Byron's War
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44. Frankenstein 101.
45. Frankenstein 123, 169.
46. Seymour, Mary Shelley, 137–8.
47. BCPW II 201: CHP II, ‘Notes’.
48. Pollin, ‘Sources’, 102. For additional proof that Byron was aware of this version of the myth before 1816, see BCPW III 269 and 459 (supplementary lines to the Ode to Napoleon).
49. Pausanias, Description of Greece, 10.4.4.
50. CHP III 608–16; BLJ V 76: B to Hobhouse, 16 May 1816. The site of the battle of Chaeronea is mentioned explicitly in B's note to l. 270.
51. BLJ V 74 and 80: B to Hobhouse 1 May and 23 June 1816; Bulldog 228: Hobhouse to B, 9 July 1816.
52. Medwin 156; BCPW IV 457; cf. Duffy, Shelley, 150–7.
53. ‘Prometheus’ 45, 47 (BCPW IV 31–3).
54. Manfred I 1.153–4.
55. Manfred II 4.159; cf. II 2.79–83.
56. BLJ V 268: B to Murray, 12 October 1817; cf. An, ‘Manfred’.
57. See e.g. Mellor, Mary Shelley, 78–9; Thorslev, Hero, 114–15, 215.
58. CHP IV 1459–67.
59. Buxton, Byron and Shelley, 18; PBSL I 353–4.
60. For the chronology of the tour, see Shelley and his Circle, IV 692–701.
61. PBSL I 480–1, PBS to Peacock 12 July 1816.
62. PBSL I 491: PBS to Peacock, 17 July 1816.
63. Holmes, Shelley, citing Horace Smith, who first met Shelley in January 1817.
64. Holmes, Shelley, 26 and 431; cf. 182.
65. ‘A Discourse on the Manners of the Ancient Greeks Relative to the Subject of Love’, in Notopoulos, Platonism, 410; 411; cf. Crompton, Greek Love, 288–94.
66. DJ I 921–9, IX 601–2; cf. Crompton, Greek Love, 96–7; Gross, Erotic Liberal, 138–9. See also PBLS II 44 and Holmes, Shelley, 448.
67. CHP III 923–76 and BCPW II 298.
68. See especially CHP III 933–4, 941, 952, 959–61 (quoting the Pervigilium Veneris), 972 (presumably alluding to the tale of Venus and Psyche in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses).
69. CHP III 941, 954–8.
70. See e.g. BCPW II 300.
71. BCPW II 298; Marchand, Biography, II 633.
72. MWSJ I 122 and n.; Bieri, Shelley, 346.
73. BLJ V 107: B to Kinnaird, 29 September 1816.
74. Leigh Hunt in HVSV 336.
75. PBSL I 506–7: Shelley to B, 29 September 1816; cf. Robinson, Shelley and Byron, 110.
76. PBSL I 513: Shelley to B, 20 November 1816.
77. CHP III 1059–61, for date of writing, see BCPW II 298.
78. BLJ III 207: ‘Journal’, 16 November 1813 (cf. III 218); BLJ IV 74; cf. Keach, Arbitrary Power, 40–5, 166.
79. ‘A Defence of Poetry’ [1821] in Shelley, Prose, 297; cf. ‘A Philosophical View of Reform’ [1819–20] (ibid. 240).
80. CHP III 1065–6.
Chapter 3
1. Most fully recorded by Hobhouse (Diary: 11 October 1816–7 January 1817). See also Schmidt, Rhetoric; Stabler, ‘“Awake to Terror”’; Zuccato, ‘Fortunes’, 80–90.
2. BCPW IV 485.
3. Marchand, Biography, II 716, citing the diary of George Ticknor, 20 October 1817.
4. PBSL II 35–8: Shelley to Mary, 23 August 1818.
5. See e.g. Marchand, Biography, II 748–9; MacCarthy, Byron, 345; Hay, Young Romantics, 152–4.
6. PBSL II 41: Shelley to Peacock, 8 October 1818.
7. Robinson, Shelley and Byron, 92–4.
8. CHP IV 397–8, 964–5.
9. ‘Julian and Maddalo’, 182–7; cf. Foot, Politics, 231–3.
10. ‘Julian and Maddalo’, Preface (CPWPBS 189).
11. Duff, Romance; Duffy, Shelley; Keach, ‘Political Poet’; Stock, Shelley–Byron Circle, 99–147.
12. PBSL II 44: Shelley to B, 17 October 1818; Holmes, Shelley, 448.
13. Boyd, Don Juan; Randel, ‘Tradition’.
14. DJ II 1551–2. Note that by Canto IV Haidée has become only half-Greek, as she acquires a Moorish mother from Fez (DJ IV 431–56).
