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Tamed by the Alien Overlords

Page 24

by Renee Bond

“We Domann are not so hesitant about enjoying the variety of the pleasure of the flesh as are you humans,” Sandora said. “And we are going to teach you to think just like we do!”

  Pleasure snaked up my pussy, right along with Lenth’s tongue.

  I moaned.

  Sandora’s cock pressing up against my lips brought my attention back to him in a hurry.

  He didn’t encourage me. He didn’t wait. He simply wound one hand around my hair, gripped my chin and neck gently with his other, and pushed his huge dick between my lips.


  Then, as Sandora began slowly working his cock back and forth in my mouth, I gazed up at him… and sighed contentedly.

  He had just saved my life, not even two hours ago. What better way was there to repay him, to show him my gratitude, than to give him the pleasure that he so richly deserved?

  More than that… fuck, it just felt dirty.

  Deliciously dirty.

  The feeling of being not just their mate, but their slut, their pleasure toy, opened a new well of sexual desire that I didn’t even know existed in me.

  I embraced it without hesitation.

  I sucked Sandora’s cock as well as I could, taking it as deep down my throat as I could. It felt amazing to have that cock inside me. Not pleasurable, exactly. Just… satisfying. Arousing.

  “That’s good, my beautiful mate,” Sandora cooed. “That’s wonderful.”

  Lenth’s tongue retreated from my pussy.

  “Since you obviously love our cocks so much,” he said, “it wouldn’t be right of me to keep mine all to myself!”

  “There is still plenty of room in this horny cock-slut!” Sandora declared, his rising voice growing sharper and sharper. “Pound our mate’s pussy while I fill her mouth!”

  So filthy.

  So incredible.

  I moaned just from hearing my mates demean me like that. I wanted to be their good little slut. I wanted them to fuck me hard, in every way possible!

  I would have said so, too. Only speaking wasn’t exactly easy at the moment.

  Lenth’s giant hands gripped my thighs. In moments, his giant cock was between my legs. Sliding back and forth across the outside of my pussy. Teasing me. Foreshadowing what was to come.

  I spread my legs wider. Wanting every glorious inch of him deep inside me.

  He didn’t disappoint.

  He penetrated me slowly. The man knew exactly what he was packing down there, and I could tell that he didn’t want to hurt me.

  It hurt anyways.

  I cried out around Sandora’s cock as Lenth drove his full length deeper into me than I would have thought possible.

  The pain, the pleasure, was unbearable. In a very, very good way.

  Then I could barely breathe again, as Lenth’s cock began rocking back and forth, every stroke rubbing past my g-spot, filling me to the brink with penis and pleasure. After a few strokes, one of his hands reached around to rub my clit.

  I almost passed out on the spot!

  I had never been more turned on. I had never had more cock in me.

  And still, somehow, I wanted more!

  I wanted to cry out. To let them hear the depth of my pleasure.

  Instead, I redoubled my efforts on Sandora’s cock.

  They fucked me forever. Or maybe it was only a few minutes. I kinda lost track of time.

  I came at least once more before both Sandora and Lenth came.

  But when they did, somehow timing their orgasms nearly perfectly, I couldn’t help but join in once again. The three of us orgasmed together, Sandora filling my mouth with his sweet seed, Lenth doing the same to my pussy. Without thinking, I swallowed. I wanted every inch of him. Every drop of him.

  They pulled out of me slowly, their hands already caressing my hips and face. Already, before they were even done, I could tell that their Domann sexual aggression had been spent.

  Sandora kissed my forehead, then leaned in to kiss my lips. Lenth, of course, planted a kiss on my ass.

  I soon found myself in Lenth’s arms once again. He carried me to the big bed. Laid me down, as gently as a lamb, in the middle of it. Karkan laid down beside me, pulling me close. Sandora took the other side, and Lenth spread his huge frame across the foot of the bed, clearly enjoying having the space all to himself.

