Book Read Free

Sin Bin

Page 29

by Maureen Smith

  “My father’s girlfriend has a close friend who’s a Realtor with super wealthy clients,” she went on to explain. “Trish is awesome and we get along great. I called her a couple days after I moved to Denver just to let her know how things were going. During our conversation, she mentioned that she’d just sold a mansion to none other than Thiago Cervantes.”

  “Seriously?” the others exclaimed.

  “Yes! I was so excited!” Meadow gushed, practically bouncing in her seat. “I had been trying to come up with the perfect birthday gift for Logan. It’s hard to choose gifts for a guy who has everything and can buy himself pretty much anything he wants. When Trish told me about his childhood idol buying a home in Vegas, I couldn’t believe my luck! I asked Trish if Thiago would be willing to autograph a pair of boxing gloves for Logan. I was going to buy the gloves and mail them so he could sign them before he went back to Argentina. But it worked out even better because he wanted to sign an old pair of his gloves instead!”

  “Aww,” the girls cooed, laying their hands over their hearts. “That’s so amazing, Meadow!”

  “I know, right?” She beamed ecstatically. “I can’t wait to give those autographed gloves to Logan. He doesn’t celebrate his birthday and I don’t want to risk upsetting him. So he’ll get his gift the day after.” She paused, struck by a sudden wave of uncertainty. “I hope he’ll like it—”

  “Are you kidding?” Nadia exclaimed. “Of course he’ll like it! Not only are autographed boxing gloves rare and valuable, but you’re giving him a pair that belonged to his childhood hero. He’ll totally appreciate the fact that you remembered the story he shared with you.”

  “Absolutely,” Bianca and Scarlett agreed. “Your gift is perfect. He’s gonna love it. Don’t worry.”

  Jess sighed. “It is a terrific gift, and I’m sure he’ll cherish it forever. But that doesn’t have to be the only birthday present you give him.”

  Meadow shifted uncomfortably. “What do you mean?”

  Jess smiled a wicked smile. “If he was my man, I’d give him some bomb ass pussy. I’d have that sexy motherfucker screaming my name and speaking languages he didn’t even know!”

  As the others burst out laughing, Meadow blushed and pushed her glasses up her nose. “Logan and I don’t have that kind of relationship,” she said primly. “We’re just friends.”

  “Just friends, huh?” Jess’s eyes gleamed knowingly. “So you won’t mind if he sneaks off with some bunny during the party? ’Cause you know those skanks are just salivating at the chance to get their hands on the birthday boy. What better way for a manwhore to celebrate the milestone occasion than with a wild threesome? Hell, knowing his track record, it’ll probably be a foursome!”

  The thought turned Meadow’s stomach.

  Jess heaved an exaggerated sigh. “But I’m sure you won’t mind at all.”

  The others gave Meadow sympathetic looks. She kind of hated Jess right now.

  Swirling the straw around in her drink, Jess grinned at Meadow. “So you’re really sticking to the story that you and Logan are just friends?”

  “We are,” Meadow insisted.

  “Really?” The word dripped skepticism. “Have you guys ever kissed?”

  Meadow blushed, bit her lip and nodded.

  Jess grinned. “Have you ever made out?”

  “Jess,” Nadia warned.

  “Have you?” Jess prodded.

  Meadow squirmed in her seat. “Yes.”

  Jess leaned forward like an interrogator, a diabolical gleam in her eyes. “Has any part of him been inside any part of you?”

  “Jessilyn!” Nadia said in a scandalized hiss.

  As Meadow blushed furiously, Jess threw back her head and shrieked with knowing laughter.

  Nadia gave Meadow an apologetic look.

  Bianca and Scarlett looked like they wanted to press her for more details.

  Crossing her legs under the table, Meadow mumbled, “We haven’t had sex—”

  “Not yet,” Jess declared audaciously, “but you’re almost there if he’s already finger-fucking you!”

  Meadow’s face burned so hot she feared she would burst into flames. She glanced quickly around the restaurant, hoping no one had overheard Jess’s crude outburst. She caught several people staring and almost died of embarrassment.

