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The Daddy and the Dom

Page 16

by Julia Sykes

  I’d kissed him back.

  After he made me come. After he spanked me. After he made me call him Daddy.

  Shame rolled through me.

  I cheated on Joseph. I cheated on Joseph with his best friend.

  The thought was enough to make my stomach lurch, and nausea curled up my throat. I took a deep breath through my nose and suppressed the urge to vomit.

  I locked down my roiling emotions before they could rise. I couldn’t cope with the enormity of what I’d done. The weight of my betrayal would crush my heart if I faced it.

  Take a shower. You can study after. Marco’s words echoed in my head, perversely comforting. If I just did what he’d told me to do, I could zone out and continue to exist for a little while longer. Once Joseph returned to me, I’d have to confess my horrific sin, and my heart would shatter.

  After he’d opened up to me about his crimes this morning, about the man who had died because of his actions, I’d been ready to trust him again. I’d been ready to say I love you.

  Now, that was ruined. How could I possibly tell him I loved him when I’d just cheated with Marco?

  I shuddered and turned up the heat of the water. My skin was suddenly far too chilled.

  I stayed in the shower for a long time, allowing the scalding water to beat down on me until I couldn’t stand it anymore.

  When I was dry and dressed in fresh clothes, I moved back out into the bedroom and settled myself at the desk. I opened the notes my classmate had uploaded for me. Marco had printed them out—I still hadn’t been granted access to the internet, even though I’d been allowed to write a few more emails to Jayme. My father hadn’t even deigned to reply to my first message about taking time off from school, so there had been no need to send him any more emails.

  I shied away from that fresh layer of pain. My heart couldn’t take it.

  I was letting down everyone I loved. I was a failure, a traitor. A disappointment.

  I swiped away a stray tear and focused on the notes, trying to absorb the information. If I could just succeed at academics, maybe I could at least win my father’s affection back.

  For hours, I stared at the pages before me, slowly flipping through them before backtracking to try to actually read the words I’d been glossing over.

  I jolted when the bedroom door opened. Marco hadn’t bothered to knock.

  I didn’t look at him, but I could feel his approach. He set down a glass of water and a plated grilled cheese sandwich beside my notes.

  “Eat your lunch, princess. You didn’t have enough eggs earlier. I know you must be hungry.”

  I nodded, a rote motion. I wasn’t hungry. I was just… empty.

  He tucked my hair behind my ear, and I flinched. He withdrew slowly. I could feel the weight of his eyes considering me, but I kept my gaze glued to my notes.

  He sighed. “I’ll be back for that plate in half an hour. I expect it to be empty. Do you understand?”

  He was using that authoritative tone again. So, I nodded my agreement.

  Another beat of heavy silence passed before his footsteps retreated. Moving as though in a dream, I ate the sandwich. It was perfect; just crispy enough, with at least four types of gooey cheese inside. The flavors were comforting, and I devoured the whole thing in a matter of minutes without thinking.

  When I was finished, I drained the glass of water and went back to staring at my notes.

  Marco came to retrieve the plate a while later. His murmured “good girl” made a thread of warmth curl in my chest, but it did little to ease the chill inside.

  Time passed. I went through the notes again, flipping the pages every few minutes to give myself something to do.

  I didn’t realize that night was falling until Marco came and flipped on the light. I blinked against the sudden illumination, but I kept my eyes downcast when he approached with a plate of lasagna.

  “When you’re finished, brush your teeth and get ready for bed,” he ordered.

  It seemed early for that, but I wasn’t really doing anything, anyway. Sleep sounded like a good idea.

  I nodded again.

  I did as he instructed, and a while later, my mouth tasted minty fresh as I tucked myself under the duvet. The silky pink nightgown Joseph had bought for me glided across my skin as I moved, but I barely registered the decadent sensation. I closed my eyes and drifted, somewhere between sleep and wakefulness.

  Sometime later, the soft click of the bedside lamp turning on roused me. I rolled onto my back and opened my eyes to find Joseph looking down at me, a small smile curving his sensual lips.

  “Hey, angel. I missed you.”

