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Alpha Bloodlines

Page 23

by Kirsty Moseley

  Trey yanked me up by my hair, "Don't fucking hurt her!" Jayden shouted angrily squeezing his fists so tight his knuckles went white as bone.

  Trey sneered at him, "I told you, you can't shift, the drug I shot you with is something we've been working on, it's a paralytic, it's very effective on shifters, you can't even feel your wolf right now can you?" Trey asked smiling a wicked smile.

  Jayden started thrashing in his chair again, his wrists turning red as they rubbed on the straps. "I'm gonna fucking kill you, I swear to God, I'm gonna rip your heart right out of your chest and show it to you before you die" Jayden growled angrily. Trey punched him hard in the face making his head snap back, I couldn't watch this anymore. I needed to get him the hell out of here before he pissed Trey off so badly that he'd be dead. I couldn't watch him die.

  "Trey hon, just stop, you've made your point, he doesn't matter" I said dismissively, I wrapped my arms around his waist, he took a deep breath and stepped back puling me with him. He kissed me hard biting my lip hard enough to draw blood, when I gasped he shoved his tongue in my mouth holding the back of my head so I couldn't get away. I squeezed my eyes shut and kissed him back pulling him closer. I heard Jayden groan but I didn't stop, when Trey pulled back I pulled his face back to mine again. By the time he pulled back a second time we were both breathless, I didn't look in Jay's direction, I couldn't see the look of devastation and jealousy that I knew I'd see there.

  "Let them go Trey and take me upstairs, I've missed you" I said fighting the urge to be sick. I heard Jayden struggling in his chair again and I prayed to God that he just stayed quiet this time and let me try.

  "How about I take you upstairs right now? I've missed you too" he said running his hands down my sides gripping my ass.

  I shook my head, "Not like this, I don't like this, please, just let them go and I'll do anything you want, anything" I said raising my eyebrows suggestively on the word anything.

  A small smile crossed his face, "How about I make you a deal, I'll let one of them go, you can choose" he said shrugging. That's easy, Jayden.

  "Why not all of them?" I asked gripping his shirt.

  "One, choose now" he said sternly, Jayden definitely, I loved my mother so much but if I had to choose it would be Jayden, there was no other option for me, that was the only choice I could live with.

  "Let Jayden go" I said shrugging.

  Trey laughed and rolled his eyes, "I can't let that fucker go, he'll run straight to his pack and come back to rip my head off" he said amused by the thought.

  "But you said I could choose" I said trying not to panic, he cupped my face in his hands.

  "If you don't love him then why do you want me to let him go?" he asked his face turning hard making me flinch. Shit that backfired! Think Brook, think!

  "Because I don't think you'll hurt my Mom or my Dad, I think Jayden's the only one that's in danger here and I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me, I don't love him Trey" I lied hoping my voice sounded true. He pulled out a gun pointing it at Jayden whilst watching my face. I stopped breathing, my heart crashing in my chest. I kept my face neutral, at least I hope I did. Please let this be a bluff, please let this be a bluff, please let this be a bluff. I shrugged, my eyes not leaving Trey's.

  He smiled and lowered his gun, I must have passed the test, I felt the panic start to recede slightly.

  "Choose either your Mom or Dad to go free" he said quietly.

  "My Mom" I said quickly, Dom was still unconscious, I prayed he would understand when he woke up and found out I had chosen my Mom's freedom over his, I think he would.

  Trey smiled and raised the gun again, "Say bye to Daddy Brook" he said grinning. What the hell?

  He wouldn't. He turned to look at Dom and shot him right in the face.

  Chapter 22


  I pulled up outside Jay's a little before half past six, his car was there so at least he was back from the barbeque already, mind you I had a key anyway so it's not like I would have been waiting outside for him. I jumped out and walked to the door, it was open already. "Jay? Brook?" I called as I let myself in. Jay's stuff was everywhere, literally, everything that should be in a cupboard or drawer was now over the floor, his sofa was on it's side the table smashed up. What the fuck? I tensed ready to shift, I backed up against the wall listening to see if there was anyone in the house, I couldn't hear anything at all.