15. Origo, Attachment, 39–41; Marchand, Biography, II 773–8.
16. BLJ VI 168: B to Murray, 29 June 1819.
17. BLJ VI 189: B to Hobhouse, 30 July 1819; cf. DJ IV 825–8.
18. Origo, Attachment, 72–3 and 496 n. 18; BCPW IV 499–500. See also the first paragraph of the ‘Preface’.
19. BLJ VI 235: B to Murray, 29 October 1819.
20. Prophecy II 15–18; cf. Lara II 240–1.
21. Prophecy IV 91–2.
22. Prophecy II 134, 145.
23. Regularly cited is Purgatorio VI 76–127 (BCPW IV 503), but see also Inferno XXXIII 79–84 (an episode well known to Byron). Even earlier in his career, in De Vulgari Eloquentia, Dante ‘had seen that the unity of Italy was already a linguistic fact’ (Boyde, Dante, 100).
24. As long ago as 1926, Byron was said to be ‘one of those who did most to make nationalism the religion of the last [i.e., the nineteenth] century’ (Brinton, Political Ideas, 154), a sentiment echoed by St Clair (That Greece, 184), challenged by Rosen (Bentham, 301).
25. Prophecy IV 11–15.
26. BLJ VI 126: B to Murray, 15 May 1819.
27. Prophecy II 1–2.
28. Origo, Attachment, 114–20; Marchand, Biography, II 815–23.
29. BLJ VI 235: B to Murray, 29 October 1819.
30. DJ III 701–4.
31. Medwin 231, 233 and editor's n. 553; BCPW V 700, note to l. 689.
32. Cochran, Romantic Politics, 209–12; Edinburgh Review (October 1819), 263–93.
33. DJ III 762–4, 766–7.
34. Brewer, Flame, 42–3.
35. Cochran, Romantic Politics, 266–72.
36. DJ III 783.
37. BCPW V 700, editor's note to l. 649.
38. DJ III 714, 743–8.
39. DJ III 785–6.
40. DJ III 791.
41. DJ III 792–4.
42. Marchand, Biography, II 826–30; BLJ VI 240–6.
43. BLJ VII 125–6: B to Moore, 13 July 1820; Origo, Attachment, 186–90.
44. BLJ VII 146: B to Teresa, 29 July 1820; cf. Origo, Attachment, 199–200; MacCarthy, Byron, 382.
45. Origo, Attachment, 202.
46. BLJ VII 236: B to Kinnaird, 22 November 1820.
47. BLJ VI 210–11: B to Kinnaird, 19 August 1819; B to Hobhouse, 20 August 1819; BLJ VI 217: B to Kinnaird, 27 August 1819.
48. BLJ VII 44: B to Murray, 21 February 1820; Parry 204–6, 211–13.
49. BLJ VII 80–1: B to Hobhouse, 22 April 1820; cf. CHP III 770–96.
50. Begun on 4 April 1820, completed on 16 July (BCPW IV 521).
51. Marino Faliero I 2.316: ‘Could I free Venice, and avenge my wrongs…’.
52. Marino Faliero II 2.162, 174.
53. Marino Faliero III 2.513–15, 517–21; cf. Lara I 336.
54. Cf. BLJ VII 186–7: B to Teresa, 29 September 1820.
55. Kelsall, Politics, 91.
56. BLJ VII 77: B to Murray, 16 April 1820; cf. BLJ VII 137: B to Murray, 22 July 1820.
57. d’Amico, ‘Byron and Italy’.
58. See e.g. BLJ VII 112: B to Moore, 1 June 1820; BLJ VII 184: B to Murray, 28–9 September 1820; Origo, Attachment, 227.
59. BCPW VI 611, 613–14.
60. BLJ VIII 43–7: ‘Ravenna Journal’, 9, 15, 18 February 1821.
61. BLJ VIII 49: ‘Ravenna Journal’, 24 February 1821; Origo, Attachment, 250–1.
62. BLJ VIII 105: B to Moore, 28 April 1821.
63. St Clair, That Greece, 23–34, 51–77.
64. BLJ VIII 214: B to Moore, 19 September 1821; cf. Roessel, Shadow, 45.
65. BLJ VIII 11, 84, 118, 121, 124 (Galignani's Messenger); BLJ VIII 16, 116, 117, 123, 130 (Italian papers).
66. BLJ VIII 122, 135: B to Hobhouse, 20 May, and to Moore, 4 June 1821.
67. The only offence mentioned is having engineered his early return from his previous ‘exile’ in Crete (Foscari II 1.92–101); cf. Manning, Fictions, 136–7.
