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Outlaw MC: The Complete Boxset

Page 26

by Ethan Egorov

  “I have no idea; I’ve never met them. I ended up here after I finished high school and my brother came to live here about a year ago. That’s as far as my lineage goes.” He laughs once and it feels like as much of a cover as it is.

  I look back at him and only see him differently. Clearly, he is fine, I don’t have to pity him, and I don’t. It just adds to his character and I am starting to like it way too much.

  Even if he is involved in bad things. Even if he might be an actual criminal that the cops have something against.

  “Wow. I never would have guessed, you seem very… grown up.” I giggle.

  He laughs back, “You make that sound like such a shock.” He also moves his plate and the movement shifts my thigh. “You’re the grown up one, I assure you. I just fake it; I’d rather be an irresponsible kid with no consequences. Spencer was, until I reined him in.” He explains.

  “So you took your little brother under your wing just because you wanted to? That is a very grown up thing to do.” I try not to sound so shocked because it is. But it doesn’t help the not wanting to get involved thing, it’s a really admirable thing for him to do, who knows what else he might do.

  He tilts his head and leans in.

  “I didn’t tell you that to score bonus points, I just had to do it.” He lowers his voice and it sends a shiver up my spine.

  “Okay fine. No bonus points.” I agree.

  “Why can’t I take you out in public? I mean, you don’t know me, not really. So unless you think I’m still the guy you met in jail I don’t get it.” He asks, and I was hoping that he wouldn’t but here we are.

  I sigh and moisten my lips, shaking my head like it will help me find an answer.

  “That’s not it. I don’t judge people, not at first anyway. I’m just new to town and not ready to jump into the dating scene right away.” I take a breath.

  “I think that’s code for you had a really shitty ex, or a really shitty breakup. Or both.” He finishes and I feel my shoulders go up as if in defense. Because he hit the head on that nail way too quickly. I wonder if I am that see through, if it is that easy for me to give off the running from my past vibes. I don’t want it to be, and it can’t be what attracted him to me. I hope he doesn’t feel like he can show me a good time and then be done with it. Further stunt my development. But I don’t want to be some charity case to him, it’s why I need to take charge of the situation and be the one setting the tone.

  “Well, I guess it was both. And you are nothing like my ex, which doesn’t really help either.” I tell him.

  “I see. I’m unfamiliar. Fair enough then. I get it.” He pulls back and sighs like he has given up on pressing the issue, which is nice and kind of refreshing. Most guys would just stick with it until they won.

  I think hard over it as I bite at my lip, wishing the answer was there. It isn’t so much that he makes me nervous but that I don’t want to be too honest too soon, it would scare him away.

  “Roland, I like you. And I know you aren’t a bad guy, but I have a feeling you probably do bad things. But I did just get here, I don’t want to complicate my life.” I tell him, that’s the best way I can put it, because it covers just about everything.

  He nods once and smiles, clearly happy that he got most of his way.

  “Okay. No complications then. I keep making you food and we don’t go on dates.”

  “Well we can go out it just—it can’t be a date.” I exhale. It seems to make him happy when he leans in and kisses me.

  His lips are soft against mine, unlike the other times that he is possessive first and soft later. He just seems to want to feel my lips against his for a moment before he deepens it, and I like it too. My fingertips trail up his forearms as I lean into the kiss, his tongue swipes over mine and our sugary taste floods together and the rest of my body comes alive.

  “Roland,” I gasp when he releases me. I pull back enough to see the fire blaze in his eyes and then it’s over from there.

  He kisses me again, this time like he means it and with one purpose in mind. His hands rub up my body and grasp my breasts roughly, turning us over to hover over me. Then he slips his hand up my legs and finds my clit, circling me slowly. He kisses me and alternates between trailing kisses down my shoulder, I grasp at his cock through his boxers and rub him to full hardness. He growls against my ear and kisses me roughly, sending sparks over my body.

  He breaks apart and suddenly quickens the pace of his hand. I swirl my hips and cry out, hoping there really aren’t any neighbors around from how loud he makes me.

  “I’m actually really pissed I don’t have condoms stashed out here, sweetheart.” He growls again, a rumble in his chest when he works me faster with his hand.

  I am so close to the edge of an orgasm that I barely hear him but I listen to what he said. It really is maddening that he doesn’t. I want him inside me right now.

  “I’d be pretty pissed too.” I say but am cut off when my orgasm steals my breath and sight. Under the bright sun, I explode against him and he enjoys every second of it.

  He sits me up suddenly and kisses me, I gasp against him and claw at his chest, then fist my fingers up in his hair. He breaks the kiss and I stare at him in question.

  “We’ll finish this inside.”



  Paige has me occupied for the better part of the afternoon. The farthest I can get is the kitchen, and then back to the bedroom and shower. I have never been this into a woman before, it’s good with her, easy. I’m sure she’ll get over her aversion to actually dating at some point. And I’m not going to push her to that edge, but I’m hoping she will get there soon. I like her, I want to be with her exclusively, when I am not going in and out of the jail house or something like that.