  A harsh sob tore from my chest, and I turned my face into the pillow. I couldn’t face him. I couldn’t confess what I’d done. I couldn’t lose him.

  He shushed me gently and sat on the bed beside me. His strong arms closed around me, lifting me so I rested against his chest. He rubbed his hand up and down my back, trying to soothe me.

  Once I confessed, he would never hold me again. I sobbed harder, clinging to him.

  “I’m sorry,” I forced out. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” he said gently, continuing to stroke and comfort me. “You’re okay. Don’t cry, angel.”

  “But I… You don’t know…” I choked on the words, unable to voice the depth of my betrayal.

  “Marco told me what happened. It’s okay.”

  My next sob caught in my throat. I blinked hard to clear my tears away. I peered up at him to read his expression.

  “What?” I asked thickly.

  He smoothed my hair back from my forehead. “It’s okay,” he said again. “I know what happened, and it’s okay.”

  I shook my head. “You don’t understand,” I said, each word causing pain to knife through my chest. “I kissed him back.”

  “I know. And I’m not upset with you, angel.”

  My breath stuttered. I could hardly dare to believe it. “So, you don’t… You don’t hate me? You forgive me?”

  How could it be so easy? If Joseph had touched another woman, I’d be heartbroken.

  “Of course I don’t hate you. There’s nothing to forgive.”

  My brow furrowed. I didn’t understand. How could he not care? He’d been so fiercely possessive of me when we’d first met. He still was. I could feel it in the desperate way he kissed me.

  “You aren’t angry?”

  Impossibly, he gave me a dazzling smile. “You make me very happy, angel.”

  “So, you… You still want to be with me?”

  “Always,” he promised. “We want to be with you. Both of us.”

  My heart fluttered. Surely, I hadn’t heard him correctly. “Both of you?” My question was little more than a squeak.

  He nodded. “Both of us. Marco and me.”

  “But I can’t… That’s not…” I stammered, unable to form a coherent sentence. I couldn’t even formulate a coherent thought. I was suddenly far too hot in Joseph’s arms.

  “I told you I was right about her.” Marco’s voice rumbled over me, drawing my attention like a magnet. “Look at that pretty blush.”

  He stood in the doorway, watching me intently.

  Joseph’s fingers trailed over my heated cheek, and electricity danced across my skin. My body hummed with awareness. I could feel Marco’s presence as keenly as I could feel Joseph’s physical touch.

  “You were right,” Joseph agreed with him. “I should have listened.”

  My head was spinning, and I felt oddly disconnected from my thoughts. Everything was surreal, as though this was a strange dream.

  “But I cheated on you,” I told Joseph on a pained whisper.

  “It’s not like that with Marco and me,” he said, bizarrely calm. “I’m happy that you opened up to Marco.”

  I stared at him, disbelieving. I must have drifted off, after all, because this couldn’t be reality.

  “Kiss her, Joseph,” Marco commanded. “She doesn’t believe yo

u. Show her how you feel.”

  My gaze redirected to Joseph, gauging his reaction to being ordered around by Marco in this strange way.

  Joseph’s aquamarine eyes burned with lust, and he leaned in to capture my lips with his.

  Definitely a dream, I decided. There was no way Joseph would forgive me for cheating on him with Marco, and he certainly wouldn’t kiss me like I was the most precious thing in his world. He held me carefully, cradling me in his arms as his mouth caressed mine.

  I decided to relax into the pleasant fantasy my mind had conjured. I tipped my head back, welcoming him to claim me more deeply. When his tongue swept into my mouth, I moaned in relief.

  He doesn’t hate me. At least, this dream version of Joseph didn’t hate me.

  A big hand closed around mine.

  Marco. I recognized the feel of him now: his palms were slightly rougher than Joseph’s, his fingers thicker.

  He used his gentle grip on my hand to guide my touch. My palm rasped against jeans, and I gasped into Joseph’s mouth. I was familiar with this, too: the feel of his hard cock straining toward me.

  “Feel how much he wants you,” Marco said. “Feel how much he wants this. How much he wants us. Together. All of us.”

