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Outlaw MC: The Complete Boxset

Page 25

by Ethan Egorov

  I finish up and plate the pancakes and bacon, I enjoy eating them together more than any other breakfast food and it’s nice to share that with someone, other than my kid brother who would just eat everything and not say thank you.

  “It smells really good. Just like a restaurant.” She pads back into the kitchen, smiling over the plates. I set out whip cream and syrup, watching her take a huge amount of both, which is nicely refreshing.

  “I have many talents. You want to eat outside?” I suggest.


  I lead her out to my back porch; with a yard I busy myself by caring about. At least the grass is green, and the grill stays covered from the weather. My lawn furniture is a nice two couches overlooking the yard.

  “You have a yard this nice and no dog?” She comments, sitting on the couch. She crosses her legs like a lap and sets her plate against it, going at her pancakes.

  I bite off a piece of bacon and smile.

  “I used to have a dog but he died.” I respond. She glances at me with a mouth full of food mid bite.

  “Oh. Sorry.”

  “It’s okay, it was a few years ago. But I thought about getting another one, I just go out of town a lot.” I explain.

  “For your job? Or do you have a real job? I don’t really know how the whole club thing works.”

  I finish chewing and think of how to answer that. I can’t exactly tell her that I go out of town to keep a leash on our rival clubs and stay the hard, calculated face of the Kinsmen MC. Because that wouldn’t go over very well. Especially if I had to add on the small addition of doing things, she would never be able to get past a judge, real things that won’t let me be released on bail. But mostly I just don’t want her to know those bad parts about me yet, the parts that I accept as part of my life and never questioned until meeting her.

  “Are you avoiding the question?” She covers her suspicion with a laugh and I just smirk at her. Partly because she is right and the rest because she has a bit of whip cream on her chin. I take care of that first.

  “I’m not.” I reach across and snatch it up with my thumb and suck it off as she watches me. I get closer to her, so her knee brushes my upper thigh and I smell her lilac scent in the whipping wind.

  “I have an unconventional job, Paige. You may think you want to know the specifics, but you don’t. I’m a part of a club that’s big on brotherhood, simple as that.”

  “Which requires you to travel for what? Conferences?” She laughs once.

  I shake my head at her and smile.

  “No. There are other clubs out there, we all get along.” That’s mostly true but right now there is one that isn’t in line with that.

  “Hm. That’s nice.” She says. Her plate is wiped clean and she sets it down on the table, then sips at her can of sparkling water. The air around us is so silent, I hear it fizzing in the can when I drink my own bottle of orange juice.

  “That guy at the bar is really your brother?” She asks after a moment.

  I chuckle and I come closer to her. She turns and puts her legs over my lap, I grab her thigh and smooth my hand over the skin. It’s warm from the sun, and I imagine what she might look like with a tan, but I like her skin like this. Something about the pale, creamy color is captivating, against my tanned and tattooed skin.

  “Yeah he is, my little brother.” I answer.

  “Must be nice. You two seem like you get along.”

  I look in her gray eyes and smile.


  “I’m an only child so I wouldn’t really know. Your parents from around here too?” Her brows upturn and mine go down. I don’t even know them, but they somehow still seem to irritate me anytime I think of them.

  “I have no idea; I’ve never met them. I ended up here after I finished high school and my brother came to live here about a year ago. That’s as far as my lineage goes.” I laugh at myself so it sounds less worse than it really is.

  Her expression goes drawn but not the sad, ‘I feel bad for you’ one.

  “Wow. I never would have guessed, you seem very… grown up.”

  I laugh aloud, “You make that sound like such a shock.” I move my plate over the table and face her. “You’re the grown up one, I assure you. I just fake it; I’d rather be an irresponsible kid with no consequences. Spencer was, until I reined him in.”

  “So you took your little brother under your wing just because you wanted to? That is a very grown up thing to do.” Her voice softens.

  I tilt my head at her and lean in.