  Turning back to Jess, she said through stiff lips, “I never actually confirmed which part he put inside me.”

  “You didn’t have to. Your beet-red face says it all.” Jess grinned, thoroughly delighted. “God, you’re adorable. I didn’t know virgins still existed in this day and age.”

  “I’m not a virgin,” Meadow mumbled.

  “You’re not?” Jess raised a skeptical eyebrow. “How many guys have you slept with?”

  “That’s enough, Jess!” Nadia said sharply. “For God’s sake! You just don’t know when to quit, do you?”

  Jess laughed and pointed her dripping straw at Meadow. “If you and Logan Brassard are just friends, then I’m Mother Teresa’s reanimated corpse—with a gorgeous face and banging bod.”

  Bianca and Scarlett cracked up laughing while Nadia glared disapprovingly at Jess.

  Unfazed, she tossed back her hair and downed the rest of her drink.

  When the waitress came to clear their plates, Nadia asked for the check. “Lunch is on me, girls.”

  The waitress waved her off. “Don’t worry about it. Your bill has already been taken care of.”

  “Really?” Everyone exchanged surprised glances. “By who?”

  The waitress just smiled mysteriously before walking off.

  All eyes settled knowingly on Meadow.

  “Did you tell Logan where we were eating?” Nadia asked with a grin.

  “Yes,” Meadow said in exasperation, “but not for him to pick up our tab.”

  “So papi chulo strikes again.” Bianca grinned. “As my grandma would say, you got his nose wide open.”

  “Mmm-hmm!” Nadia and Scarlett laughingly agreed.

  “Damn,” Jess said with a pout. “If I’d known that one of the sugar daddies was paying for lunch, I would have ordered the most expensive thing on the menu.”

  The others exchanged disbelieving looks, then threw their balled-up napkins at Jess.

  * * *

  It was after six by the time they returned to the hotel loaded with shopping bags full of new clothes, shoes and accessories.

  Scarlett wanted to watch the Rebels’ game at a local bar with good food, so she’d decided to ask the concierge for recommendations. As they were heading across the lobby, Nelson Warner snuck up behind Bianca, covered her eyes with his hands and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Guess who?”

  Bianca gasped in shock. “Nelson?”


  She peeled his hands from her face and whirled around to stare at him.

  “Oh my God!” Dropping her bags, she jumped into his arms, making him laugh as he caught her and spun her around. “I thought you weren’t coming until tomorrow!”

  “I know.” He grinned as he set her down. “I lied.”

  She laughed and rained kisses all over his face. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close and kissing her back.

  The touching reunion made everyone smile and say, “Aww.”

  The couple laughed and pulled apart with big grins.

  After greeting the others, Nelson turned back to Bianca and held up a keycard. “We got upgraded to a suite, baby.”

  “We did?” Bianca whooped and bounced excitedly. “Was it your job?”

  “Hell no. The Denver Post doesn’t shell out dough for penthouse suites.” Nelson’s grin widened as he picked up her shopping bags. “I don’t know how we lucked out and got the upgrade, but I’m not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.”

  “Neither am I.” Bianca smiled coyly and took his free hand. “Let’s go enjoy it, shall we?”

  The others exchanged knowing grins as Nelson and Bianca headed off to
the elevator, holding hands and giggling like honeymooners.

  “Bye, lovebirds!” the girls cooed after them.

  Bianca waved without turning around. “See y’all in the morning! But not too early!”

  Everyone laughed.

  “We know what they’re about to do.” Jess started moaning and making humping motions.

  Nadia cringed. “Can you not? That’s my brother, remember?”

  Jess laughed and gave her a sly nudge. “You know you’re gonna be all over Reid when he gets here.”

  Nadia grinned. “The second he arrives.”

  The group rocked with laughter.

  Chapter Eighteen


  * * *

  She stood shivering in her pajamas, feet bare against the cold sidewalk that led up to the old house.