  But I have hope at least, something I haven’t seen in myself for a while. I’ve tried the girlfriend thing a few times but it took me too long to notice they just wanted the coolness of being involved with someone in an MC, the danger and excitement. Paige isn’t like that at all, in fact she wants to stay away from it all. I would never give the club up, but if she ever asked me to, I don’t know what I would say. I mean she’s a lawyer, clearly it would affect her work in the wrong way and I don’t want to do that to her, not after she helped me.

  I keep my mind nicely occupied until I’m sure I won’t let her body entice me into another round. But it ends up being my ringing phone that does it.

  “I have to get that.” I tell her. It’s probably the club. She sits up from my chest, where we were sitting on the couch watching one of those dramatic legal shows together.

  “Duty calls.” She giggles.

  I smirk at her and reach across for it, frowning at who is actually calling me.

  “What do you want, Darius?” I answer. I always answer him that way, or some variation of not wanting to be bothered in the first place.

  “You plan on telling the club about the Devil’s Princes coming over our turf?” His deep voice cackled from being an ex-smoker floods the speakers and I am more affected by what he said.

  “What?” My body tenses and I sit up from the couch, leaving all the bliss and ease behind.

  “You heard me, Rafe. I’d rather not have heard it from your kid brother.”

  I close my eyes and frown. Spence probably thought I would have at least told him, someone on the exec board about it by now. I would have today, I should have—but I got preoccupied.

  “Yeah, I uh—was gonna call a meeting. I got sidetracked.”

  He scoffs, “Right, well everyone knows now, I tried to keep the guys from going over there and confronting them but that will only last for so long. So finish your day off and get your ass down here.”

  I groan, rubbing at my face. Paige notices something must be wrong but I try not to worry her too much. Her mind is already racing about what I might be doing with my days and I don’t want to fuel her imagination.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there soon.” I
hang up.

  I’m kind of pissed at myself for not having told them sooner. This is the first time we have actually had a crises while I am the pres. Tank got wind of it when it first started but he soon left the club, now it’s my responsibility.

  “You okay?” Paige asks in her soft, sweetened voice. It helps me feel a little better but not enough to want to leave so soon.

  “Yeah, I uh, have to take care of some things. Unfortunately, we can’t lay around all day.” I stand and put my boxers back on, clean up some of the trash from the snacks we had. She helps and follows me into the kitchen where I throw them away.

  “That’s okay.” She tells me.

  We go to get dressed, seeing her in her work clothes kind of reminds me who she is. What I am, when I put my cut on over my black tee shirt.

  “Is it a problem with the club or something?” She asks me as we walk back outside. I smirk down at her.

  “Something like that.”

  “So are you on your way to beat someone up or something?” She giggles but I can’t tell if she really meant that or not.

  I stop by my bike and help her put on the helmet.

  “No sweetheart, I don’t do that kind of thing. To people in my club.” I add, so I’m not lying or anything.

  She blinks at me but smiles a bit. “Okay.”

  I have a lot of things to follow up with but I have to get to the club soon, before they just decide to out vote me or something. I know that idea is crazy though, the guys are loyal to me, they are willing to have my back and they always have been. This was just an oversight; they’ll see I thought it was best at the time.

  If I jumped the gun on the Devil’s Princes and was wrong it would have been worse than waiting a bit longer.

  The drive to the club steadies my thoughts, as riding on my bike always does. But it’s also Paige wrapped around me and pressed against my back that aids that relaxation. We pull up and the back compound is packed with bikes, mostly guys just hanging around and the others with the exec board here for the meeting. I don’t really want to do this, but I know that I have to. I can figure out how I am going to settle all this once I get some ideas going.

  “How are your thighs? Not always sore?” Paige asks me when we get off the bike.

  I laugh at her and stow the helmet away.

  “I have powerful thighs.” I grin, and I feel like I have to force it across.

  She steps up to me and sets her hand on my shoulder.

  “Whatever it is… I’m sure it will be fine.” She says, her eyes boring into mine with confidence.

  “Thanks, sweetheart. I hope you’re right.” I slide my hands around her waist and lean down to kiss her softly.

  “Give me your number, I’ll call you tonight.” I tell her.

  She smiles softly and I give her my phone so she can put it in.

  The door opens and I hear the rowdy men inside and know I have to go in soon.

  “I have to go. I had a good time today.” I tell her, tucking some hair behind her ear just to feel its silky softness one more time.

  “Me too.” She grins and pulls away, I actually let her this time. I watch her get in the car and drive off, then I force myself to walk inside.

  “Pres—” some of the guys say in unison when I walk in. I greet them, most of them haven’t seen me since I left.

  I spot Spencer behind the bar where I left him and nod him toward the back.

  “What’s up? You had a good time I hope.” He snickers and I back him against the wall, not finding it funny.

  “You talk too much.” I frown at him.

  He drops his grin at me and I stare in his eyes that are just like mine.

  “You told Darius about the Devil’s Princes. I only told you that so you would know where I was.”

  “What? Nah, he knew about that already.”

  “No he didn’t, dumbass. I hadn’t told anyone yet.” I start pacing the small hall, the plain brown walls chipped in places but steady all the same.

