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Tamed by the Alien Overlords

Page 15

by Renee Bond

  When he kissed me, passionately, my whole world fell away, and there was only him. Only his lips. Only his massive arms around me.

  Only the massive bulge of his cock against the front of his kilt, which pressed in my pelvis with an insistent, intimidating force.

  Again and again he kissed me, and I returned his kisses fully and freely.

  Suddenly, my wrists were free!

  I didn’t think. I wrapped my arms around his neck. When he leaned back, his giant body lifted mine up off of the floor, so I wrapped my legs around his waist, gripping him to hold myself up.

  I just didn’t care anymore. About any of it. About the invasion. The resistance. The way Domann treated humanity. The way they took women as mates. Even about how Karkan had captured my comrades and me. I couldn’t care anymore. My desire was a burning need that had me completely under its spell.

  I don’t know how long we lasted like that. Kissing each other as if our lives depended on it. Him holding me, as if I were nothing at all. Me clinging to him like he was a raft in a storm.

  I wished he would take me right there on the cell floor. And in every other room of the whole ship too.

  Finally, at long last, I could feel him slowing down.

  Not wanting to disappoint him, I followed his lead.

  We stopped kissing. Our foreheads came together, rested against each other as we caught our breath, as he continued to hold me.

  “What have you done to me, little human?” He asked softly.

  “ME!?” I asked incredulously. “I’m making out with my sworn enemy-”

  I snapped my mouth shut, realizing that he hadn’t meant that quite as seriously as I’d just taken it. He chuckled, then pressed my head down onto his wide shoulder with one hand before resting his chin on my head. His other hand moved to my ass, easily supporting my entire weight.

  “You were supposed to be the one to break,” he said, almost wistfully. “Not me.”

  “It’s your own damn fault,” I said lightly.

  He laughed.

  “It certainly is!” he said.

  One of his hands traced gentle circles over my back. Then it was under my shirt, moving as though he was determined to explore every inch of me. My hands wandered over the ridges of muscle that comprised his upper back, his obliques, his neck, everywhere I could reach.

  “What the hell am I going to do with you?” he asked in a whisper.

  “When you figure it out, do let me know,” I whispered back.

  “If only you truly were my mate,” he said, in between planting soft kisses on the back of my neck. “Then I would know exactly what to do with a beautiful woman like you.”

  As far as innuendo went, that was pretty clear. A shiver crawled down my spine, deliciously slowly, just picturing what that might look like.

  I kissed his neck. The very top of his chest. Made my way around his collarbones.

  Sunk my teeth into his shoulder.

  It was every bit as tasty as I imagined it would be.

  He laughed, and playfully slapped my ass with one giant hand.

  I gasped.

  “Why does that feel so good when you do that?” I asked.

  “All women desire powerful mates,” he said. “When I spank you, I’m demonstrating my power. Not to mention that there are quite a few nerve endings-”

  It was my turn to laugh.

  “That wasn’t exactly a serious question,” I said.

  We looked at each other.

  Our lips met again. This time, I was the one who kissed him. Doing so was equal parts amazing and confusing

  Well… maybe not equal parts.

  More time passed. Wonderful minutes, the two of us becoming lost in feelings neither one of us could understand or control.

  “For all my efforts to tame you,” he finally said, a bit out of breath, “I fear that it is I who have fallen in love with you.”

  My heart skipped a whole group of beats when I heard that.

  And, despite what I might have wanted… despite what a good resistance soldier should have wanted… I realized that he wasn’t the only one.

  “Those efforts… worked,” I said simply. Sheepishly. Saying that out loud, I’d never feel more vulnerable, despite having just been tied up and spanked.

  He said nothing.

  So I took a chance.

  “Why do you wait for the woman who will bear your children?” I asked.

  It felt… wrong. Taboo. Fuck, I was very obviously steering our conversation in a very dangerous direction!

  A direction in which I wanted us to sprint, and never look back.

  “Because I desire the bond that I share with the mother of my children to be as strong as possible,” Karkan said, a deep resolution in his voice. “So I will wait. My first time having sex will be with her. Afterward, there will be others. For both she and I. But until then, I will wait for her. No matter how long it takes.”

  I hadn’t known the part about how Domann and their mates would be with others, as well as each other.

  That scared me.

  But it couldn’t stop me.

  Because I’d made up my mind.

  Or, maybe it’s more accurate to say that my mind had made up itself without me.

  I didn’t know why, or how.

  I just knew I wanted Karkan.

  That I needed him.

  And, while Karkan was determined to wait for his mate… I had a very good idea of precisely who that mate was going to turn out to be.

  I took a couple of deep breaths. Clung to his shoulders a bit tighter.

  Prepared... to bear my soul.

  To give myself to the Domann. To Karkan.

  Prepared... to tell Karkan a story. A story about a mate-sensor drone that my mother had brought into her lab, right before Karkan had raided my base.

  But, at the last second, my mouth hanging open, I froze.

  Could I really do it?

  If the Domann found out I could bear their children, that was one thing. I would have no choice but to become a Domann mate.

  But could I really tell them that I was probably genetically compatible… voluntarily?