  “I didn’t tell you that to score bonus points, I just had to do it.”

  “Okay fine. No bonus points.”

  I lean back and give her a look; she returns it with a funny one out of question.

  “Why can’t I take you out in public? I mean, you don’t know me, not really. So unless you think I’m still the guy you met in jail I don’t get it.”

  She sighs and shakes her head, licking her lips.

  “That’s not it. I don’t judge people, not at first anyway. I’m just new to town and not ready to jump into the dating scene right away.” She exhales.

  I tilt my head at her and make eye contact, finding her warm gray eyes to be more of a distraction, the way she looks at me.

  “I think that’s code for you had a really shitty ex, or a really shitty breakup. Or both.” I say. It’s the way her shoulders tighten and legs clench that make me know I am right.

  I mean I suspected it at first, that’s usually the case with people who aren’t from here. Small towns attract people who need to get away from big life problems, which she had. Knowing she came from corporate law, and is now a public defender, tells me just how bad it probably was because again, I watch a lot of tv.

  “Well, I guess it was both. And you are nothing like my ex, which doesn’t really help either.”

  “I see. I’m unfamiliar. Fair enough then. I get it.” I pull back, sighing. It’s not like I am prepared to show her my belly and wait to be stabbed, that’s not my style.

  I watch her chew on her bottom lip as she thinks and then turns to me.

  “Roland, I like you. And I know you aren’t a bad guy, but I have a feeling you probably do bad things. But I did just get here, I don’t want to complicate my life.” She explains.

  I nod once and smile at her. I’m not going to deny her that fact about me because it is true, and she is the one that said it and not me. But that just means I don’t have to. I’ve never killed anyone, maybe almost a few times but that was just to get my way. To assert my power. And it always worked.

  “Okay. No complications then. I keep making you food and we don’t go on dates.”

  “Well we an go out it just—it can’t be a date.” She stutters. I find it cute and reach out to kiss her, both for that reason and the fact that I’m glad she said that.

  If I get her out, I can woo her, probably let her see the good in my ways and not only the errors. She kisses me back, her lips soft and sweet on mine. I really feel like I have stepped out into the sun with her, and I don’t plan on going back so soon.



  I don’t even feel satiated the next time we have sex, and I know that’s already bad for me.

  If I let my vagina do all the thinking this will surely end badly, with me wanting him more than I should. More than I know I should. The fact that he wants me just as much comes as a shock, but a delightful one that has my body thrumming all the way to my toes and back again. It was never like this with my ex, always missionary with the lights off. But here I am in broad daylight, in bed with the hottest man I have ever met. I knew I was coming here to leave my old life behind but I didn’t think it would happen in just forty-eight hours.

  It’s why I want to keep him at a distance, so I don’t let all this new and fun stuff cloud my judgement. It happened before and clearly that didn’t go over very well. I just got here and don’t need to be run out of town by a mysterious, hot biker. Who
se body I am currently laying next to, trying to calm my breath and my thoughts.

  You want something to eat? I can whip something up.”

  My body tenses when he asks me that, and I try to play it off as just thinking about it.

  But I’m not thinking about it. I’m not doing anything other than wishing he hadn’t asked because my first inclination is to say yes.

  I feel the air go cold around me and reach for his blanket, which I think is funny that he has one. My breasts graze his arm momentarily and it sends a pang of excitement over me again. But I go back to where I am laying and turn to look at him.

  “What are you covering up for?” His chuckle is deep and thrums in his chest. He turns to look at me to and I find his eyes comforting. Being around him is oddly simple, as if we already know each other well. The way he leans across and lightly kisses my cheek is another thing, that’s so far from sexual it feels nothing but comforting.

  “It’s cold. And I thought we agreed on the eating together thing.” I answer him finally, pulling back to look at him. I prop my head on my hand and smile softly at him, it’s like my face is permanently upturned in a smile around him. I feel lighter, like I don’t have to worry about anything. Perhaps because he is so different.

