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Tamed by the Alien Overlords

Page 25

by Renee Bond

  “Please don’t do this!” Liza shouted. “On behalf of humanity, I’m begging you not to commit genocide against my people!”

  “The vote on whether or not to engage in orbital bombardment against the human resistance,” said Grand Admiral Ketoman, “is scheduled to be conducted in three days. But before then, I have decided to give humanity one last chance to show me that it is worthy of Domann mercy.”

  “What could possibly be done in such a short time?” I asked. “What do you expect might change the situation we find ourselves in?”

  “A question that brings us neatly back to you four,” responded Ketoman. “It has been decided that we will hold one final spectacle. One final public breeding, between a human woman and her mates.”

  Sudden realization hit me like a comet crashing to Earth.

  “We will show humanity, one last time,” Ketoman continued, “that the union of human and Domann can and should be a beautiful thing - if only they would let it.”

  “Wait,” said Liza, her brow furrowing as she came to the conclusion I had just arrived at. “You can’t mean-”

  “You, Karkan,” said my most senior of commanding officers, “and your honor guard, will mate with your woman, Liza Strong, in a public spectacle that we will broadcast to the world.”

  Suddenly, it was as if I was looking at Ketoman through a long tunnel.

  A… spectacle. That I was to be a part of.

  Never in my wildest imagination had I ever considered that I would participate in such an event.

  I was dumbfounded. I had no idea what to think.

  Then a slow, burning anger began to build inside me.

  I had no objections to participating in such an event myself. It would probably be the first time that an officer of my rank had done so. But, there could be no shame in it, since it was in answer to an order from the sitting council. Indeed, carrying out such an order could only be considered honorable.

  But for my mate to be thrust onto such a stage was another matter entirely.

  “My mate… she is almost completely untrained!” I protested. “She cannot possibly be ready for such-”

  “Your report, Captain,” said Ketoman, forcefully cutting me off, “detailed the escape of a human prisoner. A one Kara Melborn. It was surely she who carried word of our plans for orbital bombardment to the resistance, thereby igniting the violence we are still witnessing. Yet, Kara received that information from your mate, Liza Strong. Therefore, it is the determination of this council that Liza Strong herself will be the woman to quiet this renewed uprising. If the resistance sees Liza Strong, the very woman who inspired humanity to new levels of violence and idiocy, publically and enthusiastically embracing her Domann mates in a public spectacle, then they will have no choice but to rethink their resistance to our rule!”

  I… found that I couldn’t argue with the grand admiral’s logic.

  Liza, however, could.

  “I won’t do it,” she said definitely. “I have no interest in fucking in front of the entire human race! That’s just not how most of us humans operate!”

  “If you do not comply with this order,” said the grand admiral, “then we will have no choice but to proceed with orbital bombardment. One way or another, humanity will recognize we Domann as the true rulers of this planet.”

  That is when the true magnitude of the council’s ruling sank into my mate. My heart ached as I watched her face contort. In shock. In fear.

  In understanding.

  For long moments, she simply stared, dully, her eyes seeing nothing.

  I thought I could understand. Humanity had a deep aversion to public sex. And to sex with us Domann. And to group sex. For whatever reason, humanity clung to a nearly endless number of taboos, mores and unspoken rules, all of which governed the act of sex.

  For me, and my guard, this spectacle was something between a duty and a nearly unacomplisable mission. No public spectacle had yet convinced the resistance of anything, after all. I found myself hard-pressed to imagine that this one would be any different.

  But for my mate... this spectacle represented the destruction of her identity as a human.

  It also represented a mind-bending dilema.

  She could choose to bear her soul to her whole species, and probably be condemned for it by all of humanity.

  Or, she could stand back and watch as millions of humans perished.

  I felt the pressure of the council's decision as if it were a great weight upon my shoulders.

  I could only imagine how my mate must be feeling.

  I yearned to reach out to her. To comfort her. To tell her that this need not be the terrible ordeal she must view it as.

  But such things wouldn’t have been appropriate in front of the sitting council. There would be a time and a place for comfort. But this was not it.

  “What say you now, Liza Strong?” asked the grand admiral. “Will you still refuse this one last chance to avoid the deaths of millions of humans?”

  Liza’s mouth opened.


  Her eyes cast about. Seeking… something.

  Finally, she spoke.

  “What if I hate every second of it?” she asked quietly. Her face was a mess of emotions - fear chief among them. “I’m no exibitionist! I… I don’t know if I can even do this, even if I wanted to! If I try, and the resistance sees me in even a hint of distress, then they’ll only see yet more oppression of a human by Domann! That would only inspire them to even more violence!”

  “In that case,” said the old Adjudicator smugly, “you had better learn very quickly how to embrace your duty!”

  She looked as if she were about to say something else.

  Then her shoulders slumped.

  “This is not right,” Lenth said. “Give us a few months to train her. We can show her how to enjoy this. How to accomplish this task properly.”

