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Alpha Bloodlines

Page 24

by Kirsty Moseley

  I jumped up, Trey and his boys all started moving towards him, three of them shifted into their wolves and I pressed against the wall terrified, these things were fucking huge and I had only ever seen Jayden and Trey when they were fighting. One of the wolves jumped towards him and Jay smashed him in the face with the chair.

  "You really are a tough one" Trey said a little shocked.

  "Tough enough to kill you" Jay growled angrily his face the picture of rage.

  I looked around wildly for help but there was nothing, he was facing six of them on his own! Where the hell did Trey leave his gun? I couldn't see it anywhere, he must still have it on him, fuck it! I took the chance to run over to my Mom's chair and frantically started to untie her arms. She'd passed out and was slumped in the chair but I needed to untie her in case we could somehow make it out of here. I didn't see much chance of that happening Jay couldn't fight six shifters on his own and I was no fucking use at all! God why did I have to be so damn pathetic?

  I glanced over to see Jay was now on his back with a wolf on top of him, he was struggling to reach something. I panicked as the wolfs teeth snapped inches from his beautiful face. Suddenly he pushed up and rolled at the same time grabbing what looked like a metal bar and shoving it deep into the wolfs chest. My heart was crashing in my ears, did he just kill someone? Oh God. The wolf shifted back and I realised it was Ed, bile rose in my throat as I saw the blood seeping out of his body. Oh God five left, come on, someone help us please!

  Jay jumped to his feet but Trey slammed into him sending them both sprawling to the floor again, I saw Jay flip Trey over, his face was hard, he was so angry he actually looked like a different person.

  He was winning, seriously Trey was gonna be beaten to death any second how hard Jay seemed to be punching him in the face. I couldn't help but get my hopes up.

  My Mom stirred and I looked down at her, "Mom, Shh everything's gonna be ok, you need to be quiet" I whispered quickly as I looked around to see if anyone had seen me untie her or anything, she looked at me terrified then looked at Dom and started crying again. "Shh Mom" I said stroking her face reassuringly. I saw a black wolf move from the corner of my eye and was just about to shout Jay when he launched at Jay's back sending him sprawling to the floor, my breath caught in my throat as the wolfs mouth went around the back of his neck. I felt the scream about to rip itself out when a light tan wolf shot past me and slammed into the black one. They were snarling and snapping at each other and the sound was deafening, my Mom was wailing again now, I was terrified. Who the hell is the tan wolf and why is he helping? Oh God please tell me helps here!

  I was so focused on watching Jayden push himself up, scanning his face and body for signs of injuries that I didn't even notice Trey until he grabbed my arm and jerked me away from my Mom. I winced at how tight his grip was on my arm, I could feel the bone giving, he was gonna break my arm! I looked around wildly for Jay he was backed against a wall with two wolves advancing on him, he still hadn't shifted, the drugs still stopping him from defending himself. All I could hear was growls and snarls, I saw Trey grab his gun from the waistband of his jeans, he sneered at me. "Now he dies" he said pointing his gun at Jay.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, I was so angry, I had never been so angry in my life, I literally felt like my blood was boiling in my veins, it was almost painful. I heard the shot. Oh my God, Trey shot Jayden! My anger doubled, I couldn't think of anything else other than ripping everyone to pieces.

  Suddenly I felt like I was being stabbed with a thousand knives at once, I felt like my skin was melting, like I was being submerged in acid. I had never felt any pain like this in my life, I screamed and clenched my hands into fists as my whole body shook, oh God I'm dying.

  Suddenly the pain was gone, I opened my eyes and looked over to Jay expecting to see his dead body lying there on the floor. Instead he was staring at me with wide eyes, "Holy shit" I heard Trey say, I turned back to him my anger still bursting over. He hadn't shot Jay but I wouldn't give him the chance again, he'd missed but he wouldn't get another shot.

  Trey was looking down at me horrified and actually a little scared, suddenly he exploded into a wolf and I flinched back slightly, I heard Jay shouting at me to run but I couldn't. I wouldn't let him get hurt, I don't care if it killed me I was going to do everything I could, all I could think about was ripping Trey's throat out and watching him bleed. My Mom was screaming.


