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Tamed by the Alien Overlords

Page 14

by Renee Bond

  So, lacking any better idea of what to do - or any idea of what to do, period - I simply ran.

  If I kept moving, that would make it harder for them to find me. Assuming they were looking for me. Which I had no way of knowing, since the hallways were deserted. Silent.

  There weren’t even any drones around!

  Were Domann ships so sophisticated that it just didn’t take much crew to fly them?

  Or… were there just so few Domann left in their species, that all they could spare for a warship of this size was a virtual skeleton crew?

  I decided the lack of drones meant it was probably the former.

  Hallway after hallway.

  Doors flew by me on either side. Dozens and dozens of them.

  Eventually, winded, I came to a stop in front of one of those doors. Began studying it, wondering if it might lead to another cell. If anyone I knew might be behind one of those doors.

  If that were the case, could I figure out a way to free other prisoners? That would at least increase the chances that some of us might get off this ship-

  “Going somewhere?”

  At the sound of the voice, I froze.

  Knowing, for an ironclad certainty, that my escape attempt was over.

  It took long moments to summon the courage to turn around.

  To face the owner of that voice.


  Chapter 23


  I approached Liza slowly, yet again. Captured human women were most often intimidated by their Domann captors. Which wasn’t unwise. I certainly held all of the power in the relationship I was trying to build with this woman. But, as I approached her in that empty hallway of the detention floor of my ship - the silly woman hadn’t even managed to get out of my ship’s prison - I could feel myself growing impatient.

  Her attitude should have been no surprise. Nor should the fact that she had tried to escape.

  Still. I’d been hoping for more… compliance, from her.

  Well. Bonds take time to form, and humans aren’t the quickest of learners. And I was plenty patient enough to tame this woman properly.

  Why should I feel impatient anyways? Our time together had been short. It was genuinely unreasonable of me to expect her - a hardened resistance fighter - to submit herself to me so soon.

  Nevertheless, a part of me I simply couldn’t ignore yearned for her to accept her place as mine. For her to open herself to me, completely.

  Sooner or later, it would happen.

  I would make it happen.

  Liza didn’t respond to my question. She simply turned to face me, her knees bent, her weight balanced on the balls of her feet. Either she was preparing to run, or to fight.

  Having known her all of two days, I felt more than certain that it was the latter.

  Sure enough, once I got to within two arm’s lengths of her, she attacked. She feigned a kick, then threw a series of punches low, aiming for my stomach and crotch.

  I stepped back, retreated in measured strides, staying just out of her reach. Letting her wear herself out a bit.

  Then I move forward, grabbing her wrists. She was strong. For a human. Which meant that she far from a match for me. I held her in place easily.

  Then she managed to surprise me.

  Her foot flashed upwards with impressive speed and amazing flexibility. Her heel actually caught me square in the throat! As I gasped in surprise, she managed to wrench herself out of my grip.

  “You’re not so fucking tough!” she growled, sinking into another fighting stance. “Touch me again and I’ll take your fucking head off!”

  I rubbed my throat. Her kick had actually hurt! It hadn’t come close to injuring me, of course. I was simply too big, and my body too infused with combat nanites, for that.

  Damn, but this woman was impressive!

  Despite feeling more attracted to her than ever, it became clear that this woman simply didn’t respect me, or my authority, nearly enough.

  I didn’t feel particularly angry at her. That would be like getting angry at a fly for biting.

  Nevertheless, I allowed my eyes to glare at her. My face to contort, as if in rage.

  Her eyes widened, betraying her fear.


  That was when I struck.

  I telegraphed my blow for long, obvious moments. Well. They seemed like long moments to my combat-enhanced mind. To her, my reaction would have seemed lightening-fast. Yet, I gave her plenty of time to dodge. When she finally started moving, I launched myself forward, putting the full weight of my strength into a punch that I aimed straight at where her head had just been.

  I missed, of course. I didn’t want to actually kill the woman. Which is what would have happened, had I punched her with my full strength.

  Instead, my fist crashed into the bulkhead right behind her. My hand made a truly impressive sound when it battered that hard metal, something between a deep thud and a loud ring. When it moved back from the wall, I noted that I’d made a sizeable dent in metal that had been made to withstand the rigors of space combat.

  Domann nanites were truly a powerful technology.

  In her haste to escape my attack, Liza landed on the deck. She looked up now, real fear starting to show on her face as she noticed the dent I’d made in the wall of my ship.

  I took a deep breath. As if regaining control of a terrible fury.

  “I… apologize, for losing my temper,” I said. “However, do know that I intend to punish you very harshly for striking me. In addition to the punishment you have earned for trying to escape.”

  It was well known that the most stubborn human women - those with the strongest wills, who were the most difficult to tame - had a healthy respect for power. In addition to gaining an additional measure of her respect, Liza Strong might think twice about trying to fight me if she thought she could cause me to lose control of my temper. Especially now that she understood that I had the ability to kill with a single blow.

  Of course, she was a human, and my prisoner. As such, she could never actually cause me to lose control of my emotions.