  “Better yet,” said Sandora, “realize that humanity is not a species that will respect us for mass murder. That they will react much differently to orbital bombardment than you imagine!”

  “Such matters are for the council to decide!” snapped the Adjudicator.

  “We have been more than patient with humanity,” said Ketoman sadly. “I wish we were not speaking of such measures. But, for the survival of the Domann, we must tame humanity. By any means necessary.”

  “This is an impossible task,” I said.

  “Nobody expects your performance to have any effect on the resistance,” said the Adjudicator snidely.

  I opened my mouth to protest further.

  But the Grand Admiral cut me off.

  “The council has other matters to discuss today, Captain,” he said. “You have heard our decision, and you have your assignment. Leave us now, and prepare as best you can. The spectacle will commence tomorrow.”

  With that, the four of us were cut off from the sitting council. In an eyeblink, we were back in the real world. Back in our personal quarters aboard my ship.

  Liza ripped off her projector device and, with a primal scream of frustration and futility, hurled it across the room.

  I sighed.

  “Normally you would be punished for that,” I said. “But under the circumstance, I am going to ignore it.”

  If she heard me, she didn’t show it.

  Instead, she simply sunk to her knees. Staring, sightlessly, at the floor.

  Lenth, Sandora and I all knelt down beside her, surrounding her on three sides.

  “The only thing to fear,” said Sandora, “is your fear itself. I believe a famous human once said something to this effect?”

  Liza shorted.

  “You make it sound so simple,” she said. “Like fucking in front of tens of millions of people is… easy. That the hard part is all in my head.”

  “That is exactly right,” I said.

  I reached out. Gathered her hair in my hand, wrapping it tightly around my fist. Taking control of her head.

  As gently as I
could, twisted her head towards me.

  The effect it had on her was immediate. She seemed to relax, ever so slightly. Her breathing seemed to deepen.

  “You have learned to embrace the pleasure that comes from losing control to one you are attracted to,” I said. “This spectacle will be no different, except by degree.”

  “I’m scared,” she said simply.

  “We will be with you,” said Lenth. “Before, during, and after. Even the eyes of every

  human on the planet won't change the fact that you are our mate. That we love you. That you belong to us.”

  “Think of it as the four of us sharing our love for each other with the world,” Sandora said.

  “Or, just don’t think at all,” I said. “Let us think. You just feel. Feel the love we have for you. And feel the pleasure we are going to provide to you.”

  Our mate… sighed.

  Another measure of tension left her.

  Lenth’s hands began kneading her shoulders. Sandora took one of her hands in his own.

  I leaned in and kissed her.

  It took a fair amount of time. But with careful, loving attention, my honor guard and I managed to take much of our mate’s angst. To soothe her. To comfort her.

  Before too long, she actually smiled.

  “I suppose… it’s not the end of the world,” she said.

  “Not at all,” I replied.

  “What if I get nervous?” she asked quietly. So quietly, my heart broke a little. “What if I can’t enjoy it enough to convince the resistance to try accepting Domann rule? What if-

  I kissed her again.

  “Stop thinking now,” I said. “That is an order. Furthermore, I promise that the three of us will visit such pleasure upon you, that you will be physically incapable of feeling anything else.”

  Lenth and Sandora voiced their agreement.

  The four of us were silent for long moments.

  Then Liza spoke.

  “I love you all,” she said quietly. “I really, truly do.”

  “If you think you love us now,” I said with a grin, “then you just wait until tomorrow, my precious little human.”

  That got a small laugh out of her.

  The four of us moved to our bed. But, for this one night at least, we did not have sex, choosing instead to save ourselves for the day to come.

  Chapter 41


  As I stepped out onto the field, the sound of tens of thousands of perfect strangers hit me like a slap to the face.

  The crowd, row after row after row after fucking row of them, weren’t even being particularly loud. But in the middle of so many of them, the sound was almost more than I could bear. How the holy hell had Basing Ball men been able to stand playing their sport under such pressure?

  I felt a reassuring hand on my shoulder.


  The kilt he wore for this most important of days was of a very fine silk, adorned with sparkling strings of brilliantly cut glass beads and enough gold trim that I wondered how the thing stayed on. Lenth and Sandora wore much the same. And, of course, nothing else. Karkan had shifted the pattern of his skin. Where before it had been a deep blue, now it was a swirl of blue and white that extended into his hair. Lenth and Sandora had also altered their appearances, both adopting more intricate skin designs. Lenth’s whole body now appeared to be a muscle-bound mass of flame. Sandora had adopted an almost hypnotizing pattern of countless different shades of white that left the eye wondering where to look.

  They were like works of art. More so than ever.

  I’d been given a shimmering gown of half-translucent silk, which clung to my breasts, hips, ass, even my stomach. Alien lingerie, essentially. But damn if I didn’t look fucking hot in it.

  The four of us walked from a long, sunken area at the edge of the field (called a “dug out,” apparently) and approached the massive circular platform in the center of the stadium.

