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Outlaw MC: The Complete Boxset

Page 43

by Ethan Egorov

Her soft thighs clamp around my face harder when she comes, and I relish every second of it. She just feels so damn good I find it hard to pull away from her, but I do, when my cock says it needs her. I kiss back up her body, though the center of her breasts and around her nipples, before I reach her jaw and whisper in her ear.

  “You’ve never had me slow. I might just blow your mind.” I nip at her ear and then trail down to her lips, we breathe together as I slip inside her, and it’s better than going all at once. I know I don’t necessarily have to be careful, but I want to go slow, I want to feel all of her for once. It is completely different to the other times, to when it is just about pleasure, but this is about our bodies coming together, mating.

  “You feel so good, Logan, amazing.” She holds me tight with her arms and legs and I am trapped in her.

  “You feel good too, princess, perfect.” I kiss her shoulder and turn my head to hover over her. I look in her blue eyes that open up to me, all her love for me showing in just one look.

  I start to move inside her, sliding in and out, feeling her clench around me. Her hips meet mine and my pelvis rocks against hers, hitting her clit every time. I know exactly where all her sweet spots are and I use them, I want her coming as much as possible because she deserves it. All the pleasure in the world, all the good parts. Our bodies get slick and warm against each other as there is no space between us, nowhere for us to go except in each other.

  “Logan, yes…” she cries out, against my ear I hear all her breathless moans and how she cries out for me, the way she moans my name. It sends me right over the edge and I empty myself inside her, coming as hard as possible because it is just that damn good.

  “Damn, princess, you’re perfect.” I kiss her, our tongues swirling together immediately. I slip out of her and lay next to her, kissing her still in the same breath.

  Eventually I find it in me to break the kiss, and we just hold each other for a long while. She falls asleep before me, lightly snoring against my chest, her lips pressed against me. I hold her as tight as possible like I could never let her go. And I don’t want to. Not if it means being without her. I love her so much it hurts, then it feels good all at the same time. My hand slides down over her belly as I hold her, imagining what it will be like when she is heavily pregnant. When our baby comes and hopefully looks just like her, I almost want a girl just for that effect, so she will be just like her. But a son will be good too, I’d raise him to be as good a man as possible. Realizing I will be a parent soon is insane, but with her I can do everything. I can be invincible.



  “You look amazing, I’m in shock.”

  “Oh, don’t be so coy.” I giggle at Jeannine. She just continues to look me over in surprise and I smile at her.

  “I’m not, I mean it. This is so surprising.”

  Jeannine hasn’t seen me since she left for school in September last year. But now it’s early April and my baby is due any day now. It has been just over a year since I first go to this town, since my life changed for the first time.

  “Yeah, I guess I just got lucky with a fast metabolism, maybe it’s the baby. Logan has one so maybe they will inherit it.” We both wanted to be surprised and so we don’t know the sex yet, but I am excited to be shocked on the day I give birth. I live with him now permanently at his house, and we got the nursery finished last month. I met his parents over the holidays before they went back on a world cruise, and my dad was able to fly in.

  I was really nervous about that, him meeting Logan especially. But my dad ordered in dinner, overly fancy of course, and he treated him like a regular guy. I got to reconnect with him in ways I didn’t think I could, I thought it was too late for us. My dad offered me money again, but I didn’t take it, instead I just asked for his help to start my own company, the one I had been dreaming about since college. It is geared towards young women that don’t have access to the same privileges as others, so the charity aspect comes before it being for profit. He was really proud of me, even though I had mentioned it before, I suppose he wasn’t listening. But he is now. And Logan had that chivalric talk with him about marrying me, but he insists on surprising me and by the time he put that ring on my finger, I had forgotten.

  I wanted to wait for Jeannine to get back before we got married though. She is my only girl friend and I need her help, though, she isn’t much better at the planning than me. I don’t even want a big wedding; I’d be fine with a reception at the club. Or even a courthouse. I just hope I don’t give birth before then; the ring and baby make me weigh a ton.

