Book Read Free

The Renewal

Page 32

by Joseph Ferguson

  Chapter 31

  The dark pit had three inches of water lying on the rock floor, but that was easy to deal with compared to the fact that it reeked of mildew and urine. There was no furniture whatsoever so if you wanted to sit or lay down, it was in the water. There were no toilets either so relieving yourself in the water was the only choice. Luckily the floor was flushed and refilled three times a day with hot water which cooled to warm then to lukewarm just before the next flushing. Most tried to hold their bladder and bowel movements until just before the flushing’s and as close to the drain point as they could.

  Treyson’s attitude has changed since his fight with ZonTaylor, one of I don’t care anymore. He was second guessing the idea of trying to save Sara; maybe he should have listened to EnCharles and stayed on the other side of the portal. There’s a chance the sword and scepter could have been united by now if he had. Now he doesn’t even possess the sword and he is in a dungeon. It’s over, he thought as he lowered his head. Looking at his soaked pants he realized the smell of urine didn’t even bother him anymore why bother, why fight, he thought. He looked up at the wall thinking, hopefully Shaun and Elisabeth had better success in finding the heir to the scepter.

  Ye Min had been crying off and on since being tossed here not because of the conditions, but because they had taken all her technology. It’s been a long time since she has been without it, her dad had helped her integrate it into her life starting about the age of four. She would find herself tapping the back of her hoping the palm light would come on.

  Esther on the other hand has been searching diligently for a way out. Looking at and feeling every wall hoping to find a loose rock or secret door. She had talked to the other “rebels” who amounted to an old man, his wife and three young men who acted more like hoodlums than rebels. They had made cat calls at Ye Min making her cry more until Ester told them to leave her alone. The old man said that there was only one entrance and one exit and that was the polished steel door. There was no other way out and that she was wasting her time; she was starting to believe him. She wasn’t about to give up though, she didn’t want to end up here. She’s determined to get back to Earth and her sister.

  The water started to drain. Too early, Esther thought, the water is still hot. An odor killing mist sprayed from nozzles that were embedded in the ceiling leaving a fresh scent. The steel door opened. Treyson had to close his eyes as the light was blinding. Two large men with heavy black rubber boots stepped inside and started walking towards him, “Macalister” one of them called, “you are coming with us.” Two of the boys moved quickly towards them, the old man yelled for them to stop, but they didn’t listen. One of the guards pulled out a weapon and shot some type of Taser hitting them both sending high voltage into their bodies. The water allowed some of the voltage to be carried to everyone causing their muscles to tense with pain. The two guards picked up Treyson by the arms ignoring the slight twinge of electricity and drug him out the door. The voltage and the pain stopped as the door closed behind them.

  They drug him backwards down the hallway not even giving him a chance to stand up. He didn’t care there was no fight left in him. A big robotic sweeper followed them cleaning and sanitizing the floor from the trail of murky water he was leaving behind. They brought him to an open doorway partially tossing him in, “get cleaned up,” one of them spoke. Looking up from the floor he saw that the room consisted of a glass booth and a sink; a change of clothes sat on a shelf. Standing he walked into the booth figuring it to be a shower, it was, but none like he had seen before. A small square panel on the inside wall blinked the word “start”. Removing all his clothes and tossing them out, he pushed the start. Nothing happened, again looking at the panel it blinked “Hands on Bar”. Looking up he saw a bar so he grabbed it with both hands which caused it to rise pulling him to his tip toes. A blue light formed a line from his hands to his feet and circled him as if he was being scanned. A voice spoke, “stand still” as a red light circled him yet slower. A cool mist sprayed a few times during the process leaving a scent he wasn’t sure what it was, kind of a watermelon vanilla mix. When it finished he examined himself, his finger nails cleaned and trimmed. His body hair neatly trimmed and rubbing his hand across his head he felt it must have gave him a haircut too. Now this I could get used to, he thought while rubbing his clean shaven chin.

  Unfolding the clean clothes revealed something he wouldn’t wear normally, silk. He didn’t want to put the urine and water drenched pants back on so he would have to force himself to don these. Everything was made from the same material making the underwear which he considered skimpy the hardest to put on. He hadn’t paid attention to their off white color, but after putting them on he noticed the heat from his skin changed them to slightly blue. At least it looks better than white, he thought.

  “What, no shoes,” he said to one of the guards that were waiting for him.

  “Follow,” is the only response he got as they turned to walk down the glass cased hallway reminding him of a high school sports trophy case, but a lot bigger. He followed with the echoes of his bare feet slapping the cold marble-like floor until they stopped in front of a display.