  Not in anger, anyway.

  She scrambled to her feet. Predictably, turned to run.

  With two quick strides, I caught up to her. Caught her by the shoulders. She tried to break free, but I spun her around. Wrapped my arms around her. Pulled her into my embrace.

  She writhed, thrashed, kicked, swore. A wild animal, cornered, striking out mindlessly in fear, or rage. Knowing her, probably both.

  I let her. She couldn't really have harmed me in any case, and her limbs were too close to me for her to generate any power with her strikes.

  Slowly, gently, I squeezed her tighter. For all intents and purposes, hugging her.

  Over long minutes, during which she lost her breath, regained it, and resumed her futile attempts to hurt me several times, the strength slowly drained out of her.

  Eventually, she simply stood, her body resisting me, trying to pull away, her arms hanging by her side, her legs still.

  “Be calm,” I said gently. “Though I will punish you, it is not to hurt you. It is to teach you to obey. You will endure pain, and yet, you are safe. I will train you. I will tame you. But I will also protect you. I will ensure that your needs are met, and that you are comfortable. Your days of resistance are over, Liza Strong. The sooner you accept that, the better.”

  Her resistance collapsed. Her muscles went loose. She sagged forward.

  I hugged her tighter.

  Then, to my surprise, she began to cry.

  It didn’t last long. A series of quiet, muffled sobs, lasting less than a minute.

  I didn’t like it. I did not like to think about this woman being in distress of any kind.

  But, it was necessary. It was a signal that she was coming to terms with the fact that she could not overpower me, escape me, or resist me.

  Through it, I held her tightly, yet gently. I stroked her long, soft hair.

  When it w
as over, I waited several minutes, then took her head in my hands. She did not resist as I tilted her face up towards mine.

  “I am going to take you back to your cell now,” I said, stroking her cheek gently with the side of one of my thumbs. “That is where I will deliver your punishment.”

  “Are you gonna spank me again?” she asked.

  “You will find out soon enough.”

  I moved her body away from mine.

  Then, to show her just who was in control, to make sure she realized the full extent of the power I had over her - and, honestly, just because I wanted to do it - I lifted her up and threw her body over my shoulder. She issued a surprised squawk, but otherwise said nothing. There she hung, her waist balanced on my shoulder, which was more than wide enough for her to rest there comfortably. Her hands grabbed for purchase on my back. Her legs wiggled back and forth. Not kicking. Probably just out of surprise and instinct.

  “I’ve got legs, you brute!” She hissed, that oh-so-familiar anger seeping back into her voice.

  “Yes,” I agreed, “and you might use them to run away. Or kick me again. Safer this way, don’t you think?”

  She said nothing for several moments.

  “You’re an asshole,” she whispered.

  I chuckled.

  “That is going to add to your punishment,” I informed her.

  She said nothing else.

  Until we reached her cell, and I carried her back into it.

  Chapter 24


  Damn him.

  In hindsight, it was obvious that I never would have gotten away.

  But I hadn’t expected Karkan to be the one to catch me.

  And certainly hadn’t expected the way he’d caught me.

  When I saw his temper flare, saw him punch a fucking dent into a fucking spaceship, I’d felt lucky that I hadn’t pissed him off too badly. That he’d regained his composure so quickly.

  And yet, that hadn’t really changed anything. I’d always known how strong the Domann were.

  But him holding me… telling me that I would be punished, but that I would be safe… him letting me struggle until I’d worn myself out, then holding me even tighter while I’d lost control, while I’d cried… that changed something in me.

  I don’t know what.

  But something was… different, somehow. Something about the way I thought about the Domann. Something about the way I thought about him. It was as though he’d stolen a big chunk of my anger at the Domann for what they’d done to my world. At him, for what he’d done to me and my comrades. It was as if his overpowering embrace had very subtly molded me into a different, less angry, less scared person.

  I fucking hated it. Nobody should be able to do that to me!

  But he had done it.

  He was still my captor. Still responsible for me being here, against my will.

  But damn. The fact that he wouldn’t let me go… the fact that he was determined to make me his… and the (mostly) patient strength with which he doing it… I’d never felt so unbelievably desired in my entire life.

  I’d realized something then, as he held me.

  I wasn’t going to be able to resist him forever.

  My body already wanted to surrender to his. Hell, my body had wanted his ever since I’d first laid eyes on that fucking exquisite alien body of his, so full of exotic muscle and power and authority and brute sexiness.

  But now… he was winning the rest of me over too. I could feel it. I hated him less and less with every interaction we had. I was even beginning to feel something towards him that felt dangerously close to sympathy. God forbid, even caring.

  And it seemed like he knew it.

  He really was taming me.

  And I couldn’t do a thing to stop it from happening.

  At least there hadn’t been anybody around to see him carrying me around like a fucking sack of potatoes.

  In no time at all, we were back in my cell.

  He lowered me gently to the floor.

  “Hands up.”

  He spoke forcefully. I thought about trying to ignore or resist-

  Suddenly, my hands obeyed him, rising over my head as if attached to invisible puppet strings!

