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Outlaw MC: The Complete Boxset

Page 42

by Ethan Egorov

  I almost want to ignore it before they knock again. I make a face and then decide to go to it, swinging the big wood door open.

  “Hi,” I smile at a woman, maybe a bit older than me, the way she wears her long brown hair pinned behind her ear. She is a bit taller than me and shapely, tight jeans and a black crop top. When she smiles at me, though, it is fake and sneering—it reminds me of my sorority sisters in college, those bitches.

  “Who are you?” She asks.

  “Well you’re the one knocking on my door.” I tilt my head at her and stand between the half-closed door.

  Her head juts back, “Your door? This is Logan Newman’s house isn’t it? Are you house sitting, is he out of town?” She crosses her arms and peers inside. I look in confusion after she says all that.

  But for some reason, I have this feeling that leads me to the conclusion. This is Chelsea, it has to be. Jeannine described her to me in perfect detail and all of this is it.

  “No, I’m not house sitting. He’s my boyfriend. But he’s out right now, I can tell him you dropped by.” I swallow hard. I’m not the type of girl that can face up to the elusive ex. She looks over me like asking why I am so young, looking wide eyed and confused, how Logan could want me. That could just be my inner fears, but her eyes are pinning me down.

  “I’d rather wait. Can I come in?” She walks inside before I can even stop her, and I am blindsided. But what can I actually do? I can’t throw her out. I’m not into fighting.

  “Logan and I, we go way back.”

  “Yeah, he told me about you.” I say in a way that tells her I know everything. She flattens her expression and leans against the door frame. I step back onto the entryway carpet and dig my bare feet into it.

  “We still love each other. That kind of thing doesn’t go away so easily. I’m sure you think you love him and all that but you’re young, you should see what else is out there.” She curdles her voice, and it’s patronizing.

  “I don’t think so, Chelsea. As a matter of fact, I don’t want to have this conversation at all. You need to leave.” I exhale. I feel nauseous and that isn’t supposed to happen yet, my cheese and bread threatens an appearance and I hate that it is her doing it to me. She shakes her head and stands her ground and I don’t know what it would take to get her to leave. I definitely can’t tell her that I am pregnant, that would just be malicious and intended to hurt her. I am not very good at that.

  Luckily, it is the roar of Logan’s bike in the distance that gets her trekking back outside. I quiver in fear, thinking maybe he invited her here and that she was waiting for him. But he told me he loves me, and I believe him.

  He parks his bike in its usual spot, when he gets off, he slows at seeing her car parked and then he strides up the porch steps, fuming, his eyes miss mine entirely.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” He shouts at her and I wince at never having heard him raise his voice like that. She frowns up at him and it is like watching a lover’s quarrel. Or ex lover. It is clear that they loved each other once but he has no feelings for her now. And she is desperately hanging on.

  “I wanted to talk to you. I didn’t know you were into babysitting now.” She is patronizing as hell and I have never wanted to hit someone so much in my life.

  “Shut the fuck up.” Logan shakes his head in disbelief at her.

  “Are you okay?” He finally comes over to me, and then he holds me at my shoulders in his warm soothing hands. I look up into the brightness of his green eyes that ground me in this moment, tell me everything that I need to know. The wind is a little chilly and then I shiver slightly, all I can do is nod. This is all happening so fast.

  “We need to talk, Logan.”

  “I have nothing to say to you.” He turns back to Chelsea and his jaw goes so tight I see it pulse with his heart beat. He is pissed to see her, but not in a way that still hurts him, but that he is worried about me.

  “Get out of here. Me and you, are done. We have been for a very long time. Lose my fucking address and don’t come near me anymore.” He shouts at her fully and I wince, but she doesn’t move an inch. All I can see is the fake plead for tears she has and then they start welling in her face.

  I want to say something, but I feel like it isn’t my place. Nothing I say will even help this along.

  “Logan…” I whisper and don’t even expect him to hear me, but he does. He turns around and looks over my appearance. Then he shrugs off his jacket and puts it around me. I accept the warmth and security of it, it’s a piece of him after all.

  “It’s fine, princess, I’m sorry.” He closes his eyes with a deep breath and then opens them, they blaze down at me in their green liquid love for me. It makes me trust him, it makes me forget all about this drama and only accept us.

  “Wait inside, okay. Don’t worry.” He kisses my forehead.

  I make a face of confusion, wondering why he would want to send me away. I tell my insecurity to shut up.

  “Yeah, give us some time alone to talk—“

  “Damnit. Leave me and my fiancée alone. I’m trying to be a decent guy here but you’re really testing me. I swear to God, I’ll call the cops if you don’t get off my property.” His growl cuts the night air and strikes through me, even more so, the fact that he called me his fiancée.

  I really must be losing it because I do not remember that at all. But it reminds me that he does love me, that much—he does love me.

  “Logan, just talk to her.” I say to him, when he turns to me, I briefly hold his face in my hands and he relaxes only a little, his tension dripping away.

  “I trust you, okay? I’ll be inside.” I nod to myself, as if I believe this is right. But I do.

