady figure, I didn't even realise I was screaming until my throat started to hurt. Trey laughed and the sound of it made my blood run cold, he sneered at Jayden like he was a piece of trash, "You don't seem to be in a very good position to be making threats" he said angrily. I knew this was bad by the look on Trey's face, we were all going to die, the only thing I could do was try and get him to let Jay go somehow. He raised his foot and kicked Jay full in the face making him slump to the floor instantly.

  I looked up at Trey my heart breaking, he drew back his foot and kicked Jay in the stomach hard.

  "TREY!" I screamed pushing myself away from the car, oh god please stop this! He kicked him again before his face snapped up to mine and softened slightly, "Please stop" I whispered. I heard my Mom screaming at me to stay away from him, but I couldn't, I needed to help Jay, I couldn't let him hurt him. "Please Trey, please" I begged as I reached him, I tried not to look at Jayden's limp and lifeless body on the floor, I needed to stay strong. If Trey knew how much I loved Jay he'd be dead, no doubt about it.

e reached out his hand and touched my face softly, "Hey baby" he said stepping closer to me.

  "Hey" I whispered not trusting my voice to speak, I could feel the bile rise in my throat as he touched me. His hand pulled away and he slapped me so hard that I thought my head had exploded.

  I fell to the floor next to Jayden, I almost screamed when I looked at his face, it was covered in blood, a cut across the bridge of his nose. Oh God Jay please be ok! I could see his chest rise, he was still breathing, I reached for his hand.

  Trey grabbed me and pulled me up, I could barely see him through the tears in my eyes, my face was throbbing. "I'm sorry baby, are you ok?" Trey asked pulling me to his chest hugging me tightly, he's sorry, is he fucking kidding me?

  "Are we ready to go?" Dan asked Trey, he nodded.

  "Yeah, call Lee and Jason and tell them to bring the cars" Trey said stroking the side of my head.

  Cars? He's taking us somewhere? Oh God please let him just leave Jay and my Mom here! I heard Dan talking on the phone but all I could focus on was the sound of my Mom screaming at me. I looked over at her, one of Trey's boys was holding her tightly while she kicked and screamed trying to get free.

  A van and a car pulled up skidding to a stop a few feet from us, a couple of Trey's other boys jumped out of the back heading towards Jayden's body on the floor. I stiffened, they were taking him?

  "Trey, just take me, leave them please, I'll come with you, please" I begged watching as they pushed my Mom towards the car.

  He laughed "Ok baby, whatever you say" he said laughing as he nodded at his boys, two of them searched Jayden's pockets taking his cell then picked him up and threw him roughly into the back of the van.

  "Please!" I begged clinging to him tightly, he just ignored me.

  "Take Logan too" Trey said nodding towards Dom.

  "Why are you taking them?" I asked desperately.

  He sighed and turned back to me, "Because you need to learn not to disrespect me and to do as you're fucking told, you're mine, you're supposed to be mine" he growled angrily as he gripped my arm tightly shoving me towards the car. "Get in" he said sternly, how the hell am I gonna save Jay if he won't even listen to me?

  "Trey please, I won't disrespect you again, please I'm so sorry, just take me and leave them alone, please I'll do anything" I begged sobbing.

  He grabbed me and kissed me hard hurting my lips with how much force he put into it, I squeezed my eyes shut trying not to heave. He pulled out of the kiss and pushed me towards his car so hard that I fell and slammed my chest into the seat knocking my breath out of me. "Brook get in the fucking car NOW!" he shouted making me flinch.

  I nodded and climbed in scooting over to my Mom who was crying hysterically. "It's ok, everything's gonna be ok" I lied soothingly as I hugged her tight. I couldn't think of a single plan, not a single thing that would help us all out of this situation. Jayden, my Mom and Dom were all gonna die because of me and by the look on Trey's face it wouldn't be painless and quick either.

  After twenty minutes of driving we pulled into Trey's drive, my Mom was still sobbing, I kept my eyes firmly fixed on the van in front of us watching for any signs of Jayden. I couldn't see him get hurt, this was killing me and it was all my fault. Trey came to my door and gripped my arm pulling me out of the car roughly, I grabbed my Mom's hand keeping her close behind me as he led me through the familiar house. It felt like I hadn't been here in years but in all honesty I had stayed here on Friday night so that was only two nights ago.

  "Sit down Beth" Trey ordered pointing to a chair that one of his boys had brought from the dining room and placed in the middle of the living room. She looked at me desperately, I nodded, we needed to go along with whatever he said for now, I needed to keep him sweet until I could think of something.

  "Why are you doing this?" she asked angrily, he took a step towards her.

  I stepped in front of him quickly "Please don't hurt her, please" I begged pushing her towards the chair.

  He sighed "Fine, now get in the fucking chair Beth or I swear to God I'm gonna hurt you, I don't care what Brook says" he growled angrily making my Mom flinch. She wasn't used to seeing that face, he was always nice to her, it was probably a shock to her seeing him like this.