  “What the fuck is this?” I demanded, my voice pitching high in fear.

  “Wrists together.”

  My hands obeyed, coming together so that my wrists touched. I tugged at them. They refused to budge. It was as if I was hanging by some invisible chain, my hands up above my head! I put my full weight on them.

  Whatever was holding me up held my weight easily.


  If I hadn’t been powerless with Karkan before, I sure as shit was now.

  “What are you going to do to me?” I asked, unable to stand the anxiety any longer.

  In response, he stepped close to me. Towered over me, all broad shoulders and insanely sculpted chest and big, deep alien eyes gazing down into mine.

  Then, very slowly, very deliberately, he began to take off his belt.

  It… fuck, it was sexy as hell.

  I shivered.

  Was he going to fuck me? Was this the moment I’d been dreading ever since the damn mate-sensor had turned green?

  “Now, my little human,” said Karkan, “I am going to show you that disobedience brings pain. The last time I spanked you, I believe you liked it. That is not what will happen this time. This time, there will be only pain. I am not angry with you. I desire for you to be happy in my care - but more than this, I demand your obedience. That is why I will use pain to teach you how to obey me.”

  I wanted to argue. I wanted to tell him to stuff his pain and his obedience up his fucking blue asshole.

  But when you’re tied up, helpless, staring punishment in its giant gorgeous eyes… it’s not as easy to actually say those things as it is to think them.

  He moved around back of me.

  Slowly, he undid my kilt. Let it fall to the floor.

  Leaving my ass naked and exposed.

  The shame flooded back into me.

  But… it was less, this time.

  Maybe that was because Karkan had seen my ass before. Had punished it before. Maybe part of me was just that little bit more used to it this time.

  Then I felt the smooth, heavy material of his wide belt touch my ass, square in the middle of it. It felt smoother than leather, but still soft to the touch.

  “After I am done,” Karkan said, his voice low, “I will give you the opportunity to explain why what you did was wrong. If I am satisfied, I will end your punishment. If not, we will begin again. Think hard, Liza Strong.”

  Fear spiked inside me, clutching my gut, my lungs, making my knees shake-


  Pain exploded across my naked ass! I yowled. I couldn’t help it! It was worse than the other times he’d spanked me… and far less sensual besides. For the briefest of seconds, I felt as though I missed the feeling of Karkan’s hand back there. It had still hurt last time, but at least I’d gotten to feel that strong hand igniting desire, and yes even pleasure, after every stroke.


  I managed to keep my teeth clenched shut. The second blow fell in the exact same spot as the first, magnifying the pain.




  I cried out again on the last blow, unable to keep silent any longer. The pain was almost unbearable! I wondered, briefly, if begging for him to stop would help.

  “Please stop!” I cried. Oh, shit. I guess I was begging, then. “Please! I won't disobey anymore! I’ll do whatever you say! Please stop!”

  I had never begged for anything in my life.

  It was… humbling. To say the least.

  But the belt stopped flashing across my bottom. Stopped its painful assault on my pride.

  “Please! Please!” I repeated, daring to hope that Karkan would be satisfied.

  Then I gasped, as Karkan’s hand very gently cupped my ass. Kept gasp
ing, as he rubbed my already-sore bottom, sensuously, here and there squeezing. I couldn’t tell if he was trying to comfort me, or just enjoy himself.

  Either way… his soft touch, his gentle massage, brought forth waves of pleasure that reverberated around my body.

  Processing that much pleasure forced me to breathe deeply. In short order, I was all but panting.

  I noticed that Karkan was doing the same. Almost as if he were feeling everything I was feeling right along with me.

  Then the desire hit me like a thunderstorm, threatening to tear my mind apart with its ferocity.

  I was standing next to the biggest, sexiest, most dominant male I’d ever known. He was all powerful.

  And he desired me.

  Enough to punish me. To tame me.

  Enough to turn pain into pleasure. Into raw, irresistible desire.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. Actually meaning it. “I won't run away again.” I wasn’t sure if I meant that. But it felt good to say.

  “Good,” he said. “I am pleased. Your punishment is over. You are a good girl.”

  At this, relief washed over me. I felt light-headed. Hell, I felt lucky to have gotten away with only five strokes!

  Then the lightness intensified. More. And more.

  And when I looked up, Karkan was standing in front of me, gazing down on me again.

  As if some switch deep within me had been flipped, I saw him in a whole new light.

  And I knew, in that instant, that he had indeed broken me.

  He was pure sex. Pure desire. Every fiber, every cell, every molecule in my body wanted him. Wanted to fuck him. To please him. Wanted his giant alien cock inside me. Wanted him to fuck me night and day, to hold me against his massive body. To never, ever let me go.

  How had he made me feel this way? How had a bit of pain changed me so completely, in just a few days time?

  Even as I wondered, I knew I didn’t give a fuck.

  It was almost hard to look at him, I wanted him so badly.

  He reached down. His left arm snaked around my waist. His right arm hooked around my back, his right hand holding my head at the base of my skull.

  His face, slowly, moved down to mine.


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