  The crowd slowly caught sight of us. Their chatter fell away as they turned their attention to us. Camera drones swarmed ahead of us, above us, behind us.

  Being aware of just how much attention was on us, how many millions of people were watching… it was like walking underwater. And breathing underwater.

  I was still under orders not to think. About anything. My mates had reiterated that often this morning.

  I tried. I really did.

  But I couldn’t help but wonder if my mom was watching. If Kara was, or Damien, or Garth. Or what people would think of me, if they saw me after this. Would I be just another alien whore? Another prop, part of their propaganda? The people who welcomed Domann rule over the Earth, at least, probably wouldn’t hate me. Maybe. Though, few of them had ever had the experience of having sex on camera.

  Honestly, it felt as though I was leaving the human race. I was to become part of Domann society… but not really, since I was still human. Yet, no human would ever look at me the same way again. Not after today.

  I would exist somewhere between the two species. Not fully accepted by either.

  Fuck. At least I would have my mates.

  That thought alone brought comfort to me. No matter what happened, even if the Domann decided to commit genocide, at least I would still be with the ones I’d come to love. It helped a great deal that they each opposed the plan to crush the resistance with orbital bombardment.

  As if in a dream, we reached the platform. As instructed, I paused, then Karkan scooped me up and carried me up the short stairway.

  On the platform was a big, circular bed, very similar to the one on Karkan’s ship.

  There was no turning back. There was just too much on the line.

  I wondered, once again, if I should fake it. Really try to give a performance. Or, if it would be better to just do what came naturally. I had to convince the resistance that I was happy. That I was loved. That even an unequal Domann-human relationship really was something to be embraced.

  Because if I couldn’t look convincing enough... a lot of people were going to die.

  “We can still back out,” Karkan whispered into my ear. “Say the word, and I will take you out of here. This is a bad plan, and unlikely to work.”

  “I… we… have to try,” I responded, loving him for his offer.

  We’d discussed exactly what we would do over breakfast. Normally, I wouldn’t have been consulted. But my mates understood that this day wasn’t about us, and had asked me what I thought would convince the resistance that they were on the wrong path. I’d decided on a simple bed. No punishment. No domination. Even though I now knew just how much I would have loved that, it would send the wrong message. No, we needed to do something different. We needed this to look as gentle as possible.

  Karkan set me down on the edge of the bed.

  Lenth and Sandora stood to either side of it.

  Karkan turned, and addressed the audience. A nearby drone picked up his words, and

  broadcast them through the stadium's speaker system, loudly enough for the whole world to hear.

  “People of Earth,” he said, “we Domann are not your enemies. We intend to rule this

  planet - but we are not like the dictators of your species. We intend to bring order, justice, and peace to our new planet. We intend to bring love, passion and great pleasure to our new human mates! In order for us to survive, we must take human women. This is not something we can choose not to do. And we will not ask for what we need in order for our very race to survive. But, though we take those women who can bear our children, and will always do so, we also cherish our new mates, and teach them to embrace our way of life!”

  At this, he stepped back.

  And, as we’d discussed, I stepped forward.

  I felt self-conscious in my tiny slip of a dress. It felt as though everyone on the planet was ogling me.

  Maybe they were.

  But I had to do my part. Had to at least try to bring our species together. To save untold lives.

If you’d have told me, two weeks ago, that I’d be pleading with the resistance to lay down their arms… and that I’d then have sex with three Domann… I’d have laughed in your face.

  I cleared my throat.

  “My name… is Liza Strong,” I said, my voice cracking as every nerve ending in my body that was capable of feeling nervous fired simultaneously. “Not long ago, I was a hardened resistance fighter. I stand before you today a changed woman. I have known the love of three wonderful Domann men… and I am better for it.”

  I had more to say. A lot more, in fact.

  But at that exact instant, every light, every electronic display, every speaker in the stadium went dead.

  Chapter 42


  It was the middle of the day, in an open-air stadium. As such, it didn’t really get any darker. And, due to the size of the crowd, it didn’t really get any quieter either.

  But the atmosphere changed immediately.

  “What’s happening?” I asked Karkan.

  “I… don’t know,” he said.

  The crowd grew immediately restless. It wasn’t obvious that anything was wrong. But there was a certain disquiet. An ominous feeling.

  Then, just as suddenly, all the electronic displays turned back on.

  And a new voice sounded over the stadium’s speaker system.

  It was a voice I would know anywhere.

  The voice of the resistance General Ian Adama.

  “People of Earth!” General Adama’s voice cried, filled with a simmering fury and a depthless determination. “I hereby declare this farce to be over!”

  Drones began, one by one, to bob and weave erratically in the air. Then to drop to the ground!

  I was immediately surrounded by my mates. Karkan was ordering them to keep a careful watch, and to protect me at all costs.

  But I was focused on Adama.

  “For too long has humanity suffered under the heel of the Domann!” the general’s voice shouted.


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