  Could I really offer myself up to my sworn enemy? Not just me, but the most intimate, vulnerable, precious parts of me?

  Would doing so be a betrayal of the entire life I’d lived up until that point? A betrayal of the resistance?

  Of my entire species?

  An emotional conflict deeper than any I’d ever known threatened to swallow me whole.

  Should I tell Karkan that I was, in fact, in all likelihood, his mate?

  Or should I keep my mouth shut, hoping against hope he never finds out?

  My mind raced. Frantically. Painfully.

  But I never got to make a decision.

  Because, at that moment, my cell door slid open.

  Chapter 25


  My legs slid down from Karkan’s torso. At the same time, he lowered me to the floor.

  The two of us stared as Lenth and Sandora walked into my cell. Each of them wearing the strangest expression. It was almost as if they were both in a moderate daze.

  And… neither of them took their eyes off of me.

  Had something happened?

  “If you’ve come to watch our little human’s punishment,” Karkan said, “I’m afraid you’re too late. She took it very well. And she is sorely testing my resolve to reserve my first sexual encounter for our eventual mate.”

  “That… isn’t going to be an issue,” Sandora said, his voice strangely quiet. “Not anymore.”

  “We come bearing news,” said Lenth. As he spoke, it was as if he couldn’t keep a smile from stretching out across his face.

  It seemed like they were speaking to Karkan.

  But they were still staring at me.

  And just like that, I knew what was about to happen.

  I knew exactly what news they had brought.

  It felt as though I were shrinking by the
second. As if I would disappear into the floor at the feet of these huge, dominant alien soldiers. As if every ounce of control I’d ever had over my life had just evaporated forever.

  “Oh?” asked Karkan.

  Instinctively, I backed away.

  I wanted to flee.

  But I knew that I couldn’t.

  In short order, my back bumped against a wall.

  Lenth and Sandora continued towards me. Like moths to a flame.

  Karkan, his eyes narrowing, joined them.

  Soon they surrounded me. The wall at my back. A wall of alien muscle to the left, right and front.

  “This… is she,” Sandora breathed.

  “The one we have been waiting for,” Lenth said, his voice rising, verging on giddy.

  Karkan’s eyes shot wide.

  “The test?” he demanded.

  “Positive,” said Sandora.

  I shrunk even more. I was microscopic. A speck of dust, floating before three pillars of strength.

  Karkan’s mouth dropped open for a moment. Then his eyes, too, adopted that dreamy stare.

  As they locked firmly onto me.

  Slowly, he reached out to me.

  Took my arms in his big hands.

  Pulled me gently away from the wall.

  My heart hammered. I could barely breathe.

  There was nothing, now, between me and these alien warriors. Nothing to stop them from taking me, over and over. What’s more… was that they were now duty bound to do exactly that. To… to mate with me. As often as they possibly could.

  I swallowed.

  Tried to remind myself of how I’d been feeling just a minute ago. Of the burning need, the overwhelming desire, for Karkan to take me.

  But… this was different.

  It wasn’t my choice anymore.

  Hell, it wasn’t their choice anymore either. The Domann species needed babies.

  There was only one way for that to happen.

  I realized that I was trembling.

  Two big hands - one of Sandora’s, and one of Lenth’s - slid onto my back. Not pushing, or massaging. Just… lightly touching. Letting me know that they were there.

  A third hand, Karkan’s, gripped me gently by my right hip. Pulled, but so lightly that I didn’t really move. Letting me know that I was wanted.

  A fourth hand, again Karkan’s, slipped a finger under my chin.

  Gently raised my head.

  My eyes met theirs.

  I saw hunger. A deep need, one that had been building all their lives. They had never had sex, after all. And now they were face to face with the woman they had been saving themselves for.

  I saw… hesitation. They were holding themselves back.

  I saw concern. For me.

  And… I saw something that took me a minute to place. But when I did, the surprise I felt was near to absolute.

  It was reverence.

  They were looking at me with a measure of genuine reverence.

  I couldn’t understand that, at the time. Through all my own emotions, my fear, my uncertainty, I couldn’t piece together why they would look at me that way.

  “We have been waiting for you,” whispered Karkan.

  “We’re glad to meet you, at long last,” said Sandora.

  “We’re glad that it turned out to be you,” said Lenth, before giving me a big, cheesy wink.

  I snorted. I don’t know why, but that wink struck me as wildly funny.

  Karkan’s armed wrapped me up. Pulled me close.

  I didn’t have time to resist.

  Then I was in his embrace, and it felt so good I couldn’t have resisted it if I’d wanted to.

  Sandora’s had squeezed my neck. Relaxation shot down my spine, invaded my skull. Lenth stroked my hair.

  I took a deep, long, shuddering breath.

  Pressed my face into Karkan’s torso, just above his steel abs.

  I was a soldier. I was as tough as they came.

  But just then, I needed to know that I would be ok.

  My… my damn owners… just held me, for a time. I don’t know how long. It felt like a long time, but also a very brief time.

  Adrenaline is funny like that.

  Finally, Karkan spoke.