  “Have you guys thought about names?” She asks me. We are at this café downtown, where we actually went before with one of her good friends. She is a teacher and couldn’t make it today, but I don’t talk to her much. I’m not very good at groups of friends.

  “Yeah, but he keeps messing around and coming up with the weirdest things.” I sip my orange juice. “I think it is just his way of hiding his nerves. Logan does that sometimes.” I giggle.

  “Yeah, it must be a guy thing. Plus, it’s like they move in packs, Spencer brought up marriage the other day.” She makes a face.

  “You don’t want to get married?” I take a bite of my grilled cheese.

  “Yeah but not now. I’m so young.” She says, and then she corrects, “Not that you’re too young. You are much more mature than me, I couldn’t do all this.”

  I shake my head, “I don’t think I’m all that mature, I mean last year I had to become a completely different person. You would have hated me if we met before then.” I stuff my mouth with more bread and cheese, and she laughs at me, picking at her chicken salad.

  “Yeah, probably. But at least your dad paid for our nice vacation.” She wiggles her brow. I smile at the memory, I withstood the group thing and the three of us went to a concert out of town, stayed for one night. Logan was worried sick as if I couldn’t go to a concert being pregnant, but he is just overprotective. It is sweet sometimes.

  “Yeah, that’s true. And sometimes I am still scared as hell about all this, but it gets better. I’m just so happy it hurts.” I laugh once.

  “Yeah, I felt like that with Spencer at first. Sometimes now, too.”

  “He thought about leaving the club and I thought that was absolutely insane, I don’t want him to leave that behind. It’s his family, it means a lot to him. We are just now finding a way to work through things together.” I tell her. We talk while she is away, but I don’t like worrying her with all my personal problems. And Logan is adjusting to me having actual work days, when I’m not too tired I wake up early and get started making calls with activists and investors and finding a place for the charity to call home. It makes sense to start it at a school here, that way we can branch out. It’s crazy I used to think I wanted to work in retail or some sort of corporate business, I still don’t want to work for my dad but now my values are more geared towards family.

  “Oh no, he shouldn’t leave the club. I mean, sometimes it is hard, it was for my parents, but my dad is one of the really active ones, out there on the prowl. Before he retired at least. But Logan isn’t like that, he’s the silent kind of member. But he is one of the founders.” She explains.

  I nod, at first, I hadn’t known that. But most of his money comes from getting a percentage of their profits from the side activities, then the bar and the shops.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I guess things change when a child is in the equation. But still.” I eat more of my grilled cheese and am stuffed for the time being. I don’t eat much more than normal but I have changed what I eat. Less pizza, more greens, but that doesn’t ever last long.

  “I know. And if you need to talk, you can just call me. I was raised on this club business.” She giggles softly.

  “Thanks. You’ve been a really good friend all this time. I probably wouldn’t have made it in the beginning without you.”

  “Without clothes.” She laughs, leaning forward. “And you’re we
lcome. I’m glad to have done it.” She smiles.

  We finish our lunch and then stop by one of the boutique type stores here and I look at baby clothes. I already have a ton. I shop online a little too much with my family card. I’m somehow glad, though, that I can leave that for our child and if they wanted, would never have to worry about work. But that was never what it was about. My dad worked so hard to do that for me and lost sight along the way, almost lost me along the way. But I am glad that he has me back now, that everything has fallen into place.

  I return home and see Logan’s bike out front. Whenever I make plans, I usually tell him, but I forgot, today’s lunch was last minute. I find him in the kitchen, shirtless in red briefs, stirring something over the stove. I look over the expanse of his muscles and get that stirring inside again, and not from the baby kicking. It does that all day starting in the afternoons usually, and I’m huge now but only in the belly area. Logan says my ass has gotten bigger, but I wouldn’t be able to tell. I mostly wear dresses now anyways.

