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Tamed by the Alien Overlords

Page 26

by Renee Bond

  An air of panic stole over the crowd. Here and there, screams of terror, or anger, or something, could be heard over the growing commotion.

  Domann combat drones began to swarm the field, both the hulking, heavily armored ground units and lithe, nimble aerial units.

  But they, too, began to shut down, one by one dropping to the ground or rolling to a heavy stop.

  “The Domann think that their technology gives them the right to oppress us!” said Adama. “But we humans aren’t nearly so primitive as they think! Recent breakthroughs have allowed us to develop an Artificial Intelligence virus that can deactivate Domann technology! No longer must we run scared from the Domann war machine. Now, we will fight, and we will win!”

  It was as if I were standing outside my own body. Watching, as this scene unfolded.

  It was… miraculous. The secret weapon that the resistance had been working on, that weapon which General Adama had told me and a few select others about just before our base was raided… it must have been this virus! Finally, we had a way to fight back against the overwhelming superiority of Domann technology!

  The woman I used to be, the lifetime resistance fighter, would have celebrated this development.

  But the woman I was now was horrified to her core.

  This display could only convince the Domann military that orbital bombardment was the only way to subdue the human resistance! This resistance attack was sealing the fate of millions of lives!

  “No!” I screamed.

  But the sound didn’t travel much further than the edge of the platform.

  Everywhere I looked, humans were scrambling to escape what was beginning to feel very much like a field of battle. Chaos was breaking out everywhere, as people descended from fear to panic, and from panic into violence, lashing out at each other to try to be the first ones to escape.

  Movement at the edge of the field caught my eye. Resistance fighters were swarming the field!

  “We of the resistance will not stand by as a good woman, Liza Strong, is forcibly violated against her will. It is not right!”

  General Adama’s face appeared on many of the electronic displays around the field, his visage projected larger than life.

  And now he addressed me.

  “You don’t have to live your life as a slave, Liza!” General Adama said. “None of us do. We’re here to rescue you from your captors, and to kill any Domann who gets in our way! Now is your chance to escape!”

  That’s when the fighters swarming the field leveled their rifles and began firing.

  Karkan, Lenth and Sandora weren’t wearing their combat exoskeletons.

  As such, their combat abilities were greatly diminished.

  It didn’t seem to matter.

  Karkan scooped me into his arms, then jumped over the platform, landing on the ground on the other side of it, some forty feet away, taking both of us out of the line of fire.

  Sandora and Lenth launched themselves at the soldiers, bullets whizzing around them, arcing around them. Of course. Their nanites were still functional, and must have been generating some sort of protective field.

  “We will not let them take you from us!” Karkan snarled. “We will die before we let them touch you!”

  I hadn’t wanted to become a Domann spectacle. Hadn’t wanted to be fucked in front of the entire planet.

  But what was happening now was far, far worse!

  Not only was orbital bombardment all but assured, now my mates were in danger! The thought of losing them, just days after embracing them, was unbearable.

  It felt as though there was a vice on my chest, squeezing the life out of me.

  I had to do something. I had to!

  A pair of resistance fighters came around the platform. In an eyeblink, Karkan disarmed one, then knocked the other to the ground.

  I could no longer see Sandora or Lenth.

  Fuck. Fuck!

  It wasn’t supposed to happen this way!

  I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry.

  Then I noticed something. And that something gave me an idea.

  A Domann drone, lying in the grass some few feet away from me, came back to life. Bobbled into the air, unsteady.

  Maybe the virus only worked for a limited amount of time. Maybe some Domann AI’s could fight it off. I didn’t know.

  I just acted.

  “Patch me through to the stadium speaker system!” I ordered, looking straight at the drone.

  The lights on the front of it blinked briefly. Then it moved towards me.

  Hoping my mysterious ability to control Domann technology was still working, I drew in a deep breath and shouted as loudly as I could.


  My voice echoed through the stadium, drowning out the sounds of gunfire and panicked crowds.

  “This is wrong!” I continued, as I pulled myself back up onto the platform. “Please, everybody just stop fighting!”

  A few of the resistance fighters - the ones who were still on their feet - turned towards me.

  Karkan, Lenth and Sandora turned from their opponents. Each one shot towards the platform. Towards me. In seconds, they had taken up defensive positions around me.

  But I pushed past them.

  “They need to see me,” I said, facing away from the drone so that only my mates could hear.

  Karkan scowled. But, he also gave a curt nod.

  None of them looked like they liked it. They must have been fighting every instinct they had to let me walk out into the open, without placing themselves between me and any potential source of danger.

  “People of Earth,” I continued, once I was confident that I was visible enough. “Please listen to me! Yes, it’s true that I was taken by the Domann. That I was made their mate. But… I’m glad they did!”

  I paused for a few moments, trying to gather my thoughts.

  And in those moments, something profound happened.

  The crowds still fighting to get out of the stadium calmed down. Even the resistance fighters on the field lowered their weapons, many of them wearing expressions of shock. It was as if every one of them had been arrested by my words.