  Brook was screaming, I looked over and saw her shaking, her eyes squeezed shut, she looked like she was in pain. What the hell has he done to her? I'm gonna fucking kill him! I felt the growl ripping it's way out of my throat, I could feel my wolf now trying to push his way out, oh thank God! I was just about to shift when Brook exploded into a wolf, her clothes ripping and falling to the floor in tatters. What the fuck? Oh my God Brook just shifted! How the hell did this happen?

  Her head looked in my direction and all I could do was stare at her, she was a little smaller than a normal female shifter which must have been because she was half human. Her fur was a dark brown, "Holy shit" Trey said looking at her shocked the same as I was. Her head snapped round in his direction a growl creeping from her lips, I was so proud of her I could burst.

  The two wolves were advancing closer but I wasn't worried now, I could shift, the drugs finally gone from my system, this was gonna be easy. Suddenly Trey shifted, shit he was so close to Brook, I started to panic, I needed to kill these two before I could get to her. "Brook run!" I shouted desperately, she didn't, instead she lunged at Trey. Fuck it this is bad!

  I shifted and jumped towards the wolf closest to me throwing my body against his smashing him into the wall, the other one bit into my back hard making pain shoot through me, I threw him off and turned towards him. I didn't have time to waste I could hear growling and snarling coming from Brooks direction and I just prayed that Trey loved her enough not to hurt her. The wolf lunged at me, I moved to the side and gripped his shoulder tearing through his flesh, he whimpered and laid down submitting. Fucking pussy.

  I looked at the other one that I had slammed against the wall, he whined and shifted back to his human body. "Please, please don't" he cried holding his hands up innocently, I looked at him he was laying on his side his leg twisted and awkward. He wasn't a threat, I turned and looked for Brook, she was backed up against a wall, her hackles up, snarling fiercly. I ran as fast as I could to her putting my body in front of hers, she was still going mad behind me, I could smell her blood, he'd hurt her.

  My wolf went crazy, all I could see was Trey, my pulse was drumming in my ears I was so fucking angry I thought my anger would kill me. I lunged for him raking my claws down his face, he jumped back, I heard a commotion and another wolf came in the house. Fuck it! I glanced to the left to see another tan wolf, shit it's Paul, Scott's father! He ran straight over to Scott who was lying on the floor, he let out a howl which distracted Trey for a split second. I lunged for him again biting deep into his neck, pushing him down to the floor pinning him there with my jaw clamped tight.

  He was yelping and trying to struggle free, I bit down slightly harder ignoring the rancid taste of his blood in my mouth. I didn't want this to end too quickly, I didn't want him to get let off too easy, I wanted him to suffer like he made my mate suffer. I twisted my head slightly making him yelp louder, his feet trying desperately to push me off. I hope that hurts you asshole. I heard Brook starting to go crazy again, she was snarling and growling, shit she's probably scared! I needed to kill him, I almost didn't want to, the fight was over way to quickly for my liking but I needed to go to my mate. I squeezed my jaw tight crushing his larynx and pulled away ripping his throat out. I didn't even spare him a second glance as I turned back to Brook.

  She had backed herself into a corner, a wolf that I recognised from my pack was walking towards her stalking her, he was going to attack her. I ran and jumped in front of her growling warningly at him, he stopped immediately and looked at me. I looke
d around the room, the two that had surrendered were still over by the wall in human form, another wolf was against the other wall where I had slammed him against the wall earlier, he was probably mending his broken back. The black wolf that Scott was fighting was dead and so was Trey.

  There were no others in here, Beth was leaning over a now shifted Scott and was examining a hole in his chest that looked really bad. There was no danger to my mate here. I shifted back and held a hand out to the wolf in front of me, he shifted back too. It was Christian.

  "Who's that?" he asked looking behind me confused and slightly angry that I wouldn't let him attack her.

  "That's Brook, go watch those two" I said nodding to the two guys that had punked out of the fight.

