Book Read Free

Sin Bin

Page 28

by Maureen Smith

  The woman scanned Bianca’s full figure and pursed her lips.

  “Did I mention that we’re partying with the Denver Rebels?” Bianca gestured to Nadia and Scarlett. “My friends here are engaged to two of the star players.”

  The woman’s mask of superiority instantly vanished. She beamed at Nadia and Scarlett, then clapped her hands together and flashed a megawatt smile at Bianca. “I’m sure we can find the perfect dress for you. For all of you.”

  “Splendid. Let’s just start with me.” As Bianca led the excited saleswoman away, Nadia casually sidled up to Meadow.

  “Speaking of Friday night’s party, Logan wants you to get something pretty to wear.”

  “I don’t need to get anything,” Meadow said defensively. “I brought a nice cocktail dress. I’m good.”

  Nadia gave her an empathetic smile. “Believe me, I understand your reluctance to accept his money. You know I’m the same way with Reid, which drives him absolutely crazy.” She rolled her eyes before continuing. “Here’s the thing, sweetie. Everyone’s going to be wearing Oscar-style gowns that night. I’m sure your cocktail dress is perfectly lovely, but it might not be glam enough to satisfy Jenna’s red-carpet dress code. I don’t want you to spend the whole evening feeling underdressed and self-conscious. I’ve been there and it’s no fun.” She made a face and then smiled. “Logan gave me one of his credit cards and told me you should get anything you want. He was very adamant about it.”

  Jess’s eyes widened. “Seriously? She can get anything?”

  Meadow ignored her. “I don’t need anything. Really. I mean, I hear what you’re saying about the dress code, but it won’t bother me if I’m a little underdressed. Besides,” she added, her nose wrinkling as she looked around the store, “everything here is ridiculously expensive.”

  Jess snorted. “Who cares? It’s not your money.”

  Meadow frowned. “I know that. It’s the principle of the matter.”

  “Screw principles,” Bianca chided, wandering past with the saleswoman. “It’s his birthday and he’s buying. If he wants you to wear a ridiculously expensive dress to the party, give the man what he wants.”

  “If you don’t,” Jess asserted, “I’d be more than happy to!”

  The others cracked up laughing.

  The saleswoman looked positively gleeful.

  In the end, Meadow was strong-armed into buying a long red backless gown with a high slit on the right side. Bianca also found the perfect dress, a flowing blue number with a plunging neckline that showcased her marvelously voluptuous cleavage.

  After leaving the store, they decided to take a break from shopping to have lunch. When they reached the second level, Jess lingered at the Cartier display window, wistfully admiring the glittering jewelry.

  Meadow didn’t miss the way Nadia and Scarlett tucked their hands into their jeans pockets, discreetly hiding the dazzling ten-carat diamonds on their fingers. Nadia was sporting a custom-made Harry Winston engagement ring. Scarlett’s pink sparkler was made by Graff, an exclusive British jeweler favored by European royalty. The only reason Meadow knew these details was because Jess had pried them out of Nadia and Scarlett while they were all waiting to board their flight that morning.

  “I’m starving,” Meadow announced, playfully bumping her hip against Jess’s. “Let’s go eat before I pass out.”

  Everyone laughed and headed into Wolfgang Puck’s Cucina. As they were being shown to their table, Meadow received a text from Logan.

  Hey beautiful. Whatcha doing?

  Her heartbeat doubled. Having lunch with the girls, she texted back.

  Yeah? Where?

  Cucina, she typed, sliding into the seat beside Bianca. Thank you for the dress. You really didn’t have to do that. Srsly.

  Is it pretty? he wrote back.

  Beyond pretty. It’s amazing.

  Can’t wait to see you in it.

  Her stomach quivered.

  Get some shoes and jewelry to wear with it. There was a pause before he added, And sexy lingerie.

  Her face turned all shades of red as she retorted, You’re not gonna see my underwear, dude. Nice try!

  He texted back a bunch of laughing emojis.

  Shaking her head, she continued, I’ve spent enough of your money. You’re the one who should be getting gifts, birthday boy.

  Instantly she knew it had been the wrong thing to say. She cringed, wishing she could unsend the message.

  There was a long pause.

  She waited anxiously for the dancing dots to reappear on the screen.