68. Foscari I 1.94–125
69. Explicitly juxtaposed, if ironically, in the words of Loredano (Foscari IV 1.265–9).
70. BCPW VI 633 and B's appendix.
71. Foscari I 1.128–30.
72. Foscari III 1.133–6; cf. 186–90, 273–7.
Chapter 4
1. MWSL I 166; Holmes, Shelley, 622–3; Seymour, Mary Shelley, 261.
2. Millingen 65–6, reproduced in CCJ 473–6.
3. Millingen's testimony is often overlooked or undervalued. Nicolson's wrong-headed caricature (Journey, 163–4) has proved influential; see e.g. Woodhouse, Philhellenes, 105, 111, 116, 125. Biographical information from NLS MS 43551: J. R. van Millingen, ‘Lord Byron and Dr Millingen’, unpublished typescript, March 1920.
4. PBSL II 276: Shelley to Peacock, 21 March 1821; Huscher, ‘Mavrocordato’, 32. For critical reassessment of Mavrokordatos’ life and career, see Loukos, ‘Οι «τύχες»’ [‘The “Fortunes”’] and Μαυροκορδάτος [Mavrokordatos]; Theodoridis, Μαυροκορδάτος [Mavrokordatos].
5. Panagiotopoulos, ‘Κάτι έγινε’ [‘Something Happened’]; Sideri, Έλληνες φοιτητές [Greek Students]. See also Panagiotopoulos, ‘Ιγνάτιος’ [‘Ignatios’].
6. Mavrocordato, ‘Coup d’il’, 3 (quoted), 44–52.
7. Medwin, Life, 262–4.
8. PBSL II 292: Shelley to Claire Clairmont, 14[?] May 1821.
9. Eight of the eighteen letters are transcribed, more or less fully, with errors and omissions, in S&M III 600–47. All citations in this chapter have been translated from the original MSS (Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford: MS Abinger c. 45, folios as specified (formerly Dep. c. 516/5)).
10. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 92: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, 31 May [1821].
11. PBSL II 297: Shelley to Claire Clairmont, 8 June 1821.
12. MWSJ I 350: 23 January 1821.
13. MWSL I 223: Mary Shelley to Maria Gisborne, 7 March 1822.
14. ‘Epipsychidion’ 513 and ‘Advertisement’ (cf. 422, 430, 507, 542).
15. ‘Epipsychidion’ 425–8.
16. MWSJ I 359: 1 April 1821.
17. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 82: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, 3 April [1821] (S&M III 600–2).
18. Robinson, ‘The Shelleys to Leigh Hunt’, 53–4.
19. Finlay I 181. For receipt of the news in Pisa, see IAM I 30 no. 15: unsigned letter of 26 March [/7 April] 1821, reporting the arrival of a ship from Patras with first news of the insurrection in the Morea; IAM I 37 no. 21: Praidis to Louriotis, 19 April 1821, confirming the Morea in a state of revolt; MWSJ I 363–4: 24 April 1821.
20. IAM I 32–3 no. 18: Mavrokordatos to [Praidis, Polychroniadis, et al.], 2 April 1821.
21. MWSL I 188: Mary Shelley to Maria Gisborne, 5 April 1821.
22. Robinson, who republished the texts, respectively in ‘The Shelleys to Leigh Hunt’ and ‘Shelley to the Editor’, interprets the role of the Shelleys differently, and has been followed by subsequent biographers.
23. Robinson, ‘Shelley to the Editor’, 56.
24. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 66: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, 11 May [1821] (S&M III 621–2).
25. Medwin, Life, 264.
26. Svolopoulos, ‘Η σύσταση’ [‘The Establishment’].
27. Finlay I 176–7; Philemon, Φιλική Εταιρία [Filiki Etairia], 363.
28. Philemon, Ελληνική Επανάστασις [Greek Revolution], IV 513: Mavrokordatos to D. Ypsilantis, 27 October [/8 November] 1821; Arch. Kound. I 44: Mavrokordatos to Lazaros and Georgios Koundouriotis, 12 [/24] December 1821.
29. PBSL II 278: Shelley to Claire Clairmont, 2 April 1821.
30. Μάντις εμ σθλν γώνων (Oedipus at Colonus 1078). Shelley seems never to have translated Sophocles’ words, which are rendered at second hand and sometimes quite wrongly in modern editions of his poems. My translation incorporates Shelley's own phrase from the third paragraph of the Preface to Hellas, which best conveys the sense of the Greek as Shelley understood it.
