Byron's War
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Lord Byron, Letters and Journals, ed. R. E. Prothero, 6 vols. (London: John Murray, 1898–1901)
E. J. Trelawny, Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron (Boston, MA: Ticknor and Fields, 1858)
E. J. Trelawny, Records of Shelley, Byron, and the Author, with an introduction by Anne Barton (New York: New York Review of Books, 2000) (first published 1878)
Shelley and Mary: Prepared for the Press by Lady Shelley, 4 vols. (privately printed, [1882])
Lord Byron, The Siege of Corinth
Leicester Stanhope, Greece in 1823 and 1824 (London: Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, 1825)
Teresa Guiccioli, Lord Byron's Life in Italy, translated by Michael Rees, ed. Peter Cochran (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2005)
Spyridon Trikoupis, Ιστορία της Ελληνικής Επαναστάσεως [History of the Greek Revolution], 4 vols. (London, 1853–7)
West. Rev.
John Bowring, Edward Blaquiere, and William Fletcher, ‘Lord Byron in Greece’, Westminster Review, 2 (July 1824), 225–62
1. St Clair, That Greece; Rosen, Bentham; Minta, Voiceless Shore; Roessel, Shadow; Trayiannoudi, ‘Byron in Greece’; Stock, Shelley–Byron Circle, 175–97; Cochran, Romantic Politics, 209–349.
2. Minta, ‘Mavrokordatos’; ‘Mesolongi’; ‘Consistency’.
3. BLJ III 179: B to Annabella Milbanke, 29 November 1813.
4. Anemon Productions, 1821; Diamandouros, Aπαρχές [Beginnings]; Gounaris, Βαλκάνια [Balkans]; Kremmydas, Τρικούπης [Trikoupis]; Papanikolaou, Καθημερινή ιστορία [Day-to-Day History]; Papargyriou, Από το Γένος [From Genos]; Pizanias, Greek Revolution; Rotzokos, Επανάσταση [Revolution]. For the conspiracy theory, see Simopoulos, Πώς είδαν οι ξένοι [How Foreigners Saw], III 35–201; Kakambouras, Η βρετανική πολιτική [British Policy].
Chapter 1
1. BLJ I 225: B to Hanson, 29 September 1809.
2. Fleming, Muslim Bonaparte. For Hobhouse's summing up, see Journey, I 109–24; Broughton, Travels, I 101–16.
3. Strathcarron, Joy, 81–95.
4. In public, Hobhouse put it down to ‘accident’ (Journey, I 1; Broughton, Travels, I 1).
5. Diary: 23 and 26 September 1809.
6. CHP II 385.
7. The exception was the theatre (‘amphitheatre’) of Dodona, not recognised as such by Hobhouse, and mentioned only once, in passing, by B (Diary: 28 October 1809; cf. Journey, I 63–5; Broughton, Travels, II 434; BLJ II 134: B to Valpy, 19 November 1811). On not finding any trace of Dodona, see CHP II 469–77 and Minta, Voiceless Shore, 81–3.
8. Diary: 5 October 1809; cf. Journey, I 52; Broughton, Travels, I 105.
9. Diary: 6 October 1809; cf. 27 October 1809; BLJ I 231 and editor's note.
10. Diary: 11 October 1809; cf. BCPW I 275–7: ‘Stanzas composed October 11th 1809’ and CHP II 424–50; BLJ I 227: B to Mrs Byron, 12 November 1809.
11. BLJ II 9–10: B to Hobhouse, 16 August 1810, from Tripolitsa; BLJ II 16: B to Hobhouse, 2 October 1810; cf. PC (Byron's Correspondence): The Marquis of Sligo to the Marchioness of Sligo, 3 August 1810.
12. Αρχείο Αλή πασά [Ali Pasha Archive], II 153 no. 543.
13. Diary: 26–31 October 1809; Journey, I 181–4; 548, 574; Broughton, Travels, I 152–4. On Psalidas, see Mackridge, Language, 145–50.
14. Diary: 31 October 1809; BCPW II 266.
15. Diary: 8–11 November 1809; cf. BLJ I 229: B to Hanson, 29 September 1809.
16. Diary: 13 September 1809 (Forresti told them the story); cf. Journey, I 172–5 (not in Broughton, Travels).
17. CHP II 595–603.
18. CHP II 613–701 and B's long note on l. 649.
19. Diary: 5, 8 November 1809, but on 18 November he refers to ‘a tangly dangerous Kleftical pass’. See also Journey, I 149–55, 195–7; Broughton, Travels, I 138–46, 166–7; cf. CHP II 615.