  Before I could even think about how I felt, there were six strong alien hands on my body. Cupping. Massaging. Caressing.

  “After that,” Karkan whispered in my ear, “I’m tempted to tell you to run away all over again!”

  We all laughed together.

  “I’m sure this one will find a way to misbehave that doesn’t put her in mortal danger,” said Sandora. Lenth stayed quiet. But his amazingly strong hands had taken one of my feet, and was massaging it expertly. “As incredible as it is to punish and fuck such a beautiful, passionate woman, nothing is worth having her be in danger.”

  Karkan and Lenth both grunted in agreement.

  I closed my eyes. I now felt bad for having run away. I felt closer to Karkan, Lenth and Sandora than I ever had. I felt a warmth that could only be love, for each one of them.

  I had almost lost them.

  I’d had good reasons.

  But those reasons didn’t seem good enough. Not anymore.

  “I’m sorry-” I began.

  But Karkan put a finger to my lips.

  “The time for apologies has passed," he said firmly. “You have been punished. As such, you have been completely redeemed in our eyes. I will hear no more of such talk from you.”

  “Nor will I,” said Sandora gently.

  “Nor I,” said Lenth.

  A weight lifted off of my chest. One I hadn’t even been aware of.

  “Thank you,” I said, after a moment. “And thank you… for caring. About me. It’s been… a challenge. Adjusting to the three of you. But… you’ve all helped. And… I… I really do love you. All three of you.”

  Sandora, who was facing me as I lay on my side, smiled warmly, and took both of my hands into his, holding them tenderly. Karkan nibbled my ear. Lenth simply switched to my other foot.

  “We’re glad that you are accepting your new life,” Karkan whispered. “And we’re glad that we finally found you. You were well worth the wait, little human. And I, for one, love you too.”

  “He speaks for all of us,” said Lenth. Sandora nodded emphatically.

  “We will always care for you,” said Karkan. “Sometimes we will need to treat you firmly. You may even consider us harsh. But everything we do has the same goal: to protect and love you, as our treasured mate. We expect you to submit your will to that goal, just as we do. We will be the ones to lead our relationship - well, technically, I will, as the Captain of this ship. But we will always care about you, even more than we care for ourselves.”

  “You are precious,” said Sandora, “not just because of how we feel about you, but because of the gift you can give to our species. The gift of a new generation.”

  “We really would be lost without you,” said Lenth. “In quite a few different ways.”

  A single tear ran down my cheek.

  I’d never felt so loved. So valued. So desired.

  I was not going to run away again.

  There was nowhere else on Earth, in the whole galaxy, I would rather be.

  I was home.

  Chapter 40


  The last time I stood before the sitting council, it had been sparsely populated - less than thirty of the many hundreds of seats around the circular table had been filled.

  This time was very, very different.

  More than two hundred Domann elders filled out that same table now, and many hundreds more were watching this session remotely.

  Since recapturing our mate, I had written an official report of... the incident. Of how a woman who could bear Domann children had, somehow, escaped my custody. Of how she’d almost gotten herself killed in the process.

  Two days late
r, Liza, Lenth, Sandora and I were summoned before the sitting council.

  There would be explanations. Possibly punishments. Probably punishments. I only hoped that my guard and I weren’t found to be incapable of caring for Liza. If that happened… she may even be taken away from us.

  “They look… angry,” Liza, who was standing at my side, whispered. “Do they always look this angry?”

  The four of us were standing in the middle of the virtual space - Liza, lacking the necessary nanites, was here courtesy of a projection device she was wearing like a tiara, back in our personal quarters. The device let her project her consciousness to this place just as my nanites did for me.

  “Some of them,” I replied. “But it’s not so surprising. You running away - and me failing to stop you - was extremely serious.”

  As the Captain of the ship Liza escaped from, the responsibility for nearly losing a Domann mate - one of my race’s most precious resources - fell to me.

  I was not looking forward to trying to explain what had happened.

  Grand Admiral Ketoman sat in his familiar seat. If a circular table could have a head, he would have sat in it.

