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The Daddy and the Dom

Page 17

by Julia Sykes

  Joseph’s tongue parted my swollen folds again, and he brought his thumb down on my clit. He began rubbing in firm, rhythmic circles, and he pressed his forefinger deeper into my ass.

  I shattered on a scream, and my eyes closed as bliss assailed me. Marco’s fingers tightened in my hair, commanding my attention.

  “No,” he growled. “Look at me. Look at Daddy while you come.”

  My eyes locked on his, and ecstasy pulsed through me as my inner muscles contracted around Joseph’s invasive finger. Marco watched me with a twisted smile as my entire body convulsed with pleasure.

  Joseph continued to stimulate me, gently pumping his finger in and out of my ass as my body finally surrendered to the taboo intrusion. My sex grew sensitive, the pleasure too overwhelming to bear any more. I whimpered and tried to move away from his mouth and hands, but he didn’t stop until Marco told him to.

  “Enough, Joseph. You can play with her more next time.”

  Joseph finally withdrew from me and stepped away. Marco laid down beside me and pulled me into his arms, easing the ruined nightgown from my body. I heard water running in the bathroom, and then Joseph returned a minute later. He climbed onto the bed on my other side.

  “You did so well, angel,” he praised, stroking my back as Marco petted my hair. I was surrounded by their heat, their strength.

  Everything started to seem surreal again, and I was so sleepy. I yawned, and Marco chuckled. He kissed my forehead.

  “Go to sleep, princess. We can talk about everything in the morning.”

  I didn’t want to talk about anything. I didn’t want to think about anything. I just wanted to stay here, cocooned in bliss and their body heat.

  So, I closed my eyes and obeyed Marco, falling into sleep.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I woke up, alone and cold. I felt the sheets beside me, searching for Joseph’s warmth.

  Joseph. He hadn’t been the only one to cuddle me while I fell asleep.

  I became aware of the sheets caressing my bare body.

  I was naked. Joseph had ripped off my nightgown while Marco held me down. They…

  My stomach did a funny flip.

  Wrong. So dirty and wrong.

  How could Joseph share me with his friend like that? Just yesterday, I’d been ready to confess my love for him. He must think of me as nothing more than a slut. Otherwise, he never would have allowed Marco to touch me like that. Once he learned that I’d cheated with Marco, he must have decided I was a whore.

  My body burned at the memory of their hands on me, and I recognized that the heat wasn’t entirely the result of shame. My sex throbbed, and my nipples peaked against the cool sheets. I buried my face in the pillow, biting my lip against the sensation.

  Maybe I was a slut. I must be, to come so hard while two men held me down. Joseph had fingered my virgin ass, and I’d come all over his face.

  This isn’t me. This is crazy. I’m acting crazy.

  Ever since Marco had brought me to his mansion, I’d become more of a sexual being with each passing day. I’d fallen into Joseph’s arms, willingly abandoning my life at Harvard. I’d traded my responsibilities for the pleasure of his touch.

  Within the space of two weeks, I’d become such a whore that I’d allowed two men to use me. I’d allowed Marco to spank me. I’d called him Daddy, and it had gotten me hot.

  It was weird and taboo and wrong.

  Get out. I had to get out before I lost myself completely. I’d allowed myself to forget that Marco had kidnapped me, that I was being held here against my wishes. All I’d wanted was to go back to Cambridge with Joseph, but I’d become docile and warped in my time on this estate.

  Now, he’d never love me. I’d lost his respect and the respect of everyone else in my life: my professors, my father.

  Joseph wasn’t here this morning, holding me and calling me his angel. I’d never be his angel again. I was dirty now, damaged goods.

  I threw the covers back and hastily found some clothes to cover my nakedness. I jerked on the yoga pants and camisole. I wished I had a coat to keep me warm once I ran outside, but I’d be in the warmth of Marco’s BMW soon enough.

  The men had left me alone. The bedroom door was open. They hadn’t bothered to lock their compliant captive in her cage.