  I snapped open my phone and called him quickly, what the hell's happened? Had he been robbed or something? I ran round the house as I listened to his phone go straight to voice mail. "Jay, what the hell's happened at your house man? Seriously call me as soon as you get this" I said snapping the phone shut, I tried Brook then her Mom but they all went straight to voice mail. The house was empty, there was a smell I didn't recognise, I didn't know the person that had been here.

  I made my way outside, "JAY" I shouted hoping he would hear if he was in the woods or something. His car was here he couldn't be far, I glanced up at his car and noticed the passenger door was open, I'd parked on the other side so I didn't notice before. Why the hell would he leave his door open? I jogged over to see that he'd even left the keys to his house and car just lying on the ground.

  This was seriously weird, had something happened? SHIT! Trey's been here I'd bet my life on it! I grabbed my phone and called my Dad, as I ran back to my car, I had no idea where this Trey guy lived. My Dad answered just as I was about to give up, I pulled out of the drive and sped back down the road, "Dad, something's happened, I've just been to Jay's and he's not there, the place is a mess, I think Trey's been there, I can't find Jay or Brook" I said desperately as I floored the gas pedal.

  "What? Shit! We need to go there, where are you now?" he asked.

  "I'm going to Christian's I don't think where this fucker lives, I'll pick up Christian and I'll come and get you" I said snapping the phone shut. Shit this was bad, this was really bad. If Trey had Jay and Brook, they'd probably be dead already from what Jay said he was threatening to do to them. But we needed to try, he was my best friend. I pulled up at Christian's praying he'd be home.


  "Say bye to Daddy Brook" Trey said sneering at her as he raised the gun to point at Dom, she was looking at him shocked, she didn't think he would do it. He looked round and shot Dom right in the face, the sound of the gun made me jump slightly and I started thrashing in the chair again. Brook screamed a shrill agonising scream that ripped my heart out, she was killing me, why the hell did she not get in the car and drive away when I said go? How the hell could she make me watch this now?

  I looked round to see Beth was pale and shaking, blood was splattered across her face, she was staring at Dom's lifeless body. I was thankful that his head had slumped forward so Brook couldn't see the mess that would be his face. If by some miracle we lived through this I didn't want her seeing that when she closed her eyes. Blood was seeping down his body soaking into his shirt and starting to pool on the floor.

  "Why Trey? Why would you do that?" Brook screamed beating her fists against him crying hysterically. Oh God stop it shortie, he's gonna hurt you again, please stop! He turned and shoved her hard against the wall making my body go cold at the sound of the thump, she gasped and held her head. I squeezed my hands tight trying again to shift, I could feel my wolf now but I had no hold on it, I couldn't do anything!

  "Because he gave away something that should have been mine, Bane's Creak was supposed to be mine! You're supposed to be mine" he shouted at her making her flinch. I was so fucking angry my whole body was shaking.

  "I am yours" she said quietly, oh God please don't kiss him again shortie, please, I can't see that again! He slammed his fist against the wall inches from her head and I couldn't help but growl, it missed her by inches. I looked around the room, there were five other guys in here, all of them looked totally fucking badass, these must be his high rankers. The one standing closest to Beth was more relaxed than the others, they were slightly more
tense that meant that he was ranked higher than them, he was probably Trey's second. I'd have to take him down quickly too, he'd be a good fighter, if I could only shift! My wolf was getting closer with every second as the drugs left my system.

  "You can't be mine if you're mated to someone else!" Trey shouted making her flinch again.

  "Hey asshole, why don't you just untie me and we can sort this out ourselves, or do you just like fighting girls because they can't fight back?" I said angrily, if he could untie me maybe I could keep him distracted long enough for the drugs to leave my system, if I could last long enough against a wolf!

  "Just shut the hell up Jayden!" Brook screamed, what the hell? Does she think she's actually getting somewhere convincing him to let me go? He had no intention of letting me or her mother go, I think he wanted Brook himself though, I don't think he would kill her but that wouldn't stop him from hurting her badly.

  Trey started to laugh, "You tell him baby" he said brushing her hair away from her sore looking face.