31. PBSL II 276–7: Shelley to Peacock, 21 March 1821 and PS by Mary, editor's note.
32. IAM I 32–3 no. 18: Mavrokordatos to [Praidis, Polychroniadis, et al.], 2 April 1821; also cited in Huscher, ‘Mavrocordato’, 30.
33. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 81: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, 3 April [1821] (S&M III 600–2).
34. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 88: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, 24 May [1821] (‘Please communicate everything to Mr Shelley with my compliments’) and fo. 68, undated [1–5 June] (‘you may be assured that everything will be communicated to everyone’).
35. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 73: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, date inferred from MWSJ I 360: Saturday, 7 April 1821 and editor's note; cf. Finlay I 156.
36. Finlay I 150, 156.
37. MWSJ I 364–5: 24 April 1821.
38. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 84: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, 14 May [1821].
39. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 65: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, 11 May [1821] (S&M III 621–2).
40. IAM I 32–3 no. 18: Mavrokordatos to [Praidis, et al.], 2 April 1821.
41. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 87: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, 21 May [1821] (S&M III 626–8).
42. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 88: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, 24 May [1821]; Gordon I 187.
43. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 90: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, 27 May [1821] (S&M III 629–30, part cited in Hay, Young Romantics, 202).
44. Sentence omitted in S&M III 630, but noted in MWSJ I 368, n. 4.
45. MWSJ I 365: 8 May 1821 and n. 2.
46. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 95: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, 13 June [1821]; MWSJ I 370: 15 June 1821.
47. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 67: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, [22 June 1821], date inferred from MWSJ I 371; Finlay I 162–4; Gordon I 118–21.
48. MWSJ I 371: 24–5 June 1821.
49. MWSL I 202–3: Mary Shelley to Maria Gisborne, 25 June 1821.
50. MS Abinger c. 45, fo. 97: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, 25 June 1821 (S&M III 647). This is the only letter in the whole sequence to include a full date.
51. MWSJ I 372: 26 June 1821; Protopsaltis, Μαυροκορδάτος [Mavrokordatos], 24–6; IAM I 44 no. 27: Louriotis to Praidis, 29 May 1821; Raybaud, Mémoires, I 268–70.
52. MS Abinger c. 50, fos. 1–2: Mavrocordato to Mary Shelley, 30 December [1839].
53. Panagiotopoulos, ‘Κάτι έγινε’ [‘Something Happened’], 180–1; Loukos, ‘Οι «τύχες»’ [‘The “Fortunes”’], 106 n. 37.
54. BLJ VIII 104, 163, 171: B to Shelley, 26 April, [30–1 July?], [5? August] 1821.
55. BLJ VIII 154–5: B to Duchess of Devonshire, 15 July 1821; BLJ VIII 157–8: B to Hoppner, 23 July 1821; Marchand, Biography, II 913–16.
56. BLJ VIII 158–60: B to Teresa, 26 July 1821; BLJ VIII 174–5: B to Pietro Gamba, 9 August 1821 (‘delle vere pazzie’); cf. Origo, Attachment, 261–72.
57. PBSL II 336: Shelley to Mary, 15 August 1821.
58. PBSL II 316: Shelley to Mary, 7 August 1821; BLJ VIII 170–1: B to Pietro Gamba, 5 August 1821 (‘un parente del [sic] Allegra’).
59. BCPW VI 643.
60. BLJ VI 82–4, 125–6: B to Murray, 24 November 1818 and 15 May 1819.
61. BCPW VI 646.
62. BLJ VI 82–4: B to Murray, 24 November 1818.
63. BLJ VII 79–80: B to Hoppner, 22 April 1820.
64. BLJ VIII 132: B to Kinnaird, 2 June 1821.
65. BCPW VI 646.
66. BCPW VI 651–2; Medwin, Life, 334–5; Robinson, Shelley and Byron, 196–8.
67. Cain I 1.213–16; cf. Shelley, ‘Julian and Maddalo’, 182–7.
68. Literary Gazette, 19 May 1821 (cited in Robinson, Shelley and Byron, 197).
69. BLJ V 160–3: B to Kinnaird, 20 January 1817; cf. Ellis, Geneva, 58–9 and 170 n. 19.
70. See MWSJ I 249 and nn. 249–50 and, among many others, Bieri, Shelley, 440–6. For ‘my Neapolitan charge’, see PBSL II 211: Shelley to John and Maria Gisborne,
[7? July 1820].