  I knew if I could just make it to the garage, I could retrieve Marco’s keys where he kept them hanging in a neat row. Once I got into the BMW, I could get off the estate. I’d ram my way through the gates if I had to.

  I picked up my flats, deciding to carry them so I could walk across the marble floor of the foyer without making any noise. I wasn’t sure where Marco and Joseph were, but at least one of them would be in the house. Probably Joseph. Marco often left to go into the city to deal with his business.

  How could I have forgotten what that business was? Marco and Joseph were criminals, and last night, they’d revealed their true, depraved nature.

  I tiptoed down the stairs on bare feet. As I descended, I could make out the rumble of their voices emanating from the kitchen.

  They were both here.

  My heart hammered against my ribcage as adrenaline surged. If they caught me, I’d be helpless in their strong arms. I wouldn’t be able to escape them.

  I got to the front door and turned the knob slowly. The latch slid back silently.

  I didn’t dare close the door behind me in case it made noise, so I left it cracked.

  I shivered as soon as the chilled autumn air hit my exposed skin, but I broke into a run. My feet sank into the grass as I tore around the side of the house, making my way toward the garage.

  Luck was with me, because I didn’t hear sounds of pursuit. I reached the garage without incident, and I slipped in the side door. I found the BMW keys on their designated peg, in their neatly organized place.

  I rushed to the car and cranked the engine to life, slamming the driver’s side door.

  The garage door seemed to take an eternity to lift open, but eventually, there was enough space for me to hit the gas. In my haste to get away, the tires squealed against the asphalt, but I was already in the safety of the car. I sped around the house and headed for the long driveway that led out of the estate.

  The front door to the house burst open, revealing Joseph and Marco. Their shouts followed me down the driveway, and I saw them running in the rearview mirror. They weren’t running after me. That would be futile. They were headed toward the garage, likely to get their own vehicle to pursue me.

  I pressed my foot down on the gas pedal, increasing my speed.

  In a matter of minutes, the gates appeared before me. They weren’t pretty, wrought iron gates; they were solid steel.

  My heart jumped into my throat, but I didn’t have a choice.

  I screamed as I barreled toward the barrier between me and freedom. I caught sight of the red Ferrari in my rearview, and I firmed my resolve.

  A shockwave hit my body when the car smashed into the gates. The hood of the car crumpled, the airbag deployed. Pain burst through my head, and the world flickered around me.

  The car door was wrenched open, and Joseph’s panicked voice penetrated my pained haze as he freed me from my seatbelt.

  “Ashlyn,” he rasped. “You’re okay. You’re okay.” He repeated it several times, sounding as though he was trying to convince himself as much as reassure me.

  His arms closed around me, and he lifted me up. The world spun as he moved my body, and I groaned when pain spiked through my head.

  “Shit, shit.” That was Marco’s voice. “I’m calling a doctor. Get her back to the house.”

  Something warm and wet trickled down my cheek, and my forehead stung.

  I closed my eyes against the spinning world, falling into darkness.

  Everything was soft and warm. I was floating.

  “Give her more,” Marco demanded. “She’s hurt.”

  “She’ll be fine,” a strange man’s voice said. “I can�

��t give her any more painkillers. She’ll have a headache when she wakes up, but she’s okay.”

  I hummed my contentment, happy to continue floating.

  I recognized the feel of both their hands gripping mine; Joseph on my right, Marco on my left.

  Reassured, I sank into the warmth.

  My throat was dry, and my head ached. I stirred with a groan.

  “Here. Drink this.”

  I kept my eyes closed, but I knew it was Marco who propped me up and Joseph who held the glass to my lips. I gratefully gulped down the water.

  “Open your mouth,” Joseph commanded when he pulled the glass away.

  I complied with that order, too.

  Something small and round dropped onto my tongue, and the glass returned to my lips.

  “Swallow it. You’ll feel better soon.”

  I did as I was told, swallowing down the pill.

  Marco was still holding me up, and his other hand was wrapped around mine. He squeezed gently, and I finally opened my eyes to look at him.