  Gotta run, Logan finally responded. Enjoy your lunch.

  Thank you. Have a good game. See you soon.

  She sent off her reply, put her phone away and glanced up to find everyone grinning at her.

  “Was that your sugar daddy?” Jess teased.

  She blushed. “He’s not my sugar daddy.”

  Jess raised an eyebrow. “He just spent over—”

  “Are you ladies ready to order?” the waitress interrupted.

  Nadia asked for more time while Meadow buried her face behind the menu, grateful for the reprieve.

  After their meals had been ordered and their cocktails had been served, Jess went right back to talking about money. It seemed to be her favorite topic, which was really off-putting.

  “Hockey players make really good dough, especially the top players who also get those lucrative endorsement deals. I know Viggo, Reid, Logan and Hunter make a killing from their corporate sponsorships.”

  Nadia and Scarlett exchanged looks that said, Where is she going with this?

  Jess picked up her glass and sighed. “I know you guys think I’m a gold digger, but my mom and Aunt Sheridan have always taught me to practice hypergamy. I’m not settling for struggle love like my mom did. I’m marrying up, and I make no apologies for that.”

  “You don’t have to apologize,” Bianca told her. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting a successful husband who can provide for your family and give you the finer things in life. I don’t know any woman who grew up dreaming of struggle love.”

  “Exactly. The only people who call women gold diggers are broke ass dudes with nothing to offer, and jealous bitches with no man and no prospects.” Jess sipped her vodka cranberry through a tiny straw. “Anyway, I did some sleuthing and was floored to learn how much Dubinski is worth. I mean, he doesn’t get paid as much as the starters, he doesn’t have that many endorsement deals and his family isn’t wealthy. So I couldn’t help but wonder where all that money came from.”

  Nadia narrowed her eyes. “Please don’t tell me you asked him.”

  “Of course not.” Jess paused. “Okay, maybe in a roundabout way—”

  Nadia and Scarlett groaned.

  “No, it’s okay! He didn’t mind. Seriously.” Jess was all smiles. “He started out by explaining to me that Hunter had to convince his stockbroker to take Dubs on as a client. Apparently the guy is one of the best in the business. Super shrewd and savvy and highly selective. If he agrees to be your broker, you’re good as gold. He and Hunter were classmates at Yale, so there’s mutual trust and respect between them. Hunter knows the guy would never cheat him or take dumb risks with his money.”

  Jess paused to sip more of her cocktail. “Anyway, as you guys know, Hunter’s like the wise man of the group. The Jedi Master. The Godfather.” She grinned. “When he came to Denver and started playing with Reid, Viggo, Logan and Dmitri, he didn’t want to see them blowing through their money and ending up bankrupt like many professional athletes. Reid and Viggo already had financial smarts, but Logan and Dmitri needed some guidance. Hunter introduced all of them to his stockbroker. They made some smart investments, bought shares in several major tech companies and made a fucking fortune.” Jess’s grin broadened. “They’re so filthy rich, they could retire tomorrow without batting an eye.”

  Scarlett chuckled dryly. “They’re not retiring.”

  “Nope,” Nadia said. “They l
ove playing hockey. They’re gonna have to be dragged kicking and screaming off the ice.”

  Jess laughed. “Same goes for Dubinski.”

  “So is that how he made all that money?” Bianca prompted. “From investments?”

  “Yup,” Jess confirmed. “He wanted in on the action, so he begged Hunter to hook him up with his broker. He’s not quite as rich as the others yet, but he’s working on it.”

  The conversation was interrupted when the waitress brought their entrees and refilled their water glasses.

  As everyone dug into their meals, Jess struck a thoughtful pose and blurted, “Did you guys know that the world’s biggest dick belongs to a Mexican guy named Roberto Esquivel Cabrera?”

  The random comment made the others burst into startled laughter.

  Jess grinned. “Seriously. It’s true. His dick is 18.9 inches!”

  “No way,” Bianca said vehemently.

  “I kid you not! Look him up! He’s in the Guinness Book of Records for having the biggest penis in the world.” Her hazel eyes danced. “Can you even imagine? As much as I love me some big dicks, I wouldn’t know what to do with one that’s almost nineteen inches. That’s just way too much man meat.”

  “Seriously.” Everyone shuddered and crossed their legs.