20. Diary: 14 November 1809.
21. For more information and translated examples, see Beaton, Folk Poetry, 102–11.
22. Politis, ‘Introduction’, 51 in Κλέφτικα [Kleftic Songs].
23. Diary: 5 December 1809; B in Finlay II 35 n.; cf. Journey, I 225–9; Broughton, Travels, I 188–92; cf. Gamba 146–7; Parry 178.
24. Journey, I 225–6; Broughton, Travels, I 189.
25. BCPW II 204–5, 208, 213; Diary: 6 December 1809; cf. Journey, I 571, 572; Broughton, Travels, I 506, 508; II 485–9; Kitromilides, Korais.
26. Hobhouse (Diary: 10 December 1809) transcribes the Greek text, which he reproduces with his own translation in Journey (I 586–7; Broughton, Travels, II 3; cf. on Rigas: Journey, I 570; Broughton, Travels, I 505). This is the earliest recorded version of the Greek text. For Byron's version, see BCPW I 330–2, 453. On the confusion with Rigas’ ‘Battle Hymn’, see Solomou, Greek Poetry, 187–92 and Daskalakis, Τραγούδια [Songs], 72–103.
27. Diary: 9 December 1809; cf. Journey, I 225–9; Broughton, Travels, I 188–92. For Hobhouse's fuller attempt at rationalisation, see Journey, I 584–607; Broughton, Travels, II 1–21.
28. Diary: 14–15 December 1809. The phrase and the description survive into Journey, I 241 and Broughton, Travels, I 198.
29. CHP I 612–16.
30. Diary: 18–23 December 1809; Journey, I 260–84; Broughton, Travels, I 215–36; cf. BLJ II 134: B to Valpy, 19 November 1811.
31. Diary: 29–31 December 1809; cf. Journey, I 286–94, 353–68; Broughton, Travels, I 241–51, 307–21.
32. Reproduced as the frontispiece in Spencer, Fair Greece.
33. St Clair, Lord Elgin; King, Elgin Marbles.
34. CHP II 82–126 and B's note on l. 101.
35. CHP II 82–4, 91–2 (quoted), and B's note on l. 84 (BCPW II 284). B was presumably with Hobhouse when he rode by these ruins on the afternoon of 28 December (Diary).
36. Moore I 25–6; cf. BLJ II 47: 22 May 1811.
37. BCMP 133 (written 1821); cf. Spencer, Fair Greece, 266.
38. Freud, ‘A Disturbance’.
39. CHP II 831–2, stanza added in Athens, early 1811.
40. Diary: 3 March 1810; BLJ II 46: B to Hobhouse, 15 May 1811.
41. Diary: 11 April, 20 March 1810.
42. BLJ I 235: B to Mrs Byron, 19 March 1810.
43. BLJ II 55: B to Hodgson, 29 June 1811; cf. Diary: 31 October 1809, 26 February 1810.
44. BLJ II 92: B to Dallas, 7 September 1811.
45. Diary: 13–14 March 1810; Journey, II 646–52; Broughton, Travels, II 55–9.
46. Journey, II 647–8; Diary: 14 March 1810 and editor's n. 41; CHP IV 1372–7.
47. Diary: 13 March 1810.
48. CHP II 797–800.
49. Hobhouse devotes proportionately the largest amount of space in his published accounts to these debates and the details of his investigations on the ground (Journey, II 689–798; Broughton, Travels, II 117–86).
50. Diary: 15 April 1810; BLJ I 236: B to Mrs Byron, 17 April 1810; cf. BLJ I 238: B to Drury, 3 May 1810.
51. Beppo 746–7; DJ IV 588–624; cf. Diary (PC: editor's n. 114 on entry for 15 April 1810).
52. Journey, II 807 (cf. Broughton, Travels, II 193–4) significantly amplifies Diary: 16 April 1810.
53. Diary: 26 April 1810.
54. BLJ I 237: B to Drury, 3 May 1810, and several letters following; Diary: 3 May 1810, Byron's addition dated 26 May, and editor's notes 172–4 (PC). Cf. Journey, II 808–9; Broughton, Travels, II 194–6.
55. Bride II 1–54.
56. Cf. BLJ II 245–6: B to Drury, 17 June 1810.
57. ‘Written after swimming from Sestos to Abydos, May 9th 1810’ (BCPW I 281–2).
58. CHP II 736–7; cf. DJ V and VI.
59. BLJ I 246: B to Drury, 17 June 1810.
60. BLJ I 248: B to Dallas, 23 June 1810.
61. Diary: 17 July 1810; BLJ XI 157: B to Scrope Davies, 31 July 1810; BLJ II 3: B to Mrs Byron, 20 July 1810.
62. This is probably the meaning of BLJ II 206–7: B to Charles Skinner Matthews, 22 June 1809, part-elucidated by being recalled at BLJ II 14: B to Hobhouse, 23 August 1810.