  “I thought that was just out in public. I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I had you over, fucked you twice, and didn’t offer you anything to be hospitable.” His grin is palpable.

  “So I don’t have to say yes? And that sounds like prostitution if you ask me.” I giggle, half meaning that, but all the same.

  His eyes widen with a bit of shock and he tries to cover it up. Meanwhile, my eyes are constantly drifting to his flaccid cock laying against his thigh, as he is perfectly comfortable just being laid out like this.

  “I don’t see it that way. We can have a real conversation you know, I’m not just a sex god.” He says.

  I laugh fully at that and he chuckles softly. It’s funnier to me because it is actually true but that’s beside the point.

  “Okay, fine. I will take you up on that offer. Um, where’s your bathroom?” I clear my throat and sit up. I feel sticky and worked up, not so much that I feel dirty or something. But I do need to have a few human, private minutes.

  “Right through there.” He points to a closed door, the design matching the others. I realize it’s his master bedroom since everything is connected. I know it’s not ideal but it is nice to know he has his own house, that’s clean and respectable. Even the bathroom is clean, which I didn’t expect. I realize I am fully naked and avoid looking in the mirror until I am finished. He kindly only left hickeys where my clothes can cover them, specifically around my breasts. He worshipped my body and left proof, it’s…different.

  When I leave the bathroom, he is right there handing me one of his shirts to wear. I thank him and put it on, deftly watching his ass disappear in the bathroom. He has a nice ass, for a man I’d say. His tattoos are distracting and mesmerizing at the same time, like they all have a story. The shirt he gave me is a plain black tee that fits like a dress over my short frame. I take it upon myself to go into his kitchen, kind of snooping but not obviously. Past his living room, I notice some pictures of him with groups of guys, I guess the MC, and one other guy that I assume is his brother.

  I reach his kitchen, completely parched and looking for a drink. I smirk at his array of bottled beers, energy drinks, and sparkling water. I’m aware when he walks into the room, my toes tingling at simply being able to feel him, but I don’t turn just yet. I’m not used to being on display the way he makes me to be, but it’s in a way that I feel appreciated, and not like he is surveying me. It sets my skin on fire the same way that his touch can.

  “I’m enjoying this view, just so you know.” His deep voice fills the room soon enough.

  “You have sparkling water.” I smile to myself, grab the lemon flavored one and stand up.

  “Yeah, that a problem?” He chuckles and walks into the kitchen. I hop onto his cold counter and crack open the can, sipping at the fizzy drink. He smirks at me, his eyes roaming over my legs and where the shirt droops on my shoulder. I almost don’t want to give this back to him.

  “It’s just kind of dainty. I’m shocked that you, the bad boy biker, has something other than beer in his fridge.” I giggle and drink more. I probably should have gotten regular water since I am so thirsty. Jeez, and hungry, my stomach turns over and it’s not from how he is looking at me.

  He shrugs “Well isn’t that speculation to assume that about me?” The way he arches his brow is very distracting, makes his sexiness even more obvious. And he knows it too, the effect he can have on people. Well, women.

  “I suppose. That’s a good one.” I smile wide at him, but also asking myself how he suggested that so easily.

  “I watch a lot of tv. So, breakfast food okay with you? I have a mean pancake recipe.” He claps and rubs his hands together like accepting a challenge that makes me smile.


  He starts grabbing stuff from his cabinets and I find his exposed, rippling muscles to be too distracting. I need time to think, otherwise I will just submit to his absurd idea of wanting to date me.

  It would be easier if he gave off play boy vibes, if he just wanted sex. But no, he wants to cook for me and have meals together. Go on a date. It’s not that I don’t want to, he seems like a genuine guy, more than the corporate asses I am used to. But I don’t know how to go through that again, I wasn’t very good at it the last time. And maybe I am just thinking too far ahead, but that’s how I am, it got me through undergrad and law school and gave me a cushy job until I had to let it go. I can’t start another part of my life over, it’s too much stress.