  Christians eyes went wide as he looked at her growling like crazy in the corner, "Brook? Your mate?" he asked shocked.

  I nodded "Go watch them" I said again. I looked at Beth and Paul desperately working on Scott, "Is he gonna be ok?" I asked quickly.

  Beth looked at me her face was grim, "I'm not sure, the bullet went into his lung I think, there's a lot of blood" she said grimacing with tears in her eyes. There was nothing I could do, they would call for an ambulance and have him taken to West Bridge, a shifter hospital, I just prayed to God that he would be ok, I turned back to look at Brook.

  She was terrified, her hackles were raised, her teeth bared as she assessed my threat level. She was crouched slightly ready to attack me. It was hard the first time you shift, the wolf takes over and because you don't know how to gain control, it can be hard to get back. Some shifters have lost themselves to their wolf, this is why the first shift is always controlled, why you learn how to do it before you do so that you can get back to your human self as your wolf won't want to go back.

  Come on shortie you can do this.

  "Shortie, it's ok" I sad taking a step towards her, she slapped her front feet on the floor growling louder.

  "Careful Jay" Paul warned behind me.

  I nodded and took another step. "Brook, you need to calm down, try to relax shortie, come on you can do this" I said pleadingly. Please let her be able to do this! I didn't really want to spend the rest of my life as a wolf but I would, I would do anything for her, if she couldn't shift back then we'd have to go wolf full time I guess.

  I took another step holding up my hands innocently, she lunged forward and snapped at my hand, I just jerked it back in time. I just needed to get close enough, she wouldn't let me any closer. I shifted into my wolf too and jumped on her quickly pinning her to the floor with my weight. She was snarling and snapping at me trying to throw me off, persuasion wasn't working maybe I needed to try something else.

  I was still Alpha male, maybe I could make her calm down by getting her to submit to me. I felt sick for doing this, I ignored her thrashing and wrapped my teeth around her throat applying no pressure at all. I couldn't hurt her, she'd be able to kill me before I could even hurt a hair on her head but I was hoping that the warning would do the trick. I growled loudly as I pinned her to the ground with my mouth around her throat. She whimpered and stopped moving, shit it was working! I stayed there for a few seconds letting her calm and know that I was in charge, yeah right in charge my ass but she didn't know that!

  I shifted back still pinning her to the floor, "Calm down Brook, shift back" I ordered trying to sound stern with her. She didn't move, just laid completely still under me, shit maybe I was hurting her I literally had all of my weight on her! I moved slightly hovering above her, "Shift back shortie, everything's fine now, you did great but you need to shift back now, please, for me, can you do that for me?" I begged. I stroked my hand down her side a couple of times. She couldn't do it. She was lost. I looked right into her beautiful brown eyes and resigned myself to the fact that I would never have another conversation with her, that we would never sleep in a bed or do anything human again.

  Suddenly she shifted back, she looked at me shocked and terrified. I gasped, oh thank God! I stroked her face, "It's ok shortie, are you ok?" I asked, she was struggling to breathe, she nodded slightly. She made no moves to touch me or move, oh shit she hates me for what I did to her! "I love you shortie, please forgive me, please, I'm sorry, I just needed you to calm down, you wouldn't let me near you, I'm so sorry" I whispered. Silent tears were falling down her face.

  "Jayden" she whispered wrapping her arms around my neck.

  I breathed a sigh of relief as I sat up, pulling her up with me, sitting her on my lap rocking her gently. "You did so great, I'm so proud of you" I said as I discreetly checked her whole body, she had a fairly deep cut on her upper leg but it didn't look too bad, her neck had stopped bleeding now but looked sore and angry. Now that she could shift it wouldn't even leave a scar if she healed as a wolf. She tangled her hands into the back of my hair pressing her whole body into mine as she sobbed onto my shoulder.

  "I couldn't help it, I'm so sorry" she said her voice hitching as she cried harder. I pulled her closer to me needing every inch of her skin to touch mine.