  “You, Liza Strong, are not only precious to our entire species,” he said. “You are also precious to us.”

  “You are now the single most important thing in our lives,” Sandora said.

  “We will protect you with our lives,” said Lenth.

  “We are family now,” said Karkan.

  “And we’re going to make you come more than any human woman ever has,” Lenth finished with a big grin.

  Wow. Just… wow.

  I felt warmer, more special, than I ever had.

  And when Lenth said that last thing… that warmth started to turn into a deep, insatiable heat.

  Karkan’s hands pried me away from his torso - but only a few inches. There they held me, gripping me firmly by my ribcage.

  I looked up at him.

  He looked down at me.

  “We have waited long enough,” he said with a gentle smile. “We are going to take you to our bed, now. And there, we will mate.”

  My mind expected fear, when he said that.

  But the fear never came.

  Instead, I felt… resignation.


  And, with it… a budding curiosity.

  Just a short time ago, I’d been virtually in heat over the thought of fucking Karkan.

  And now, that was going to happen.

  But... not just that.

  I was going to be fucking Sandora and Lenth too.

  I didn’t know quite how to feel about that.

  I’d been with more than three men in my life. But never on the same day - and certainly not all at once!

  I was more attracted to Karkan then either of his honor guard.

  And yet.

  Sandora was cool, collected, speaking in even, composed sentences that spoke to a depthless intelligence.

  Lenth was a bit more… emotional. More open. Not the type to let pretense get in the way of anything.

  Both had earned my respect. Lenth was a brilliant warrior, and could make magic with those hands of his. Sandora had healed me of a life-threatening injury in just minutes, and spoke to me in a way that made me want to talk with him for hours.

  Sandora was thin. Graceful. Almost delicate-looking, next to his Domann counterparts. He oozed sophistication and intellect, and felt less physically threatening than either Lenth or Karkan.

  Lenth was the exact opposite of “less physically threatening.” Yet, though I was genuinely intimidated by him, I was confident that I didn’t need to be afraid of him. The way he spoke, and carried himself, made me think he’d be a lot of fun to get drunk with. And his ridiculously muscled body made me think he’d be a lot of fun to fool around with.

  The fact was that I was attracted to all three of them. Quite strongly.

  They were each different. Karkan, the consummate commander, an authority figure at all times. Sandora, the deep thinker. Lenth, the fierce fighter with a big heart.

  Was it actually possible that I didn’t need to be afraid of what was to come?

  Was it possible that, even though I was now truly owned, forever, by three alien overlords… I might actually be… ok?

  More than that… might I actually be… happy?

  I’d not met a lot of Domann. In fact, I’d met exactly three.

  But the three I’d met hadn’t turned out to be nearly as evil as I’d always thought they’d be.

  In fact, they were almost unbearably sexy.

  “I don’t have much of a choice, do I?” I asked, managing to twist my mouth into the hint of a smile.

  “You do not have any choice whatsoever, little human,” said Karkan affectionately.

  “But that doesn’t mean that you won't love it,” said Sandora.

  “Because we’re going to make damn sure that you d
o,” finished Lenth.

  I closed my eyes.

  Took a deep breath.

  Felt Karkan’s hand take hold of my hair, at the base of my skull. That place that told me that I was going exactly where he wanted me to.

  “Now,” he said. “March.”

  Chapter 26


  Our journey through the ship was uneventful. Plain hallways, two different elevators, a handful of drones zipping by.

  None of us spoke.

  I tried to think as little as possible.

  There was no point in thinking. Not anymore. Not until I found out what this was going to be like.

  After just a few minutes, we emerged into a very large room.

  “Here we are,” said Karkan. “This is the personal living area we share.”

  Looking around, I was absolutely shocked by what I saw.

  The level of luxury was… palatial. The floor looked like some kind of golden marble, and was masterfully etched with intricate patterns and designs. The ceiling was a dome, high overhead - but, as I watched, it disappeared, replaced by a view of the night sky, as if the room were outside the ship. The walls were hung with exquisite tapestries bearing scenes of military conquest and landscapes from an alien world that I could only assume was Doman, the homeworld that the Domann had abandoned when they’d come to Earth. In several corners of the room stood plush couches or deep, richly upholstered chairs, a few expansive desks, and ornate light fixtures.

  It was an almost perfect contrast to the rest of the ship, so stark, so plain, so brutally functional.

  “Do all Domann live like this?” I asked, unable to help myself.

  “The captains of our warships do,” said Karkan. “As do their honor guards. But much of the rest of our military lives somewhat more plainly.”

  “The perks of rank,” said Lenth.

  “Domann mates live even better than this,” said Sandora. “As will you, soon. Once you are presented before the sitting council and officially recognized as our mate, your personal orbital palace will be commissioned. It will take a few months to construct, but eventually you will live with your peers, among the stars.”

  My own… orbital palace.

  Gotta be honest. I did not hate the sound of that.

  I didn’t bother asking why Domann mates got their own palaces. It was quite well known that it was to show human women who might be hiding that sacrificing one’s freedom to become a Domann mate had rather significant rewards.


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