  “Oh. Shit. Well how was I supposed to know?” He laughs and splays his hands in defense.

  “I don’t know, maybe when I said I only told you.”

  “I thought that only included the exec board. My bad. But at least I didn’t tell them about the DUI.” He cackles, he can never be serious for long enough to process things. I’m used to it, but it doesn’t serve me well in this regard.

  “Look, I’m the pres now, I have to lead these guys. And if I can’t vent to someone about the shit I have to do before it gets to them, I am finished. Tank had me, so I need you. Please tell me your brain is big enough to handle that.” I half plead. His smile softens and I know he at least heard me.

  I go to the wall beside him and set my hand on his shoulder.

  “Got it?”

  “Yeah, got it. And for the record I’m not stupid.” He flicks my hand off.

  “I know that. You’re smarter than me.”

  “So I know what you’ve been doing all day. Who you’ve been doing. Who the hell is that?” He chuckles.

  I find it in me to relax a bit at the thought of Paige.

  “Her name’s Paige. She was my lawyer, got me out on bail.” I explain.

  “Hm. That’s a nice change.”

  “Yeah well, she doesn’t want to date me.”

  “I think it’s dumb you even still believe in dating.”

  “Says the guy in a committed relationship.” I roll my eyes at him. It’s not my fault I don’t believe in stringing a slew of women along. I’ve just never wanted it this much, enough to play along for a while.

  “Yeah well, everyone can change. You should get into your meeting I guess.” He laughs.

  I nod, “Right.”

  I head to the back room and find most everyone in there, the last two pile in after. Logan and Darius give me the side eye and the rest are unaware, I’m glad he didn’t tell everyone and start some sort of Armageddon.

  “So what are we going to do? We need a game plan here, can’t just go in there and demand shit.”

  “Yeah, I tried that. Thought that it worked.” I shake my head and tell them about how I went to their pres and he agreed they would stop coming for us and over on our turf but a drug run just happened and they tried to intercept. If shit like that keeps happening, we will get noticed by the cops for sure.

  “Next run we go on, expect them to be there. We’ll be prepared, and then that’s how we get them.” I conclude. I get some agreements, we iron out the details, and then that’s it.

  After we take a vote that’s the plan and I feel less like things are falling apart for the time being.

  It’s not until I am sitting at the bar nursing a beer that Darius comes to bother me. We are arguably the closest, out of any of the other guys at the club I made friends with him sooner and we just get each other. So I know that his glares only last so long. He isn’t a jealous man but he doesn’t like feeling left out either. When I took the role of pres, he had little to say but I know that he supports me.

  “Next time you want to play the spy role you should at least not tell your kid brother.” He laughs at me, sitting at the stool next to me.

  Spencer, at the other end of the bar, as if he heard him, walks over and hands him a beer.

  “I didn’t expect him to be so forthcoming.”

  “He thought I knew. Which I should have. I mean I get the shit with the club and everything but I can be your friend before one of your exec members, that’s how this works, it’s the only way you get out of this without losing your shit. Tank had you and that’s why it was fine for him.” He says, then takes a long sip of his beer.

  “Funny I just told Spencer that. But you’re right, I agree I should have told you. But now you know and you know how much it fucking sucks. We can’t shake those guys and I’m not in the business of eliminating an entire club.”

  “That would take too long.”

  “That would leave people dead. The cops around here keep their mouths shut but
we can’t provoke them.” I sigh and rub at my eyes. “One of them already has it out for me.” I tell him. I look over at him to see him making a face of question at that.


  “I got arrested for a DUI two days ago. Spent a night in jail. It’s why I was sidetracked today, I planned on having a meeting earlier.” I tell him. But I am leaving out the part about having the hots for my lawyer because that wouldn’t help anyone right now.

  “Fuck. I had no idea. You get out of it?”

  “Yeah I had a good lawyer.” I try not to smile, hide it by sipping my beer. “But she got me out on bail and someone else will take care of the rest.” I tell him.

  Paige told me briefly today that it might just end up being a fine and some community service, but it could be worse. That cop could have said anything and they wouldn’t have listened to me.

  “Good. We need you in the game. And when are you going to name your vice pres?” He asks. I roll my eyes and ignore his sly grin.

  “If you want it, just ask.”

  He shakes his head, “Oh god no, I don’t want that at all. Logan would be good. Kit is just about as experienced as anyone else.”

  “Eh, I’m not that close with Kit.”

  “What about your bro? Make it a family thing.” He chuckles.

  I shake my head; I don’t want Spencer caught up in all this. I love the club but if I weren’t in so deep my life would be a bit easier sometimes. Spencer can be happy, take care of his girl and not be too deep in this like her father was.

  “Nope to that too. I’ll think about it.” I sit back, tired from the day, from the past few days actually.

  We sit for a while and have another beer together to catch up. There isn’t much beside what I was doing at the few towns over with the Devil’s Princes. It’s nice to have told him what is going on so I don’t have to hold it all in anymore. I first joined the club in the middle of a war with them, it wasn’t pretty. I don’t want to do that again.


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