  "Couldn't help what shortie?" I asked a little confused, what the hell has she got to be sorry about?

  "I tried to hurt you, I wanted to kill you, I couldn't stop" she wailed squeezing me tighter almost choking me she was holding so tight.

  "Shh Brook, it's ok, that wasn't you, that was your wolf, it's ok you just couldn't control it that's all, you'll learn how, I'll teach you" I said soothingly.

  She pulled away shaking her head fiercly, "I don't ever want to do that again, please don't make me Jay, please" she begged.

  I cupped her face in my hands, "You don't have to shortie, it's your choice, shh" I said softly.

  I looked at her beautiful face and ran my fingers through her hair, I was so scared I'd lost her. "I love you so much Jay, I didn't mean what I said to Trey, you know that right?" she asked looking at me pleadingly. I smiled and pressed my lips to hers, they tasted salty from her tear streaked face, I kissed her as if I could devour her soul, I wanted it all to myself, I didn't want to share it. I pulled out of the kiss and pressed my forehead to hers looking into her eyes.

  "I know you love me shortie, don't worry" I said honestly.

  She smiled sadly then looked at something over my shoulder, "Is that Scott?" she cried as she pushed herself out of my arms.

  "Yeah, he got shot" I said trying to stand in-between her and the two male shifters blocking her from view. She was still my mate at the end of the day and I didn't want them looking at her naked body if I could help it.

  "Is he gonna be ok?" she asked desperately crying again now.

  "Your Mom's looking at him shortie, let's go get some clothes and stuff for everyone and let them help him ok?" I asked pulling her away. She nodded and made her way to the stairs in the hallway her eyes not leaving Scott.

  I followed her upstairs to what I assume was Trey's bedroom, she went over to the dresser and started pulling out a pile of clothes and laid them on the bed. She pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers, nothing else would probably fit her. I pulled on a pair of his shorts and t-shirt grabbing extra stuff for Paul and Christian. We didn't speak, I had no idea what to say, she'd just seen me kill three people, maybe she thought I was some kind of monster now or something.

  I grabbed the stuff from the bed and went to the door waiting for her, she walked up to me and stopped. "I love you more than anything in the world Jayden" she whispered melting my heart, I brushed my hand over her face lightly.

  "I love you too shortie" I said honestly. "Come on, let's get these clothes downstairs and see if we can help" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her quickly down the stairs.

  Beth was still working on Scott, pressing on his chest trying to stop the bleeding, he was unconscious and so pale, it didn't look good. Maybe once the bullet was out, if we could wake him up enough to shift back he could start to heal. "Have you called the ambulance?" I asked throwing the clothes to Christian and Paul.

  "Yeah it'll be here any minute" Paul
said quietly, he looked so stressed, him and Scott were really close, this was probably killing him inside.

  "I'll go wait outside for it" I said needing a little fresh air, I grabbed Brook's hand not wanting any space between us, I couldn't let her out of my sight, not yet, not after that. I pulled her out of the front door with me and froze, standing there on the front lawn was about twenty five to thirty wolves from the Trident pack. Holy fuck this is bad. I yanked Brook behind me and prepared myself to shift.

  Chapter 24

  I took a couple of steps back forcing her against the wall keeping my body in front of hers, "Paul, Christian" I growled my eyes not leaving the wolf standing closest to the house, he was obviously in charge of this little posse. I heard them move up behind me one to either side, Brook wrapped her arms around my waist whimpering slightly. "We don't want any trouble, you WILL stand down" I growled using my full Alpha command, the guy at the front shifted back and looked at me his face stern.

  "Where is Alpha Newton?" he asked trying to look past us into the house. Oh shit here comes the fight, I just need to push Brook into the house then take as many as I can, Paul was an awesome fighter, as long as they didn't come at us more than two or three at a time each we should be ok.

  "Your Alpha is dead" I said unwrapping Brook's arms from my waist letting my wolf come to the surface ready.

  The guy looked at the wolf next to him who shifted back as well, "What do you mean dead? Who killed him? Where are our high rankers?" he asked looking a little nervous.


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