  Joseph’s cock jerked beneath my hand, and he groaned against me. His fist tangled in my hair, and his teeth nipped at my lower lip, lighting up my nerve endings with a little hit of pain.

  “That’s it,” Marco urged, his voice like dark velvet. “Stop treating her like she’s made of glass. She can take it. She can take both of us.”

  I shuddered in Joseph’s arms, erotic tension rolling through me with visceral force. My pussy was wet and throbbing for attention, and he’d barely touched me.

  They’d barely touched me.

  Oh, god.

  They were both touching me. Joseph and Marco.

  And this didn’t feel like a dream.

  This was wrong. Marco shouldn’t be here. I was supposed to belong to Joseph.

  But Marco didn’t give me time to think about protesting.

  “I want to see her,” he said. “All of her. Show me our girl, Joseph.”

  Joseph’s hold on me shifted, and he guided me down onto my back. As soon as he broke our kiss, my thoughts became a little more rational. If I wasn’t dreaming, then I had to stop this. I had to stop them. I couldn’t betray Joseph. Not again.

  I propped up on my elbows, bracing myself to scoot away.

  Marco’s hands closed around my shoulders at the same time as Joseph’s hands gripped my bare thighs, and they both pushed me back down.

  A part of my mind told me to struggle, to do what was right. But my body went oddly supple, my muscles melting under their firm touch. My eyes practically rolled back in my head as pleasure rushed through me. My heart pounded in my chest, and my pussy wept with my arousal. I’d never imagined it was possible to be this turned on. I ached deep inside, craving more.

  “Relax, princess,” Marco cooed. “Let Joseph make you feel good. I want him to show me what you like.”

  “Hold her wrists,” Joseph told him. “She loves that.”

  Marco chuckled. “Of course she does.”

  They were talking about me, discussing me. It should have been insulting, but their rapt attention made me squirm. They stared down at me like I was the most fascinating thing they’d ever seen. Two sets of intense eyes studied me: depthless black and stunning blue.

  Marco released my shoulders so he could capture my wrists. His long fingers encircled them fully, and he drew my arms over my head. He squeezed slightly as he pinned my hands against the pillow, reinforcing his control over me.

  A strange, feral sound eased up my throat, and a wicked smile split his features.

  Joseph’s hands fisted in the silky nightgown, and he ripped the flimsy material down the middle with one jerk of his powerful arms. It wasn’t the first time he’d stripped me like this, but it was different this time. I felt like he was stripping away all my defenses and exposing my soul.

  “I liked that one,” Marco commented. “The pink looks very sweet on her.”

  “I’ll buy her another one. I’ll buy her ten more.”

  His fingers teased beneath the torn fabric, slowly parting it to expose my body.

  “I…” I struggled to formulate a protest. “I can’t do this. I shouldn’t. Joseph, I—”

  “Hush, angel,” he said gently. He began to stroke my skin in the reverent way that drove me wild. “I want this. Marco wants this. And I think you do, too. If you don’t want it, just say stop, and we’ll stop. Do you want us to stop?”

  I bit my lip and shook my head, too much of a coward to admit aloud that I didn’t want them to stop. I wanted Joseph to keep caressing me. I wanted Marco to keep holding me down. I wanted them both to keep admiring me like I was the most breathtaking thing they’d ever seen.

  “No more teasing, Joseph,” Marco said gruffly. “I need to see her.”

  Joseph obliged him, easing the ruined nightgown aside so the silky fabric pooled at my sides. I heard Marco’s sharp intake of breath, and I watched as his thick fingers neared my breasts. My skin tingled when he trailed his fingertips over the soft swells, and I arched toward his touch.

  “You’re even prettier than I imagined, princess,” he told me, his voice soft with awe. His touch swirled around my nipples, and they pebbled to throbbing peaks. “Do you want Joseph to suck on your sweet little nipples?”

  “Yes,” I whined, hardly able to believe that this was happening, that I was allowing them to do this to me.

  “Yes, Daddy,” he corrected me.

  My cheeks flamed red hot at the word, and I shot a shy glance at Joseph. Surely, he wouldn’t want me to say that? Surely, he would think it was weird?