  I walk in and shut the door, taking a deep breath and hoping it soothes my racing heart and coiled body. My legs are languid as I walk back upstairs to his bedroom. But sitting there waiting just feels wrong. I walk around the other parts of his house. His den is actually pretty calming, it smells like him and a little bit from when he used to smoke, but the cologne and wood polish overpower it. His desk doesn’t have much on it but a computer, and there is a small wall of photos by a bookshelf. It’s all of him and his parents, he looks a lot like his mom which I think is cute. His dad, he might look like when he is older. But this all just reminds me that he has chosen me, and that he loves me. Even more so, I love him. More than I thought I could—today has shown me that I can grow in a short amount of time, just like I did when I first got here. The fact that I am pregnant with his baby shouldn’t trap him, and if I felt like I did, I would not let him tie himself to me only for that. But I look in his eyes and know that it is only us, no one else.

  I return to his bedroom, and the bathroom light is on, so I know he is in there. When he walks back out, he is completely naked, but I don’t notice it much. One because my head is spinning and also that he does that very often anyway.

  Hey princess,” he strides over to me, kneeling in front of me. He cups my face and wipes the last of my invisible tears away. I lean into his touch, but I think my face says everything about what just happened.

  “I’m sorry about that, I didn’t know she would show up. She shouldn’t have.” He kisses me, just to feel his lips against mine and it calms me a little bit inside.

  “That’s okay. It’s not your fault.” I clear the kinks out in my throat, from the old tears. Since I am back inside, I take his jacket off and the cool air hits me hard. From how Logan is looking at me, I am warming up from the inside, and my nipples harden under my shirt. I can feel him looking at me the way he always does, even as my eyes drift away.

  “She’s pretty.” I mutter.

  His laugh is spiteful “That’s part of the charm, I guess. At first. I don’t love her anymore; I hope you know that.”

  I nod.

  “What happened when she came? I hope she didn’t say anything to you.” He frowns and I feel bad, I don’t want to make things worse than they already are.

��You called me your fiancée. Did I miss something in our conversation from earlier? Was going to the doctor a euphemism for marry me?” I giggle once, when really that is what heavily weighs on my mind. The fact that he said that.

  His head droops like he saw that coming and then he moves to sit on the bed. I glance at his cock laying against his thigh and wish this conversation could go elsewhere. But it can’t not just yet.

  “No princess, I just was talking out of my ass. I mean I want to marry you, of course I do. But I’m old fashioned in that way, I want to talk to your dad first. Make things right. Get you a ring.” When he says that I smile because it reminds me that bridge has been mended.

  “I… I’m glad you said that. I was quite busy while you were gone.” I smile wider.

  “Busy?” His chuckle is warm.

  “Um, very much so.” I lean in to kiss his cheek, my lips linger and then I pull back to look in his eyes. He smiles back and I know it is obvious how he feels.

  “This is the part where I come home to you and we tell each other about or days.”

  “Okay. Me first.” I grin, because I can’t hold this in much longer. He lays on his side and props his head on his elbow. I sit by his face and trail my fingers down the muscles of his sides.

  “I talked to my dad.” I exhale.

  “Really?” His eyes widen.

  “Yeah, really. We talked and it was great. He apologized and even though he had someone following me, I can tell he just cares about me and isn’t very good at it.” I half laugh.

  “I’m so happy about that, Chantal. I know how much he means to you. And what do you mean followed?”

  “He had someone find me and make sure I’m okay. I guess it is endearing, as horrible as it is.” I relent.

  “But he also knows about you. He ran a background check.” I say, and then he tenses up.

  “No shit?”

  “All the shit. But… at least he doesn’t have anything against you. I guess that makes it easier. If you want to—I guess, ask him permission to marry me or something like that.” I giggle softly. I still can’t believe this is my life, but Logan is here and very real.

  “I told you that I want to marry you, I meant it. And I’d love to meet your dad or ask him in person. Does he know about Little Logan coming?”

  I laugh, “Please don’t call him Little Logan. And I told him I can’t really travel over the holidays and that’s when he would have time. So maybe we can arrange a phone call or something. But I did tell him, and I think he really wants to make amends.” I tell him. I wish it had happened sooner, but all this happened for a reason, I can accept that now.

  “He should, took him long enough. Is it my turn?” He kisses my thigh and draws me closer to him. I lay across his chest sideways and face him.

  “I guess.”

  He chuckles.

  “I told the guys about everything, it only made me more excited for all this. I’m ready to have a life with you, Chantal, I love you.” His voice seeps with devotion.

  I kiss his muscled chest and smile.

  “I love you, too—they didn’t have anything bad to say?”

  He laughs like that would be absurd.

  “No, they all love you. It did bring up some thoughts I had with Darius. About leaving the club someday or taking a step back. I mean, we’re gonna have a real family. Jeannine had to split her life when she was twelve after Tank’s wife left him.”

  “Why did she leave?” I ask.

  He sighs and shakes his head.

  “She didn’t agree with the club lifestyle and he didn’t want to leave it behind. He helped start the club in the first place.”

  “Yeah but… you’re just the numbers guy, if you actually went on those drug runs and stuff it would be different.” I say.