  "Trey, I'm not mated to Jayden, it didn't work for me, it worked for him but I don't feel anything for him, maybe you should try again" she said gripping her hand round the back of his head. Try again?

  What the hell does that mean? Try what?

  "It'll hurt you" he said running his hands down her body making me feel sick that he was touching my mate. I wanted to break every single bone in his hand so he'd never be able to touch her again.

  "I don't care hon, please, please try again" she said guiding his face to her neck. Oh hell no! She wants him to try and mark her?

  "NO!" I screamed yanking and twisting my arms to try and get them free. I looked over to Beth to see if there was any way she could get free and untie me or something but she had passed out, she was all sweaty and pale. I turned my attention back to Trey who's face was inches from my angels neck. She yelped and squeezed her eyes shut gripping his shoulders so hard she was probably drawing blood as he bit her hard on the opposite side of her neck to my mark.

  He pulled back "FUCK IT!" he shouted punching and kicking the wall over and over again, "It didn't fucking work!" he screamed angrily. He turned back to me and I growled at the sight of her blood on his lips, he punched me over and over taking his anger out on me. I clamped my jaw tight and tried not to make a sound, I didn't want Brook to worry any more about me that she already was. I sucked in a ragged breath as I felt my ribs and nose snap. He was breathing heavy when he pulled away and my eyes were stinging, pain shooting down my whole body, making it hard to breathe.

  "Maybe I should kill him first, then try" he said to his second, I looked over at Brook, she was sat on the floor crying blood trickling down her neck from the bite. I saw red, I couldn't watch anymore, I don't care if I can't shift, I'm killing Trey! I pushed my feet along the floor quickly scooting my chair back to the wall, then I stood up awkwardly and threw myself back at the wall smashing the chair against it as hard as I could. I felt something hard dig into my back piercing the skin and I clamped my teeth tight. I moved forward and slammed back against the chair harder, it worked, one of the arms snapped off so I could get my wrist free. Oh shit this was gonna work, I couldn't help but get excited. The broken chair was still tied to one of my arms, I glanced up in time to see three of the guys shift including his second. Fuck.

  All six of them were advancing on me, I didn't have time to free my other hand, one of the wolves launched themselves at me. I gripped the broken chair in my hand and swung it hitting him hard in the face with it sending him shooting back. I wrenched my arm free and picked up one of the metal chair legs, it was all I had, I tried to shift but nothing, my wolf still wasn't close enough.

  "You really are a tough one" Trey said looking at me shocked.

  "Tough enough to kill you" I said honestly, but this wasn't a fight I could win, there was two other wolves, three shifters who were in human form and the other wolf that I had hit with the chair was picking himself up off of the floor. I couldn't win this fight, I had no chance at all.

  Trey nodded and another of the wolves launched at me, I moved to the side I grabbing hold of his throat and slammed him against the wall, I heard a sickening crack and he made a yelping noise as he slumped to the floor, his legs limp, he obviously had a broken back or hip. I turned back too late, the one I had hit with the chair jumped on me his teeth sinking into my arm making me drop the only weapon I had, blinding pain shot up my arm. His weight knocked me to the floor with him on top of me, his teeth snapping inches from my face as he tried to go for my throat. Shit!

  I reach my hand out trying to grab the chair leg I'd dropped whilst trying to keep his mouth away from my body at the same time. My finger tips grazed it, come on! I squeezed my eyes shut, I refused to die before that fucker did! I shoved him hard off of me and rolled to grab the metal chair leg. As he lunged for my throat again I thrust it up at the same time and drove it straight through his chest, his eyes locked on mine as I felt his blood running down my arm where I was still gripping the metal bar.

  He shifted back to his human body as he died, I threw him off of me and jumped up just as Trey's body slammed into mine knocking me back off of my feet again. He hadn't shifted which was a surprise, I would have thought that he would have used my lack of shifting to his advantage like the fucking pussy that he was. I smiled, if he wasn't gonna shift this was gonna be too fucking easy. I ducked my head to the side as he went to punch me in the face making him hit the floor, I heard his knuckles or fingers break. I shoved him hard off of me and rolled so I was sitting on top of him and smashed my fist into his face as hard as I could over and over listening to the satisfying cries of pain he was making.