  “The Domann... they’re complicated,” I said, my voice echoing over the speaker system. “Yes, they are tyrants. They conquered our planet, and they rule human society, and they take our women for themselves. But they’re not bad people! They’re caring, gentle, loving, passionate. They truly care about making this world a better place, for both species! Before I was captured, I’d fought the Domann many times as part of the resistance. But now, after having been claimed by them, I no longer see the Domann as my enemies. The three Domann with me here today have taken me as their mate - and I embrace them with everything that I am! I submit myself to their care and protection, and will happily fulfill my duties as their mate!”

  A sort of awed silence filled the stadium.

  “Liza… you can’t mean that!”

  General Adama’s voice, still broadcasting over the speaker system, sounded… almost hurt. Betrayed. Beyond confused.

  “This is your chance to escape, Liza!” Adama insisted. “Whatever these alien bastards told you to say, you can leave them, here and now! We staged this attack to rescue you! Go with my fighters, and the Domann will never be able to touch you again!”

  A growl from behind me gave me pause.

  I turned around. All three of my mates looked ready to commit murder, as much as was necessary, to keep from ever losing me.

  “Please,” I said simply, holding up my hand in a plea for restraint.

  More scowls greeted it. But my mates stood where they were. Trusting me… at least, for now.

  I turned back to the nearest electronic display. Faced Adama’s giant face.

  “Thank you for your concern for me, General,” I said. “I know that you are only doing what you think is right. But I will never leave my mates. I love them. They love me. I belong with them, and they with me. Nothing will ever change that.”r />
  The general’s mouth worked soundlessly, his eyes filled with a deep surprise.

  Before he could cut me off, I continued.

  “When I was in the resistance,” I said, “I never let myself consider one crucial fact. And that was that the Domann deserve to rule this planet. Their technology is light-years ahead of ours. They have governed many dozens of worlds, whereas before they arrived, we couldn’t even govern one without an endless succession of wars and inequality that left half the world impoverished. Yes, they have taken our freedom from us. But they offer so much in return! We, as a species, need to give them a chance. We need to work to earn their trust, to live up to the role they see for our species. They may be tyrants, but from what I can see, they’re trying their best to be benevolent ones! It would be best for both species if we stopped fighting each other. And it would be best for me to stay with the three men I love. Karkan, Lenth and Sandora. They may order me around. They may punish me. But they do so because they love me. And honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

  The stadium was deadly quiet.

  Suddenly, Karkan was standing beside me.

  “None shall take my mate from me,” he growled in that deep, gravely, threatening voice the Domann did so well.

  I was about to try to get him to be quiet. To tell him that threats wouldn’t help.

  But he went on.

  “She is the most important thing in the universe to me,” he said solemnly, “far more important than my own life! I expect her to be obedient. That is her place. I also expect her to be happy, protected, and loved. And I will work every day to ensure that these things come to pass. This woman belongs to us!”

  That last came as a snarl. Even some of the resistance fighters still standing in the field flinched back a step.

  “He means that a lot more lovingly than it comes off,” I added hurriedly. “The Domann are nothing if not passionate!”

  Again, silence dominated the stadium.

  Then, to my utter shock, here and there, a few people began to clap.

  And slowly, that clapping grew into genuine applause.

  Soon the entire crowd - those that hadn’t already squeezed through the stadium’s exits - were cheering and applauding wildly.

  The resistance fighters all looked around at each other. Clearly confused.

  “I… I won't try to force you to come with us, Liza,” said General Adama, still clearly baffled. “If that’s your choice… then… I hope you don’t regret it one day.”

  “I’m sure I won’t,” I said. Karkan’s arm slid around my shoulder, hugging me to him tightly. Lenth and Sandora were not far away.

  I leaned into Karkan. Trying to show everyone that it was my choice.

  He kissed me. Roughly.


  Eventually, I realized I was kissing him back just as furiously, lost in him.

  After a few more moments, he stopped. Released me.

  I turned to Sandora. Who swept me up into his embrace, kissing me just as fiercely.

  Lenth was last, but certainly not least.

  When at last I caught my breath and looked around, I noticed that all the resistance fighters were gone. Without a mission to accomplish, they’d retreated from the field.

  The crowd was still on their feet. Still cheering, for all they were worth.

  “I think we gave them a pretty good show,” said Sandora wryly. “One that they’re not going to forget for a long, long time.”

  “We should get out of here,” Lenth said. “No telling what might happen next.”

  Karkan nodded.

  My mates ushered me off the field, back into the bowels of the stadium. The whole time, standing in a tight circle around me. Protecting me.

  Eventually, the drones came back online. Seconds later, we were surrounded by yet another layer of protection.

  We didn’t stick around. Even if I’d wanted to, I was informed - in no uncertain terms - that I was far too valuable to be allowed to stay in an area that had just witnessed a resistance incursion.

  We departed the stadium, our shuttle escorted by entire squadrons of combat droids, bound for the safety of Karkan’s ship.

  On the way back, we received some truly excellent and most welcome news. All around the world, the frequency of resistance attacks was dying down!

  We couldn’t know for certain what the future would bring.