  Jess grinned impishly. “The previous record holder was some white guy named Jonah Falcon. I would have thought for sure it’d be a black guy, as much as they love to brag about their so-called ‘big black cocks.’ As if they’re all packing that much meat.” She snort-laughed. “The smallest dick I’ve ever seen actually belonged to a black dude I dated for a hot second. He kinda resembled that otter-faced Michael B. Jordan. His dick was so tiny it looked like a shriveled-up sausage link. I was so disappointed I wanted to cry. Hell, I think I did cry. Plus he was a lousy fuck.”

  As heads wagged around the table, Nadia gave Jess a mildly exasperated look. “Must you always overshare?”

  Jess cackled unabashedly. “You know how I do.”

  “I do, unfortunately,” Nadia muttered.

  Jess grinned and blew her a kiss.

  Bianca looked like she was holding back laughter. “Otter-faced though?”

  Jess’s grin spread. “I dare you to look up otter pictures and tell me that Michael B. Jordan doesn’t look like one. Once you see it, you won’t be able to unsee it.”

  Bianca and Scarlett looked at each other and burst into giggles. Nadia glanced at her phone as if she were debating whether or not to accept Jess’s challenge. Before she could decide, the waitress reappeared with drink refills and more napkins.

  After she left, Jess ate a piece of shrimp, licked her fork and sent a lascivious grin around the table. “So let’s talk about our men’s dick sizes.”

  Meadow and Bianca choked on their drinks.

  Nadia and Scarlett put on their best poker faces.

  “You can sit this one out, Bianca,” Jess teased. “I don’t want to traumatize Nadia by subjecting her to a convo about her brother’s penis.”

  “Uh, thanks for the exemption.” Bianca’s eyes glinted. “What I will say is that Nelson keeps me very satisfied, and I’ll leave it at that.”

  Nadia shuddered with revulsion, making everyone laugh.

  “So who wants to go first?” Jess wiggled her eyebrows at Nadia. “Let’s start with you. Does The Rocket live up to his nickname?”

  Nadia looked indignant. “His nickname has nothing to do with his anatomy. And I’m not about to discuss the size of my man’s package with you, no matter how many times you ask.”

  “Boo! You’re such a buzzkill.” Jess turned her lecherous grin on Scarlett. “So what about the Swede? He got you hooked on that Viking spear or nah?”

  Scarlett chuckled and shook her head. “You are a mess, Jess. And I’m not answering your nosy question.”

  Jess laughed. “I don’t know why you guys are being so hush-hush. It’s not like the info isn’t already out there. According to all the bunny sites, Reid and Viggo are packing serious trouser pythons. Logan, too,” she added, winking at Meadow. “The bunnies say that’s the real reason he’s called Bruiser. Because of his big porno dick.”

  Meadow’s cheeks burned.

  Scarlett gave Jess a look of amused indulgence. “If you already know what our boys are working with, why are you asking?”

  “Obviously I was hoping you guys would confirm the rumors,” Jess said with an eye roll.

  Nadia and Scarlett exchanged secretive grins. Then Nadia drawled, “Let’s just say we have no complaints about the size of the equipment—”

  “—or the way it operates,” Scarlett finished wickedly.

  Jess and Bianca howled with lusty approval.

  Meadow was still trying not to think about the massive bulge in Logan’s pants. She’d seen and felt it herself, so she definitely couldn’t accuse Jess of exaggerating.

  “Okay. My turn.” Jess grinned salaciously. “Dubinski’s dick is just the right size—”

  “Wait,” Nadia interrupted, raising an eyebrow at her. “What happened to not sleeping with him until you get to know him better?”

  Jess sighed. “I knew you’d be disappointed in me. That’s why I didn’t tell you.”

  “I’m not disappointed. Hell, I slept with Reid on our second date—before we ate dinner.” Nadia grinned. “Believe me, I’m not judging you. I’m just surprised. You were pretty adamant about not giving up the cookies until you’d been dating Dubinski for a while.”

  “I know, and I tried to hold out. I really did. But one night after he had a good game and scored a goal, he was feeling on top of the world. So he celebrated by getting on top of me.”

  The group burst out laughing.