  Suddenly I was on the floor again, another wolf on top of me, I was pinned on my front unable to move, I felt his mouth go around my neck, his teeth about to sink in, this was it, I was dead.

  Suddenly he was gone, I shoved myself up looking back to see a light tan wolf locked in a fight with an almost black wolf. Shit that's Scott! Oh thank fuck for that, Scott was here, he could get Brook the hell out of here! They were fairly even matched, I ran over to the body of the guy I had killed earlier putting my foot on his shoulder and grabbing hold of the metal bar pulling it out of his chest. I knew that if I lived through this I would be thinking about the way his body rose off of the floor slightly as I pulled, how the bar slid out of his body covered in blood with a slight sucking sound, that sound would stay with me forever.

  I grimaced and turned back to kill Trey but he wasn't there on the floor where I left him. I looked around wildly for him just as another wolf ran at me, I jumped to the side and smashed the bar into his face, he shook his head making blood splatter on the floor. Shit where was the rest of the help? I needed to get to Brook so I could keep her safe. Another wolf was advancing on me from the other side. I couldn't protect myself from both sides at the same time, I backed up trying to get my back against a wall so they would have to approach from the front.

  I glanced up to see Scott with his teeth round the throat of the black wolf, the sounds of their fight was deafening, this was probably scaring the crap out of Brook! He pulled his face away quickly and the black wolf slumped to the floor shifting back to his human form clutching at his throat blood seeping through his fingers as he made a gurgling sound drowning in his own fluids.

  Scott turned back and ran towards me to help, the other wolf's blood dripping from his snout. There was a loud bang and Scott fell to the floor mid-stride blood seeping from his chest. What the fuck? I looked round to see Trey standing there with a gun, he'd shot Scott. I felt sick, the only sound I could hear was Brooks piercing scream.

  Chapter 23


  "Trey, I'm not mated to Jayden, it didn't work for me, it worked for him but I don't feel anything for him, maybe you should try again" I lied still desperately tying to think of a way out. He wasn't going to let Jayden go, I was going to watch him die. I gripped my hand around the back of Trey's head.

ll hurt you" he said his eyes raking over my face lustfully as he ran his hands down my sides gripping my thighs making my skin crawl. Oh God I know it'll hurt, I remember the last time he tried but I didn't have a clue what he was doing then I just thought he bit me.

  I pulled his head forward towards my neck, "I don't care hon, please, please try again" I begged. Oh shit I didn't want to be mated to him but if it worked and he felt even half of what I felt for Jayden then I might be able to convince him to let him go, if I told him I needed him to do it for me, if he loved me enough he would do it. Scott said that male shifters would do anything for their mates, if this worked I could make him let Jay and my Mom go.

  "NO!" Jayden screamed I could hear him thrashing around in his chair again, please be quiet Jay please! I clenched teeth and squeezed my eyes shut as I felt his lips touch my neck. Please work, please! His teeth sank into my neck and blinding pain shot down my shoulder and up towards my ear, I could feel the blood dribbling down my neck and I couldn't help but cry out a little. He pulled back slightly his face was murderously angry, shit it didn't work!

  He slammed his fist into the wall near my face making me whimper slightly, "FUCK IT!" he shouted getting angrier and angrier as he punched and kicked at the wall, "It didn't fucking work!" he screamed angrily. A small part of me was relieved that I wasn't mated to him, but most of me was so devastated that I could barely breathe. It would have been so much easier, I might have been able to save him. Trey turned away from me and my legs wouldn't support me anymore, I slumped to the floor my neck burning and still bleeding. Trey turned to Jay and started punching him over and over. My heart sank, this is it, this is where he dies and I couldn't even help him.

  "Maybe I should kill him first, then try" Trey said breathlessly as he turned to look at Dan. I prayed to God that he would kill me too, I didn't want to live without Jay, there was no life worth having if he wasn't in it, he was everything to me. I closed my eyes crying silently, suddenly I heard a crash, I panicked and opened my eyes to see Jay throw himself at the wall on the other side of the room, the chair broke and he got one of his arms free. Holy shit! What the hell is he doing?


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