63. Diary: 6 October 1809; cf. 20 October 1809 and B's note to CHP II 649–92 (BCPW II 198).
64. Minta, who sees Byron as homosexually inexperienced in England, still has him promiscuous when on his own in Greece (Voiceless Shore, 77–80, 148–52). See also Crompton, Greek Love; Gross, Erotic Liberal; MacCarthy, Byron, 126–30 and passim; Douglass, ‘Biographers’, 22–3. The evidence from the primary sources is most fully assembled in Cochran, ‘Byron's Boyfriends’, 15–36. It is inconclusive.
65. BLJ II 6–7: B to Hobhouse, 29 July 1810; Marchand, Biography, I 251–2 and n. 8. The episode is differently understood by MacCarthy (Byron, 126–8).
66. See e.g. BLJ II 46: B to Hobhouse, 15 May 1811.
67. PC (Byron's Correspondence): Charles Skinner Matthews to B, 30 June 1809 and Cochran, ‘Byron's Boyfriends’, 35–6.
68. BLJ II 23: B to Hobhouse, 4 October 1810 (‘You know the monastery of Mendele [sic], it was there I made myself master of the first [pl & opt C]’); BLJ II 25, 29: B to Hanson, 4 and 11 November 1810, B to Hobhouse, 26 November 1810.
69. BLJ II 14–16: B to Hobhouse, 25 September 1810, continued 2 October; BLJ II 89: B to Hodgson, 3 September 1811; cf. BCPW II 193 (CHP II, ‘Notes’).
70. NLS MS 43427: Nicolo Giraud to B, 1 January 1815. This part of the letter is in Greek. Its opening, in English, is transcribed by Marchand (Biography, I 274 n.9).
71. CHP II, ‘Notes’, section II (BCPW II 202).
72. BLJ II 32, n. 1; Marchand, Biography, I 268, both citing CHP II, ‘Notes’ (BCPW II 206). Hobhouse, who is unlikely to have met Marmarotouris, but whose information will have derived from Byron, adds that he was a ‘merchant’ and credits him with an original Life of Alexander Suvorov, the victor over the Turks at Ismail in 1791, an event that many years later would form the subject-matter of DJ VIII (Journey, I 572; Broughton, Travels, I 507).
73. NLS MS 43551: Είδησις τυπογραφική [‘Typographical announcement’], 1 October 1799, Trieste, signed by Ioannis Marmarotouris, Dimitrios Venieris, Spyridon Prevetos. This document refers to a complete translation in twelve volumes. It is not clear what relation, if any, the project bears to the translation of vol. 4 of this work, by Georgios Vendotis and Rigas Velestinlis, that had already been published in Vienna in 1797.
74. Catalogue of the Gennadius Library, Athens: NH 375.61.
75. For an account of the missing material, see BCPW II 295 and PC (Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Cantos I and II), p. 10 and editor's n. 24.
76. BLJ II 22–3: B to Hobhouse, 4 October 1810; Solomou, Greek Poetry, 272–92.
77. The phonetic transcriptions of the Albanian songs in CHP II, ‘Notes’ (BCPW II 196–8), according to B, writing at the time, ‘are copied by one who speaks and understands the dialect perfectly, and who is a native of Athens’ – the same form of words as he uses elsewhere in the same set of texts to describe Marmarotouris.
78. NLS MS 43550, subfile 1, no. 59.
79. CHP II 693–728 (714, 721 quoted).
80. BCPW II 202: CHP II, ‘Notes’ II; cf. BCPW II 201.
81. BCPW II 203; cf. 202: ‘the real or supposed descendants…’.
82. Diary: 2 February 1810; cf. Journey, I 298; Broughton, Travels, I 249; BCPW II 200–1.
83. BLJ II 125: B to Hobhouse, 3 November 1811; cf. BLJ II 114–15: B to Hobhouse, 14 October 1811.
84. BLJ II 25–6: B to Hanson, B to Hobhouse, 11–12 November 1810.
85. BLJ II 40–1: B to Mrs Byron, 28 February 1811; cf. BLJ II 100: B to Dallas, 16 September 1811 and the epigraph of CHP I-II.