  His gaze was dark, the fine lines on his face drawn with concern. His thumb traced little circular patterns on my palm.

  “You scared me, babygirl.”

  “What were you thinking?” Joseph demanded, his cutting voice making my head throb.

  I winced, and he softened his tone. He set the now-empty glass aside and took my other hand in his.

  “Why did you do that, angel?”

  My mind was still foggy. “You think I’m a slut.” My words were thick on my heavy tongue. “I had to get away.”

  “Of course I don’t think you’re a slut. You’re perfect: our sweet girl. You got yourself hurt.”

  “It was wrong,” I slurred. “You… Both of you…” I couldn’t quite focus on why I should protest. My mind was growing foggier, my body heavier.

  “Yes,” Marco said firmly. “Both of us. We care about you. We don’t want anything to happen to you. Go back to sleep, princess. We’ll be here when you wake up.”

  He eased me down onto the bed, and I drifted off without a thought.

  Chapter Sixteen


  It took a couple days before Joseph and I eased off on feeding Ashlyn painkillers. Neither of us could bear to see her in pain, and we only woke her for meals and to see to her essential needs before we dosed her again.

  She wasn’t hurt. Not really. She had a small cut on her forehead. I knew how freely even benign head wounds could bleed, but the sight of crimson blood trailing down her pale cheek had made panic rip through my system.

  If we hadn’t been ensuring her comfort, her entire body would have ached from the whiplash. Thank fuck the BMW’s safety features had protected her. The doctor we’d called to the house had promised she’d be fine after a few days of rest.

  My car was totaled, but I didn’t give a fuck about that. I was more concerned about the structural integrity of the gates. Now that I’d almost lost Ashlyn, I was more fiercely protective than ever. I couldn’t allow our enemies the opportunity to slip into our safe haven. I couldn’t let them get to her.

  They’d proven they were watching the estate when Ricky had threatened her at the restaurant. So, I’d paid a small fortune to get the gates repaired on the same day she’d smashed into them. The damage to the sturdy structure had been minimal, but I wasn’t taking any chances.

  Our fortress was secure again, and no one would get in.

  Or out.

  If Ashlyn thought she could leave us, she was mistaken.

  “This is our fault, you know,” Joseph told me as I paced back and forth across the bedroom. Ashlyn was taking a shower, her head finally clearing from the drugs. We were waiting for her to come out.

  I didn’t understand how Joseph could so calmly sit on the bed. Anxious energy flooded my system. I had to keep moving, or I’d crawl out of my skin.

  “She tried to run away,” I growled. “She got herself hurt. She has a severe punishment coming for that.”

  “Yes,” he agreed. “But we need to talk to her first. We scared her, Marco. We should have explained more before we played with her together.”

  “That wasn’t play, and you know it,” I snapped. We’d never shared such an intense connection with a woman, and neither of us had even fucked her.

  “I know. But she doesn’t understand. She said she’s worried I think she’s a slut.” His lips thinned and his fists clenched, his calm demeanor slipping.

  I ground my teeth at the word. My innocent little princess was far from a slut. She might submit to our depraved games, but we worshipped her.

  We had to make her understand.

  Then, I could punish her. My body practically vibrated with the need to discipline her, to show her that I’d never allow her to put herself in danger again. She was my responsibility, and I’d protect her from anything, even herself.

  After what felt like an hour, Ashlyn finally emerged from the bathroom. Her hair was damp, her cheeks pink from the heat of the shower. She’d dressed in her camisole and yoga pants instead of one of the sexy nightgowns Joseph had bought for her.

  I didn’t like it, even if I could see her nipples through the thin top and the tight pants hugged her round ass. She’d chosen this outfit as a barrier between us, a denial of the sexual chemistry we shared. If I could have my way, she’d be naked right now, crying out at the sting of my discipline while she squirmed over Joseph’s lap.