  His pale gaze fixed firmly on mine. “Go on,” he said. “Be a good girl for Marco.”

  A small whimper eased up my throat, and I shivered as a fresh wave of lust rolled over me. I was caught between them. What they were asking of me was dirty and wrong, but they were handling me carefully, as though they cherished me.

  “Do you want Joseph to suck on your nipples, little girl?” Marco prompted, his voice dropping impossibly deeper.

  “Yes, Daddy,” I whispered.

  Marco hummed his approval, and he leaned closer to me. “You make me very happy, babygirl,” he said, just before his lips crashed down on mine. At the same time, Joseph’s hot tongue flicked my nipple.

  I cried out against Marco, and his tongue surged inside my mouth. He kissed me roughly, hungrily. Joseph began to tease and torment my breasts. He’d grazed them with his teeth a few times before, but he was being harsher with my body this time, more demanding. He nipped at the tight buds, sending sizzling lines of pleasure straight from my breasts to my clit. I rocked my hips up, mindlessly seeking stimulation. Marco’s ruthless kiss was making me delirious, depriving me of oxygen and making my head spin.

  When he finally broke contact, I gasped in a desperate breath, only to let it out on a harsh cry as Joseph bit my nipple. He released it immediately, soothing away the pain with his tongue. My lashes fluttered as pleasure washed through me. I trembled in Marco’s hold, and I continued to roll my hips into the air, seeking Joseph’s attention where I needed it most.

  “Lick her pussy, Joseph,” Marco ordered. “I know she tastes like fucking heaven, but I’ll let you do it this time.”

  This time? I could hardly wrap my head around this happening once. Marco implied we’d do this again. But I couldn’t contemplate his words. All thought was blown from my mind when Joseph settled between my thighs and touched his tongue to my clit.

  Stars burst across my vision, and Marco caught my sharp scream in his mouth when his lips descended on mine again. He took me more gently, taking his time to taste and explore. Even though he wasn’t as rough with me, I felt even more thoroughly conquered.

  I wriggled beneath him and whined against his tongue as Joseph’s mouth tormented my pussy. He t
eased around my clit and lapped at the wetness seeping from my core, but he didn’t touch me firmly enough to push me over the edge. He was driving me higher and higher with each swipe of his tongue, but it wasn’t quite enough.

  “You want to come, don’t you, princess?” Marco murmured against my lips.

  I nodded and made a wordless sound of longing when Joseph’s tongue swirled around my clit again.

  “Don’t let her come, Joseph,” he warned. “Play with her ass first.”

  My eyes flew wide, and I shook my head. He couldn’t. I couldn’t let him do that. It was too…

  I gasped when his fingertip dipped into my wet arousal before trailing farther back.

  “Joseph hasn’t touched your tight little asshole, has he, babygirl?” Marco asked, but he didn’t wait for me to answer. My response was plain on my face. “He’s been holding back with you. Not anymore. You can handle us. You can take what we need to do to you.”

  Joseph’s finger brushed across my puckered bud, and I tensed.

  Marco kept his hold on my wrists with one hand and brushed my hair away from my sweat-damped brow with the other. “Let Joseph in, princess. He’s going to make you feel so good.”

  Joseph’s mouth came down on my clit again, and his tongue flicked over the tight bud. Pleasure surged through me, and I relaxed for a moment. He pressed his advantage, and the tip of his finger penetrated me.

  I gasped and squirmed, but he didn’t withdraw. It felt weird and invasive and…

  “Oh!” I gasped as his tongue drove deep inside my pussy. His finger slipped in to the first knuckle, the lubrication of my own arousal easing his progress.

  I clenched around him, trying to push him out. The sensation of my muscles rippling around his immovable finger lit up sensitive nerve endings I’d never imagined I possessed.

  Joseph groaned against me. “She just gushed all over my tongue,” he told Marco.

  Marco bit out a curse. His hand fisted in my hair, tipping my head back so he could capture me in his burning gaze.

  “You are so perfect, Ashlyn.” He kept me fixed in his onyx stare, but he addressed Joseph. “Let her come. She’s earned it.”


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