  “Hey,” I announce myself and come around the counter.

  He turns, smiling when he sees me.

  “Hey, princess, I wondered where you were.” He draws me close, as close as he can with my belly and then leans down to kiss me. He doesn’t call and check on me in that way, like he is keeping tabs on me.

  “I was out at lunch with Jeannine. And one shopping stop.” I set the brown bag on the counter. “What are you making?” I ask him.

  He drops the spatula down and looks in the bag, grinning.

  “Pancakes. What is this?” He picks up the baby sized leather jacket. Whether it is a boy or girl, the jacket will work because it is plain black with little silver buttons.

  “A jacket.” I giggle. And even though I just had a grilled cheese I am prepared to have at least two pancakes. He makes them very well, in my defense.

  “It’s so fucking cute, oh my god.” He folds it back and laughs. It has been funny, seeing how he reacts to all the baby stuff. The first doctor’s appointment when we could hear the heart beat, I cried, and he tried not to. But maybe he did on the inside. It just made it all so real. I have all the photos in progression, I am thinking of some sort of art work to showcase it. Pinterest has become my pastime.

  “I know.” I hug him from the side. He turns and smiles down at me, kissing my lips again. It’s soft and slow, the way I am used to with him now. Sometimes he goes back to his rougher side and I love it, but I get tired way faster now, it’s a wonder I can even go once. But sex went from every day sometimes twice a day, to a few times a week. Unless I am progressively horny which chooses its moments. But Logan has been supportive through it all, he’s been amazing actually.

  “You feel okay?” He kisses my forehead and then pulls back.

  “Yeah, I’m great.” I answer. He turns back to the stove and I walk around the table, stopping by the opening to the kitchen.

  I look out over the sunlight; summer here is so pretty and peaceful. Then I get a hard feeling in my back that makes me want to sit down, and then something else—

  “Logan,” I call out, panic rising in my throat.

  “Yeah, princess?” He hasn’t turned around yet.

  I take a deep breath and look down to make sure. Holy crap—

  “Logan, my water just broke.”



  “Any day now.” Darius laughs at me; he finds this amusing. It is just my rising panic that does that though.

  “You keep telling me that.” I sit on his couch and try not to punch one of his pillows. I’m worried and nervous. I can read all the books I want but nothing will actually prepare me for this. Chantal is so much better at it than me.

  She is better at most everything. Not panicking for one. I try not to over crowd her with worry, let her live her life. But I just love being around her so much, I love knowing that she is okay. I woke up today and she had gone already, I assume she is working. But I’m not the kind of guy that keeps tabs on her, checks where she is all the time. Even though she is pregnant with my kid, she is independent and capable. Watching her transform into this beautiful mother has been the highlight of it all. In the past year, I have only grown to love her more everyday. Now our baby is coming at the drop of any pin and I don’t know how to handle it. We are actually engaged now, but she wanted Jeannine back for the wedding and so we would have to do it pretty soon or set a date so my parents can come. Her dad too—boy that was scary. But Darius distracts me from all that.

  “Because it’s the truth.” He chuckles, sipping his beer. I forwent because it is still too early for me.

  “Yeah, true.” I ask him about how his sister is doing, he recently knocked some guy for her, but she always chooses the bad ones. We have both been spending time at the club more since he doesn’t have to leave for the other towns so much. Things are looking up, less mini turf fights between the clubs.

  “Don’t worry, man, it will be fine. Chantal is gonna make a great mom. You’ll be an okay dad.”

  “And you can be the shitty uncle.” I laugh. I don’t have siblings, the guys at the club are like my brothers. Especially Darius. I have already appointed him godfather so when I wake up in the middle of the night for the birth, he has to too.

  “The highlight of my life, I’ve been training for it.” He is drinking beer at eleven am to prove it.