  I took a deep breath. There would be plenty of time for that after we explained everything to her. I couldn’t stand the idea that she thought of herself as a slut. We hadn’t meant to demean her, and judging by her ecstatic reaction to us when we both held her, I hadn’t been prepared for that reaction. She’d allowed us to cuddle her between us after her explosive orgasm, so sweet and trusting as she fell asleep in our arms. I’d assumed she’d wake up in the morning, and we could discuss everything over breakfast.

  We never should have left her alone in bed. She’d probably thought we’d abandoned her.

  That had been our mistake. I intended to rectify it right now.

  “Come sit with me, angel.” Joseph patted the mattress beside him. “We need to talk.”

  She hesitated, shooting me a shy glance.

  “All of us,” Joseph added more sternly.

  She crossed the room slowly, but she sat beside him on the bed. I wanted to join them, to wrap my arm around her and hold her close.

  But I couldn’t touch her. Not until I was sure she’d welcome me. If she cringed away from me now, it would tear me apart. I might damage things beyond repair if I pushed too hard. She had to be willing. She might be our captive, but I would never do anything to harm her or cause her distress.

  Joseph wasn’t as hesitant as I was. He reached out and took her hand in his. She stiffened, but she didn’t pull away.

  She still trusted him. She still cared for him.

  Something ached deep in my chest, but I ignored it.

  “You shouldn’t have run from us,” Joseph told her, his voice gentle despite the rebuke. “You got yourself hurt. And if you had gotten out of the estate, our enemies could have gotten their hands on you. We can’t allow that to happen.”

  “I can’t stay here,” she whispered, pained. “I just want to go back to school. I…” her voice hitched. “I don’t want to be here with you.”

  I could hear the lie in her strained tone, but I didn’t call her on it. We needed to handle this with finesse, so I’d let Joseph take the lead. He’d always been smoother than I was. I couldn’t help being blunt and saying exactly what I thought. If I opened my mouth, I’d warn her about the dangers she faced without us to guard her. That wasn’t what she needed to hear right now.

  “You can’t go back, angel,” Joseph said, soothing. “It’s too dangerous.”

  She stared at him, imploring. “I can’t stay here with you. You think… You don’t respect me. I never should have agreed to stay away from school. No one respects me anymore. I’m just a… a

  “I never want to hear you say that word again,” I growled, unable to hold back.

  She glanced my way, then quickly dropped her eyes.

  “Marco’s right,” Joseph said firmly. “Don’t use that word. You are not a slut. I respect you. Marco respects you. We care about you, Ashlyn. We want to be with you. Both of us.”

  Her brow furrowed. “But that… That’s wrong. I’m supposed to be with you, Joseph.”

  I bit the inside of my cheek hard enough that coppery blood spilled onto my tongue.

  “But you want to be with Marco, too,” he told her. “It’s okay. We want it to be this way. This is how it should be. You were made for us, angel. Both of us.”

  “I don’t understand,” she murmured, but her cheeks were pink with something other than shame.

  “Marco and I like to share. We’ve always been this way.”

  I remembered clearly how we’d fallen into this dynamic. Joseph and I had always shared a tight bond. I’d taken on the role of his protector when he was a scrawny kid, and I’d become responsible for him. He meant more to me than a brother, but I thought of him with similar affection I might feel for a younger sibling.

  I was five years older, and I’d been with my share of women by the time Joseph was ready to lose his virginity. He’d opened up to me about how nervous he was. He’d asked me for guidance. So, I’d provided it. In person.

  Telling him how to touch that woman to get her off had been the hottest experience of my life. It hadn’t taken long for us to start sharing in more extreme ways. Over time, Joseph had developed his tastes in his kinky toys, but I’d always been the one who was ultimately in charge.

  We might not engage with each other sexually, but Joseph was still mine. Mine to guide and protect. I’d always had his back, and it had killed me when he’d disappeared. During his time hiding out in Cambridge, I’d worried he was dead.

  That still stung a little, as did Ashlyn’s distance from me. She thought she was supposed to belong to Joseph because she’d been with him first.


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