  Sitting here on his couch though, watching the sitcom on tv, makes me feel like I know him already. Makes me want to know all the details too, but I just don’t know what that will cost me yet. If I want to find out.

  I wait until the smells of flour and sugar fill the air and walk into the kitchen again, realizing he made everything from scratch. Except the bacon of course.

  “It smells really good. Just like a restaurant.” I walk around the counter, seeing the plates of pancakes stacked and bacon on the side, plus whip cream which might be the key to my heart. It is barely morning time but I love having breakfast for other meal times, I’m glad he suggested it.

  Plus, he can cook, my friend would get a kick out of that.

  “I have many talents. You want to eat outside?” He suggests.

  “Sure.” I only think about it for a second and agree that sounds nice. Even though I hate eating outside, why would I share my food with a bunch of flies. But the weather is nice here, I want to feel the sun on my skin and it isn’t to get a tan.

  I follow him out there, watching his pert ass in those boxers drive me crazy. He has nice lawn furniture and a covered grill, it’s a good size even though the nearest house is at least a half mile away.

  “You have a yard this nice and no dog?” I say as I sit on the couch. I cross my legs and hope the cushion is safe, I mean I don’t have any bottoms on after all. But I was right about the sun, the way it floods through and onto us. I don’t tan, it must be something wrong with me but I have accepted that I’ll always be pale. His knee brushes mine, and his tanned skin is in such contrast to mine.

  He bites his bacon and gives a half smile.

  “I used to have a dog but he died.” He deadpans. I half choke on my pancake.

  “Oh. Sorry.” I fluster.

  “It’s okay, it was a few years ago. But I thought about getting another one, I just go out of town a lot.” He says, but it only makes me feel a bit better. I mean I hadn’t meant to be insensitive but I had a dog growing up, it’s sad when they pass.

  Especially since he seems to live a life of solitude.

  “For your job? Or do you have a real job? I don’t really know how the whole club thing works.” I half stutter over my words, not wanting to sound like I am prying.
  He keeps chewing and I know it is a dodge to what I asked.

  “Are you avoiding the question?” I half laugh. He smirks at me and I feel it in my bones when he does, that look he gives me.

  “I’m not.” He suddenly reaches out and slips something from my chin onto his thumb. I hadn’t noticed the extra whip cream there and almost want to be embarrassed but he just sucks it off his thumb, looking me in the eye, and I feel something else entirely.

  “I have an unconventional job, Paige. You may think you want to know the specifics, but you don’t. I’m a part of a club that’s big on brotherhood, simple as that.” He answers, and his voice doesn’t shift at all, so I know he isn’t trying to be funny or coy.

  “Which requires you to travel for what? Conferences?” I laugh once but don’t really find it funny since I really am in the dark.

  He shakes his head once and smiles.

  “No. There are other clubs out there, we all get along.”

  “Hm. That’s nice.” I respond. I finish my plate and set it down on the table, my leg brushes his and I shiver with it but not from the slight wind. I sip at the rest of my water, he drinks his juice, it’s all too easy to be around him.

  “That guy at the bar is really your brother?” I ask him after a while.

  His first response is to laugh and then he shifts closer to me. I turn and lay my legs over his lap, my calf against the tip of his cock, and he grasps my thigh with his hand. It’s calloused, warm, and large, completely debilitating.

  “Yeah he is, my little brother.” He says it like it means more than just being his older brother. Something about it is sweet but I don’t know what yet.

  “Must be nice. You two seem like you get along.” I say.

  He looks me in the eye with a smile that feels more like he is avoiding it.

  “Somewhat.” His voice lowers.

  “I’m an only child so I wouldn’t really know. Your parents from around here too?” I raise my brows with curiosity and his seem to do the opposite. I probably shouldn’t have asked about parents so soon, that can always go one of only two ways and this is the bad one, it seems.


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