  But, for now at least, it seemed that the story of a captured resistance fighter publically refusing to be rescued was causing the resistance to hesitate.

  I only hoped they would hesitate enough.

  Chapter 43


  “You, my precious little human, were magnificent.”

  Back on Karkan’s ship, back in our personal quarters, my mates wasted no time.

  Karkan scooped me up.

  Threw me over his massive shoulder.

  I had half an urge to protest. But, I was sort of getting used to this kind of thing. And, honestly, it was pretty fucking hot.

  Karkan brought me to his bed. Deposited me gently into it.

  That’s when I felt the first tendrils of desire snake through my veins as all three of my mates climbed onto the huge circular bed, coming at me from left, right and center.

  My heart started to pound. In a very, very good way.

  “Your words were more than eloquent,” said Sandora admiringly. “And your decision not to flee with the resistance was powerful. What happened today likely had a far bigger impact than our mating ever would have.”

  “Let’s see humanity try to ignore that,” said Lenth with a big grin.

  “I only said what I felt,” I said. “And… I could never leave the three of you.”

  “That’s right, little mate,” said Karkan. “You are not allowed to leave us. Or to even be

  apart from us.”

  A weird sort of relief was pouring through me. The feeling of safety, after having been in danger. A feeling of pride, that I’d done all I could to avert the loss of millions of lives. And an overpowering gladness that I was back with my mates - in private!

  I could almost feel the tension leaking out of all four of us.

  And all of a sudden, I realized that I wanted nothing more than for my mates to take me, hard and immediately.

  Thankfully, it looked like that’s exactly what was about to happen.

  Karkan wrapped his hands around my ankles as he loomed over me, spreading my legs

  wide so that he ended up kneeling right in between them. He then leaned down over me, his hands on the bed to either side of my shoulders, his flat stomach and naked chest hovering over my own body.

  I gasped softly at his sudden closeness. At yet another demonstration of his awesome physical strength.

  “I expected to get to mate with you today, little human,” he growled softly. “And just because your cleverness and grace under pressure has likely prevented the slaughter of millions doesn’t mean I’m not going to get exactly what I expect from you!”

  It was as if the force of his will, the sheer volume of his desire for me, were pressing down upon me like a physical weight. I could already feel my pussy clenching in anticipation, becoming wet as hell.

  “As if I could ever resist you!” I cooed, knowing exactly what he wanted to hear. Exactly what would turn him on.

  Exactly what would encourage him to take me.

  I was still worried about the future.

  But for now, at least, it felt wonderful to be able to forget the human race, and focus on just my mates.

  Sandora, laying down beside me, took hold of one of my arms. Lenth, on my other side, took the other.

  Karkan reached down and, very slowly, completely effortlessly, ripped the dress I was wearing in half.

  Leaving me fully exposed. Naked. Vulnerable - and unable to move.

  As if I wanted to go anywhere!

  Karkan and I stared into each other’s eyes as he lowered his body onto mine. It felt incre
dible. I wrapped my legs around him, just after he ripped off his kilt. His huge cock pressed against the outside of my naked pussy, a weighty omen of pleasure to come.

  But first, he kissed me, pressing my head into the bed so hard I couldn’t move. I wanted him to press even harder! My heart soared, so glad that I could be here, that I could feel these amazing things, that I had not one, but three powerful, dominant alien mates to pleasure, each of whom wanted to pleasure me in turn.

  All women should be so lucky.

  Four strong, smooth, soft hands traveled over my body, one each from Lenth and Sandora, and two from Karkan. They squeezed my breasts. Gripped my neck. Petted my hips, my ass, my stomach.

  Before long, I was gasping in heat.

  “Please take me!” I whispered loudly.

  “I will do so when it suits me, human,” Karkan said. “I will use every part of you as I please, and you will love every second of it!”

  “Yes, sir!” I said.

  All thought of the stadium was gone. All memory of the danger, both to us and to

  humanity, was gone. In its place was only relief and passion and insatiable lust. The four of us gave in, forgetting the world, forgetting everything but each other.

  Lenth and Sandora each took one of my knees, and pried my legs apart as wide as they would go. I’d never felt so vulnerable!

  But, even so, I knew I was safe. I knew it was ok for me to lose all control. For me to be powerless before my alien mates.

  That they would fuck me to orgasm after orgasm.

  Feeling those four alien hands wrapped around each of my limbs inspired such deep pleasure, such unbridled desire, that I couldn’t stop my pussy from clenching over and over and over again!

  Then Karkan’s huge dick was pressing into me, my pussy so slick that it didn’t even hurt when he thrust deep inside. He wasn’t gentle, this time. This time, he was only forceful. Only dominant.

  I nearly came from the very first stroke!

  He wrapped one hand up in my hair, arresting my head. Binding me tightly to him. To his will. Which, of course, made me hornier than ever.

  Then he was kissing, and thrusting, each action more passionate than the other, and I had no choice but to be swept away by the ferocity of his lovemaking. The pleasure he poured into me, electric, screaming, white-hot, was beyond anything I’d ever felt before.


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