  Ketoman raised his arms. The quiet, angry murmerings coming from the rest of the table died down.

  Then Grand Admiral Ketoman, the closest thing the Domann have to a supreme ruler, glared straight at me.

  “Captain Karkan Mezzotha,” he said. “Explain to this council how a decorated, trusted leader like yourself could possibly have let an incident like this occur.”

  I took a deep, calming breath, drawing on my training to keep my emotions in check.

  “Esteemed council,” I said formally. “I accept full responsibility for this incident. The fault is mine. Our mate, Liza Strong, is a willful one. But that is no excuse.”

  Ketoman nodded. Few around the table looked swayed by my words.

  “The truth is,” I continued, “that we still have no idea how this actually happened. I left orders with our ship’s drones and AI’s that Liza was to be confined to our personal quarters. And yet, one of the drones we assigned to monitor her accepted her orders to let her out. Not only that, but this same drone also facilitated the escape of another prisoner, and the theft of a shuttle. These things should not be possible! Our drones are encoded in such a way as to ensure that they only obey orders from one with Domann DNA - which Liza Strong doesn’t, to my knowledge, have. Therefore, it should not have been possible for her to have done what she did. Surely, there is an explanation. But, we are currently at a loss as to what that might be.”

  The council murmured. Ketoman waited patiently, before raising his hands once again.

  “A mystery,” he said wryly. “Perhaps you might actually be able to answer another question, then. What is to stop something like this from happening again? I’m sure you know that the loss of even a single Domann mate is more than unacceptable. It would represent a tragedy for our entire species!”

  A loud, extended chorus of agreement followed this statement.

  When the noise died down, I spoke again.

  Or, at least, I was just about to.

  But Liza, our little spitfire, beat me to it.

  “I promise that I will never again try to escape my mates,” she said loudly. Her voice wavered - she was clearly intimated in front of so many of my race’s most powerful and respected figures, but she pushed on. “I have come to love my mates, and to accept my role as theirs. I used to fight alongside the resistance, so these feelings I now share with them were not easy to accept. But the three of them have… won me. They have showed me a love that I couldn’t imagine living without.”

  Not a single word followed.

  The entire council was stunned.

  Not by what she’d said. But by the fact that she’d spoken at all. Liza had not been addressed, after all. For her to interrupt both the grand admiral and I was a jarring, grievous, and probably unprecedented breach of decorum.

  “You must speak only if spoken to,” I informed her loudly. Then, more quietly, “though my guard and I do appreciate what you’ve said.”

  Liza gritted her teeth, but said nothing else. With very obvious effort.

  Which, in itself, was a minor victory.

  “As headstrong as your report details,” said Ketoman thoughtfully.

  “Her will makes no difference!” said a council member whose heavy insignia of rank indicated that he was an adjudicator.

  And… now that I looked at him closely… I recognized him.

  It was the very adjudicator who’d spoken so forcefully in favor of orbital bombardment the last time I stood before the council.

  “This woman simply cannot be trusted to obey her superiors,” the old, wrinkled man continued. “I am of the conclusion that she should be stripped from Captain Karkan and assigned to the breeding lottery immediately - and that she be supervised by living Domann guards every minute of every day from now on!”

  “No!” Liza shouted. “I won’t-”

  I put a hand on her shoulder.

  “Your outbursts are proving his point,” I whispered. “For love’s sake, still your tongue!”

  “She obviously doesn’t have the ability to accept her rightful duties as a Domann mate!” The old adjudicator stated haughtily. From the sounds of the conversations taking place around the council, he was far from the only one who thought so.

  Once again, Ketoman held up his hands.

  “Since it seems that nothing will stop the human from speaking,” he said, with the barest touch of amusement sparkling in his eye, “I will now address her directly. Tell us, Liza Strong, why was it that you sought to escape your mates in the first place?”

  Liza, ever bold, stared him in the eye.