  It was shrouded in darkness, giving it an air of desolation and gloom. A faint night breeze stirred the leaves of the large mesquite tree in the front yard. A single light glowed in a downstairs window, seeming to beckon her closer.

  She took a deep breath and started walking toward the house, dread rising in her with every step.

  Something terrible was waiting for her inside. She knew it in her heart, felt it deep in her bones.

  When she reached the front door, she saw that it was ajar.

  They were inside.

  She could hear their voices and the sound of floorboards creaking beneath their pacing feet. Her stomach churned into a knot of fear.

  Don’t go in there, a small voice warned. Turn back before it’s too late!

  She swallowed her fear and slowly pushed the door open…

  …and walked right into the bustling hive of a casino.

  She looked around dazedly, her senses bombarded by the endless rows of slot machines and the deafening cacophony of ringing buzzers. When a drunk gambler stumbled past and whistled at her, she looked down at herself and saw that she was now wearing a short red sequined dress that left nothing to the imagination.

  A man’s raucous shout drew her gaze across the crowded casino.

  That was when she saw Logan sitting at a poker table with six other players. He was puffing on a cigar as he stared down at the cards in his hand. Smoke hung over the table, as thick as the tension running through the men playing the high-stakes game.

  As she stood there watching, Logan lifted his head and saw her.

  All the air left her lungs.

  He slowly looked her up and down, then grinned around his cigar and crooked his finger at her.

  She knew she shouldn’t go. There was an aura of danger surrounding him. It was in the wicked curve of his mouth. The predatory gleam in his eyes.

  He was no good for her. She knew that.

  But she couldn’t resist him.

  Just as she took a step forward, a hand caught her wrist.

  She looked back, her eyes widening in surprise. “Ephraim?”

  “Don’t go to him,” he urged. “Stay with me.”


  He leaned down and kissed her. His lips were soft and his kiss felt nice. Not earth-shattering, but nice.

  Suddenly Logan appeared, like a sleight of hand. He gripped Ephraim’s shoulder and roughly shoved him out of the way.

  Before she could protest, he grabbed her face in his hands and took hot possession of her mouth.

  The bustle and noise of the casino dropped away, leaving them the only two people in existence.

  Without breaking their kiss, Logan hiked up her dress and ripped off her panties in one aggressive motion. As he picked her up, she wound her arms around his neck, her legs sliding up his thighs and wrapping around his waist.

  He lifted her onto the poker table, sweeping away cards and chips with one arm. Her pulse pounded wildly as he unzipped his pants, staring into her eyes.

  And then his hands were on her ass, lifting her onto his hard cock.

  Her gasp turned into a cry when he plunged inside her.

  Pleasure slammed through her body, flooding her nerves and stealing her breath. She arched her back, her legs tightening around his hips.

  He started thrusting deep and fast, fucking her on top of the poker table. Her fingers bit into his shoulders, her nails clawed down his back.

  He watched her face with feral intensity as his strokes grew harder, deeper and more forceful.

  She held on to him, her soft cries growing louder and wilder.

  “That’s right,” he growled with dark triumph. “Give me everything you got. I want it all.”

  As she started climaxing, she looked over his shoulder and saw Ephraim standing there, watching their frantic coupling.

  He met her eyes and shook his head with grave disappointment.

  “You should have listened to me.” His voice seemed to come from far away. “He’s going to break your—”

  * * *

  “Meadow, wake up!”

  She jolted awake with a pounding heart.

  Jess stood over her, shaking her shoulder and hollering excitedly. “Everyone’s phones have been going off! The boys are on their way to the hotel. Get up and get dressed so we can go downstairs to meet them!”

  Meadow sat up slowly in bed. She felt groggy and disoriented, the dream lingering on her mind and echoing through her body.

  Jess was shimmying into a short, stretchy black skirt that hugged her curves like a second skin. “Girl, you sleep like the dead!”

  “I was exhausted from all that shopping,” Meadow groused, fumbling her glasses off the bedside table and putting them on. “Can we please do something else tomorrow? Vegas has so much more to offer than high-end shopping. We can see a show, visit the Titanic Exhibit at the Luxor, spend the day with dolphins….” She sighed. “The possibilities are endless.”