  “Seriously though.” Jess was grinning. “It was more romantic than that. After the game that night, he took me to dinner at this super fancy restaurant. We’re talking white tablecloths, candlelight, a string quartet, expensive wine—the works. It was sooo romantic. After dinner we went for a moonlit drive and ended up at some lookout point. When he started kissing my neck, I was done for. Seriously. I turn into pure jelly when guys kiss and suck my neck.” She paused. “But they have to do it the right way. They can’t use too much tongue. I hate when dudes slobber all over me and think that’s supposed to turn me on. It’s like, ew, if I wanted to be drooled on, I’d get a fucking dog.”

  Laughter swept around the table.

  “Anyway,” Jess continued with sparkling eyes, “he took me back to his place that night and rocked my damn world. I kid you not! That white boy can fuck! He taught me things I never knew before. And like I said, his dick is the perfect size for me. It’s nice and thick and meaty—not too big and not too small. He definitely knows what to do with it.” She grinned lasciviously. “On top of that, he can eat pussy like a champ.”

  This drew bawdy whoops and whistles.

  “Aw, shucks,” Scarlett teased. “Get it, Jess.”

  Nadia grinned warmly and draped an arm around Jess’s shoulders, hugging her close. “I’m so happy for you and Dubs. You make such a beautiful couple. I really hope everything works out.”

  “You and me both.” Jess rested her head against Nadia’s for a moment, then took a big slurp of her cocktail and lowered the glass with a sly grin. “I’m still trying to get the goods on Hunter. He doesn’t really sleep around with bunnies. I’ve heard that he has more, shall we say, refined tastes.” Her grin spread. “I’ve also heard rumors that he might be into some really kinky shit. Like bondage and stuff.”

  Nadia and Scarlett giggled as if sharing some private joke.

  Jess narrowed her eyes at them. “What have you heard? Spill it.”

  The two cousins grinned at each other. “We’ve been speculating that Hunter might be an undercover Dom.”

  Bianca’s hand shot into the air. “Ooh! Me, too!”

  Meadow smiled as the girls shrieked with laughter, drawing stares from other diners. Three men sitting at the bar raised their glasses and winked at Je
ss and Scarlett, who rolled their eyes dismissively.

  “Anyway,” Jess went on, “I’ve been so tempted to ask Dubs if Hunter is a Dom, but we’re still getting to know each other—great sex notwithstanding. Plus he’s not close enough to Hunter to know his personal business like that.” Jess grinned at Nadia and Scarlett. “Why don’t you guys ask Reid and Viggo?”

  “Um, that’s not exactly something you ask your fiancé about another man,” Nadia said wryly.

  “Seriously,” Scarlett agreed. “Viggo and Reid are insanely jealous and possessive. If we asked them about their teammate’s secret sex life, it wouldn’t go over too well.”

  “Not at all,” Nadia confirmed.

  Jess looked to Meadow. “What about you?”

  “What about me?” Meadow asked guardedly.

  “Since you and Logan are just friends—” Jess made air quotes around the words “—maybe you can ask him about Hunter. They’re BFFs, right? So if anyone would know about Hunter’s secret sex life, Logan would.”

  Meadow made a face. “I’m not asking him about Hunter.”

  “C’mon. Why not?”

  “It would be too awkward, for starters. I don’t even know how I’d work that question into a conversation. Like, ‘Great game tonight. By the way, does your team captain wear leather masks and tie up women in his spare time?’”

  The others cracked up laughing.

  Meadow smiled. “Hunter’s really sexy and mysterious, but there’s probably nothing to the rumors about him being a Dom. You know how it is. The less people know about someone, the wilder the speculation about them. Hunter might have an adventurous sex life, but that doesn’t mean he’s leading some secret BDSM lifestyle.” She shrugged. “Either way, I don’t think Logan would tell me.”

  The others sighed, looking disappointed. “You’re probably right.”

  As they resumed eating, Jess grinned mischievously at Meadow. “So what’re you getting Logan for his twenty-fifth birthday?”

  Meadow smiled almost shyly. “It’s a surprise.”

  “Really?” Everyone leaned toward her with avid curiosity. “What kind of surprise?”

  She told them the story about Logan’s childhood idol, Argentinian heavyweight boxer Thiago Cervantes. They were as moved by Logan’s heartbreak as she’d been.


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