  “Yeah, that’s true.”

  I lean up and cradle his cheek in my hand.

  “The club is your family too, Logan. You wouldn’t be the same if you left it behind. And I don’t want you to.” I tell him. I don’t want him to think he has to give it up for me, it was never about that. They are all important to him, we can all be family.

  “Okay, Darius will be happy about that.” He chuckles and holds me close.

  “Are you happy, Logan? As happy as I am.” I straddle his waist and hug him around his middle.

  “Of course I am, princess, you make me the happiest man there is.” He hugs me back and kisses the top of my head.

  “Good.” I grin against his chest.

  I’m the happiest woman that there is too.



  I look at Chantal with pure love for her, she is so strong and collected, warm—the way she handled all that is admirable. I’m glad to be sitting next to her and doing what I always imagined I would want to do.

  She looks really excited about whatever it is she wants to tell me, and I wait patiently as she placates the moment.

  “I talked to my dad.” She exhales, and I see her visibly relax.

  “Really?” My eyes widen.

  “Yeah, really. We talked and it was great. He apologized and even though he had someone following me, I can tell he just cares about me and isn’t very good at it.” She half laughs.

  “I’m so happy about that, Chantal. I know how much he means to you. And what do you mean followed?” I make a face at the last part.

  “He had someone find me and make sure I’m okay. I guess it is endearing, as horrible as it is.” She tilts her head.

  “But he also knows about you. He ran a background check.” She says that and I immediately get worried about how that may impact the club. We don’t need the feds on our ass, the cops already made their dislike for us known when they went after Rafe.

  “No shit?” I wonder aloud.

  “All the shit. But… at least he doesn’t have anything against you. I guess that makes it easier. If you want to—I guess, ask him permission to marry me or something like that.” She giggles softly like she still can’t believe this. Believe me.

  “I told you that I want to marry you, I meant it. And I’d love to meet your dad or ask him in person. Does he know about Little Logan coming?” I look down at her belly and can’t wait to see it full with our baby. I didn’t even think that was a thing, that I could be excited about that part. But even with not knowing this was happening I am still a hundred percent on board.

  She laughs, “Please don’t call him Little Logan. And I told him I can’t really travel over the holidays and that’s when he would have time. So maybe we can arrange a phone call or something. But I did tell him, and I think he really wants to make amends.” She sounds so much lighter saying this, talking about her dad.

  “He should, took him long enough. Is it my turn?” I kiss her thigh and then position her to be closer to me.

  “I guess.” She relents.

  I chuckle.

  “I told the guys about everything, it only made me more excited for all this. I’m ready to have a life with you Chantal, I love you.” I convince her as much as I can that this is real, that she shouldn’t ever have to worry about my devotion to her.

  She kisses my chest and smiles.

  “I love you, too—they didn’t have anything bad to say?” She asks.

  I laugh at the absurdity.

  “No, they all love you. It did bring up some thoughts I had with Darius. About leaving the club someday or taking a step back. I mean, we’re gonna have a real family. Jeannine had to split her life when she was twelve after Tank’s wife left him.” I sigh at the memory. I was freshly in the club so people’s personal lives weren’t my forte, but I knew it affected him. She used to run around the lot with all the bikes and he’d be so happy to have her there, then she was just gone.

  “Why did she leave?” She asks.

  I sigh and shake my head, trying to summarize it.

  “She didn’t agree with the club lifestyle and he didn’t want to leave it behind. He helped start the club in the first place.”

  “Yeah but… you’re just the numbers guy, if you actually went on those drug runs and stuff it would be different.”

  “Yeah, that’s true.” I agree.

  She leans up on my body, pressing more of her weight into me, and then she cups my face in her soft hand in that natural caring way she has, it makes me lean into her and beg for more.

  “The club is your family too, Logan. You wouldn’t be the same if you left it behind. And I don’t want you to.” She says that and I am just glad I don’t have to think about that anymore.

  “Okay, Darius will be happy about that.” I laugh and hold her tighter.

  “Are you happy, Logan? As happy as I am.” She moves to straddle my waist and my cock stirs in response.

  “Of course I am, princess, you make me the happiest man there is.” I hug her back and kiss the top of her head.

  “Good.” She squeezes me and lays her body on mine for a hot minute, and I let it be just that before my body takes over.

  “Logan,” she gasps, feeling my cock piercing her pussy over her little shorts. I saw this set and thought of her immediately, knew that I had to see it on her. At first, she was a versed to me buying her clothes sometimes, but I told her it was more for me, so I can see her in them.

  “Yes, princess?” I trail my lips over her jaw and then find hers, kissing her deeply. I release her lips with a pop and then she looks down over me.

  “I want you. All the time, I want you.” She moans.

  I lick my lips and nod, “I want you too.” I work fast to get her clothes off, then I lay her down and kiss over very inch of her soft body. She is absolutely edible. I kiss over her stomach a bit longer and then move down to her dripping pussy, intending to eat her dry and then get her wet again.

  “Oh god, don’t stop.” She slides her fingers through my hair and traps me between her legs until she is good and ready to let me go, and I would have it no other way.


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