  A black lettered white sign with words stating, “The Skills of ZonTaylor” hung above the wide display case. “Read it for yourself these are the skills of ZonTaylor our Commander,” one of the men spoke while pushing Treyson on the shoulder to turn him towards the case.

  “Study you should learn more about the Commander,” the other guard stated.

  Through the glass Treyson saw scores of framed documents, mostly certificates of achievement. A few had accompanying newspaper articles that reflected the world’s response to leader’s deeds. They were impressive; Treyson thought how can a man learn so much in a lifetime? There was a list of his masteries… healing, nuclear science, archeology, botany, mechanical engineering with a few more minor things. He also was a master at swordplay and physical combat. There would be no defeating this guy and Treyson knew it especially without the sword of Macalister. He watched a holographic simulation of ZonTaylor’s greatest accomplishment; Treyson was amazed. It showed the technology he devised to focus the power of the Earth sun directing into the Earth portal and onto their darkened sun restarting it. It didn’t show it but he knew the process would destroy the Earth.

  “Tonight there will be a demonstration of our great Leaders skills as he will do both hand to hand combat and sword fighting,” the guard said with an arrogant tone. “Follow, we will show you to your quarters,” he added.

  Treyson stood still staring and watched them start to walk away. Turning and looking at him the guard laughed, “don’t worry you will not have to fight, he’s already defeated you. He is going to fight a more worthy opponent. Now let’s go before we have to drag you again.”

  He knew they were right he was defeated. He hung his head and followed.

  Ye Min and Esther sat quietly together against the wall near the door. Both lost in daydreams about home trying to forget the constant urine smell. A tear trickled down Ye Min’s cheek as Esther put her arm around her drawing her close trying to comfort her. The old man came and sat beside them. “My name is EnThomas,” he said putting his hand out.

  With a smile Esther took his hand clasping it then let it go, “my name is Esther and this is Ye Min,” she said as she nudged her.

  “Are you related to EnCharles,” Ye Min asked shyly before he could respond?

  EnThomas smiled, “I see you’ve already met my grandson. I’m glad he made it through the portal ok.”

  “He did and he is with my sister Elisabeth and our friend Shaun, they were going to help him get to Nevada. Something about shutting down another portal before an army can come through,” Esther said.

  “I’m afraid I have bad news, Cid has been captured and I’m not sure how much information they have extracted from him. You being here attested to the fact they have got some,” he said.

  “So… the
y might be able to stop EnCharles,” Esther asked?

  “Yes, but he can compensate if he thinks about it, but I’m sure he won’t. I cannot warn him, my wife and I are to be hung tonight at the pre-invasion ceremony,” he said sadly.

  “Why,” Esther asked feeling sorry for them?

  “Getting rid of me all but sure ends the rebellion, with Charles gone that is and I doubt he makes it back. It will also strengthen their cause for they will try to show the Zon family as strong leaders. He will also put an exhibition of his skills on at the ceremony and most assuredly his fighting skill. I suppose one of you two will be fighting him tonight at the ceremony,” the last he spoke hushed.

  “Why what would that prove,” Ye Min spoke up?

  “He will probably portray you as rebels from Earth. He will say that you are unskilled and in technology a barbaric people. He will try to convince the people that those of Earth are insignificant so he won’t lose popularity when he destroys it.”

  “I won’t fight him,” Esther said defiantly.

  “Me either,” Ye Min added.

  “You won’t have a choice,” EnThomas said. “If you refuse you will be collared.”

  “Collared,” the girls both asked at the same time?

  “It’s a device strapped to the back of your neck that injects just enough chemicals into your brain causing you to go into a frenzied rage. Problem is you lose control and you fight without skill, just plain brute force,” he said with saddened eyes. “The collar is usually a death sentence.”

  “What do we do,” Ye Min trembled, “I don’t want to fight or die.”

  “I will fight him,” Esther spoke. “Do I even have a chance?”

  “I doubt it, but don’t back down if you put up a good enough fight to impress him he might just keep you around,” EnThomas said trying to encourage her.

  “Have you ever seen him fight,” She asked?

  “I trained him,” he said, causing stares to come from the girls. “But that was before I knew his plans,” he added.

  “Why would he put his trainer to death,” Ye Min asked?

  “Probably because I defied him and I’m the only one on the planet that could defeat him in combat,” EnThomas said standing up. “I better get back to my wife.”

  They watched as he walked over and sat beside her, pulling her close. She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. The water started to drain. Again too early, Esther thought as a scented mist filled the room. The boys stood up and moved towards the door, “stop” Esther said, as hot water started to fill the room. She moved towards the door as it opened letting two large guards with heavy rubber boots step into the room. “You are to come with us,” they said motioning for her to follow. Looking back at Ye Min she said, “It will be ok.” She followed them out.


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