  “I… was conflicted,” she said, “as I told you. I still am, to tell you the truth. I’ve fought you alien scum - um, the Domann - my whole life. Being captured was the most challenging thing I’ve ever been through. Parts were traumatizing. Other parts were… fuck, they were wonderful. And it was those other parts - my mates, Karkan, Sandora and Lenth - that have convinced me that my place is at their side. But, there was something else. There was one reason above all others that convinced me that I had to get back to the resistance. I learned that this council is considering wiping out whole cities in order to crush the human resistance. As a human, I had a duty to my species to get word of this threat to to my people!”

  At this, the council exploded. I genuinely couldn’t tell who was saying what to whom.

  “It is as I have said!” crowed the ancient Adjudicator. “All the recent trouble is because of this one woman!”

  Recent trouble… was a rather profound understatement.

  During the last twenty-four hours, seemingly every resistance cell on the planet had burst to life. Raids on Domann drones were happening constantly. Shootings, bombings or otherwise violent incidents had spiked by more than five hundred percent.

  The timing of such activity couldn’t be a coincidence.

  It had started less than a day after we’d let that human woman, Kara, escape. Had let her carry word of the threat of orbital bombardment back to her people.

  I’d hoped that humanity would finally see reason. That the resistance would finally realize that all their efforts would only get hundreds of millions of humans killed.

  But humanity ever found new ways to surprise me with the sheer depth of their resistance to reason and logic.

  “It’s not our fault!” Liza protested. “It’s yours! You all are the ones who are threatening to wipe out whole cities! Did you think the resistance would just fucking roll over? That we would give up and accept life under your fucking boot?”

  “That is precisely what we thought!” snapped the ancient Adjudicator. “Because it is the only course of action that makes any sense whatsoever!”

  Some among the council - other Adjudicators, mostly - were openly calling for orbital bombardment to commence.

  I could pick out very few
voices opposed to it.

  Ketoman, once again, held up his hands. When quiet was finally restored, he spoke.

  “I must confess that even those of us who are opposed to such harsh measures are becoming… impatient. Especially in the face of this new resistance activity!”

  This was not going the way I’d hoped.

  There had to be a way to prevent the council from making a decision that would result in the deaths of countless humans - and make an enemy of humanity for all time.

  “If you do this,” said Liza, “humanity will never, ever accept you. We will fight you until we’re extinct if we have to!”

  “We do not need humanity!” snapped the ancient Adjudicator. “We need only enough human women to repair the damage done to us by the genetic plague!”

  “The question,” said Grand Admiral Ketoman loudly, “isn’t whether or not we need humanity. It’s whether or not it is worth it to try to come to some form of understanding with humanity. I can see much to be gained from mutual, good faith cooperation. But those gains are becoming harder to visualize by the day.”

  I had not been addressed.

  But I could hold my tongue no longer.

  “What if we are simply approaching humanity the wrong way?” I asked loudly. “What if the human race would readily accept us, without any resistance at all, if we imposed fewer rules? If we imposed less of our authority upon them? What if all our efforts to stamp out the resistance have been not only a waste of time and effort, but completely counterproductive? What if the only reason there even is a resistance... is because we keep fighting them?”

  “Nonsense!” snarled the ancient adjudicator, amid yet more indignant murmuring at my interruption. “All species we have conquered have required a firm hand to rule them!”

  “Humanity is surely unlike any species we’ve yet encountered!” I shot back. “They are too different from one another for us to treat them like a collective, and their urge for freedom is coded into their very DNA. What if our past, our history as conquerors, is blinding us to the truth: that we don’t need to conquer humanity. That we would reap more benefits from a simple partnership than we ever could by ruling them.”

  “Even a recognized human sympathizer like me,” said Ketoman with a frown, “can easily see that what you’ve just said is nonsense, Karkan. Humanity is a terribly immature species. They surely need boundaries. Rules. Structure. The question is if that structure is best provided by peacekeeper drones or orbital cannons.”


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