  She sat down just as four other guys came in carrying Jayden and Dom, they were both still unconscious. My Mom started crying hysterically again and I tried desperately not to react, I couldn't let Trey know how much power he had over me. I watched horrified as they tied them to a chair, Jayden was slumped over blood dripping slowly from his chin, his lip was split and I would imagine that was from being thrown into the van roughly. They tied their wrists to the arms of the chairs with leather straps.

  My Mom was wailing loudly, Dan slapped her hard across the face. "Shut the fuck up! You're making my head hurt with all that fucking crying!" he shouted. She bit her lip and closed her eyes trying to calm herself, I heard Trey laugh quietly.

  I looked at him horrified. Suddenly he pushed me against the wall bending his head and running his nose along my jaw. "You smell like that fucker" he growled angrily, he grabbed my hair and yanked my head to the side making my whimper as pain shot through my scalp. He pulled my top to the side and growled as he looked Jay's mark on my neck, he ran his finger across it and I tried not to flinch as I started to feel sick. "Why could he mate you and I couldn't?" he asked angrily.

  I gulped "The bloodlines, he said something about Alpha blood" I gasped as he pulled my hair harder.

  He growled again, "Bloodlines? Like when an Alpha is passed down through generations?" he asked frowning. I tried to nod but his grip tightened on my hair making me yelp.

  "Yes" I croaked.

  "So you're mated to a bloodline Alpha" he said turning his nose up, I tried desperately to think of something, the only thing I could think of was to play up my human side.

  "No not really, Trey please, your hurting me" I said holding his wrist trying to get him to let go of my hair, he looked at me interested and finally let go.

  "What do you mean not really?" he asked, I pressed myself to him, hating myself but I'd do anything to keep Jay safe, anything.

  "It didn't work, not properly, I'm not a full shifter, I don't love him Trey, I love you, I'll always love you" I lied pulling him closer to me. He looked at me and I tried to look like I wasn't disgusted with myself right now, that I wasn't feeling sick saying these words to him. I was so glad Jayden was unconscious so that he couldn't hear these lies I was saying.

  "You still love me?" Trey asked looking at me hopefully as he put his hands on my hips.

  I nodded "Of course I do Trey, we've been together for four years, I've always loved you, always" I said pulling him closer.

  He pulled my hips against him, "I was ready to kill you if you said you loved him" he growled, my breath caught in my throat.

  "He's nothing to me Trey, you should just let them all go, you don't need to prove anything to me, I promise I'll never do anything like this ever again, you should just punish me if you need to, but please don't hurt them, none of this is their fault, it's mine" I begged running my hands down his chest and hooking my fingers in his belt loops trying to look seductive. I think it was working, his face softened and his eyes flicked down to my lips, my heart started to beat faster as I started to hope. It was working, he was gonna let them go!

  "Hey! The son of a bitch is waking up already!" Dan said sounding shocked, I flinched as Trey's hands tightened on hips digging his fingers into me. He turned to look and I stepped to the side so I could see too, Jayden had his eyes squeezed shut, his hands in fists, looking like he was concentrating really hard on something.

  Trey started to laugh, "You can't shift if that's what you're trying" he said, Dan laughed too. Jayden opened his eyes his face still looking a little dazed, he looked like he was having trouble staying awake. His gaze slid to me and a pained terrified expression crossed his face. Maybe he was hoping I'd got away, knowing him he was probably hoping I'
d left him to die on his own, stupid damn overprotective boy!

  "Brook, go please" Jayden begged his voice sounding croaky and husky, he was fighting to get out of his chair that he was tied to, but the straps they used were like leather strips, he wasn't getting them undone anytime soon.

  Trey bounded forward and punched him repeatedly in the face, I ran forward and grabbed his arm, I couldn't see anymore, every blow felt like he was cutting my heart out. He span round and slapped me hard across the face again, it hurt worse than before because my cheek was already sore. I fell to the floor as Trey turned back and started punching Jay in chest and stomach making him grunt and groan with each blow.

  "You don't talk to her again you little shit" Trey shouted angrily in his face. I looked at my Mom she was staring with her eyes wide, maybe she was in shock or something, Dom was still unconscious.

  There was no hope, no one was coming to help, no one even knew there was anything wrong. We were all going to die.

  Trey stepped away from Jay and gripped my wrist yanking me to my feet making pain shoot up my arm where he pulled it so hard. He shoved me towards Jayden gripping the back of my hair shoving my face inches from Jay's. "Tell him you don't love him" he growled his hand tightening in my hair making me yelp and grip his wrist trying to relieve the pressure. I looked at Jayden, his beautiful face was covered in blood, it was bruised, his lip and nose were split and swollen. God I loved him so much, he was killing me, looking at him like that was killing me inside. I couldn't say it, I clamped my jaw tight, I couldn't say it right in his face like that, he nodded slightly urging me to do it pleading me with his eyes.

  I closed my eyes not wanting to watch his face as I said the words that were the biggest lie anyone had ever told. "I don't love you Jayden, I love Trey" I said.


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