86. See e.g. BLJ II 238: B to Drury, 3 May 1810.
87. BLJ II 88, 95: B to Hodgson, 3 and 9 September 1811.
88. BLJ II 68: B to Scrope Davies, 7 August 1811; cf. BLJ II 67–71.
89. BLJ II 110: B to Hodgson, 10 October 1811; cf. B to Dallas, 11 October 1811.
90. CHP II 127–8.
91. CHP II 891–5. The added stanzas are nos. 9, 95, and 96.
92. See e.g. BCPW II 271; cf. Spencer, Fair Greece, 287–94.
93. CHP II 88.
94. For differing views on Byron's place within a modern understanding of Romanticism, see e.g. Berlin, Roots, 131–4; McGann, Romanticism, 236–55; Cochran, Romanticism. On Romanticism and war, see Fletcher, Romantics, 16.
Chapter 2
1. BCMP 20–43. See also Kelsall, Politics and ‘Politics’, 46–8; MacCarthy, Byron, 154–7.
2. BLJ III 217–18: ‘Journal’, 23–4 November 1813; cf. BLJ V 177: B to Moore, 28 February 1817 (‘literature…is nothing; and it may seem odd enough to say, I do not think it my vocation’).
3. BLJ III 242: ‘Journal’, 16 January 1814, glossed by Kelsall (‘Politics’, 50) as ‘political nihilism’.
4. BLJ XI 179: B to Hodgson, 8 December 1811; BLJ II 163: B to Hodgson, 16 February 1812; BLJ II 181: B to Clarke, 26 June 1812; BLJ II 190: B to Revd Walpole, September 1812; BLJ II 258: B to Lady Melbourne, 21 December 1812; BLJ III 35: B to Lord Holland, 3 April 1813.
5. BLJ IV 172: B to Moore, 15 September 1814; BLJ IV 269: B to Moore, 20 February 1815; BLJ V 48: B to Wilmot, 11 March 1816.
6. Gleckner, Ruins; Green, ‘“Lifeless thing”’; Leask, Romantic Writers, 13–67; Manning, Fictions; McGann, Beauty, 262–4; Rawes, Experimentation, 27–49; Watkins, Social Relations.
7. Thorslev, Hero.
8. Giaour 584–674; Bride II 350, 380–6, 426–33; Corsair passim.
9. See esp. Corsair III 521; Lara I 127–30.
10. Crompton, Greek Love, 210; Leask, Romantic Writers, 57–8.
11. Giaour 422–38 and BCPW III 418 (B's note and editor's comment).
12. Bride II 433–45, 597–620; Corsair III 678–96; Lara II 598–9.
13. Leask, Romantic Writers, 40.
14. Lara I 14; ‘Il Diavolo Inamorato’ 20 (BCPW III 14).
15. Bride II 100–1.
16. Lara II 259–63.
17. ‘The Monk of Athos’ (BCPW I 285–7) 12–18, 39; Rawes, Experimentation, 39–41; BCPW III 414, 480.
18. Giaour 1–6, 103–67; Siege 104–5, 345–78 and BCPW III 476–82; cf. Leask, Romantic Writers, 33; Bride II 350, 380–6.
19. Lara II 240–1, 252–3.
20. Giaour 6. On the chronology of the versions, see BCPW III 406–13.
21. Giaour 755–62.
22. Giaour, B's notes to ll. 755 and 781.
23. Diary: 28 December 1809.
24. Southey, Poetical Works, III 265–6, including a long extract translated from Tournefort, Relation d'un voyage du Levant (Paris, 1717).
25. Diary: 14 March 1810.
26. Giaour 1269–70, 1280, 1301.
27. Giaour 1018, 1286–95, 1315–18.
28. Giaour 1308.
29. Giaour 91–7; B's note to Giaour 781.
30. Giaour 100–1, 116–17.
31. Gleckner, Ruins, 105–6; Leask, Romantic Writers, 29.
32. Giaour 135, 1301.
33. Holmes, Shelley, 172, citing the testimony of Thomas Jefferson Hogg.
34. Polidori, Diary, 101.
35. On 1816, see Ellis, Geneva. On B and Shelley, see principally Robinson, Shelley and Byron, but also Blumberg, Byron and the Shelleys; Buxton, Byron and Shelley.
36. Häusermann, Genevese Background, 6 and plates 1–2.
37. Moore II 23–4 (information from Mary Shelley); cf. Seymour, Mary Shelley, 153.
38. PBSL II 34: Shelley to Mary, 23 August 1818; Ellis, Geneva, 44.
39. CHP III 860–77 and BCPW II 311: Byron's note to l. 860; cf. BCPW I 275–7; Frankenstein 65–6, 100.
40. BCMP 58–63, 329–35.
41. Polidori, Diary, 15: Polidori to Henry Colbu
rn, 2 April 1819; Polidori, Vampyre, 244.
42. Frankenstein 75, 78–9, 80. The phrase ‘lifeless thing’ comes directly from The Giaour (1280).
43. Frankenstein 78.