  We talk a bit more and then I have to get going, hoping to be home before Chantal. I decide to make pancakes. Even if she already ate, she will be hungry again by the time she gets home. I told her not to worry about gaining weight, that I don’t care about that. But she still insists on her daily walks and being somewhat healthy. That goes out the window when those late-night ice cream cravings hit though. But she has put on a little around her ass, which I’m a fan of, and her tits—goodness, she is just gorgeous. I think about her even when she is not around. Especially when she is not around. That’s why I’m so happy when I hear her walk in, I’ve just mixed the chocolate chips in the pancake mix. She stands there looking at me for a few seconds though, thinking I don’t notice. It’s like she refuses to believe her footsteps are loud as hell.

  “Hey,” her soft voice comes through the silent house and I grin.

  I turn and smile wider. She looks absolutely radiant in this purple dress, it’s like a shirt but longer. It hugs at her breasts and tightens around her belly. It’s cute and rounded, making her look like a fantasy in my head.

  “Hey, princess, I wondered where you were.” I hug her when she comes up closer to me and kiss her briefly.

  “I was out at lunch with Jeannine. And one shopping stop.” She says, and I am not surprised about the shopping. She doesn’t spend more money now that her father made amends, but she does for the baby, which I appreciate since I think little clothes are a scam. But she wants our baby to look cute. “What are you making?” She asks.

  I drop the spatula and look in the brown bag, grinning right away.

  “Pancakes. What is this?” I see the leather and smile immediately. Then lift it to see its mini shape, and suddenly I’m imagining a chubby little baby on a motor cycle, this jacket swallowing it up. I’m glad we decided not to know the sex; it keeps the last surprise of our lives alive.

  “A jacket.” She giggles.

  “It’s so fucking cute, oh my god.” I fold it down and it reminds me of the first time I saw the little thing on the sonogram. Actually, seeing the baby alive and moving, hear its heart beating. It is an indescribable feeling. I tried not to cry in front of her, I’m saving a dramatic reaction like that for the birth or our wedding. But damn, it just all makes my heart so happy.

  “I know.” She hugs me from the side. I turn and hold her close so I can kiss her. She feels colder to the touch and I pull back with concern.

  “You feel okay?” I kiss her forehead.

  “Yeah, I’m great.” She tells me. And I’m half convinced.

  But the butter is burning so I have to turn the s
tove down. I stop when she says my name—

  “Logan,” she sounds worried, and I don’t know if it is because she is so far away or what.

  “Yeah, princess?” I stir the dough back up and then just as I am about to pour it, she drops a sizzling bomb on me.

  “Logan, my water just broke.”

  My whole body runs cold and I rush over to her.

  “Are you serious?” I gasp. She gives me a look that says why would I joke. She is right about that one. I need to stay calm, she has enough to worry about, and she starts to wince in pain too.

  “I’ll get the bag, go ahead and start the car.” I tell her. We got a sedan a few months ago in preparation, can’t exactly rush to the hospital on a motor bike.

  “It’s fine, Logan, it doesn’t hurt that bad yet.” She says when we are in the car and I am fumbling with the steering.

  “Better knock on wood with that one, princess.” I rub her knee as I drive, luckily, I don’t live that far. But I can’t believe this is happening, all moving so fast just like us.

  “Yeah, maybe. This is really happening?” She takes a deep breath.

  I smile at her and turn back to the road, driving too fast.

  “Yeah, this is really happening.”

  We get to the hospital, parking out by visitor parking. Entering from the ER side, everything happens in such a rush. The checking in, getting a room. Then she is in a hospital gown, sweating, and now in pain.

  “I told you to knock on wood.”

  “Shut up.” She half laughs, holding my hand.

  I smile and sit next to her on the bed. I make all the right calls; I call Darius and he can tell everyone else. I call my mom and she makes me promise pictures, then I call her dad. He says he can have the best OB down here in a few hours, but we don’t have that long, plus we already like our doctor, but he will come soon too. That puts Chantal at ease and I’m glad for it. We are the only ones in the room, when it is finally time.


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