  Jess was giving her a funny look.

  “What?” she mumbled self-consciously.

  Jess’s eyes twinkled mischievously. “You were talking in your sleep. Talking and…moaning. You actually moaned Logan’s name.” A wide grin stretched her lips. “Were you having a sex dream about him?”

  Meadow’s face flamed with mortification.

  Jess burst out laughing, pointing her finger at Meadow. “Just friends, my ass! You totally wanna fuck that man!”

  Meadow lowered her eyes to her lap. “It’s complicated.”

  “No, baby, it’s simple biology. Logan is hot, sexy and virile—an alpha male to the max. Lusting after him is perfectly natural. The good news for you is that you don’t have to settle for just lusting and dreaming about him. You can fuck him anytime you want. Seriously, girl. You can hop on that big ass dick and ride it till you can’t ride no more!”

  Meadow’s cheeks burned hotter. “I, uh, have to pee.”

  Jess laughed and winked at her. “Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.”

  Meadow hastily climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

  “Hurry up!” Jess laughingly called after her. “I don’t wanna miss my man! I got some riding of my own to do!”

  Meadow could hear Scarlett in the living room watching highlights from tonight’s game. The Rebels had trounced the Coyotes and secured first place in their division. Watching the replays had Scarlett whooping and cheering like she was at the game. She really was a hockey junkie.

  After emptying her bladder, Meadow sat on the toilet for a few moments trying to shake off the last vestiges of the dream. She couldn’t make sense of it. Not the beginning, anyway. The second part was embarrassingly self-explanatory. The carnal images of her and Logan on that poker table made her feel things she didn’t want to feel.

  She’d barely flushed the toilet before Jess came bursting into the bathroom to put on her makeup, even though there were one and a half other bathrooms she could use. Nadia and Scarlett followed shortly, crowding in front of the mirror. Again, what was wrong with their bathroom?

  Meadow squeezed her way between them to wash her hands at the sink and brush her teeth. The long marble counter was c
luttered with enough cosmetics to stock a Sephora.

  Jess swiped mascara across her long lashes. “We’d better hurry up and get down there before the bunnies try to hop on our men. I saw a bunch of those hobags already camped out in the lobby when we got back from dinner.”

  “How do you know they were bunnies?” Scarlett joked, smoothing on red lipstick. “How do you know they weren’t just some regular chicks enjoying a girls’ trip to Vegas?”

  “Are you kidding? A few of them were wearing Rebels jerseys, and they all had that hungry look in their eyes.” Jess snorted. “They were definitely on the prowl. Trust me. My bunny radar is infallible.”

  Scarlett and Nadia laughed.

  Meadow frowned. “I thought the public wasn’t supposed to know where the visiting teams are staying? Because it poses a security risk?”

  Jess laughed at her. “Don’t be so naive. Bunnies always know which hotels these guys are staying at. How do you think they manage to sneak into their rooms and have wild orgies with them? Logan’s sexcapades are legendary.”

  A twinge of jealousy clogged Meadow’s throat.

  “Also,” Jess added, “Dubs says security protocols are always more relaxed around this time of year. It’s the last game of the season and we’re in Vegas. Best believe it’s gonna be a madhouse down there.”

  This worried Meadow. “Will there be any reporters?”

  “Probably,” Scarlett chimed in, fluffing out her luscious black curls. “They never miss a chance to get a quote from the players, especially since they just won their division.”

  “Oh,” Meadow murmured, nervously tucking her hair behind her ear. Maybe she should stay in the room. The last thing she wanted was for her picture to end up in the local papers or on social media.

  Jess primped in the mirror, combing her fingers through her hair and slicking a coat of pink gloss on her lips. “Dubs says he got his own room so we can get it in without having to worry about his roommate.” She looked at Nadia and Scarlett, her eyes twinkling. “What about Reid and Viggo? Did one of them get another room? Or are you guys gonna have one big orgy?”


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