Book Read Free

The Renewal

Page 31

by Joseph Ferguson

  Chapter 30

  Elisabeth was tired.

  It had been three days since she slept, the Galdar would not allow it. Not till she had learnt the song of healing. The Galdar said that sleep would cause you to forget your focus. Until you have sung it to completion and someone is healed, then and only then could she sleep. It wasn’t like the song was long or even contained hard words, but the inflection of each word made it difficult to complete. The Galdar also made the camp stay put saying she would speed up travel once they were on the move again. Elisabeth was sure the people were getting antsy, most wanting to see the portal for themselves.

  She was kneeling on the tent floor her cloaks hood pulled over her head. The child that lay before had a few days ago fallen from a tree and was still unconscious. The Galdar said he also had a broken leg. That’s what upset Elisabeth; the Galdar could have healed him herself. The boy would be fine now and his parents would have their son back. She tried again singing the words, not from a book or scroll, but from somewhere she wasn’t sure. Maybe it came from inside her, she thought and again losing the focus of the spell. With a red face knowing she had failed again, “sorry Galdar, I think I need a breath of air,” she said as she stood. She slipped through the door not listening to the Galdar telling her to stay put.

  Once outside the sobs of a little girl immediately caught her attention. She was crouched by the hut her fingers clutched together with her curly honey red hair dampened by her tears. Elisabeth sat beside the little girl without saying a word not knowing what made her so sorrowful. The little girl looked over at Elisabeth with reddened eyes, “is he going to live,” she asked?

  “If you mean the little boy inside, (she paused) I’m not sure, she answered as she looked away knowing her own guilt.

  The curly haired girl’s sobs increased.

  “Do you know the little boy inside,” Elisabeth asked?

  “He’s my brother Darius, my twin and I love him very much. He is all that I have left and I will die if I lose him.”

  A moment of clarity struck Elisabeth right between the eyes. She had been going about the spell all wrong. Trying to sing it like a lesson taught which she didn’t need, she already knew how. Just as she sang for Duane’s family who needed closure or for her own parents, it wasn’t for healing, but the pain and sorrow was the same. She stood up a tear developed in her eye caused by the pain the little girl felt and the thought of her loss. She entered back in the tent and pulled the cloaks hood from her head, “I’m ready to try again,” she said determined as she moved close to the little boy. This time she reached out and touched his ankle, the Galdar protested saying you can never touch them when you sing. Elisabeth stared at her causing her to back up quietly.

  This time when she sang she didn’t seek the words for they were already there. It was no longer about pronunciation or inflection, but more about interceding on his behalf. Somehow she allowed his sisters pain to cause her heart to see, something deep within the soul brought it from her. She sang about his broken body allowing her own tears to flow as she saw his pain, his brokenness. Her words were not pretty but the song was beautiful and it was bold seeking his healing. Before she finished the last verse a white flame seemed to engulf the boy and when then last word was sung it seemed to explode like a wave and sweep through the camp. Elisabeth’s body became limp, her knees weakened and everything went black as she fell. Before she hit the ground Alanasse had caught her then laid her on her cot.

  The boy sat up on the cot and looked around a little disoriented until he saw Alanasse. “How did I get here,” he asked just as a little girl burst through the door. “Darius, you’re ok. I knew you were, I felt it,” she said as she hugged him tight.

  “Darla I told you I would never leave you alone,” he answered then kissing her on the forehead.

  “How does your leg feel, Darius,” the Galdar asked?

  Jumping off the table Darius landed both feet on the ground, “pretty good, no pain,” he answered with a big grin.

  “Thank you, Galdar,” Darla said as her and Darius turned to leave not waiting for a reply.

  The Galdar spoke to Alanasse telling to inform the people to break camp and that we will be leaving at midday. She informed him that the portal is operational and a few enemy troops have already come through.

  “What about Elisabeth she’s asleep. She won’t be able to ride and the terrain will be too rough to carry her,” Alanasse said as he sat beside and her touching her sleeping face?

  “If she doesn’t awake her protector can stay with her until she does,” the Galdar answered.

  “Shaun! He is no warrior, he can’t keep her safe,” Alanasse said angrily.

  “He has magic. They will be ok,” she said with a smile.

  “You fear her don’t you,” it came out of his mouth before he could stop it?

  “Why would I fear her,” she said with a laugh?

  “You know there can only be one Galdar unless the sword and the scepter unite and magic returns,” Alanasse spoke glancing away avoiding her eyes.

  “I am Galdar. Don’t allow this Earth girl to deceive you, Alanasse, she will never be as strong as me,” she spoke with anger and hurt. “Now go and rouse the people and send that imp to me.”

  “Yes Galdar,” he said as he left the tent.

  Shaun was hurriedly coming towards the Galdar’s hut when met by Alanasse, they both speaking at the same time. “The Galdar wants to see you,” Alanasse said as Shaun said, “Powerful magic was just used is Elisabeth ok?”

  “Yes she’s just sleeping,” Alanasse spoke as he continued walking.

  “On my way,” Shaun said while adjusting the scepter’s harness and keeping pace towards the hut.

  The Galdar was standing outside her hut when Shaun arrived. She allowed him to get a few feet away then told him to stop that he was close enough. Determined to see Elisabeth he stepped further, “I need to see her and make sure she is ok.”

  “You can see her in a moment, but first we must talk.”

  “What did you do to her? I knew you weren’t letting her sleep. You better hope she’s ok.”

  “Look Shaun she is sleeping she will be fine. In a little bit the camp is going to pull up and move on. Elisabeth will not be able to travel, maybe in a couple days. You will have to stay with her and protect her, but,” the Galdar hesitated.

  “But what,” Shaun asked?

  “But we must take the scepter with us. All of mankind has been called to this last battle and if the heir is alive then he will be there. He will be able to employ the magic of the scepter we might have a chance then,” she said hoping to convince him.

  “I am the sworn protector and it is I who will carry it there. I will personally give it to the heir myself. Until then I will guard it with my life and nobody will take that responsibility from me, not even you Galdar.”

  “We are the true protectors of the scepter and we were on our way to get it when you found it. It’s bad enough that the sword of Macalister and its heir went through the portal, and now no one to lead the armies into battle but to have the scepter without an heir is worse. We can’t allow it out of our sight again.”

  “I understand the fate of this planet rests upon the sword and the scepter uniting, but Treyson Macalister gave me a charge to guard the scepter with my life. That’s what I am doing.”

  “Traveling now could kill her or at least take her longer to heal and her magic will be greatly needed soon.”

  “Then it looks as if we wait,” Shaun said as he walked into the hut. He knelt by her side taking his hand and moving a truss of hair that was over one eye. She didn’t even flinch, she is sound asleep, he thought. “You would definitely fall off the horse, you don’t ride well asleep,” he said out loud remembering the last time.

  “I agree,” Alanasse said startling Shaun after coming through the door silently. “That’s why we should find a vehicle and you drive her there,” he added.

  Shaun turne
d and looked at Alanasse saying, “That’s a good idea, but I don’t think the Galdar would be ok with that?”

  “She might now,” Alanasse laughed.

  “What do you mean,” Shaun asked?

  “I think Elisabeth’s display of magic scared the Galdar,” Alanasse said.

  “The Galdar is afraid of Elisabeth’s magic, that’s funny. (He laughs) She sings for the dead what’s so fearful in that,” Shaun asks?

  “Elisabeth has powerful magic, she completely healed Darius. The Galdar senses the magic in her and is afraid that she is destined to her place,” Alanasse said as he stepped closer and looked at Elisabeth.

  “What, Elisabeth a Galdar? That’s what we need another Galdar roaming around,” Shaun said smiling.

  “You don’t understand Shaun, there can only be one Galdar,” Alanasse said gravely.

  “Only one Galdar,” Shaun shouted! “What then happens to the other one then?” Shaun asked confused.

  “She dies,” Alanasse said looking down. “I’ve been her protector for a long time now and I fear that this battle could be her last and mine as well.”

  “I don’t understand why yours,” Shaun asked looking up at him.

  “I am sworn to protect her with my life,” he says sadly. “That’s one reason she asked you for the scepter she needs to find the heir. If the sword and scepter are united then more than one Galdar can exist.”

  “How is she more able to find the heir than me? Can she see him with her magic?” Shaun asked as he stood up.

  “Normally she can, but all she knows is one exists though she cannot find him with her magic,” he said. “That’s why she thinks she will be able to find him at the battle site since everyone has been drawn there.”

  “But the sword is on the other side of the portal even if the scepter is given to the rightful heir; unless Treyson makes it back all is still lost.”

  “The scepter is still powerful on its own, in the right hands he could gate in strong creatures to help fight in the battle,” Alanasse spoke.

  “Just like the sword Treyson wields, he summoned a dragon. Saw it myself and couldn’t believe it,” Shaun said with eyes of amazement.

  “Actually he didn’t need the sword. He called the dragon out of debt owed to his family,” Alanasse said making Shaun’s eyes get bigger.

  “Wow he had that ability the whole time he was growing up,” Shaun said then laughed. “I probably would have used the first time someone made fun of my height.”

  “Alanasse,” Elisabeth called out. They both turned seeing her sit up. “How long was I asleep,” she asked?

  “Not long, I would say about an hour, the Galdar said you might sleep for days,” Alanasse said still not believing.

  “You should rest a little while longer,” Shaun said encouragingly.

  She stood up and walked to where Darius was laying, “he’s ok then? Darius I mean,” Elisabeth asked.

  “Yes he is, how about you wait here and rest while I go get the Galdar,” Alanasse said not sure what to do.

  Elisabeth walked towards the door, “I feel fine boys, though I am starving. I’ve got to find something to eat,” she said while slipping out the door.

  Alanasse and Shaun glanced at each other in disbelief then followed her out.


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